Exemple #1
    def prepare(self, data, src, lo=None, hi=None):
        # Note: src is source model before folding
        if not isinstance(data, DataPHA):
            raise IOErr('notpha', data.name)

        lo, hi = bounds_check(lo, hi)

        self.units = data.units
        if self.units == "channel":
            warning("Channel space is unappropriate for the PHA unfolded" +
                    " source model,\nusing energy.")
            self.units = "energy"

        self.xlabel = data.get_xlabel()
        self.title = f'Source Model of {data.name}'
        self.xlo, self.xhi = data._get_indep(filter=False)

        # Why do we not apply the mask at the end of prepare?
        self.mask = filter_bins((lo, ), (hi, ), (self.xlo, ))

        # The source model is assumed to not contain an instrument model,
        # and so it evaluates the expected number of photons/cm^2/s in
        # each bin (or it can be thought of as a 1 second exposure).
        self.y = src(self.xlo, self.xhi)
        prefix_quant = 'E'
        quant = 'keV'

        if self.units == "wavelength":
            # No other labels use the LaTeX forms for lambda and
            # Angstrom, so use the text version here too.
            # prefix_quant = to_latex('\\lambda')
            # quant = to_latex('\\AA')
            prefix_quant = 'lambda'
            quant = 'Angstrom'
            (self.xlo, self.xhi) = (self.xhi, self.xlo)

        xmid = abs(self.xhi - self.xlo)

        sqr = to_latex('^2')

        self.xlabel = f'{self.units.capitalize()} ({quant})'
        self.ylabel = f'%s  Photons/sec/cm{sqr}%s'

        if data.plot_fac == 0:
            self.y /= xmid
            self.ylabel = self.ylabel % (f'f({prefix_quant})', f'/{quant} ')

        elif data.plot_fac == 1:
            self.ylabel = self.ylabel % (f'{prefix_quant} f({prefix_quant})',

        elif data.plot_fac == 2:
            self.y *= xmid
            self.ylabel = self.ylabel % (
                f'{prefix_quant}{sqr} f({prefix_quant})', f' {quant} ')
            raise PlotErr('plotfac', 'Source', data.plot_fac)
Exemple #2
    def prepare(self, data, src, lo=None, hi=None):
        # Note: src is source model before folding
        if not isinstance(data, DataPHA):
            raise IOErr('notpha', data.name)

        lo, hi = bounds_check(lo, hi)

        self.units = data.units
        if self.units == "channel":
            warning("Channel space is unappropriate for the PHA unfolded" +
                    " source model,\nusing energy.")
            self.units = "energy"

        self.xlabel = data.get_xlabel()
        self.title = 'Source Model of %s' % data.name
        self.xlo, self.xhi = data._get_indep(filter=False)
        self.mask = filter_bins((lo, ), (hi, ), (self.xlo, ))
        self.y = src(self.xlo, self.xhi)
        prefix_quant = 'E'
        quant = 'keV'

        if self.units == "wavelength":
            # No other labels use the LaTeX forms for lambda and
            # Angstrom, so use the text version here too.
            # prefix_quant = to_latex('\\lambda')
            # quant = to_latex('\\AA')
            prefix_quant = 'lambda'
            quant = 'Angstrom'
            (self.xlo, self.xhi) = (self.xhi, self.xlo)

        xmid = abs(self.xhi - self.xlo)

        sqr = to_latex('^2')

        self.xlabel = '%s (%s)' % (self.units.capitalize(), quant)
        self.ylabel = '%s  Photons/sec/cm' + sqr + '%s'

        if data.plot_fac == 0:
            self.y /= xmid
            self.ylabel = self.ylabel % ('f(%s)' % prefix_quant,
                                         '/%s ' % quant)

        elif data.plot_fac == 1:
            self.ylabel = self.ylabel % ('%s f(%s)' %
                                         (prefix_quant, prefix_quant), '')

