Exemple #1
def AddCorrected(fromFlexName, weight = 1.0, falloff_distance = 0.0, falloff_type = 'BELL'):
    global mesh
    global meshSel
    global temp_key
    global abs_correctors
    global rel_correctors
    if mesh == None:
        raise ValueError("The mesh is not set. Set it with OperateOnMesh first")                         
    if fromFlexName in abs_correctors:
    if falloff_distance > 0.0:
        bm = bmesh.new()
        bm.from_object(mesh, bpy.context.scene)
        meshSel = selections.BuildSoftSelection(bm, meshSel, 
                                                falloff_distance, falloff_type, True)
    # Get sub-keys                                         
    for shapeName in shapetools.YeildSubShapeNames(fromFlexName):
        if shapeName in abs_correctors:
        subkey = shapetools.FindShapeKey(mesh, shapeName)
        if subkey:
            shapetools.Add(mesh, meshSel, subkey, temp_key, weight)
    key = shapetools.FindShapeKey(mesh, fromFlexName)
    if key == None:
        raise ValueError('AddCorrected({}) failed: shape not found on mesh {}!'.format(fromFlexName, mesh.name))
    shapetools.Add(mesh, meshSel, key, temp_key, weight)
Exemple #2
def __MakeRelativeRecursive(flexName):
    global mesh
    global abs_correctors
    fromFlex = shapetools.FindShapeKey(mesh, flexName)
    for shapeName in shapetools.YeildSubShapeNames(fromFlex.name):
        subKey = shapetools.FindShapeKey(mesh, shapeName)
        rank = shapetools.GetShapeRank(shapeName)
        if rank > 2:
        if subKey and rank > 1:
            shapetools.Corr_AbsToRel(mesh, mesh, subKey, subKey)
Exemple #3
def SaveDelta(flexName): 
    global mesh
    global temp_key
    global abs_correctors
    global rel_correctors
    if mesh == None:
        raise ValueError("The mesh is not set. Set it with OperateOnMesh first")
    toKey = shapetools.FindShapeKey(mesh, flexName)
    if toKey:
    # Check that all sub-shapes are already relative:
        for name in shapetools.YeildSubShapeNames(toKey.name): 
            flex = shapetools.FindShapeKey(mesh, name)
            if flex:       
                if flex.name in abs_correctors:
    if flexName in override_correctors:
        # Don't overwrite overridden correctors, only convert them to deltas
        print ('Overridden', flexName)
        shapetools.Corr_AbsToRel(mesh, mesh, toKey, toKey)
    if toKey:
        print ('SaveDelta({}): shape replaced.'.format(flexName))
        toKey = shapetools.AddShapeKey(mesh, flexName)
    shapetools.Corr_AbsToRel(mesh, mesh, toKey, toKey)
    exactFlexName = shapetools.FindShapeKey(mesh, flexName).name
    if exactFlexName in abs_correctors:
Exemple #4
def SetState(flexName):
    global mesh
    global meshSel
    if mesh == None:
        raise ValueError("The mesh is not set. Set it with OperateOnMesh first")
    flex = shapetools.FindShapeKey(mesh, flexName)
    if flex == None:
        raise ValueError('SetState({}) failed: flex not found on mesh {}!'.format(flexName, mesh.name))
    bm = bmesh.new()
    oldSel = meshSel
    meshSel = selections.SelectAll(bm)
    Interp(flexName, 1.0)
    meshSel = oldSel
Exemple #5
def DeleteDelta(Name):
    global mesh
    global abs_correctors
    global override_correctors

    if mesh == None:
        raise ValueError("The mesh is not set. Set it with OperateOnMesh first")
    shape = shapetools.FindShapeKey(mesh, Name)
    if not shape:
        shape = shapetools.FindShapeKey(mesh, SELECTOR_PREFIX + Name)
    if not shape:
        raise ValueError("DeleteDelta('{}') failed: not found.".format(Name))
    # Check if it is a sub-shape
    nameSet = set(Name.split('_'))
    for shapekey in mesh.data.shape_keys.key_blocks:
        candNameSet = set(shapekey.name.split('_'))
        if nameSet in candNameSet:
