async def traffic(): rx = 0 tx = 0 rxd = 0 txd = 0 rxdc = {} txdc = {} rxdf = 'rx' txdf = 'tx' while True: data = psutil.net_io_counters() if rx: rxd = round((data.bytes_recv - rx) / 1024, 2) rxdf = "{:07}".format(rxd) rxdc = colorize(rxd) if tx: txd = round((data.bytes_sent - tx) / 1024, 2) txdf = "{:06}".format(txd) txdc = colorize(txd) rx = data.bytes_recv tx = data.bytes_sent yield fmt("{} {}".format(fmt(rxdf, colors=rxdc), fmt(txdf, colors=txdc))) await sleep(2)
async def mpd(): try: await client.connect(config["host"], config["port"]) await client.password(config["password"]) # >>>>> status = await client.status() if status["state"] == "play": colors = {'fg': 'green'} elif status["state"] == "pause": colors = {'fg': 'grey'} elif status["state"] == "stop": colors = {'fg': 'grey'} currentsong = await client.currentsong() if "title" in currentsong: title = currentsong["title"] else: title = "" yield fmt("{}".format(title), colors=colors, pad="") # <<<<< except Exception as e: print("MPD Connection failed: {}".format(e), file=sys.stderr) raise e while True: try: async for x in client.idle(): if "player" in x: # ['player', 'mixer'] try: #await sleep(1) # >>>>> status = await client.status() if status["state"] == "play": colors = {'fg': 'green'} elif status["state"] == "pause": colors = {'fg': 'grey'} elif status["state"] == "stop": colors = {'fg': 'grey'} currentsong = await client.currentsong() if "title" in currentsong: title = currentsong["title"] yield fmt("{}".format(title), colors=colors) # <<<<< except Exception as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise e
async def sensors(): t = [0.0, 0.0] while True: with open('/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp1_input', 'r', encoding="utf-8") as p: t[0] = float( # mainboard temperature? with open('/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp2_input', 'r', encoding="utf-8") as p: t[1] = float( # overall cpu temperature? yield fmt("{} {}".format(fmt(t[0], colors=colorize(t[0])), fmt(t[1], colors=colorize(t[1])))) await sleep(2)
async def bitcoin(): while True: res = await get_request(url) if res: val = res['EUR']['15m'] yield fmt(val, colors=colorize(val)) await sleep(900)
async def load(): while True: out = [] for loadavg in psutil.getloadavg(): #out.append(fmt(str(loadavg), colors=gradient(loadavg), pad="")) out.append(fmt(str(loadavg), pad="")) yield " ".join(out) await sleep(2)
async def meta(): while True: pid = os.getpid() py = psutil.Process(pid) # print(pid) mem = py.memory_info()[0] #/2.**30 memory use in GB...I think cpu = py.cpu_percent() # print(pid, cpu, mem) yield fmt("{}:{}".format(str(cpu), bytes2human(round(mem, 2))), colors={'fg': 'grey'}) await sleep(2)
async def openweathermap(): URL = "{}&appid={}&units=metric".format( settings["city_id"], settings["openweathermap_api_key"]) while True: try: data = await get_request(URL) except JSONDecodeError as e: print(e) if data: try: temperature = data["main"]["temp"] summary = data["weather"][0]["description"].title() except (NameError, KeyError) as e: yield fmt("ERROR:{}".format(e)) print(e) await sleep(90) continue yield fmt("{} {}".format(summary, temperature)) await sleep(90)
async def gpu(): nvmlInit() handle = nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(0) while True: temperature = nvmlDeviceGetTemperature(handle, 0) threshold = nvmlDeviceGetTemperatureThreshold(handle, 0) gpu = nvmlDeviceGetUtilizationRates(handle).gpu mem = nvmlDeviceGetUtilizationRates(handle).memory yield fmt("{:02}C {:02}% {:02}%".format(temperature, gpu, mem), colors=fire(temperature, threshold), pad="") await sleep(1) nvmlShutdown() # FIXME
async def cpu(): while True: val = psutil.cpu_percent() yield fmt("{:04}%".format(val), colors=fire(val), pad="") await sleep(2)
