Exemple #1
def get_filename_from_dmsyntax(filename, blockname=None):

    arg = str(filename)
    isbinary = True
    colnames = True
    dmsyn = ''

    if '[' in filename and ']' in filename:
        parts = filename.split('[')
        filename = parts.pop(0)
        if parts:
            dmsyn = parts.pop(0).lower()

    if not is_binary_file(filename):
        isbinary = False
        fd = open(filename, 'r')
            line = fd.readline().strip()
            while len(line) > 0 and line[0] in '#%':
                last = line
                line = fd.readline().strip()
            if (last is not None and
                (len(last.split(' ')) != len(line.split(' ')) )):
                colnames = False

    if blockname is not None:
        arg += "[%s]" % str(blockname).upper()

    if (not isbinary) and (not colnames) and (not 'cols' in dmsyn):
        arg += "[opt colnames=none]"

    return arg
def read_table_blocks(arg, make_copy=False):

    if isinstance(arg, fits.HDUList):
        filename = arg[0]._file.name
        hdus = arg
    elif isinstance(arg, basestring) and is_binary_file(arg):
        filename = arg
        hdus = fits.open(arg)
        raise IOErr('badfile', arg,
                    "a binary FITS table or a BinTableHDU list")

    cols = {}
    hdr = {}

    for ii, hdu in enumerate(hdus):
        blockidx = ii + 1

        hdr[blockidx] = {}
        header = hdu.header
        if header is not None:
            for key in header.keys():
                hdr[blockidx][key] = header[key]

        # skip over primary, hdu.data is None

        cols[blockidx] = {}
        recarray = hdu.data
        if recarray is not None:
            for colname in recarray.names:
                cols[blockidx][colname] = recarray[colname]

    return filename, cols, hdr
Exemple #3
def get_ascii_data(filename,
                   sep=' ',

    if is_binary_file(filename):
        raise IOErr('notascii', filename)

    names, args = read_file_data(filename, sep, comment, require_floats)

    if colkeys is None:
        kwargs = []
        if ncols != 1:
            _check_args(ncols, dstype)
        return (names, kwargs, filename)

    kwargs = []
    colkeys = list(colkeys)

    if len(names) > len(args):
        raise IOErr('toomanycols')

    assert (len(names) <= len(args))

    for key in colkeys:
        if key not in names:
            raise IOErr('reqcol', key, numpy.asarray(names, numpy.string_))

    _check_args(len(kwargs), dstype)
    return (colkeys, kwargs, filename)
def get_filename_from_dmsyntax(filename, blockname=None):

    arg = str(filename)
    isbinary = True
    colnames = True
    dmsyn = ''

    if '[' in filename and ']' in filename:
        parts = filename.split('[')
        filename = parts.pop(0)
        if parts:
            dmsyn = parts.pop(0).lower()

    if not is_binary_file(filename):
        isbinary = False
        # TODO: set encoding='UTF-8' or maybe 'ascii'
        with open(filename, mode='r') as fh:
            last = None
            line = fh.readline().strip()
            while len(line) > 0 and line[0] in '#%':
                last = line
                line = fh.readline().strip()
            if (last is not None and (len(last.strip('#').strip().split(' '))
                                      != len(line.strip().split(' ')))):
                colnames = False

    if blockname is not None:
        arg += f"[{str(blockname).upper()}]"

    if not isbinary and not colnames and 'cols' not in dmsyn:
        arg += "[opt colnames=none]"

    return arg
Exemple #5
def get_ascii_data(filename, ncols=1, colkeys=None, sep=" ", dstype=Data1D, comment="#", require_floats=True):

    if is_binary_file(filename):
        raise IOErr("notascii", filename)

    names, args = read_file_data(filename, sep, comment, require_floats)

    if colkeys is None:
        kwargs = []
        if ncols != 1:
            _check_args(ncols, dstype)
        return (names, kwargs, filename)

    kwargs = []
    colkeys = list(colkeys)

    if len(names) > len(args):
        raise IOErr("toomanycols")

    assert len(names) <= len(args)

    for key in colkeys:
        if key not in names:
            raise IOErr("reqcol", key, numpy.asarray(names, numpy.string_))

    _check_args(len(kwargs), dstype)
    return (colkeys, kwargs, filename)
Exemple #6
def get_filename_from_dmsyntax(filename, blockname=None):

    arg = str(filename)
    isbinary = True
    colnames = True
    dmsyn = ''

    if '[' in filename and ']' in filename:
        parts = filename.split('[')
        filename = parts.pop(0)
        if parts:
            dmsyn = parts.pop(0).lower()

    if not is_binary_file(filename):
        isbinary = False
        fd = open(filename, 'r')
            last = None
            line = fd.readline().strip()
            while len(line) > 0 and line[0] in '#%':
                last = line
                line = fd.readline().strip()
            if (last is not None
                    and (len(last.split(' ')) != len(line.split(' ')))):
                colnames = False

    if blockname is not None:
        arg += "[%s]" % str(blockname).upper()

    if (not isbinary) and (not colnames) and ('cols' not in dmsyn):
        arg += "[opt colnames=none]"

    return arg
Exemple #7
def get_ascii_data(filename, ncols=1, colkeys=None, sep=' ', dstype=Data1D,

    if is_binary_file(filename):
        raise IOErr('notascii', filename)

    names, args = read_file_data(filename, sep, comment)

    if colkeys is None:
        kwargs = []
        if ncols != 1:
            _check_args(ncols, dstype)
        return (names, kwargs, filename)

    kwargs = []
    colkeys = list(colkeys)

    if len(names) > len(args):
        raise IOErr('toomanycols')

    assert( len(names) <= len(args) )

    for key in colkeys:
        if key not in names:
            raise IOErr('reqcol', key, numpy.asarray(names, numpy.string_))

