Exemple #1
def test_wetbulb():
    input_p = 950
    input_t = 5
    input_td = -10
    correct_t = -0.04811002960985089
    returned_t = thermo.wetbulb(input_p, input_t, input_td)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(returned_t, correct_t)

    input_p = 1013
    input_t = 5
    input_td = -10
    correct_t = 0.22705033380623352
    returned_t = thermo.wetbulb(input_p, input_t, input_td)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(returned_t, correct_t)
def test_wetbulb():
    input_p = 950
    input_t = 5
    input_td = -10
    correct_t = -0.04811002960985089
    returned_t = thermo.wetbulb(input_p, input_t, input_td)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(returned_t, correct_t)

    input_p = 1013
    input_t = 5
    input_td = -10
    correct_t = 0.22705033380623352
    returned_t = thermo.wetbulb(input_p, input_t, input_td)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(returned_t, correct_t)
Exemple #3
def dewpoint_to_wet_bulb_temperature(dewpoints_kelvins, temperatures_kelvins,
    """Converts one or more dewpoints to wet-bulb temperatures.

    :param dewpoints_kelvins: numpy array of dewpoints (K).
    :param temperatures_kelvins: equivalent-size numpy array of air temperatures
    :param total_pressures_pascals: equivalent-size numpy array of total air
        pressures (K).
    :return: wet_bulb_temperatures_kelvins: equivalent-size numpy array of wet-
        bulb temperatures (K).


    orig_dimensions = numpy.array(dewpoints_kelvins.shape, dtype=int)

    dewpoints_1d_celsius = -ZERO_CELSIUS_IN_KELVINS + numpy.ravel(
    temperatures_1d_celsius = -ZERO_CELSIUS_IN_KELVINS + numpy.ravel(
    total_pressures_1d_millibars = PASCALS_TO_MILLIBARS * numpy.ravel(

    nan_flags = numpy.logical_or(numpy.isnan(dewpoints_1d_celsius),
    nan_flags = numpy.logical_or(nan_flags,

    num_points = len(dewpoints_1d_celsius)
    wet_bulb_temperatures_1d_celsius = numpy.full(num_points, numpy.nan)

    for i in range(num_points):
        if nan_flags[i]:

        wet_bulb_temperatures_1d_celsius[i] = thermo.wetbulb(

    return ZERO_CELSIUS_IN_KELVINS + numpy.reshape(
        wet_bulb_temperatures_1d_celsius, tuple(orig_dimensions.tolist()))
Exemple #4
 def get_wetbulb_profile(self):
         Function to calculate the wetbulb profile.
         Array of wet bulb profile
     wetbulb = ma.empty(self.pres.shape[0])
     for i in range(len(self.v)):
         wetbulb[i] = thermo.wetbulb( self.pres[i], self.tmpc[i], self.dwpc[i] )
     wetbulb[wetbulb == self.missing] = ma.masked
     return wetbulb
Exemple #5
 def get_wetbulb_profile(self):
         Function to calculate the wetbulb profile.
         Array of wet bulb profile
     wetbulb = ma.empty(self.pres.shape[0])
     for i in range(len(self.v)):
         wetbulb[i] = thermo.wetbulb( self.pres[i], self.tmpc[i], self.dwpc[i] )
     wetbulb[wetbulb == self.missing] = ma.masked
     return wetbulb
Exemple #6
def posneg_wetbulb(prof, start=-1):
        Positive/Negative Wetbulb profile
        Adapted from SHARP code donated by Rich Thompson (SPC)

        This routine calculates the positive (above 0 C) and negative (below 0 C)
        areas of the wet bulb profile starting from a specified pressure (start).
        If the specified pressure is not given, this routine calls init_phase()
        to obtain the pressure level the precipitation expected to fall begins at.

        This is an routine considers the wet-bulb profile instead of the temperature profile
        in case the profile beneath the profile beneath the falling precipitation becomes saturated.

        prof : Profile object
        start : the pressure level the precpitation originates from (found by calling init_phase())

        pos : the positive area (> 0 C) of the wet-bulb profile in J/kg
        neg : the negative area (< 0 C) of the wet-bulb profile in J/kg
        top : the top of the precipitation layer pressure in mb
        bot : the bottom of the precipitation layer pressure in mb

    # Needs to be tested

    # If there is no sounding, don't compute anything
    if utils.QC(interp.temp(prof, 500)) == False and utils.QC(
            interp.temp(prof, 850)) == False:
        return np.masked, np.masked, np.masked, np.masked

    # Find lowest obs in layer
    lower = prof.pres[prof.get_sfc()]
    lptr = prof.get_sfc()

    # Find the highest obs in the layer
    if start == -1:
        lvl, phase, st = init_phase(prof)
        if lvl > 0:
            upper = lvl
            upper = 500.
        upper = start

    # Find the level where the pressure is just greater than the upper pressure
    idxs = np.where(prof.pres > upper)[0]
    if len(idxs) == 0:
        uptr = 0
        uptr = idxs[-1]

