def take_snapshots(self, snapshots, ptype, origin=None, boxsize=None, np=None): """ ptype can be a list of ptypes, in which case all particles of the types are loaded into the field """ if numpy.isscalar(ptype): ptypes = [ptype] else: ptypes = ptype ptype = None nptypes = len(snapshots[0].C['N']) N = numpy.zeros((len(snapshots), nptypes), dtype='i8') O = N.copy() with sharedmem.TPool(np=np) as pool: def work(i): snapshot = snapshots[i] for ptype in ptypes: mask, count = filter(snapshot, ptype, origin, boxsize) N[i, ptype] = count snapshot.clear(), range(len(snapshots))) O.flat[1:] = N.cumsum()[:-1] O = O.reshape(*N.shape) self.numpoints = N.sum() for comp in self.names: shape = list(self[comp].shape) shape[0] = self.numpoints self[comp] = numpy.zeros(shape, self[comp].dtype) with sharedmem.TPool(np=np) as pool: def work(i): snapshot = snapshots[i] for ptype in ptypes: mask, count = filter(snapshot, ptype, origin, boxsize) for block in snapshot.schema: if N[i, ptype] == 0: continue if (ptype, block) not in snapshot: continue if block not in self.names: continue data = select(snapshot, ptype, block, mask) self[block][O[i, ptype]:O[i, ptype] + N[i, ptype]] = data snapshot.clear(), range(len(snapshots)))
def paint2(self, ftype, color, luminosity, camera=None, kernel=None, dtype='f8'): """ paint field to CCD, (this paints the tree nodes) returns C, L where C is the color of the pixel L is the exposure of the pixel Notice that if color is None, C will be undefined, L will still be the exposure. the return values can be normalized by nl_ or n_, then feed to imshow """ raise "Fix this." CCD = numpy.zeros(self.shape, dtype=(dtype, 2)) tree = self.T[ftype] if kernel is None: kernel = 'spline' color, luminosity = self._getcomponent(ftype, color, luminosity) if color is None: color = 1.0 if luminosity is None: luminosity = 1.0 colorp = TreeProperty(tree, color) luminosityp = TreeProperty(tree, luminosity) for cam in self._mkcameras(camera): with sharedmem.TPool( as pool: cams = cam.divide(int(**0.5 * 2), int(**0.5 * 2)) def work(cam, offx, offy): mask = cam.prunetree(tree) x, y, z = tree['pos'][mask].T sml = tree['size'][mask][:, 0].copy() * 2 luminosity = luminosityp[mask] color = colorp[mask] smallCCD = numpy.zeros(cam.shape, dtype=(dtype, 2)) cam.paint(x, y, z, sml, color, luminosity, kernel=kernel, out=smallCCD) CCD[offx:offx + cam.shape[0], offy:offy + cam.shape[1], :] += smallCCD pool.starmap(work, cams.reshape(-1, 3)) C, L = CCD[..., 0], CCD[..., 1] C[...] /= L return C, L
def profile(field, component, center, rmin, rmax, weights=None, logscale=True, nbins=100, density=True, integrated=True): """ returns centers, profile, and with of the bins, if density == True, divide by volume if integrated == True, use the sum of full enclose volume. otherwise use the shell""" locations = field['locations'] component, weights = getcomponent(None, field, component, weights) if logscale: rmin = numpy.log10(rmin) rmax = numpy.log10(rmax) bins = numpy.linspace(rmin, rmax, nbins + 1, endpoint=True) if integrated: centers = bins[1:] else: centers = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) * 0.5 if logscale: centers = 10 ** centers bins = 10 ** bins profil = numpy.zeros(nbins + 2, dtype='f8') weight = numpy.zeros(nbins + 2, dtype='f8') # for the profile with sharedmem.TPool() as pool: chunksize = 1024 * 1024 def work(i): sl = slice(i, i + chunksize) r = ((locations[sl] - center) ** 2).sum(axis=-1) ** 0.5 dig = numpy.digitize(r, bins) if weights is not None: p = numpy.bincount(dig, weights=component[sl] * weights[sl], minlength=nbins+2) w = numpy.bincount(dig, weights=weights[sl], minlength=nbins+2) return