    _check_args(len(kwargs), dstype)
    return (colkeys, kwargs, filename)
Exemple #8
def read_table_blocks(arg, make_copy=False):

    filename = ''
    hdus = None
    if type(arg) is pyfits.HDUList:
        filename = arg[0]._file.name
        hdus = arg
    elif type(arg) in (str, unicode, numpy.str_) and is_binary_file(arg):
        filename = arg
        hdus = pyfits.open(arg)
        raise IOErr('badfile', arg, "a binary FITS table or a PyFITS.BinTableHDU list")

    cols = {}
    hdr = {}

    for ii, hdu in enumerate(hdus):
        blockidx = ii+1

        hdr[blockidx] = {}
        header = hdu.header
        if header is not None:
            for key in header.keys():
                hdr[blockidx][key] = header[key]

        # skip over primary, hdu.data is None

        cols[blockidx] = {}
        recarray = hdu.data
        if recarray is not None:
            for colname in recarray.names:
                cols[blockidx][colname] = recarray[colname]

    return filename, cols, hdr
Exemple #9
def get_header_data( arg, blockname=None, hdrkeys=None ):

    filename = ''
    if type(arg) == str and pycrates.Crate(arg).is_image()==0:

        filename = arg

        isbinary = True
        colnames = True
        dmsyn = ''

        if '[' in filename and ']' in filename:
            parts = filename.split('[')
            filename = parts.pop(0)
            if parts:
                dmsyn = parts.pop(0).lower()

        if not is_binary_file(filename):
            isbinary = False
            fd = open(filename, 'r')
                line = fd.readline().strip()
                while len(line) > 0 and line[0] in '#%':
                    last = line
                    line = fd.readline().strip()
                if (last is not None and
                    (len(last.split(' ')) != len(line.split(' ')) )):
                    colnames = False

        if blockname is not None:
            arg += "[%s]" % str(blockname).upper()

        if (not isbinary) and (not colnames) and (not 'cols' in dmsyn):
            arg += "[opt colnames=none]"

            tbl = _open_crate(pycrates.TABLECrate, [arg])
        except Exception, e:
                tbl =  _open_crate(pycrates.IMAGECrate, [arg])
                raise e

        filename = tbl.get_filename()
Exemple #10
def get_header_data( arg, blockname=None, hdrkeys=None ):

    filename = ''
    if type(arg) == str and is_binary_file(arg):
        tbl = pyfits.open(arg)
        filename = arg
    elif ( (type(arg) is pyfits.HDUList) and
           (len(arg) > 0) and
           (arg[0].__class__ is pyfits.PrimaryHDU) ):
        tbl = arg
        filename = tbl[0]._file.name
        raise IOErr('badfile', arg, "a binary FITS table or a PyFITS.BinTableHDU list")

        # Use the first binary table extension we find.  Throw an exception
        # if there aren't any.
        for hdu in tbl:
            if blockname is None:
                if hdu.__class__ is pyfits.BinTableHDU:
            elif (hdu.name.lower() == str(blockname).strip().lower()):

            raise IOErr('badext', filename)

        if hdrkeys is not None:
            for key in hdrkeys:
                hdr[key] = _require_key(hdu, key, dtype=str)
            for key in hdu.header.keys():
                hdr[key] = _require_key(hdu, key, dtype=str)


    return hdr
Exemple #11
def get_header_data( arg, blockname=None, hdrkeys=None ):

    filename = ''
    if type(arg) == str and is_binary_file(arg):
        tbl = pyfits.open(arg)
        filename = arg
    elif ( (type(arg) is pyfits.HDUList) and
           (len(arg) > 0) and
           (arg[0].__class__ is pyfits.PrimaryHDU) ):
        tbl = arg
        filename = tbl[0]._file.name
        raise IOErr('badfile', arg, "a binary FITS table or a PyFITS.BinTableHDU list")

        # Use the first binary table extension we find.  Throw an exception
        # if there aren't any.
        for hdu in tbl:
            if blockname is None:
                if hdu.__class__ is pyfits.BinTableHDU:
            elif (hdu.name.lower() == str(blockname).strip().lower()):

            raise IOErr('badext', filename)

        if hdrkeys is not None:
            for key in hdrkeys:
                hdr[key] = _require_key(hdu, key, dtype=str)
            for key in hdu.header.keys():
                hdr[key] = _require_key(hdu, key, dtype=str)


    return hdr
def _get_file_contents(arg, exptype="PrimaryHDU", nobinary=False):
    """arg is a filename or a list of HDUs, with the first
    one a PrimaryHDU. The return value is the list of
    HDUs and the filename.

    Set nobinary to True to avoid checking that the input
    file is a binary file (via the is_binary_file routine).

    if isinstance(arg, basestring) and (not nobinary or is_binary_file(arg)):
        tbl = fits.open(arg)
        filename = arg
    elif isinstance(arg, fits.HDUList) and len(arg) > 0 and \
            isinstance(arg[0], fits.PrimaryHDU):
        tbl = arg
        filename = tbl[0]._file.name
        msg = "a binary FITS table or a {} list".format(exptype)
        raise IOErr('badfile', arg, msg)

    return (tbl, filename)
Exemple #13
def get_table_data(arg, ncols=1, colkeys=None, make_copy=False, fix_type=False,
                   blockname = None, hdrkeys=None):
    get_table_data( filename , ncols=1 [, colkeys=None [, make_copy=False [, blockname=None [, hdrkeys=None ]]]])

    get_table_data( [PrimaryHDU, BinTableHDU] , ncols=1 [, colkeys=None [, make_copy=False [, blockname=None [, hdrkeys=None ]]]])
    filename = ''
    if type(arg) == str and is_binary_file(arg):
        tbl = pyfits.open(arg)
        filename = arg
    elif ( (type(arg) is pyfits.HDUList) and
           (len(arg) > 0) and
           (arg[0].__class__ is pyfits.PrimaryHDU) ):
        tbl = arg
        filename = tbl[0]._file.name
        raise IOErr('badfile', arg, "a binary FITS table or a PyFITS.BinTableHDU list")

