Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, configs, hosts, services, contacts, hostgroups, servicegroups, contactgroups, timeperiods, commands, schedulers, pollers, reactionners, brokers, dbconn, pnp_path, return_queue, counters):
        # Runtime data form the global Thrift object
        print "ThriftQuery.__init__()"
        self.configs = configs
        self.hosts = hosts
        self.services = services
        self.contacts = contacts
        self.hostgroups = hostgroups
        self.servicegroups = servicegroups
        self.contactgroups = contactgroups
        self.timeperiods = timeperiods
        self.commands = commands
        self.schedulers = schedulers
        self.pollers = pollers
        self.reactionners = reactionners
        self.brokers = brokers
        self.dbconn = dbconn
        self.pnp_path = pnp_path
        self.return_queue = return_queue
        self.counters = counters

        # Private attributes for this specific request
        self.response = ThriftResponse(responseheader = 'off', outputformat = 'csv', keepalive = 'off', columnheaders = 'undef', separators = ThriftResponse.separators)
        self.table = None
        self.columns = []
        self.filtercolumns = []
        self.prefiltercolumns = []
        self.stats_group_by = []
        self.stats_columns = []
        self.aliases = []
        self.limit = None
        self.extcmd = False
        self.out_map = self.copy_out_map_hooks()

        # Initialize the stacks which are needed for the Filter: and Stats:
        # filter- and count-operations
        self.filter_stack = LiveStatusStack()
        self.sql_filter_stack = LiveStatusStack()
        self.sql_filter_stack.type = 'sql'
        self.stats_filter_stack = LiveStatusStack()
        self.stats_postprocess_stack = LiveStatusStack()
        self.stats_request = False

        # When was this query launched?
        self.tic = time.time()
        # Clients can also send their local time with the request
        self.client_localtime = self.tic
Exemple #2
class ThriftQuery(Hooker):

    my_type = 'query'

    def __init__(self, configs, hosts, services, contacts, hostgroups, servicegroups, contactgroups, timeperiods, commands, schedulers, pollers, reactionners, brokers, dbconn, pnp_path, return_queue, counters):
        # Runtime data form the global Thrift object
        print "ThriftQuery.__init__()"
        self.configs = configs
        self.hosts = hosts
        self.services = services
        self.contacts = contacts
        self.hostgroups = hostgroups
        self.servicegroups = servicegroups
        self.contactgroups = contactgroups
        self.timeperiods = timeperiods
        self.commands = commands
        self.schedulers = schedulers
        self.pollers = pollers
        self.reactionners = reactionners
        self.brokers = brokers
        self.dbconn = dbconn
        self.pnp_path = pnp_path
        self.return_queue = return_queue
        self.counters = counters

        # Private attributes for this specific request
        self.response = ThriftResponse(responseheader = 'off', outputformat = 'csv', keepalive = 'off', columnheaders = 'undef', separators = ThriftResponse.separators)
        self.table = None
        self.columns = []
        self.filtercolumns = []
        self.prefiltercolumns = []
        self.stats_group_by = []
        self.stats_columns = []
        self.aliases = []
        self.limit = None
        self.extcmd = False
        self.out_map = self.copy_out_map_hooks()

        # Initialize the stacks which are needed for the Filter: and Stats:
        # filter- and count-operations
        self.filter_stack = LiveStatusStack()
        self.sql_filter_stack = LiveStatusStack()
        self.sql_filter_stack.type = 'sql'
        self.stats_filter_stack = LiveStatusStack()
        self.stats_postprocess_stack = LiveStatusStack()
        self.stats_request = False

        # When was this query launched?
        self.tic = time.time()
        # Clients can also send their local time with the request
        self.client_localtime = self.tic

    def find_converter(self, attribute):
        """Return a function that converts textual numbers
        in the request to the correct data type"""
        out_map = LSout_map[self.out_map_name]
        if attribute in out_map and 'type' in out_map[attribute]:
            if out_map[attribute]['type'] == 'int':
                return int
            elif out_map[attribute]['type'] == 'float':
                return float
        return None

    def set_default_out_map_name(self):
        """Translate the table name to the corresponding out_map key."""
            self.out_map_name = {
                'hosts' : 'Host',
                'services' : 'Service',
                'hostgroups' : 'Hostgroup',
                'servicegroups' : 'Servicegroup',
                'contacts' : 'Contact',
                'contactgroups' : 'Contactgroup',
                'comments' : 'Comment',
                'downtimes' : 'Downtime',
                'commands' : 'Command',
                'timeperiods' : 'Timeperiod',
                'hostsbygroup' : 'Hostsbygroup',
                'servicesbygroup' : 'Servicesbygroup',
                'servicesbyhostgroup' : 'Servicesbyhostgroup',
                'status' : 'Config',
                'log' : 'Logline',
                'schedulers' : 'SchedulerLink',
                'pollers' : 'PollerLink',
                'reactionners' : 'ReactionnerLink',
                'brokers' : 'BrokerLink',
                'problems' : 'Problem',
                'columns' : 'Config', # just a dummy
            self.out_map_name = 'hosts'