async def pulseaudio(): p = Pulse('HELLO_FROM_BAR_PULSEAUDIO') states = { 'idle': { 'colors': { 'fg': 'grey' } }, 'invalid': { 'colors': { 'fg': 'black', 'bg': 'red' } }, 'running': { 'colors': { 'fg': 'white' } }, 'suspended': { 'colors': { 'fg': 'grey' } } } while True: out = [] try: for source in p.sink_input_list()[1:]: index = source.index volume = int(float(source.volume.value_flat) * 100) actions = [ Action( 1, "pactl set-sink-input-volume {} 100%".format(index)), Action( 2, "pactl set-sink-input-mute {} toggle".format(index)), Action(3, "pavucontrol&".format()), Action( 4, "pactl set-sink-input-volume {} +10%".format(index)), Action( 5, "pactl set-sink-input-volume {} -10%".format(index)), ] if source.mute == 1: colors = {'fg': 'grey'} else: colors = fire(volume) out.append(fmt(volume, colors=colors, actions=actions, pad="")) except Exception as e: pass #except pulsectl.pulsectl.PulseOperationFailed as e: # if e == 158: # pass #for sink in p.sink_list(): # if sink.description == 'Built-in Audio Analog Stereo': # colors = {'fg': 'yellow'} # elif sink.description == 'PCM2902 Audio Codec Analog Stereo': # colors = {'fg': 'cyan'} # else: # colors = {'fg': 'white'} # # sink_state = sink # # print(sink_state) # volume = int(float(sink.volume.value_flat) * 100) # actions = [ # Action(1, "pactl set-sink-volume {} 100%".format(sink.index)), # Action(2, "pactl set-sink-mute {} toggle".format(sink.index)), # Action(3, "pavucontrol&".format()), # Action(4, "pactl set-sink-volume {} +10%".format(sink.index)), # Action(5, "pactl set-sink-volume {} -10%".format(sink.index)), # ] # if sink.mute == 1: # colors = {'fg': 'grey'} # else: # colors = fire(volume) # out.append(fmt(volume, colors=colors, actions=actions, pad="")) # yield fmt(list(map(lambda x: str(x).strip(), out))) yield fmt(" ".join(out)) await sleep(0.5)
async def mem(): while True: val = psutil.virtual_memory()[2] # used ram % yield fmt("{}%".format(val), colors=fire(val)) await sleep(2)
def bspwm_fmt(line, **block): out = [] if not line[0] == 'W': raise ValueError("bspc report prefix unknown") line = line.rstrip()[1:] items = line.split(':') if not line: return fmt("") for item in items: actions = [] t = item[0] # type pylint: disable=invalid-name v = item[1:] # value pylint: disable=invalid-name if not v: continue if match('[fFoOuU]', t): actions = [ Action(1, "bspc desktop -f {0}".format(v)), Action(3, "bspc node -d {0}".format(v)), Action(4, "bspc desktop -f next"), Action(5, "bspc desktop -f prev"), ] # pad desktop clickables to make them more easily clickable pad = ' ' # - - - - - - - - - - if block['settings']['show_monitor']: if t == 'm': # unfocused monitor out.append(fmt(v)) elif t == 'M': # focused monitor out.append(fmt(v)) if t == 'f': # free unfocused desktop out.append(fmt(v, pad=pad, actions=actions, colors={'fg': 'grey'})) elif t == 'F': # free focused desktop out.append( fmt(v, pad=pad, actions=actions, colors={'fg': 'bwhite'})) elif t == 'o': # occupied unfocused desktop out.append( fmt(v, pad=pad, actions=actions, colors={'fg': 'magenta'})) elif t == 'O': # occupied focused desktop out.append( fmt( v, pad=pad, actions=actions, colors={ 'fg': 'bred', #'bg': 'blue', 'rev': False })) elif t == 'u': # urgent unfocused desktop out.append(fmt(v, pad=pad, actions=actions, colors={'fg': 'red'})) elif t == 'U': # urgent focused desktop out.append(fmt(v, pad=pad, actions=actions, colors={'fg': 'red'})) if match('[LTG]', t): colors = {'fg': 'grey'} if block['settings']['show_desktop_layout']: if t == 'L': # pad between desktops and stuff #out.append(' ') # desktop layout out.append( fmt(v, colors={ 'bg': 'blue', 'fg': 'yellow' }, actions=[Action(1, 'bspc desktop -l next')])) if block['settings']['show_node_state']: if t == 'T': # node state out.append(fmt(v, colors={'bg': 'blue', 'fg': 'yellow'})) if block['settings']['show_node_flags']: if t == 'G': # node flags out.append(fmt(v, colors={'bg': 'blue', 'fg': 'yellow'})) # - - - - - - - - - - #debug(" ".join(out)) return fmt("".join(out))
async def empty(): while True: yield fmt("") await sleep(1)