        # Use the first binary table extension we find.  Throw an exception
        # if there aren't any.
        for hdu in tbl:
            if blockname is None:
                if hdu.__class__ is pyfits.BinTableHDU:
            elif (hdu.name.lower() == str(blockname).strip().lower() and
                  hdu.__class__ is pyfits.BinTableHDU):

            raise IOErr('badext', filename)

        cnames = list(hdu.columns.names)

        if colkeys is not None:
            colkeys = [name.strip().upper() for name in list(colkeys)]
        # Try Channel, Counts or X,Y before defaulting to first two table cols
        elif ('CHANNEL' in cnames) and ('COUNTS' in cnames):
            colkeys = ['CHANNEL','COUNTS']
        elif ('X' in cnames) and ('Y' in cnames):
            colkeys = ['X','Y']
            colkeys = cnames[:ncols]

        cols = []
        for name in colkeys:
            for col in _require_tbl_col(hdu, name, fix_type=fix_type):

        if hdrkeys is not None:
            for key in hdrkeys:
                hdr[key] = _require_key(hdu, key)


    return colkeys, cols, filename, hdr
Exemple #14
def test_is_binary_file(make_data_path):
    ascii = make_data_path("gauss2d.dat")
    pha = make_data_path("3c273.pi")

    assert is_binary_file(pha)
    assert not is_binary_file(ascii)
Exemple #15
def get_pha_data(arg, make_copy=False, use_background=False):
    get_pha_data( filename [, make_copy=False [, use_background=False[])

    get_pha_data( [PrimaryHDU, BinTableHDU] [, make_copy=False
                  [, use_background=False]])
    filename = ''
    if type(arg) == str and is_binary_file(arg):
        pha = pyfits.open(arg)
        filename = arg
    elif ( (type(arg) is pyfits.HDUList) and
           (len(arg) > 0) and
           (arg[0].__class__ is pyfits.PrimaryHDU) ):
        pha = arg
        filename = pha[0]._file.name
        raise IOErr('badfile', arg, "a binary FITS spectrum or a PyFITS.BinTableHDU list")

        if _has_hdu(pha, 'SPECTRUM'):
            hdu = pha['SPECTRUM']
        elif (_has_hdu(pha, 1) and
              ((_try_key(pha[1], 'HDUCLAS1') == 'SPECTRUM') or
               (_try_key(pha[1], 'HDUCLAS2') == 'SPECTRUM'))):
            hdu = pha[1]
            raise IOErr('notrsp',  filename, "a PHA spectrum")

        if use_background:
            for block in pha:
                if (_try_key(block, 'HDUCLAS2') == 'BKG'):
                    hdu = block

        keys = ['BACKFILE','ANCRFILE','RESPFILE',
        datasets = []

        if _try_col(hdu, 'SPEC_NUM') is None:
            data = {}

            # Keywords
            data['exposure'] = _try_key(hdu, 'EXPOSURE', True, SherpaFloat)
            #data['poisserr'] = _try_key(hdu, 'POISSERR', True, bool)
            data['backfile'] = _try_key(hdu, 'BACKFILE')
            data['arffile']  = _try_key(hdu, 'ANCRFILE')
            data['rmffile']  = _try_key(hdu, 'RESPFILE')

            # Keywords or columns
            data['backscal'] = _try_col_or_key(hdu, 'BACKSCAL', fix_type=True)
            data['backscup'] = _try_col_or_key(hdu, 'BACKSCUP', fix_type=True)
            data['backscdn'] = _try_col_or_key(hdu, 'BACKSCDN', fix_type=True)
            data['areascal'] = _try_col_or_key(hdu, 'AREASCAL', fix_type=True)

            # Columns
            data['channel']         = _require_col(hdu, 'CHANNEL', fix_type=True)
            #Make sure channel numbers not indices
            chan = list(hdu.columns.names).index('CHANNEL') + 1
            tlmin = _try_key(hdu, 'TLMIN'+str(chan), True, SherpaUInt)
            if int(data['channel'][0]) == 0 or ((tlmin is not None) and tlmin == 0):
                data['channel'] = data['channel']+1

            data['counts']      = _try_col(hdu, 'COUNTS', fix_type=True)
            if data['counts'] is None:
                data['counts']  = _require_col(hdu, 'RATE', fix_type=True) * data['exposure']
            data['staterror']       = _try_col(hdu, 'STAT_ERR')
            data['syserror']        = _try_col(hdu, 'SYS_ERR')
            data['background_up']   = _try_col(hdu, 'BACKGROUND_UP', fix_type=True)
            data['background_down'] = _try_col(hdu, 'BACKGROUND_DOWN', fix_type=True)
            data['bin_lo']          = _try_col(hdu, 'BIN_LO', fix_type=True)
            data['bin_hi']          = _try_col(hdu, 'BIN_HI', fix_type=True)
            data['grouping']        = _try_col(hdu, 'GROUPING', SherpaInt)
            data['quality']         = _try_col(hdu, 'QUALITY', SherpaInt)
            data['header']            = _get_meta_data(hdu)
            for key in keys:
                except KeyError:

            if data['syserror'] is not None:
                # SYS_ERR is the fractional systematic error
                data['syserror'] = data['syserror'] * data['counts']


            data = {}
            # Type 2 PHA file support

            specnum = _try_col_or_key(hdu, 'SPEC_NUM')
            num = len(specnum)

            # Keywords
            exposure = _try_key(hdu, 'EXPOSURE', True, SherpaFloat)
            #poisserr = _try_key(hdu, 'POISSERR', True, bool)
            backfile = _try_key(hdu, 'BACKFILE')
            arffile  = _try_key(hdu, 'ANCRFILE')
            rmffile  = _try_key(hdu, 'RESPFILE')

            # Keywords or columns
            backscal = _try_vec_or_key(hdu, 'BACKSCAL', num, fix_type=True)
            backscup = _try_vec_or_key(hdu, 'BACKSCUP', num, fix_type=True)
            backscdn = _try_vec_or_key(hdu, 'BACKSCDN', num, fix_type=True)
            areascal = _try_vec_or_key(hdu, 'AREASCAL', num, fix_type=True)