        elif data.plot_fac == 2:
            self.y *= xmid
            self.ylabel = self.ylabel % ('%s%s f(%s)' %
                                         (prefix_quant, sqr, prefix_quant),
                                         ' %s ' % quant)
            raise PlotErr('plotfac', 'Source', data.plot_fac)
Exemple #3
    def prepare(self, data, src, lo=None, hi=None):
        # Note: src is source model before folding
        if not isinstance(data, DataPHA):
            raise IOErr('notpha', data.name)

        lo, hi = bounds_check(lo, hi)

        self.units = data.units
        if self.units == "channel":
            warning("Channel space is unappropriate for the PHA unfolded" +
                    " source model,\nusing energy.")
            self.units = "energy"

        self.xlabel = data.get_xlabel()
        self.title  = 'Source Model of %s' % data.name
        self.xlo, self.xhi = data._get_indep(filter=False)
        self.mask = filter_bins((lo,), (hi,), (self.xlo,))
        self.y = src(self.xlo, self.xhi)
        prefix_quant = 'E'
        quant = 'keV'

        if self.units == "wavelength":
            # No other labels use the LaTeX forms for lambda and
            # Angstrom, so use the text version here too.
            # prefix_quant = to_latex('\\lambda')
            # quant = to_latex('\\AA')
            prefix_quant = 'lambda'
            quant = 'Angstrom'
            (self.xlo, self.xhi) = (self.xhi, self.xlo)

        xmid = abs(self.xhi - self.xlo)

        sqr = to_latex('^2')

        self.xlabel = '%s (%s)' % (self.units.capitalize(), quant)
        self.ylabel = '%s  Photons/sec/cm' + sqr + '%s'

        if data.plot_fac == 0:
            self.y /= xmid
            self.ylabel = self.ylabel % ('f(%s)' % prefix_quant,
                                         '/%s ' % quant)

        elif data.plot_fac == 1:
            self.ylabel = self.ylabel % ('%s f(%s)' % (prefix_quant,
                                                       prefix_quant), '')

        elif data.plot_fac == 2:
            self.y *= xmid
            self.ylabel = self.ylabel % ('%s%s f(%s)' % (prefix_quant, sqr,
                                         ' %s ' % quant)
            raise PlotErr('plotfac', 'Source', data.plot_fac)
Exemple #4
    def prepare(self, data, src, lo=None, hi=None):
        # Note: src is source model before folding
        if not isinstance(data, DataPHA):
            raise IOErr("notpha", data.name)

        lo, hi = bounds_check(lo, hi)

        self.units = data.units
        if self.units == "channel":
            warning("Channel space is unappropriate for the PHA unfolded" + " source model,\nusing energy.")
            self.units = "energy"

        self.xlabel = data.get_xlabel()
        self.title = "Source Model of %s" % data.name
        self.xlo, self.xhi = data._get_indep(filter=False)
        self.mask = filter_bins((lo,), (hi,), (self.xlo,))
        self.y = src(self.xlo, self.xhi)
        prefix_quant = "E"
        quant = "keV"

        if self.units == "wavelength":
            prefix_quant = "\\lambda"
            quant = "\\AA"
            (self.xlo, self.xhi) = (self.xhi, self.xlo)

        xmid = abs(self.xhi - self.xlo)

        self.xlabel = "%s (%s)" % (self.units.capitalize(), quant)
        self.ylabel = "%s  Photons/sec/cm^2%s"

        if data.plot_fac == 0:
            self.y /= xmid
            self.ylabel = self.ylabel % ("f(%s)" % prefix_quant, "/%s " % quant)

        elif data.plot_fac == 1:
            self.ylabel = self.ylabel % ("%s f(%s)" % (prefix_quant, prefix_quant), "")

        elif data.plot_fac == 2:
            self.y *= xmid
            self.ylabel = self.ylabel % ("%s^{2} f(%s)" % (prefix_quant, prefix_quant), " %s " % quant)
            raise PlotErr("plotfac", "Source", data.plot_fac)