p, w else: p = numpy.bincount(dig, weights=component[sl], minlength=nbins+2) return p, None def reduce(p, w): if weights is not None: profil[:] += p weight[:] += w else: profil[:] += p, range(0, len(locations), chunksize), reduce=reduce) if integrated: profil = profil.cumsum() weight = weight.cumsum() if weights is not None: profil /= weight if density: if integrated: profil[1:-1] /= 4 / 3.0 * 3.1416 * bins[1:] ** 3 else: profil[1:-1] /= numpy.diff(4 / 3.0 * 3.1416 * bins ** 3) return centers, profil[1:-1], numpy.diff(bins)[:-1]
def read(self, ftypes, fids=None, np=None): """ read the field from given list of fids, using at most np threads to read. (default is 0 is serial. if fids is None, the cut defined in 'use' will be used. returns the field of this ftype. build the tree if the schema says so. """ if self.need_cut: if fids is None and is not None: fids =, self.boxsize) if np is None: np = if fids is not None: snapnames = [self.snapname % i for i in fids] elif '%d' in self.snapname: snapnames = [self.snapname % i for i in range(self.C['Nfiles'])] else: snapnames = [self.snapname] def getsnap(snapname): try: return Snapshot(snapname, self.format, template=self._template) except IOError as e: warnings.warn('file %s skipped for %s' % (snapname, str(e))) return None with sharedmem.TPool(np=np) as pool: snapshots = filter(lambda x: x is not None,, snapnames)) rt = [] for ftype in _ensurelist(ftypes): if self.need_cut: self.F[ftype].take_snapshots(snapshots, ptype=self.P[ftype], boxsize=self.boxsize, origin=self.origin, np=np) else: self.F[ftype].take_snapshots(snapshots, ptype=self.P[ftype], np=np) self.buildtree(ftype) rt += [self[ftype]] if numpy.isscalar(ftypes): return rt[0] else: return rt
def dump_snapshots(self, snapshots, ptype, save_and_clear=False, C=None, np=None): """ dump field into snapshots. if save_and_clear is True, immediately save the file and clear the snapshot object, using less memory. otherwise, leave the data in memory in snapshot object. and only the header is written. C is the template used for the snapshot headers. """ Nfile = len(snapshots) starts = numpy.zeros(dtype='u8', shape=Nfile) for i in range(Nfile): snapshot = snapshots[i] if C is not None: snapshot.C[...] = C starts[i] = self.numpoints * i / Nfile snapshot.C['N'][ptype] = self.numpoints * ( i + 1) / Nfile - self.numpoints * i / Nfile tmp = snapshot.C['Ntot'] tmp[ptype] = self.numpoints snapshot.C['Ntot'] = tmp snapshot.C['Nfiles'] = Nfile skipped_comps = set([]) def work(i): snapshot = snapshots[i] if save_and_clear: snapshot.create_structure() for comp in self.names: try: dtype = snapshot.reader[comp].dtype except KeyError: skipped_comps.update(set([comp])) continue snapshot[ptype, comp] = numpy.array( self[comp][starts[i]:starts[i] + snapshot.C['N'][ptype]], dtype=dtype.base, copy=False) if save_and_clear:, ptype) snapshot.clear(comp, ptype) #skip if the reader doesn't save the block with sharedmem.TPool(np=np) as pool:, list(range(Nfile))) if skipped_comps: warnings.warn('warning: blocks not supported in snapshot: %s', str(skipped_comps))
def select(self, ftype, sml=0, camera=None): """ return a mask whether particles are in the camera """ locations, = self._getcomponent(ftype, 'locations') x, y, z = locations.T mask = numpy.zeros(len(x), dtype='?') for cam in self._mkcameras(camera): with sharedmem.TPool( as pool: chunksize = 1024 * 1024 def work(i): sl = slice(i, i + chunksize) mask[sl] |= (cam.mask(x[sl], y[sl], z[sl], sml[sl]) != 0), range(0, len(mask), chunksize)) return mask