            # Columns
            channel         = _require_vec(hdu, 'CHANNEL', num, fix_type=True)

            #Make sure channel numbers not indices
            chan = list(hdu.columns.names).index('CHANNEL') + 1
            tlmin = _try_key(hdu, 'TLMIN'+str(chan), True, SherpaUInt)

            for ii in range(num):
                if int(channel[ii][0]) == 0:
                    channel[ii] += 1
            #if ((tlmin is not None) and tlmin == 0) or int(channel[0]) == 0:
            #    channel += 1

            counts =  _try_vec(hdu, 'COUNTS', num, fix_type=True)
            if None in counts:
                counts =  _require_vec(hdu, 'RATE', num, fix_type=True) * data['exposure']
            staterror       = _try_vec(hdu, 'STAT_ERR', num)
            syserror        = _try_vec(hdu, 'SYS_ERR', num)
            background_up   = _try_vec(hdu, 'BACKGROUND_UP', num, fix_type=True)
            background_down = _try_vec(hdu, 'BACKGROUND_DOWN', num, fix_type=True)
            bin_lo          = _try_vec(hdu, 'BIN_LO', num, fix_type=True)
            bin_hi          = _try_vec(hdu, 'BIN_HI', num, fix_type=True)
            grouping        = _try_vec(hdu, 'GROUPING', num, SherpaInt)
            quality         = _try_vec(hdu, 'QUALITY', num, SherpaInt)

            orders          = _try_vec(hdu, 'TG_M', num, SherpaInt)
            parts           = _try_vec(hdu, 'TG_PART', num, SherpaInt)
            specnums        = _try_vec(hdu, 'SPEC_NUM', num, SherpaInt)
            srcids          = _try_vec(hdu, 'TG_SRCID', num, SherpaInt)

            # Iterate over all rows of channels, counts, errors, etc
            # Populate a list of dictionaries containing
            # individual dataset info
            for (bscal, bscup, bscdn, arsc, chan, cnt, staterr, syserr,
                 backup, backdown, binlo, binhi, group, qual, ordr, prt,
                 specnum, srcid
                 ) in izip(backscal, backscup, backscdn, areascal, channel,
                           counts, staterror, syserror, background_up,
                           background_down, bin_lo, bin_hi, grouping, quality,
                           orders, parts, specnums, srcids):
                data = {}

                data['exposure'] = exposure
                #data['poisserr'] = poisserr
                data['backfile'] = backfile
                data['arffile']  = arffile
                data['rmffile']  = rmffile

                data['backscal'] = bscal
                data['backscup'] = bscup
                data['backscdn'] = bscdn
                data['areascal'] = arsc

                data['channel']         = chan
                data['counts']          = cnt
                data['staterror']       = staterr
                data['syserror']        = syserr
                data['background_up']   = backup
                data['background_down'] = backdown
                data['bin_lo']          = binlo
                data['bin_hi']          = binhi
                data['grouping']        = group
                data['quality']         = qual
                data['header']            = _get_meta_data(hdu)
                data['header']['TG_M']     = ordr
                data['header']['TG_PART']  = prt
                data['header']['SPEC_NUM'] = specnum
                data['header']['TG_SRCID'] = srcid

                for key in keys:
                    except KeyError:

                if syserr is not None:
                    # SYS_ERR is the fractional systematic error
                    data['syserror'] = syserr * cnt



    return datasets, filename
Exemple #16
def get_table_data( arg, ncols=1, colkeys=None, make_copy=True, fix_type=True,
                    blockname=None, hdrkeys=None):
    get_table_data( filename , ncols=1 [, colkeys=None [, make_copy=True [,
                    fix_type=True [, blockname=None [, hdrkeys=None ]]]]])

    get_table_data( TABLECrate , ncols=1 [, colkeys=None [, make_copy=True [,
                    fix_type=True [, blockname=None [, hdrkeys=None ] ]]]])
    filename = ''
    if type(arg) == str and pycrates.Crate(arg).is_image()==0:

        filename = arg

        isbinary = True
        colnames = True
        dmsyn = ''

        if '[' in filename and ']' in filename:
            parts = filename.split('[')
            filename = parts.pop(0)
            if parts:
                dmsyn = parts.pop(0).lower()

        if not is_binary_file(filename):
            isbinary = False
            fd = open(filename, 'r')
                line = fd.readline().strip()
                while len(line) > 0 and line[0] in '#%':
                    last = line
                    line = fd.readline().strip()
                if (last is not None and
                    (len(last.split(' ')) != len(line.split(' ')) )):
                    colnames = False

        if blockname is not None:
            arg += "[%s]" % str(blockname).upper()

        if (not isbinary) and (not colnames) and (not 'cols' in dmsyn):
            arg += "[opt colnames=none]"

        tbl = _open_crate(pycrates.TABLECrate, [arg])

        filename = tbl.get_filename()

        # Make a copy of the data, since we don't know that pycrates will
        # do something sensible wrt reference counting
    elif isinstance(arg, pycrates.TABLECrate):
        tbl = arg
        filename = arg.get_filename()
        raise IOErr('badfile', arg, 'TABLECrate obj')

    cnames = list(pycrates.get_col_names(tbl, vectors=False, rawonly=True))

    if colkeys is not None:
        colkeys = [str(name).strip() for name in list(colkeys)]

    elif (type(arg) == str and (not os.path.isfile(arg))
          and '[' in arg and ']' in arg):
        colkeys = cnames

