def plot_fits(ids, posdir=None, outdir='fit'): if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) for id in ids: obsid = id['obsid'] data_id = id['data_id'] ax = id['ax'] pf = open(os.path.join(posdir, 'pos.pkl'), 'r') pos = cPickle.load(pf) pf.close() pos_data = pos[ax] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,4)) axplot = ui.get_model_plot(data_id) plt.plot( axplot.x/1000., axplot.y, 'b.') [ts, ds, dsminus, dsplus] = binned_mean( pos_data-np.mean(pos_data), pos['time']-pos['time'][0] ) if not len(ts): continue plt.errorbar((ts-ts[0])/1000., ds, yerr=dsminus, color='k', marker='.', linestyle='') plt.xlabel('Time (ksec)') plt.ylabel('%s' % ax) plt.subplots_adjust(left=.15) plt.title('Model(Blue), BinMean Pos(Black) (obs=%s)' % (obsid)) plt.ylim(-.3,.3) plt.grid() plt.savefig('%s/%s_%s_sfit.png' % (outdir, obsid, ax)) plt.close()
def _fit_poly(fit_data, evt_times, degree, data_id=0): """ Given event data transformed into Y or Z angle positions, and a degree of the desired fit polynomial, fit a polynomial to the data. :param fit_data: event y or z angle position data :param evt_times: times of event/fit_data :param degree: degree of polynomial to use for the fit model :param data_id: sherpa dataset id to use for the fit :returns: (sherpa model plot, sherpa model) """ # Set initial value for fit data position error init_error = 1 ui.clean() ui.load_arrays(data_id, evt_times - evt_times[0], fit_data, np.zeros_like(fit_data) + init_error) v2("Fitting a line to the data to get reduced stat errors") # First just fit a line to get reduced errors on this set ui.polynom1d.line ui.set_model(data_id, 'line') ui.thaw('line.c1') fit = ui.get_fit_results() calc_error = init_error * np.sqrt(fit.rstat) ui.set_staterror(data_id, calc_error) # Then fit the specified model v2("Fitting a polynomial of degree {} to the data".format(degree)) ui.polynom1d.fitpoly ui.freeze('fitpoly') # Thaw the coefficients requested by the degree of the desired polynomial ui.thaw('fitpoly.c0') fitpoly.c0.val = 0 for deg in range(1, 1 + degree): ui.thaw("fitpoly.c{}".format(deg)) ui.set_model(data_id, 'fitpoly') # Let's screw up Y on purpose if data_id == 0: fitpoly.c0.val = 0 fitpoly.c1.val = 7.5e-05 fitpoly.c2.val = -1.0e-09 fitpoly.c3.val = 0 fitpoly.c4.val = 0 mp = ui.get_model_plot(data_id) model = ui.get_model(data_id) return mp, model
def _fit_poly(fit_data, evt_times, degree, data_id=0): """ Given event data transformed into Y or Z angle positions, and a degree of the desired fit polynomial, fit a polynomial to the data. :param fit_data: event y or z angle position data :param evt_times: times of event/fit_data :param degree: degree of polynomial to use for the fit model :param data_id: sherpa dataset id to use for the fit :returns: (sherpa model plot, sherpa model) """ # Set initial value for fit data position error init_error = 1 ui.clean() ui.load_arrays(data_id, evt_times - evt_times[0], fit_data, np.zeros_like(fit_data) + init_error) v2("Fitting a line to the data to get reduced stat errors") # First just fit a line to get reduced errors on this set ui.polynom1d.line ui.set_model(data_id, 'line') ui.thaw('line.c1') fit = ui.get_fit_results() calc_error = init_error * np.sqrt(fit.rstat) ui.set_staterror(data_id, calc_error) # Then fit the specified model v2("Fitting a polynomial of degree {} to the data".format(degree)) ui.polynom1d.fitpoly ui.freeze('fitpoly') # Thaw the coefficients requested by the degree of the desired polynomial ui.thaw('fitpoly.c0') fitpoly.c0.val = 0 for deg in range(1, 1 + degree): ui.thaw("fitpoly.c{}".format(deg)) ui.set_model(data_id, 'fitpoly') mp = ui.get_model_plot(data_id) model = ui.get_model(data_id) return mp, model
