def play(self, file, mode='HSV'): npz = np.load(file) data = = npz['data'] labels = self.labels = npz['labels'] n = self.num_annotated = data.shape[0] w = self.width = 214 h = self.height = 120 c = self.chans = 3 size = w * h * c iw = ImageWindow(w, h) assert size == data[0].size, "Unexpected buffer size (%d vs %d)" % ( size, data[0].size) assert data.shape[0] == labels.shape[ 0], "Mismatched image and label count" i = 0 while i < n: image = Image.frombytes(mode, (w, h), data[i]) iw.show_image(image) iw.force_focus() print('Image {} / {}: {}'.format(i, n,[i]))) iw.wait() key = iw.get_key() if key == 'Escape': break elif key == 'BackSpace': if i > 0: i -= 1 continue else: i += 1
def annotate(self, file): self._load_bag_data(file) w = self.width h = self.height s = self.scale c = self.chans size = w*h/s/s*c iw = ImageWindow(w, h) self.labels = np.empty(self.num_images, dtype='byte') = np.empty((self.num_images, size), dtype='byte') # Check that our incoming image size is as expected... image =[0])) resized = image.resize((w/s, h/s), resample=Image.LANCZOS) hsv = resized.convert('HSV') assert size == np.fromstring(hsv.tobytes(), dtype='byte').size, "Unexpected image size!" i = 0 while i < self.num_images: image =[i])) resized = image.resize((w/s, h/s), resample=Image.LANCZOS) hsv = resized.convert('HSV') #hue,_,_ = hsv.split() draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) draw.line([(w/s, 0), (w/s, h)]) draw.line([((s-1)*w/s, 0), ((s-1)*w/s, h)]) # draw.line([(0, h/s), (w, h/s)]) # draw.line([(0, (s-1)*h/s), (w, (s-1)*h/s)]) iw.show_image(image) iw.force_focus() print('Image {} / {}:'.format(i, self.num_images), end='') iw.wait() key = iw.get_key() if key=='Escape': print('(QUIT)') break elif key=='BackSpace': if i > 0: i -= 1 print('(BACK)') continue elif key=='space': label = Action.SCAN elif key=='Return': label = Action.TARGET elif key=='Left': label = Action.TARGET_LEFT elif key=='Right': label = Action.TARGET_RIGHT elif self.num_actions > 4 and key=='Up': label = Action.TARGET_UP elif self.num_actions > 4 and key=='Down': label = Action.TARGET_DOWN else: label = Action.SCAN self.labels[i] = label[i] = np.fromstring(hsv.tobytes(), dtype='byte') print( i += 1 iw.close() self.num_annotated = i
def reannotate(self, bagfile, npzfile_in): self._load_bag_data(bagfile) # self.num_images set here w = self.width h = self.height s = self.scale c = self.chans size = w*h/s/s*c iw = ImageWindow(w/2, h/2) edit = False npz = np.load(npzfile_in) labels = self.labels = npz['labels'] n = self.num_annotated = labels.shape[0] if self.num_images != self.num_annotated: print('Warning: bag and npz file lengths differ ({} vs {})'.format(self.num_images, self.num_annotated)) data = = np.empty((self.num_annotated, size), dtype='byte') # Check that our incoming image size is as expected... image =[0])) resized = image.resize((w/s, h/s), resample=Image.LANCZOS) hsv = resized.convert('HSV') assert size == np.fromstring(hsv.tobytes(), dtype='byte').size, "Unexpected image size!" i = 0 while i < self.num_annotated: image =[i]))\ .crop((w/s, h/s, (s-1)*w/s, (s-1)*h/s)) resized = image.resize((w/s, h/s), resample=Image.LANCZOS) hsv = resized.convert('HSV') iw.show_image(image) iw.force_focus() if edit: print('Image {} / {} ({}): '.format(i, self.num_annotated,[i])), end='') sys.stdout.flush() else: print('Image {} / {}: {}'.format(i, n,[i]))) if labels[i] >= self.num_actions: print ('>>> CHANGING TO {}'.format( iw.wait() key = iw.get_key() if key=='Escape': print('(QUIT)') break elif key=='BackSpace': if i > 0: i -= 1 print('(BACK)') continue elif key=='e': if edit: edit = False print('(EDIT OFF)') else: edit = True print('(EDIT ON)') continue elif not edit: if labels[i] >= self.num_actions: label = Action.SCAN else: label = self.labels[i] elif key=='space': label = Action.SCAN elif key=='Return': label = Action.TARGET elif self.num_actions > 2 and key=='Left': label = Action.TARGET_LEFT elif self.num_actions > 2 and key=='Right': label = Action.TARGET_RIGHT elif self.num_actions > 4 and key=='Up': label = Action.TARGET_UP elif self.num_actions > 4 and key=='Down': label = Action.TARGET_DOWN else: label = Action.SCAN self.labels[i] = label[i] = np.fromstring(hsv.tobytes(), dtype='byte') if edit: print( i += 1 iw.close() self.num_annotated = i
def annotate(self, file): self._load_data(file) w = self.width h = self.height s = self.scale c = self.chans size = w * h / s / s * c iw = ImageWindow(w / 2, h / 2) self.labels = np.empty(self.num_images, dtype='byte') = np.empty((self.num_images, size), dtype='byte') keep = np.ones(self.num_images) # Check that our incoming image size is as expected... image =[0])) resized = image.resize((w / s, h / s), resample=Image.LANCZOS) hsv = resized.convert('HSV') assert size == np.fromstring( hsv.tobytes(), dtype='byte').size, "Unexpected image size!" i = 0 while i < self.num_images: image =[i]))\ .crop((w/s, h/s, (s-1)*w/s, (s-1)*h/s)) resized = image.resize((w / s, h / s), resample=Image.LANCZOS) hsv = resized.convert('HSV') iw.show_image(image) iw.force_focus() if keep[i] == 1: print('Image {} / {}: '.format(i, self.num_images), end='') else: print('Image {} / {} (KILLED): '.format(i, self.num_images), end='') sys.stdout.flush() iw.wait() key = iw.get_key() if key == 'Escape': print('(QUIT)') break elif key == 'BackSpace': if i > 0: i -= 1 print('(BACK)') continue elif key == 'k': print('(KILLED)') keep[i] = 0 label = Action.SCAN elif key == 'r': print('(RESTORED)') keep[i] = 1 if i > 0: i -= 1 continue elif key == 'space': label = Action.SCAN elif key == 'Return': label = Action.TARGET elif self.num_actions > 2 and key == 'Left': label = Action.TARGET_LEFT elif self.num_actions > 2 and key == 'Right': label = Action.TARGET_RIGHT elif self.num_actions > 4 and key == 'Up': label = Action.TARGET_UP elif self.num_actions > 4 and key == 'Down': label = Action.TARGET_DOWN else: label = Action.SCAN self.labels[i] = label[i] = np.fromstring(hsv.tobytes(), dtype='byte') print( i += 1 iw.close() self.num_annotated = i self.labels = self.labels[:i] =[:i] self.labels = self.labels[keep[:i] == 1] =[keep[:i] == 1] self.num_annotated = len(self.labels)