    # Try Channel, Counts or X,Y before defaulting to first two table cols
    elif 'CHANNEL' in cnames and 'COUNTS' in cnames:
        colkeys = ['CHANNEL','COUNTS']

    elif 'X' in cnames and 'Y' in cnames:
        colkeys = ['X','Y']

        colkeys = cnames[:ncols]

    cols = []
    for name in colkeys:
        for col in _require_tbl_col(tbl, name, cnames, make_copy, fix_type):

    if hdrkeys is not None:
        for key in hdrkeys:
            hdr[key] = _require_hdr_key(tbl, key)

    return colkeys, cols, filename, hdr
Exemple #17
def get_pha_data(arg, make_copy=False, use_background=False):
    get_pha_data( filename [, make_copy=False [, use_background=False[])

    get_pha_data( [PrimaryHDU, BinTableHDU] [, make_copy=False
                  [, use_background=False]])
    filename = ''
    if type(arg) == str and is_binary_file(arg):
        pha = pyfits.open(arg)
        filename = arg
    elif ( (type(arg) is pyfits.HDUList) and
           (len(arg) > 0) and
           (arg[0].__class__ is pyfits.PrimaryHDU) ):
        pha = arg
        filename = pha[0]._file.name
        raise IOErr('badfile', arg, "a binary FITS spectrum or a PyFITS.BinTableHDU list")

        if _has_hdu(pha, 'SPECTRUM'):
            hdu = pha['SPECTRUM']
        elif (_has_hdu(pha, 1) and
              ((_try_key(pha[1], 'HDUCLAS1') == 'SPECTRUM') or
               (_try_key(pha[1], 'HDUCLAS2') == 'SPECTRUM'))):
            hdu = pha[1]
            raise IOErr('notrsp',  filename, "a PHA spectrum")

        if use_background:
            for block in pha:
                if (_try_key(block, 'HDUCLAS2') == 'BKG'):
                         hdu = block

        keys = ['BACKFILE','ANCRFILE','RESPFILE',
        datasets = []

        if _try_col(hdu, 'SPEC_NUM') is None:
            data = {}

            # Keywords
            data['exposure'] = _try_key(hdu, 'EXPOSURE', True, SherpaFloat)
            #data['poisserr'] = _try_key(hdu, 'POISSERR', True, bool)
            data['backfile'] = _try_key(hdu, 'BACKFILE')
            data['arffile']  = _try_key(hdu, 'ANCRFILE')
            data['rmffile']  = _try_key(hdu, 'RESPFILE')

            # Keywords or columns
            data['backscal'] = _try_col_or_key(hdu, 'BACKSCAL', fix_type=True)
            data['backscup'] = _try_col_or_key(hdu, 'BACKSCUP', fix_type=True)
            data['backscdn'] = _try_col_or_key(hdu, 'BACKSCDN', fix_type=True)
            data['areascal'] = _try_col_or_key(hdu, 'AREASCAL', fix_type=True)

            # Columns
            data['channel']         = _require_col(hdu, 'CHANNEL', fix_type=True)
            #Make sure channel numbers not indices
            chan = list(hdu.columns.names).index('CHANNEL') + 1
            tlmin = _try_key(hdu, 'TLMIN'+str(chan), True, SherpaUInt)
            if int(data['channel'][0]) == 0 or ((tlmin is not None) and tlmin == 0):
                data['channel'] = data['channel']+1

            data['counts']      = _try_col(hdu, 'COUNTS', fix_type=True)
            if data['counts'] is None:
                data['counts']  = _require_col(hdu, 'RATE', fix_type=True) * data['exposure']
            data['staterror']       = _try_col(hdu, 'STAT_ERR')
            data['syserror']        = _try_col(hdu, 'SYS_ERR')
            data['background_up']   = _try_col(hdu, 'BACKGROUND_UP', fix_type=True)
            data['background_down'] = _try_col(hdu, 'BACKGROUND_DOWN', fix_type=True)
            data['bin_lo']          = _try_col(hdu, 'BIN_LO', fix_type=True)
            data['bin_hi']          = _try_col(hdu, 'BIN_HI', fix_type=True)
            data['grouping']        = _try_col(hdu, 'GROUPING', SherpaInt)
            data['quality']         = _try_col(hdu, 'QUALITY', SherpaInt)
            data['header']            = _get_meta_data(hdu)
            for key in keys:
                except KeyError:

            if data['syserror'] is not None:
                # SYS_ERR is the fractional systematic error
                data['syserror'] = data['syserror'] * data['counts']


            data = {}
            # Type 2 PHA file support

            specnum = _try_col_or_key(hdu, 'SPEC_NUM')
            num = len(specnum)

            # Keywords
            exposure = _try_key(hdu, 'EXPOSURE', True, SherpaFloat)
            #poisserr = _try_key(hdu, 'POISSERR', True, bool)
            backfile = _try_key(hdu, 'BACKFILE')
            arffile  = _try_key(hdu, 'ANCRFILE')
            rmffile  = _try_key(hdu, 'RESPFILE')

            # Keywords or columns
            backscal = _try_vec_or_key(hdu, 'BACKSCAL', num, fix_type=True)
            backscup = _try_vec_or_key(hdu, 'BACKSCUP', num, fix_type=True)
            backscdn = _try_vec_or_key(hdu, 'BACKSCDN', num, fix_type=True)
            areascal = _try_vec_or_key(hdu, 'AREASCAL', num, fix_type=True)

            # Columns
            channel         = _require_vec(hdu, 'CHANNEL', num, fix_type=True)

            #Make sure channel numbers not indices
            chan = list(hdu.columns.names).index('CHANNEL') + 1
            tlmin = _try_key(hdu, 'TLMIN'+str(chan), True, SherpaUInt)
            for ii in range(num):
                if int(channel[ii][0]) == 0:
                    channel[ii] += 1
            #if ((tlmin is not None) and tlmin == 0) or int(channel[0]) == 0:
            #    channel += 1

            counts =  _try_vec(hdu, 'COUNTS', num, fix_type=True)
            if None in counts:
                counts =  _require_vec(hdu, 'RATE', num, fix_type=True) * data['exposure']
            staterror       = _try_vec(hdu, 'STAT_ERR', num)
            syserror        = _try_vec(hdu, 'SYS_ERR', num)
            background_up   = _try_vec(hdu, 'BACKGROUND_UP', num, fix_type=True)
            background_down = _try_vec(hdu, 'BACKGROUND_DOWN', num, fix_type=True)
            bin_lo          = _try_vec(hdu, 'BIN_LO', num, fix_type=True)
            bin_hi          = _try_vec(hdu, 'BIN_HI', num, fix_type=True)
            grouping        = _try_vec(hdu, 'GROUPING', num, SherpaInt)
            quality         = _try_vec(hdu, 'QUALITY', num, SherpaInt)

            orders          = _try_vec(hdu, 'TG_M', num, SherpaInt)
            parts           = _try_vec(hdu, 'TG_PART', num, SherpaInt)
            specnums        = _try_vec(hdu, 'SPEC_NUM', num, SherpaInt)
            srcids          = _try_vec(hdu, 'TG_SRCID', num, SherpaInt)

