Exemple #1
 def parse_attributes(self, request):
     Parse the incoming Shibboleth attributes. 
     From: https://github.com/russell/django-shibboleth/blob/master/django_shibboleth/utils.py
     Pull the mapped attributes from the apache headers.
     shib_attrs = {}
     error = False
     meta = request.environ
     for header, attr in SHIB_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.items():
         required, name = attr
         value = meta.get(header, None)
         shib_attrs[name] = value
         if not value or value == '':
             if required:
                 error = True
     return shib_attrs, error
Exemple #2
 def parse_attributes(self, request):
     Parse the incoming Shibboleth attributes.
     From: https://github.com/russell/django-shibboleth/blob/master/django_shibboleth/utils.py
     Pull the mapped attributes from the apache headers.
     shib_attrs = {}
     error = False
     meta = request.META
     for header, attr in SHIB_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.items():
         required, name = attr
         value = meta.get(header, None)
         shib_attrs[name] = value
         if not value or value == '':
             if required:
                 error = True
     return shib_attrs, error
 def parse_attributes(request):
     Parse the incoming Shibboleth attributes and convert them to the internal data structure.
     From: https://github.com/russell/django-shibboleth/blob/master/django_shibboleth/utils.py
     Pull the mapped attributes from the apache headers.
     shib_attrs = {}
     error = False
     meta = request.META
     for header, attr in list(SHIB_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.items()):
         required, name = attr
         value = meta.get(header, None)
         shib_attrs[name] = value
         if not value or value == "":
             if required:
                 error = True
     return shib_attrs, error
 def parse_attributes(request):
     Parse the incoming Shibboleth attributes and convert them to the internal data structure.
     From: https://github.com/russell/django-shibboleth/blob/master/django_shibboleth/utils.py
     Pull the mapped attributes from the apache headers.
     shib_attrs = {}
     error = False
     meta = request.META
     for header, attr in list(SHIB_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.items()):
         required, name = attr
         value = meta.get(header, None)
         if value:
             shib_attrs[name] = value
         elif required:
             error = True
     return shib_attrs, error
    def parse_attributes(self, request):
        Parse the incoming Shibboleth attributes.
        From: https://github.com/russell/django-shibboleth/blob/master/django_shibboleth/utils.py
        Pull the mapped attributes from the apache headers.
        shib_attrs = {}
        error = False
        meta = request.META
        for header, attr in SHIB_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.items():
            required, name = attr[:2]

            wants_list = False
            if name.endswith('[]'):
                wants_list = True
                name = name[:-2]

            value = meta.get(header, None)
            if len(attr) > 2 and callable(attr[2]):
                # Give the user a way to massage the data from Shibboleth;
                # for example: split it into a list
                value = attr[2](name, value)
            elif wants_list:
                # User asked for a list but didn't give us a way to make one.
                # Assume it's one of the standard Shibboleth attributes and split
                # on ';'
                value = value.split(';') if value else []

            # Check that value is a list only after the user callback.
            # Don't create a list out of a false value. If the user really
            # wants that then they can do it in their callback.
            if wants_list and value and not isinstance(value, list):
                value = [value]

            # Extend an existing list if it's present, otherwise
            # just set the value.
            if wants_list and name in shib_attrs:
                shib_attrs[name] = value

            if not value or value == '':
                if required:
                    error = True

        return shib_attrs, error
 def parse_attributes(request):
     Parse the incoming Shibboleth attributes and convert them to the internal data structure.
     From: https://github.com/russell/django-shibboleth/blob/master/django_shibboleth/utils.py
     Pull the mapped attributes from the apache headers.
     shib_attrs = {}
     error = False
     meta = request.META
     for header, attr in list(SHIB_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.items()):
         if len(attr) == 3:
             required, name, attr_processor = attr
             required, name = attr
             attr_processor = lambda x: x
         value = meta.get(header, None)
         if value:
             shib_attrs[name] = attr_processor(value)
         elif required:
             error = True
     return shib_attrs, error
Exemple #7
 def parse_attributes(request):
     Parse the incoming Shibboleth attributes and convert them to the internal data structure.
     From: https://github.com/russell/django-shibboleth/blob/master/django_shibboleth/utils.py
     Pull the mapped attributes from the apache headers.
     shib_attrs = {}
     error = False
     meta = request.META
     for header, attr in list(SHIB_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.items()):
         if len(attr) == 3:
             required, name, attr_processor = attr
             required, name = attr
             attr_processor = lambda x: x
         value = meta.get(header, None)
         if value:
             if UNQUOTE_ATTRIBUTES:
                 value = unquote(value)
             shib_attrs[name] = attr_processor(value)
         elif required:
             error = True
     return shib_attrs, error