def publish(): for key, value in publishVersions.items(): if not helper.getUserConfirm(f"publish for {key}"): continue config = os.path.join(constants.ARTIFACTFOLDER, key) if not os.path.exists(config): print("can not find publish config. create new") with open( os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "config_template")) as f: stringData = t = Template(stringData) # retrieve password from keyvault pw = get_secret("functionlinuxpublish") print("trying to construct a config file") with open(config, "w") as f: f.write(t.safe_substitute(PW=pw, REPO=value)) helper.printReturnOutput([ "repoapi_client", "-config", os.path.join(constants.ARTIFACTFOLDER, key), "-addfile", os.path.join( constants.ARTIFACTFOLDER, f"{constants.PACKAGENAME}_{returnDebVersion(constants.VERSION)}.deb" ) ], confirm=True)
def preparePackage(): os.chdir(constants.DRIVERROOTDIR) debianVersion = returnDebVersion(constants.VERSION) packageFolder = f"{constants.PACKAGENAME}_{debianVersion}" buildFolder = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), constants.BUILDFOLDER, packageFolder) helper.linuxOutput(buildFolder) os.chdir(buildFolder) document = os.path.join("usr", "share", "doc", constants.PACKAGENAME) os.makedirs(document) # write copywrite print("include MIT copyright") scriptDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(scriptDir, "copyright"), os.path.join(document, "copyright")) # write changelog with open(os.path.join(scriptDir, "changelog_template")) as f: stringData = # read until EOF t = Template(stringData) # datetime example: Tue, 06 April 2018 16:32:31 time = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %X") with open(os.path.join(document, "changelog.Debian"), "w") as f: print(f"writing changelog with date utc: {time}") f.write(t.safe_substitute(DEBIANVERSION=debianVersion, DATETIME=time, VERSION=constants.VERSION, PACKAGENAME=constants.PACKAGENAME)) # by default gzip compress file in place output = helper.printReturnOutput(["gzip", "-9", "-n", os.path.join(document, "changelog.Debian")]) helper.chmodFolderAndFiles(os.path.join("usr", "share")) debian = "DEBIAN" os.makedirs(debian) # get all files under usr/ and produce a md5 hash print("trying to produce md5 hashes") with open('DEBIAN/md5sums', 'w') as md5file: # iterate over all files under usr/ # get their md5sum for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk('usr'): for f in filenames: filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, f) if not os.path.islink(filepath): h = helper.produceHashForfile(filepath, 'md5', Upper=False) md5file.write(f"{h} {filepath}\n") # produce the control file from template deps = [] for key, value in constants.LINUXDEPS.items(): entry = f"{key} ({value})" deps.append(entry) deps = ','.join(deps) with open(os.path.join(scriptDir, "control_template")) as f: stringData = t = Template(stringData) with open(os.path.join(debian, "control"), "w") as f: print("trying to write control file") f.write(t.safe_substitute(DEBIANVERSION=debianVersion, PACKAGENAME=constants.PACKAGENAME, DEPENDENCY=deps)) helper.chmodFolderAndFiles(debian) os.chdir(constants.DRIVERROOTDIR) output = helper.printReturnOutput(["fakeroot", "dpkg-deb", "--build", os.path.join(constants.BUILDFOLDER, packageFolder), os.path.join(constants.ARTIFACTFOLDER, packageFolder+".deb")]) assert(f"building package '{constants.PACKAGENAME}'" in output)
def preparePackage(): os.chdir(constants.DRIVERROOTDIR) rpmVersion = returnRpmVersion(constants.VERSION) packageFolder = f"{constants.PACKAGENAME}-{rpmVersion}" buildFolder = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), constants.BUILDFOLDER, packageFolder) helper.linuxOutput(buildFolder) # massage files then put them into ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES # setting up rpm packaging work space at ~/rpmbuild helper.printReturnOutput(["rpmdev-setuptree"]) RpmBuildAbs = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], "rpmbuild") os.chdir(buildFolder) # tar the build/ and put it in rpmbuild/SOURCE helper.printReturnOutput([ "tar", "-czvf", os.path.join(RpmBuildAbs, "SOURCES", f"{packageFolder}.tar.gz"), "../" ]) print("produce .spec under ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/") scriptDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) with open(os.path.join(scriptDir, "spec_template")) as f: stringData = t = Template(stringData) time = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%a %b %d %Y") deps = [] for key, value in constants.LINUXDEPS.items(): entry = f"{key} {value}" deps.append(entry) deps = ",".join(deps) with open( os.path.join(RpmBuildAbs, "SPECS", f"{constants.PACKAGENAME}.spec"), 'w') as f: f.write( t.safe_substitute(PACKAGENAME=constants.PACKAGENAME, RPMVERSION=rpmVersion, DEPENDENCY=deps, DATE=time)) os.chdir(os.path.join(RpmBuildAbs, "SPECS")) output = helper.printReturnOutput( ["rpmbuild", "-bb", f"{constants.PACKAGENAME}.spec"]) # get package name from output # Wrote: /home/shun/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/azure-functions-core-tools-2.0.1~beta.33-1.fc27.x86_64.rpm suffix = ".rpm" prefix = "RPMS/x86_64" end = output.find(suffix) + len(suffix) start = output.rfind(prefix, 0, end) + len(prefix) + 1 rpmName = output[start:end] # ~/rpmbuild/RPMS is where we find output RPMS, we are going to copy it to constants.ARTIFACT print(f"copy result to {os.path.join(constants.ARTIFACTFOLDER, rpmName)}") shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(RpmBuildAbs, prefix, rpmName), os.path.join(constants.DRIVERROOTDIR, constants.ARTIFACTFOLDER, rpmName))
def installPackage(): chocoVersion = getChocoVersion(constants.VERSION) nupkg = os.path.join(constants.ARTIFACTFOLDER, f"{constants.PACKAGENAME}.{chocoVersion}.nupkg") output = printReturnOutput(["choco", "install", nupkg, '-y']) firstTime = f"{constants.PACKAGENAME} package files install completed" in output deja = f"{constants.PACKAGENAME} v{chocoVersion} already installed" in output assert (firstTime or deja)
def installPackage(): debVersion = returnDebVersion(constants.VERSION) deb = os.path.join(constants.ARTIFACTFOLDER,f"{constants.PACKAGENAME}_{debVersion}.deb") # -f fix broken dependency output = helper.printReturnOutput(["sudo", "apt", "install", "-f", "./"+deb, "-y"]) coreTools = f"Setting up {constants.PACKAGENAME} ({debVersion})" in output coreDeps = True # if dotnet core sdk is installed, dependency will not be installed again # for key in constants.LINUXDEPS.keys(): # coreDeps = (f"Setting up {key}" in output) and coreDeps deja = f"{constants.PACKAGENAME} is already the newest version ({debVersion})" in output assert((coreTools and coreDeps) or deja)
def uninstallPackage(): debVersion = returnDebVersion(constants.VERSION) output = helper.printReturnOutput( ["sudo", "dpkg", "--remove", constants.PACKAGENAME]) assert (f"Removing {constants.PACKAGENAME} ({debVersion})" in output) output = helper.printReturnOutput(["sudo", "apt-get", "autoremove", "-y"])
def preparePackage(): fileName_x86 = f"{constants.VERSION}.zip" fileName_x64 = f"{constants.VERSION}.zip" url_x86 = f'{constants.VERSION}/{fileName_x86}' url_x64 = f'{constants.VERSION}/{fileName_x64}' # version used in url is provided from user input # version used for packaging nuget packages needs a slight modification chocoVersion = getChocoVersion(constants.VERSION) # download the zip # output to local folder # -- For 32 bit if not os.path.exists(fileName_x86): print(f"downloading from {url_x86}") # -- For 64 bit if not os.path.exists(fileName_x64): print(f"downloading from {url_x64}") # get the checksums fileHash_x86 = produceHashForfile(fileName_x86, HASH) fileHash_x64 = produceHashForfile(fileName_x64, HASH) tools = os.path.join(constants.BUILDFOLDER, "tools") os.makedirs(tools) # write install powershell script scriptDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) with open(os.path.join(scriptDir, "installps_template")) as f: # TODO stream replace instead of reading the entire string into memory stringData = t = Template(stringData) with open(os.path.join(tools, "chocolateyinstall.ps1"), "w") as f: print("writing install powershell script") f.write( t.safe_substitute(ZIPURL_X86=url_x86, ZIPURL_X64=url_x64, PACKAGENAME=constants.PACKAGENAME, CHECKSUM_X86=fileHash_x86, CHECKSUM_X64=fileHash_x64, HASHALG=HASH)) # write nuspec package metadata with open(os.path.join(scriptDir, "nuspec_template")) as f: stringData = t = Template(stringData) nuspecFile = os.path.join(constants.BUILDFOLDER, constants.PACKAGENAME + ".nuspec") with open(nuspecFile, 'w') as f: print("writing nuspec") f.write( t.safe_substitute(PACKAGENAME=constants.PACKAGENAME, CHOCOVERSION=chocoVersion)) # run choco pack, stdout is merged into python interpreter stdout output = printReturnOutput([ "choco", "pack", nuspecFile, "--outputdirectory", constants.ARTIFACTFOLDER ]) assert ("Successfully created package" in output)
def uninstallPackage(): output = printReturnOutput(["choco", "uninstall", constants.PACKAGENAME]) assert (f"{constants.PACKAGENAME} has been successfully uninstalled" in output)