            # Iterate over all rows of channels, counts, errors, etc
            # Populate a list of dictionaries containing
            # individual dataset info
            for (bscal, bscup, bscdn, arsc, chan, cnt, staterr, syserr,
                 backup, backdown, binlo, binhi, group, qual, ordr, prt,
                 specnum, srcid
                 ) in izip(backscal, backscup, backscdn, areascal, channel,
                           counts, staterror, syserror, background_up,
                           background_down, bin_lo, bin_hi, grouping, quality,
                           orders, parts, specnums, srcids):
                data = {}

                data['exposure'] = exposure
                #data['poisserr'] = poisserr
                data['backfile'] = backfile
                data['arffile']  = arffile
                data['rmffile']  = rmffile

                data['backscal'] = bscal
                data['backscup'] = bscup
                data['backscdn'] = bscdn
                data['areascal'] = arsc

                data['channel']         = chan
                data['counts']          = cnt
                data['staterror']       = staterr
                data['syserror']        = syserr
                data['background_up']   = backup
                data['background_down'] = backdown
                data['bin_lo']          = binlo
                data['bin_hi']          = binhi
                data['grouping']        = group
                data['quality']         = qual
                data['header']            = _get_meta_data(hdu)
                data['header']['TG_M']     = ordr
                data['header']['TG_PART']  = prt
                data['header']['SPEC_NUM'] = specnum
                data['header']['TG_SRCID'] = srcid

                for key in keys:
                    except KeyError:

                if syserr is not None:
                    # SYS_ERR is the fractional systematic error
                    data['syserror'] = syserr * cnt



    return datasets, filename
Exemple #18
def get_image_data(arg, make_copy=False):
    get_image_data( filename [, make_copy=False ])

    get_image_data( [PrimaryHDU] [, make_copy=False ])
    filename = ''
    if type(arg) == str and is_binary_file(arg):
        hdu = pyfits.open(arg)
        filename = arg
    elif ( (type(arg) is pyfits.HDUList) and
           (len(arg) > 0 ) and
           (arg[0].__class__ is pyfits.PrimaryHDU) ):
        hdu = arg
        filename = hdu[0]._file.name
        raise IOErr('badfile', arg, "a binary FITS file or a PyFITS.PrimaryHDU list")

#   FITS uses logical-to-world where we use physical-to-world.
#   For all transforms, update their physical-to-world
#   values from their logical-to-world values.
#   Find the matching physical transform
#      (same axis no, but sub = 'P' )
#   and use it for the update.
#   Physical tfms themselves do not get updated.
#  Fill the physical-to-world transform given the
#  logical-to-world and the associated logical-to-physical.
#      W = wv + wd * ( P - wp )
#      P = pv + pd * ( L - pp )
#      W = lv + ld * ( L - lp )
# Then
#      L = pp + ( P - pv ) / pd
# so   W = lv + ld * ( pp + (P-pv)/pd - lp )
#        = lv + ( ld / pd ) * ( P - [ pv +  (lp-pp)*pd ] )
# Hence
#      wv = lv
#      wd = ld / pd
#      wp = pv + ( lp - pp ) * pd

#  EG suppose phys-to-world is
#         W =  1000 + 2.0 * ( P - 4.0 )
#  and we bin and scale to generate a logical-to-phys of
#         P =  20 + 4.0 * ( L - 10 )
#  Then
#         W = 1000 + 2.0 * ( (20-4) - 4 * 10 ) + 2 * 4 $

        data = {}

        img = hdu[0]
        if hdu[0].data is None:
            img = hdu[1]
            if hdu[1].data is None:
                raise IOErr('badimg', '')

        data['y'] = numpy.asarray(img.data)

        cdeltp = _get_wcs_key(img, 'CDELT1P', 'CDELT2P')
        crpixp = _get_wcs_key(img, 'CRPIX1P', 'CRPIX2P')
        crvalp = _get_wcs_key(img, 'CRVAL1P', 'CRVAL2P')
        cdeltw = _get_wcs_key(img, 'CDELT1', 'CDELT2')
        crpixw = _get_wcs_key(img, 'CRPIX1', 'CRPIX2')
        crvalw = _get_wcs_key(img, 'CRVAL1', 'CRVAL2')

        # proper calculation of cdelt wrt PHYSICAL coords
        if (( cdeltw != () ) and ( cdeltp != () ) ):
            cdeltw = cdeltw/cdeltp

        # proper calculation of crpix wrt PHYSICAL coords
        if (( crpixw != () ) and ( crvalp != () ) and
            ( cdeltp != () ) and ( crpixp != () ) ):
            crpixw = crvalp + ( crpixw - crpixp ) * cdeltp

        sky = None
        if(cdeltp != () and crpixp != () and crvalp != () and transformstatus):
            sky = WCS('physical', 'LINEAR', crvalp, crpixp, cdeltp)

        eqpos = None
        if(cdeltw != () and crpixw != () and crvalw != () and transformstatus):
            eqpos = WCS('world', 'WCS', crvalw, crpixw, cdeltw)

        data['sky'] = sky
        data['eqpos'] = eqpos
        data['header'] = _get_meta_data(img)

        keys = ['MTYPE1','MFORM1','CTYPE1P','CTYPE2P','WCSNAMEP','CDELT1P',

        for key in keys:
            except KeyError:


    return data, filename
Exemple #19
def get_table_data(arg, ncols=1, colkeys=None, make_copy=False, fix_type=False,
                   blockname = None, hdrkeys=None):
    get_table_data( filename , ncols=1 [, colkeys=None [, make_copy=False [, blockname=None [, hdrkeys=None ]]]])

    get_table_data( [PrimaryHDU, BinTableHDU] , ncols=1 [, colkeys=None [, make_copy=False [, blockname=None [, hdrkeys=None ]]]])
    filename = ''
    if type(arg) == str and is_binary_file(arg):
        tbl = pyfits.open(arg)
        filename = arg
    elif ( (type(arg) is pyfits.HDUList) and
           (len(arg) > 0) and
           (arg[0].__class__ is pyfits.PrimaryHDU) ):
        tbl = arg
        filename = tbl[0]._file.name
        raise IOErr('badfile', arg, "a binary FITS table or a PyFITS.BinTableHDU list")