    # Start with the upper layer
    pe1 = upper
    h1 = interp.hght(prof, pe1)
    te1 = thermo.wetbulb(pe1, interp.temp(prof, pe1), interp.dwpt(prof, pe1))
    tp1 = 0

    warmlayer = coldlayer = lyre = totp = totn = tote = ptop = pbot = lyrlast = 0

    for i in np.arange(uptr, lptr - 1, -1):
        pe2 = prof.pres[i]
        h2 = prof.hght[i]
        te2 = thermo.wetbulb(pe2, interp.temp(prof, pe2),
                             interp.dwpt(prof, pe2))
        tp2 = 0
        tdef1 = (0 - te1) / thermo.ctok(te1)
        tdef2 = (0 - te2) / thermo.ctok(te2)
        lyrlast = lyre
        lyre = 9.8 * (tdef1 + tdef2) / 2.0 * (h2 - h1)

        # Has a warm layer been found yet?
        if te2 > 0:
            if warmlayer == 0:
                warmlayer = 1
                ptop = pe2

        # Has a cold layer been found yet?
        if te2 < 0:
            if warmlayer == 1 and coldlayer == 0:
                coldlayer = 1
                pbot = pe2

        if warmlayer > 0:
            if lyre > 0:
                totp += lyre
                totn += lyre
            tote += lyre

        pelast = pe1
        pe1 = pe2
        h1 = h2
        te1 = te2
        tp1 = tp2

    if warmlayer == 1 and coldlayer == 1:
        pos = totp
        neg = totn
        top = ptop
        bot = pbot
        neg = 0
        pos = 0
        bot = 0
        top = 0

    return pos, neg, top, bot
Exemple #7
''' Create the Sounding (Profile) Object '''
Exemple #8
def posneg_wetbulb(prof, start=-1):
        Positive/Negative Wetbulb profile
        Adapted from SHARP code donated by Rich Thompson (SPC)

        This routine calculates the positive (above 0 C) and negative (below 0 C)
        areas of the wet bulb profile starting from a specified pressure (start).
        If the specified pressure is not given, this routine calls init_phase()
        to obtain the pressure level the precipitation expected to fall begins at.

        This is an routine considers the wet-bulb profile instead of the temperature profile
        in case the profile beneath the profile beneath the falling precipitation becomes saturated.

        prof : Profile object
        start : the pressure level the precpitation originates from (found by calling init_phase())

        pos : the positive area (> 0 C) of the wet-bulb profile in J/kg
        neg : the negative area (< 0 C) of the wet-bulb profile in J/kg
        top : the top of the precipitation layer pressure in mb
        bot : the bottom of the precipitation layer pressure in mb

    # Needs to be tested

    # If there is no sounding, don't compute anything
    if utils.QC(interp.temp(prof, 500)) == False and utils.QC(interp.temp(prof, 850)) == False:
        return np.ma.masked, np.ma.masked, np.ma.masked, np.ma.masked

    # Find lowest obs in layer
    lower = prof.pres[prof.get_sfc()]
    lptr  = prof.get_sfc()

    # Find the highest obs in the layer
    if start == -1:
        lvl, phase, st = init_phase(prof)
        if lvl > 0:
            upper = lvl
            upper = 500.
        upper = start

    # Find the level where the pressure is just greater than the upper pressure
    idxs = np.where(prof.pres > upper)[0]
    if len(idxs) == 0:
        uptr = 0
        uptr = idxs[-1]

    # Start with the upper layer
    pe1 = upper;
    h1 =  interp.hght(prof, pe1);
    te1 = thermo.wetbulb(pe1, interp.temp(prof, pe1), interp.dwpt(prof, pe1))
    tp1 = 0

    warmlayer = coldlayer = lyre = totp = totn = tote = ptop = pbot = lyrlast = 0

    for i in np.arange(uptr, lptr-1, -1):
        pe2 = prof.pres[i]
        h2 = prof.hght[i]
        te2 = thermo.wetbulb(pe2, interp.temp(prof, pe2), interp.dwpt(prof, pe2))
        tp2 = 0
        tdef1 = (0 - te1) / thermo.ctok(te1);
        tdef2 = (0 - te2) / thermo.ctok(te2);
        lyrlast = lyre;
        lyre = 9.8 * (tdef1 + tdef2) / 2.0 * (h2 - h1);

        # Has a warm layer been found yet?
        if te2 > 0:
            if warmlayer == 0:
                warmlayer = 1
                ptop = pe2

        # Has a cold layer been found yet?
        if te2 < 0:
            if warmlayer == 1 and coldlayer == 0:
                coldlayer = 1
                pbot = pe2

        if warmlayer > 0:
            if lyre > 0:
                totp += lyre
                totn += lyre
            tote += lyre

        pelast = pe1
        pe1 = pe2
        h1 = h2
        te1 = te2
        tp1 = tp2
    if warmlayer == 1 and coldlayer == 1:
        pos = totp
        neg = totn
        top = ptop
        bot = pbot
        neg = 0
        pos = 0
        bot = 0
        top = 0

    return pos, neg, top, bot