Exemple #1
def parse_downloads(request):
    parsed = Downloads()

    limit = request.registry.settings.get("shavar.max_downloads_chunks",

    for lineno, line in enumerate(request.body_file):
        line = line.strip()

        if not line or line.isspace():

        # Did client provide max size preference?
        if line.startswith("s;"):
            if lineno != 0:
                return ParseError("Size request can only be the first line!")
            req_size = line.split(";", 1)[1]
            # Almost certainly redundant due to stripping the line above
            req_size = req_size.strip()
                req_size = int(req_size)
            except ValueError:
                raise ParseError("Invalid requested size")
            parsed.req_size = req_size

        if ";" not in line:
            return ParseError("Bad downloads request: no semi-colon")

        lname, chunklist = line.split(";", 1)
        if not lname or '-' not in lname:
            raise ParseError("Invalid list name: \"%s\"" % lname)
        info = DownloadsListInfo(lname, limit=limit)

        chunks = chunklist.split(":")
        # Check for MAC
        if len(chunks) >= 1 and chunks[-1] == "mac":
            if request.GET.get('pver') == '3.0':
                raise ParseError('MAC not supported in protocol version 3')
            info.wants_mac = True
        # Client claims to have chunks for this list
        if not chunks or (len(chunks) == 1 and not chunks[0]):
        # Uneven number of chunks should only occur if 'mac' was specified
        if len(chunks) % 2 != 0:
            raise ParseError("Invalid LISTINFO for %s" % lname)

        while chunks:
            ctype = chunks.pop(0)
            if ctype not in ('a', 's'):
                raise ParseError("Invalid CHUNKTYPE \"%s\" for %s" % (ctype,

            list_of_chunks = chunks.pop(0)
            for chunk in list_of_chunks.split(','):
                    chunk = int(chunk)
                except ValueError:
                    if chunk.find('-'):
                        low, high = chunk.split('-', 1)
                        # FIXME should probably be stricter about testing for
                        #       pure integers only on the input
                            low = int(low)
                            high = int(high)
                        except ValueError:
                            raise ParseError("Invalid RANGE \"%s\" for %s" %
                                             (chunk, lname))
                        if low >= high:
                            raise ParseError("Invalid RANGE \"%s\" for %s" %
                                             (chunk, lname))

                        info.add_range_claim(ctype, low, high)
                else:  # Resist temptation to indent!  It's a try/except/else
                    info.add_claim(ctype, chunk)
    return parsed
Exemple #2
def parse_downloads(request):
    parsed = Downloads()

    limit = request.registry.settings.get("shavar.max_downloads_chunks", 10000)

    for lineno, line in enumerate(request.body_file):
        line = line.strip()

        if not line or line.isspace():

        line = line.decode()
        # Did client provide max size preference?
        if line.startswith("s;"):
            if lineno != 0:
                return ParseError("Size request can only be the first line!")
            req_size = line.split(";", 1)[1]
            # Almost certainly redundant due to stripping the line above
            req_size = req_size.strip()
                req_size = int(req_size)
            except ValueError:
                raise ParseError("Invalid requested size")
            parsed.req_size = req_size

        if ";" not in line:
            raise ParseError("Bad downloads request: no semi-colon")

        lname, chunklist = line.split(";", 1)
        if not lname or '-' not in lname:
            raise ParseError("Invalid list name: \"%s\"" % lname)
        info = DownloadsListInfo(lname, limit=limit)

        chunks = chunklist.split(":")
        # Check for MAC
        if len(chunks) >= 1 and chunks[-1] == "mac":
            if request.GET.get('pver') == '3.0':
                raise ParseError('MAC not supported in protocol version 3')
            info.wants_mac = True
        # Client claims to have chunks for this list
        if not chunks or (len(chunks) == 1 and not chunks[0]):
        # Uneven number of chunks should only occur if 'mac' was specified
        if len(chunks) % 2 != 0:
            raise ParseError("Invalid LISTINFO for %s" % lname)

        while chunks:
            ctype = chunks.pop(0)
            if ctype not in ('a', 's'):
                raise ParseError("Invalid CHUNKTYPE \"%s\" for %s" %
                                 (ctype, lname))

            list_of_chunks = chunks.pop(0)
            for chunk in list_of_chunks.split(','):
                    chunk = int(chunk)
                except ValueError:
                    if chunk.find('-'):
                        low, high = chunk.split('-', 1)
                        # FIXME should probably be stricter about testing for
                        #       pure integers only on the input
                            low = int(low)
                            high = int(high)
                        except ValueError:
                            raise ParseError("Invalid RANGE \"%s\" for %s" %
                                             (chunk, lname))
                        if low >= high:
                            raise ParseError("Invalid RANGE \"%s\" for %s" %
                                             (chunk, lname))

                        info.add_range_claim(ctype, low, high)
                else:  # Resist temptation to indent!  It's a try/except/else
                    info.add_claim(ctype, chunk)
    return parsed