    def copy_out_map_hooks(self):
        """Update the hooks for some out_map entries.
        Thrift columns which have a fulldepythonize postprocessor
        need an updated argument list. The third argument needs to
        be the request object. (When the out_map is first supplied
        with hooks, the third argument is the Thrift object.)
        new_map = {}
        for objtype in LSout_map:
            new_map[objtype] = {}
            for attribute in LSout_map[objtype]:
                new_map[objtype][attribute] = {}
                entry =  LSout_map[objtype][attribute]
                if 'hooktype' in entry:
                    if 'prop' not in entry or entry['prop'] is None:
                        prop = attribute
                        prop = entry['prop']
                    if 'default' in entry:
                        default = entry['default']
                        if entry['type'] == 'int' or entry['type'] == 'float':
                            default = 0
                            default = ''
                    func = entry['fulldepythonize']
                    new_map[objtype][attribute]['hook'] = self.make_hook('get_prop_full_depythonize', prop, default, func, None)
                    new_map[objtype][attribute]['hook'] = entry['hook']
        return new_map

    def __str__(self):
        output = "ThriftRequest:\n"
        for attr in ["table", "columns", "filtercolumns", "prefiltercolumns", "aliases", "stats_group_by", "stats_request"]:
            output += "request %s: %s\n" % (attr, getattr(self, attr))
        return output

    def split_command(self, line, splits=1):
        """Create a list from the words of a line"""
        return line.split(' ', splits)

    def split_option(self, line, splits=1):
        """Like split_commands, but converts numbers to int data type"""
        #x = [int(i) if i.isdigit() else i for i in [token.strip() for token in re.split(r"[\s]+", line, splits)]]
        x = map (lambda i: (i.isdigit() and int(i)) or i, [token.strip() for token in re.split(r"[\s]+", line, splits)])
        return x

    def split_option_with_columns(self, line):
        """Split a line in a command and a list of words"""
        cmd, columns = self.split_option(line)
        return cmd, [self.strip_table_from_column(c) for c in re.compile(r'\s+').split(columns)]

    def strip_table_from_column(self, column):
        """Cut off the table name, because it is possible 
        to say service_state instead of state"""
        bygroupmatch = re.compile('(\w+)by.*group').search(self.table)
        if bygroupmatch:
            return re.sub(re.sub('s$', '', bygroupmatch.group(1)) + '_', '', column, 1)
            return re.sub(re.sub('s$', '', self.table) + '_', '', column, 1)

    def launch_query(self):
        """ Prepare the request object's filter stacks """
        print "launch_query"
        # A minimal integrity check
        if not self.table:
            return []

        # Make columns unique
        self.filtercolumns = list(set(self.filtercolumns))
        self.prefiltercolumns = list(set(self.prefiltercolumns))
        self.stats_columns = list(set(self.stats_columns))

        if self.stats_request:
            if len(self.columns) > 0:
                # StatsGroupBy is deprecated. Columns: can be used instead
                self.stats_group_by = self.columns
            elif len(self.stats_group_by) > 0:
                self.columns = self.stats_group_by + self.stats_columns
            #if len(self.stats_columns) > 0 and len(self.columns) == 0:
            if len(self.stats_columns) > 0:
                self.columns = self.stats_columns + self.columns

        # Make one big filter where the single filters are anded
            # Remember the number of stats filters. We need these numbers as columns later.
            # But we need to ask now, because get_live_data() will empty the stack
            num_stats_filters = self.stats_filter_stack.qsize()
            if self.table == 'log':
                result = self.get_live_data_log()
                # If the pnpgraph_present column is involved, then check
                # with each request if the pnp perfdata path exists
                if 'pnpgraph_present' in self.columns + self.filtercolumns + self.prefiltercolumns and self.pnp_path and os.access(self.pnp_path, os.R_OK):
                    self.pnp_path_readable = True
                    self.pnp_path_readable = False
                # Apply the filters on the broker's host/service/etc elements
                result = self.get_live_data()
            if self.stats_request:
                self.columns = range(num_stats_filters)
                if self.stats_group_by:
                    self.columns = tuple(list(self.stats_group_by) + list(self.columns))
                if len(self.aliases) == 0:
                    #If there were Stats: staments without "as", show no column headers at all
                    self.response.columnheaders = 'off'
                    self.response.columnheaders = 'on'

        except Exception, e:
            import traceback
            print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
            print e
            print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
            result = []
        return result