        # Use the first binary table extension we find.  Throw an exception
        # if there aren't any.
        for hdu in tbl:
            if blockname is None:
                if hdu.__class__ is pyfits.BinTableHDU:
            elif (hdu.name.lower() == str(blockname).strip().lower() and
                  hdu.__class__ is pyfits.BinTableHDU):

            raise IOErr('badext', filename)

        cnames = list(hdu.columns.names)

        if colkeys is not None:
            colkeys = [name.strip().upper() for name in list(colkeys)]
        # Try Channel, Counts or X,Y before defaulting to first two table cols
        elif ('CHANNEL' in cnames) and ('COUNTS' in cnames):
            colkeys = ['CHANNEL','COUNTS']
        elif ('X' in cnames) and ('Y' in cnames):
            colkeys = ['X','Y']
            colkeys = cnames[:ncols]

        cols = []
        for name in colkeys:
            for col in _require_tbl_col(hdu, name, fix_type=fix_type):

        if hdrkeys is not None:
            for key in hdrkeys:
                hdr[key] = _require_key(hdu, key)


    return colkeys, cols, filename, hdr
Exemple #20
def get_image_data(arg, make_copy=False):
    get_image_data( filename [, make_copy=False ])

    get_image_data( [PrimaryHDU] [, make_copy=False ])
    filename = ''
    if type(arg) == str and is_binary_file(arg):
        hdu = pyfits.open(arg)
        filename = arg
    elif ( (type(arg) is pyfits.HDUList) and
           (len(arg) > 0 ) and
           (arg[0].__class__ is pyfits.PrimaryHDU) ):
        hdu = arg
        filename = hdu[0]._file.name
        raise IOErr('badfile', arg, "a binary FITS file or a PyFITS.PrimaryHDU list")

#   FITS uses logical-to-world where we use physical-to-world.
#   For all transforms, update their physical-to-world
#   values from their logical-to-world values.
#   Find the matching physical transform
#      (same axis no, but sub = 'P' )
#   and use it for the update.
#   Physical tfms themselves do not get updated.
#  Fill the physical-to-world transform given the
#  logical-to-world and the associated logical-to-physical.
#      W = wv + wd * ( P - wp )
#      P = pv + pd * ( L - pp )
#      W = lv + ld * ( L - lp )
# Then
#      L = pp + ( P - pv ) / pd
# so   W = lv + ld * ( pp + (P-pv)/pd - lp )
#        = lv + ( ld / pd ) * ( P - [ pv +  (lp-pp)*pd ] )
# Hence
#      wv = lv
#      wd = ld / pd
#      wp = pv + ( lp - pp ) * pd

#  EG suppose phys-to-world is
#         W =  1000 + 2.0 * ( P - 4.0 )
#  and we bin and scale to generate a logical-to-phys of
#         P =  20 + 4.0 * ( L - 10 )
#  Then
#         W = 1000 + 2.0 * ( (20-4) - 4 * 10 ) + 2 * 4 $

        data = {}

        img = hdu[0]
        if hdu[0].data is None:
            img = hdu[1]
            if hdu[1].data is None:
                raise IOErr('badimg', '')

        data['y'] = numpy.asarray(img.data)

        cdeltp = _get_wcs_key(img, 'CDELT1P', 'CDELT2P')
        crpixp = _get_wcs_key(img, 'CRPIX1P', 'CRPIX2P')
        crvalp = _get_wcs_key(img, 'CRVAL1P', 'CRVAL2P')
        cdeltw = _get_wcs_key(img, 'CDELT1', 'CDELT2')
        crpixw = _get_wcs_key(img, 'CRPIX1', 'CRPIX2')
        crvalw = _get_wcs_key(img, 'CRVAL1', 'CRVAL2')

        # proper calculation of cdelt wrt PHYSICAL coords
        if (( cdeltw != () ) and ( cdeltp != () ) ):
            cdeltw = cdeltw/cdeltp

        # proper calculation of crpix wrt PHYSICAL coords
        if (( crpixw != () ) and ( crvalp != () ) and
            ( cdeltp != () ) and ( crpixp != () ) ):
            crpixw = crvalp + ( crpixw - crpixp ) * cdeltp

        sky = None
        if(cdeltp != () and crpixp != () and crvalp != () and transformstatus):
            sky = WCS('physical', 'LINEAR', crvalp, crpixp, cdeltp)

        eqpos = None
        if(cdeltw != () and crpixw != () and crvalw != () and transformstatus):
            eqpos = WCS('world', 'WCS', crvalw, crpixw, cdeltw)

        data['sky'] = sky
        data['eqpos'] = eqpos
        data['header'] = _get_meta_data(img)

        keys = ['MTYPE1','MFORM1','CTYPE1P','CTYPE2P','WCSNAMEP','CDELT1P',

        for key in keys:
            except KeyError:


    return data, filename
Exemple #21
def get_ascii_data(filename, ncols=1, colkeys=None, sep=' ', dstype=Data1D,
                   comment='#', require_floats=True):
    """Read in columns from an ASCII file.

    filename : str
       The name of the ASCII file to read in.
    ncols : int, optional
       The number of columns to read in (the first ``ncols`` columns
       in the file). This is ignored if ``colkeys`` is given.
    colkeys : array of str, optional
       An array of the column name to read in. The default is
    sep : str, optional
       The separator character. The default is ``' '``.
    dstype : data class to use, optional
       Used to check that the data file contains enough columns.
    comment : str, optional
       The comment character. The default is ``'#'``.
    require_floats : bool, optional
       If ``True`` (the default), non-numeric data values will
       raise a `ValueError`.