            # It's safe to delete a sub-shape of an absolute corrector
            # Is this one absolute?
            if shapekey.name in abs_correctors:
                shapetools.RemoveShapeKey(mesh, shape.name)
                raise ValueError("DeleteDelta({''}) failed: {} is a sub-shape of {} which is already in relative mode. You shouldn't delete sub-shapes of a relative corrector!".format(Name, Name, shapekey.name))
    # It's not a sub-shape, then there's no problem at all
    shapetools.RemoveShapeKey(mesh, shape.name)     
    if shapekey.name in abs_correctors:
    if shapekey.name in override_correctors:
Exemple #6
def Add(fromFlexName, weight = 1.0, falloff_distance = 0.0, falloff_type = 'BELL'):
    global mesh
    global meshSel
    global temp_key
    if mesh == None:
        raise ValueError("The mesh is not set. Set it with OperateOnMesh first")
    fromKey = shapetools.FindShapeKey(mesh, fromFlexName)
    toKey = temp_key
    if falloff_distance > 0.0:
        bm = bmesh.new()
        bm.from_object(mesh, bpy.context.scene)
        meshSel = selections.BuildSoftSelection(bm, meshSel, falloff_distance, falloff_type, True)
    if not fromKey:
        raise ValueError('Add({}) failed: flex not found on mesh {}!'.format(FlexName, mesh.name))
    shapetools.Add(mesh, meshSel, fromKey, toKey, weight)
Exemple #7
def Select(arg, name = ''):
     MUST HANDLE Select("LowerLip") as well as Select("add", "LowerLip")
     This is ugly, though
    global meshSel
    global mesh
    if mesh == None:
        raise ValueError("The mesh is not set. Set it with OperateOnMesh first")
    if arg.lower() in {'add', 'all', 'intersect', 'subtract'}:
        # Operation is specified
        operation = arg.lower()
        if shapetools.FindShapeKey(mesh, arg, True): 
            raise ValueError("It's forbidden to have shapes with names 'add', 'all', 'intersect', 'subtract'!")
        if operation == 'all':
            for i in range(len(mesh.data.vertices)):
                meshSel[i] = 1.0
        if operation == 'none':
            meshSel = dict()
        flex = shapetools.FindShapeKey(mesh, name, False)
        if not flex:
            flex = shapetools.FindShapeKey(mesh, SELECTOR_PREFIX + name, False)
        if not flex:
            raise ValueError('Select("{}") failed: not found.'.format(name))
        deltas = shapetools.GetDeltaCoords(mesh, flex) # How does this one differ from Basis?
        secondarySel = dict()
        for i in range(len(deltas)):
            if abs(deltas[i].x) + abs(deltas[i].y) + abs(deltas[i].z) > 0.001:
                # i-th vtx is displaced
                secondarySel[i] = 1.0
        if operation == 'add':
            meshSel = shapetools.SelectAdd(meshSel, secondarySel)
        if operation == 'intersect':
            meshSel = shapetools.SelectIntersect(meshSel, secondarySel)
        if operation == 'subtract':
            meshSel = shapetools.SelectSubtract(meshSel, secondarySel)

        # Only flex name specified = new selection
        flex = shapetools.FindShapeKey(mesh, arg, True)
        if not flex:
            flex = shapetools.FindShapeKey(mesh, SELECTOR_PREFIX + arg, False)
        if not flex:
            raise ValueError('Select("{}") failed: not found.'.format(arg))
        deltas = shapetools.GetDeltaCoords(mesh, flex)
        meshSel = dict()
        for i in range(len(deltas)):
            if abs(deltas[i].x) + abs(deltas[i].y) + abs(deltas[i].z) > 0.001:
                # i-th vtx is displaced
                meshSel[i] = 1.0