def plot_fits(ids, posdir=None, outdir='fit'): if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) for id in ids: obsid = id['obsid'] data_id = id['data_id'] ax = id['ax'] pf = open(os.path.join(posdir, 'pos.pkl'), 'r') pos = cPickle.load(pf) pf.close() pos_data = pos[ax] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4)) axplot = ui.get_model_plot(data_id) plt.plot(axplot.x / 1000., axplot.y, 'b.') [ts, ds, dsminus, dsplus] = binned_mean(pos_data - np.mean(pos_data), pos['time'] - pos['time'][0]) if not len(ts): continue plt.errorbar((ts - ts[0]) / 1000., ds, yerr=dsminus, color='k', marker='.', linestyle='') plt.xlabel('Time (ksec)') plt.ylabel('%s' % ax) plt.subplots_adjust(left=.15) plt.title('Model(Blue), BinMean Pos(Black) (obs=%s)' % (obsid)) plt.ylim(-.3, .3) plt.grid() plt.savefig('%s/%s_%s_sfit.png' % (outdir, obsid, ax)) plt.close()
ax.relim() ax.autoscale_view() else: ax.plot(x, y) ax.texts = [] ax.annotate("{}".format(, xy=(0.5, 0.5), xycoords="axes fraction", ha='center', va='center', color='grey') t_ccd = dat['TEMPCD'] try: fit, modpars = fit_pix_values(t_ccd, y, id=i_col) fits[] = {'fit': fit, 'modpars': modpars} fitmod = ui.get_model_plot(i_col) except Exception as exception: pix_log.warn('Sherpa fit failed on {}'.format( pix_log.warn(exception) pix_log.warn('Continuing') fits[] = None continue if len(ax.lines) > 1: l1 = ax.lines[1] l1.set_data(x, fitmod.y) ax.relim() ax.autoscale_view() else: ax.plot(x, fitmod.y, color='red') if opt.plot_fit_curves: fitax = fitaxes[r][c]
ui.set_method('simplex') ui.load_arrays(data_id, rates['time'], rates['rate']) ui.set_staterror(data_id, rates['err']) ftype_poly = ui.polynom1d(ftype) ui.set_model(data_id, ftype_poly) ui.thaw(ftype_poly.c0) ui.thaw(ftype_poly.c1) ui.notice(DateTime(trend_date_start).frac_year) ui.notice() myfit = ui.get_fit_results() axplot = ui.get_model_plot(data_id) if myfit.succeeded: b = ftype_poly.c1.val * DateTime(trend_date_start).frac_year + ftype_poly.c0.val m = ftype_poly.c1.val rep_file = open('%s_fitfile.json' % ftype, 'w') rep_file.write(json.dumps(dict(time0=DateTime(trend_date_start).frac_year, datestart=trend_date_start, datestop=data_stop, bin=trend_type, m=m, b=b, comment="mx+b with b at time0 and m = (delta rate)/year"), sort_keys=True, indent=4)) rep_file.close() else:
y = dat[best_pix] * GAIN / integ # ax.yaxis.set_label_position("right") # ax.yaxis.tick_right() # ax.grid() # plot_cxctime(dat['time'], y, 'k', ax=ax) # ax.set_ylabel('Dark Current (e-/sec)') # ccdax.set_ylabel('CCD Temp (DegC)') # ax.texts = [] # ax.annotate("{}".format(, # xy=(0.5, 0.5), xycoords="axes fraction", # ha='center', va='center', # color='lightgrey') t_ccd = dat["TEMPCD"] fit, modpars = fit_pix_values(t_ccd, y, id=i_col) fits[] = {"fit": fit, "modpars": modpars} fitmod = ui.get_model_plot(i_col) # plot_cxctime(DateTime(dat['time'][0]).secs + x, fitmod.y, color='red', ax=ax) # plt.tight_layout() plot2 = plot_two(fig_id="overplots", x2=dat["time"], y2=y, x=dat["time"], y=t_ccd, color="blue", color2="black") plot_cxctime( DateTime(dat["time"][0]).secs + x, fitmod.y, color="red", ax=plot2["ax2"], linewidth=6, alpha=0.5, label="Dark current model", ) plot2["ax2"].legend(loc="upper left", fontsize=10) plot2["ax"].yaxis.label.set_color("blue") plot2["ax"].tick_params(axis="y", colors="blue")