def unfold(self, M, ftype=None, center=None): """ unfold the field position by transformation M the field shall be periodic. M is an list of column integer vectors of the shearing vectors. abs(det(M)) = 1 the field has to be in a cubic box located from (0,0,0) """ assert self.periodic from gaepsi.compiledbase.geometry import Rotation, Cubenoid if center is None: cub = Cubenoid(M, self.origin, self.boxsize, center=0, neworigin=0) else: cub = Cubenoid(M, self.origin, self.boxsize, center=center) self.boxsize[...] = cub.newboxsize self.origin[...] = cub.neworigin self.periodic = False if ftype is None: ftypes = self.F.keys() else: ftypes = _ensurelist(ftype) for ftype in ftypes: locations, = self._getcomponent(ftype, 'locations') x, y, z = locations.T with sharedmem.TPool( as pool: chunksize = 1024 * 1024 def work(i): sl = slice(i, i + chunksize) rt = cub.apply(x[sl], y[sl], z[sl]) return (rt < 0).sum() badness = numpy.sum(, range(0, len(x), chunksize))) if badness > 0: warnings.warn("some %d points are outside the box" % badness) for ftype in ftypes: if ftype in self.T and self.T[ftype] != False: self.buildtree(ftype)
def makeT(self, ftype, Xh=0.76, halo=False): """T will be in Kelvin""" gas = self.F[ftype] gas['T'] = numpy.empty(dtype='f4', shape=gas.numpoints) with sharedmem.TPool( as pool: chunksize = 1024 * 1024 def work(i): sl = slice(i, i + chunksize) if halo: gas['T'][sl] = gas['vel'][sl, 0]**2 gas['T'][sl] += gas['vel'][sl, 1]**2 gas['T'][sl] += gas['vel'][sl, 2]**2 gas['T'][sl] *= 0.5 gas['T'][sl] *= self.U.TEMPERATURE else: self.cosmology.ie2T(ie=gas['ie'][sl], ye=gas['ye'][sl], Xh=Xh, out=gas['T'][sl]) gas['T'][sl] *= self.U.TEMPERATURE, range(0, len(gas['T']), chunksize))
def qlf(cosmology, band, magnitude=False, returnraw=False): """ returns an scipy interpolated function for the hopkins 2007 QLF, at a given band. band can be a frequency, or 'bol', 'blue', 'ir', 'soft', 'hard'. HOPKINS2007 cosmology is implied. result shall not depend on the input cosmology but the HOPKINS cosmology is implied in the fits. if return raw is true, return zrange, Lbol, Lband, M_AB, S_nu, Phi """ zbins = numpy.linspace(0, 6, 200) Lbolbins=numpy.linspace(8, 18, 300) U = cosmology.units banddict = {'bol':0, 'blue':-1, 'ir':-2, 'soft':-3, 'hard': -4} from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline if band in banddict: band = banddict[band] else: band = _bandconv(U, band, hertz=True) key = band if key not in _qlf_interp: v = numpy.empty(numpy.broadcast(Lbolbins[None, :], zbins[:, None]).shape) Lband, M_AB, S_nu, Phi = _qlf.qlf(band, 1.0, Lbolbins) with sharedmem.TPool() as pool: def work(v, z): Lband_, M_AB_, S_nu, Phi = _qlf.qlf(band, z, Lbolbins) v[:] = Phi pool.starmap(work, zip(v, zbins)) v /= (U.MPC ** 3) # Notice that hopkins used 3.9e33 ergs/s for Lsun, but we use a different number. # but the internal fits of his numbers # thus we skip the conversion, in order to match the fits with luminosity in terms of Lsun. # Lbol = Lbol - numpy.log10(U.SOLARLUMINOSITY/U.ERG*U.SECOND) + numpy.log10(3.9e33) data = numpy.empty(shape=len(Lbolbins), dtype=[ ('Lbol', 'f4'), ('Lband', 'f4'), ('M_AB', 'f4'), ('S_nu', 'f4'), ('Phi', ('f4', v.shape[0]))]) data['Lbol'] = Lbolbins data['Lband'] = Lband data['M_AB'] = M_AB data['S_nu'] = S_nu data['Phi'] = v.T _qlf_interp[key] = data data = _qlf_interp[key] if returnraw: return data.view(numpy.recarray) if magnitude: func = RectBivariateSpline(zbins, - data['M_AB'], data['Phi'].T) func.x = zbins func.y = -data['M_AB'] func.z = data['Phi'].T return func else: func = RectBivariateSpline(zbins, data['Lband'], data['Phi'].T) func.x = zbins func.y = data['Lband'] func.z = data['Phi'].T return func