    (colnames, coldata, filename)
       The column names read in, the data for the columns
       as an array, with each element being the data for the column
       (the order matches ``colnames``), and the name of the file.

       Raised if a requested column is missing or the file appears
       to be a binary file.
       If a column value can not be converted into a numeric value
       and the ``require_floats`` parameter is True.

    See Also
    read_arrays, read_data, write_arrays, write_data


    The file is processed by reading in each line, stripping out any
    unsupported characters (replacing them by the ``sep`` argument),
    skipping empty lines, and then identifying comment and data lines.

    The list of unsupported characters are: ``\t``, ``\n``,
    ``\r``, comma, semi-colon, colon, space, and ``|``.

    The last comment line before the data is used to define the
    column names, splitting the line by the ``sep`` argument.
    If there are no comment lines then the columns are named
    starting at ``col1``, ``col2``, up to the number of columns.

    Data lines are separated into columns - splitting by the
    ``sep`` comment - and then converted to NumPy arrays.
    If the ``require_floats`` argument is ``True`` then the
    column will be converted to the `sherpa.utils.SherpaFloat`
    type, with an error raised if this fails.

    An error is raised if the number of columns per row
    is not constant.

    If the ``colkeys`` argument is used then a case-sensitive
    match is used to determine what columns to return.


    Read in the first column from the file:

    >>> (colnames, coldata, fname) = get_ascii_data('src.dat')

    Read in the first three columns from the file:

    >>> colinfo = get_ascii_data('src.dat', ncols=3)

    Read in a histogram data set, using the columns XLO, XHI,
    and Y:

    >>> cols = ['XLO', 'XHI', 'Y']
    >>> res = get_ascii_data('hist.dat', colkeys=cols,

    Read in the first and third column from the file cols.dat,
    where the file has no header information:

    >>> res = get_ascii_data('cols.dat', colkeys=['col1', 'col3'])


    if is_binary_file(filename):
        raise IOErr('notascii', filename)

    names, args = read_file_data(filename, sep, comment, require_floats)

    if colkeys is None:
        kwargs = []
        if ncols != 1:
            _check_args(ncols, dstype)
        return (names, kwargs, filename)

    kwargs = []
    colkeys = list(colkeys)

    if len(names) > len(args):
        raise IOErr('toomanycols')

    assert(len(names) <= len(args))

    for key in colkeys:
        if key not in names:
            raise IOErr('reqcol', key, numpy.asarray(names, numpy.string_))

    _check_args(len(kwargs), dstype)
    return (colkeys, kwargs, filename)
Exemple #22
def get_ascii_data(filename,
                   sep=' ',
    """Read in columns from an ASCII file.

    filename : str
       The name of the ASCII file to read in.
    ncols : int, optional
       The number of columns to read in (the first ``ncols`` columns
       in the file). This is ignored if ``colkeys`` is given.
    colkeys : array of str, optional
       An array of the column name to read in. The default is
    sep : str, optional
       The separator character. The default is ``' '``.
    dstype : data class to use, optional
       Used to check that the data file contains enough columns.
    comment : str, optional
       The comment character. The default is ``'#'``.
    require_floats : bool, optional
       If ``True`` (the default), non-numeric data values will
       raise a `ValueError`.

    (colnames, coldata, filename)
       The column names read in, the data for the columns
       as an array, with each element being the data for the column
       (the order matches ``colnames``), and the name of the file.

       Raised if a requested column is missing or the file appears
       to be a binary file.
       If a column value can not be converted into a numeric value
       and the ``require_floats`` parameter is True.

    See Also
    read_arrays, read_data, write_arrays, write_data


    The file is processed by reading in each line, stripping out any
    unsupported characters (replacing them by the ``sep`` argument),
    skipping empty lines, and then identifying comment and data lines.

    The list of unsupported characters are: ``\t``, ``\n``,
    ``\r``, comma, semi-colon, colon, space, and ``|``.

    The last comment line before the data is used to define the
    column names, splitting the line by the ``sep`` argument.
    If there are no comment lines then the columns are named
    starting at ``col1``, ``col2``, up to the number of columns.

    Data lines are separated into columns - splitting by the
    ``sep`` comment - and then converted to NumPy arrays.
    If the ``require_floats`` argument is ``True`` then the
    column will be converted to the `sherpa.utils.SherpaFloat`
    type, with an error raised if this fails.

    An error is raised if the number of columns per row
    is not constant.

    If the ``colkeys`` argument is used then a case-sensitive
    match is used to determine what columns to return.


    Read in the first column from the file:

    >>> (colnames, coldata, fname) = get_ascii_data('src.dat')

    Read in the first three columns from the file:

    >>> colinfo = get_ascii_data('src.dat', ncols=3)

    Read in a histogram data set, using the columns XLO, XHI,
    and Y:

    >>> cols = ['XLO', 'XHI', 'Y']
    >>> res = get_ascii_data('hist.dat', colkeys=cols,

    Read in the first and third column from the file cols.dat,
    where the file has no header information:

    >>> res = get_ascii_data('cols.dat', colkeys=['col1', 'col3'])


    if is_binary_file(filename):
        raise IOErr('notascii', filename)

    names, args = read_file_data(filename, sep, comment, require_floats)

    if colkeys is None:
        kwargs = []
        if ncols != 1:
            _check_args(ncols, dstype)
        return (names, kwargs, filename)

    kwargs = []
    colkeys = list(colkeys)

    if len(names) > len(args):
        raise IOErr('toomanycols')

    assert (len(names) <= len(args))

    for key in colkeys:
        if key not in names:
            raise IOErr('reqcol', key, numpy.asarray(names, numpy.string_))

    _check_args(len(kwargs), dstype)
    return (colkeys, kwargs, filename)