Exemple #1
class Shinken(BaseSatellite):

    properties = BaseSatellite.properties.copy()
        'pidfile':   PathProp(default='schedulerd.pid'),
        'port':      IntegerProp(default='7768'),
        'local_log': PathProp(default='schedulerd.log'),

    # Create the shinken class:
    # Create a Pyro server (port = arvg 1)
    # then create the interface for arbiter
    # Then, it wait for a first configuration
    def __init__(self, config_file, is_daemon, do_replace, debug, debug_file, profile=''):

        BaseSatellite.__init__(self, 'scheduler', config_file, is_daemon, do_replace, debug, debug_file)

        self.interface = IForArbiter(self)
        self.istats = IStats(self)
        self.sched = Scheduler(self)

        self.ichecks = None
        self.ibroks = None
        self.must_run = True

        # Now the interface
        self.uri = None
        self.uri2 = None

        # And possible links for satellites
        # from now only pollers
        self.pollers = {}
        self.reactionners = {}
        self.brokers = {}

    def do_stop(self):
        if self.http_daemon:
            if self.ibroks:
            if self.ichecks:
        super(Shinken, self).do_stop()

    def compensate_system_time_change(self, difference):
        """ Compensate a system time change of difference for all hosts/services/checks/notifs """
        logger.warning("A system time change of %d has been detected. Compensating..." % difference)
        # We only need to change some value
        self.program_start = max(0, self.program_start + difference)

        if not hasattr(self.sched, "conf"):
            # Race condition where time change before getting conf

        # Then we compensate all host/services
        for h in self.sched.hosts:
        for s in self.sched.services:

        # Now all checks and actions
        for c in self.sched.checks.values():
            # Already launch checks should not be touch
            if c.status == 'scheduled' and c.t_to_go is not None:
                t_to_go = c.t_to_go
                ref = c.ref
                new_t = max(0, t_to_go + difference)
                if ref.check_period is not None:
                    # But it's no so simple, we must match the timeperiod
                    new_t = ref.check_period.get_next_valid_time_from_t(new_t)
                # But maybe no there is no more new value! Not good :(
                # Say as error, with error output
                if new_t is None:
                    c.state = 'waitconsume'
                    c.exit_status = 2
                    c.output = '(Error: there is no available check time after time change!)'
                    c.check_time = time.time()
                    c.execution_time = 0
                    c.t_to_go = new_t
                    ref.next_chk = new_t

        # Now all checks and actions
        for c in self.sched.actions.values():
            # Already launch checks should not be touch
            if c.status == 'scheduled':
                t_to_go = c.t_to_go

                #  Event handler do not have ref
                ref = getattr(c, 'ref', None)
                new_t = max(0, t_to_go + difference)

                # Notification should be check with notification_period
                if c.is_a == 'notification':
                    if ref.notification_period:
                        # But it's no so simple, we must match the timeperiod
                        new_t = ref.notification_period.get_next_valid_time_from_t(new_t)
                    # And got a creation_time variable too
                    c.creation_time = c.creation_time + difference

                # But maybe no there is no more new value! Not good :(
                # Say as error, with error output
                if new_t is None:
                    c.state = 'waitconsume'
                    c.exit_status = 2
                    c.output = '(Error: there is no available check time after time change!)'
                    c.check_time = time.time()
                    c.execution_time = 0
                    c.t_to_go = new_t

    def manage_signal(self, sig, frame):
        logger.warning("Received a SIGNAL %s" % sig)
        # If we got USR1, just dump memory
        if sig == signal.SIGUSR1:
            self.sched.need_dump_memory = True
        elif sig == signal.SIGUSR2: #usr2, dump objects
            self.sched.need_objects_dump = True
        else:  # if not, die :)
            self.must_run = False
            Daemon.manage_signal(self, sig, frame)

    def do_loop_turn(self):
        # Ok, now the conf
        if not self.new_conf:
        logger.info("New configuration received")
        logger.info("New configuration loaded")

    def setup_new_conf(self):
        pk = self.new_conf
        conf_raw = pk['conf']
        override_conf = pk['override_conf']
        modules = pk['modules']
        satellites = pk['satellites']
        instance_name = pk['instance_name']
        push_flavor = pk['push_flavor']
        skip_initial_broks = pk['skip_initial_broks']
        accept_passive_unknown_check_results = pk['accept_passive_unknown_check_results']
        # horay, we got a name, we can set it in our stats objects
        statsmgr.register(instance_name, 'scheduler')
        t0 = time.time()
        conf = cPickle.loads(conf_raw)
        logger.debug("Conf received at %d. Unserialized in %d secs" % (t0, time.time() - t0))
        self.new_conf = None

        # Tag the conf with our data
        self.conf = conf
        self.conf.push_flavor = push_flavor
        self.conf.instance_name = instance_name
        self.conf.skip_initial_broks = skip_initial_broks
        self.conf.accept_passive_unknown_check_results = accept_passive_unknown_check_results

        self.cur_conf = conf
        self.override_conf = override_conf
        self.modules = modules
        self.satellites = satellites
        #self.pollers = self.app.pollers

        if self.conf.human_timestamp_log:

        # Now We create our pollers
        for pol_id in satellites['pollers']:
            # Must look if we already have it
            already_got = pol_id in self.pollers
            p = satellites['pollers'][pol_id]
            self.pollers[pol_id] = p

            if p['name'] in override_conf['satellitemap']:
                p = dict(p)  # make a copy

            proto = 'http'
            if p['use_ssl']:
                proto = 'https'
            uri = '%s://%s:%s/' % (proto, p['address'], p['port'])
            self.pollers[pol_id]['uri'] = uri
            self.pollers[pol_id]['last_connection'] = 0

        # First mix conf and override_conf to have our definitive conf
        for prop in self.override_conf:
            #print "Overriding the property %s with value %s" % (prop, self.override_conf[prop])
            val = self.override_conf[prop]
            setattr(self.conf, prop, val)

        if self.conf.use_timezone != '':
            logger.debug("Setting our timezone to %s" % str(self.conf.use_timezone))
            os.environ['TZ'] = self.conf.use_timezone

        if len(self.modules) != 0:
            logger.debug("I've got %s modules" % str(self.modules))

        # TODO: if scheduler had previous modules instanciated it must clean them!

        # give it an interface
        # But first remove previous interface if exists
        if self.ichecks is not None:
            logger.debug("Deconnecting previous Check Interface")
        # Now create and connect it
        self.ichecks = IChecks(self.sched)
        logger.debug("The Scheduler Interface uri is: %s" % self.uri)
        # Same for Broks
        if self.ibroks is not None:
            logger.debug("Deconnecting previous Broks Interface")
        # Create and connect it
        self.ibroks = IBroks(self.sched)

        logger.info("Loading configuration.")

        # we give sched it's conf
        self.sched.load_satellites(self.pollers, self.reactionners)

        # We must update our Config dict macro with good value
        # from the config parameters
        #print "DBG: got macros", self.sched.conf.macros

        # Creating the Macroresolver Class & unique instance
        m = MacroResolver()
        # Now create the external commander
        # it's a applyer: it role is not to dispatch commands,
        # but to apply them
        e = ExternalCommandManager(self.conf, 'applyer')
        # Scheduler need to know about external command to
        # activate it if necessary

        # External command need the sched because he can raise checks

        # We clear our schedulers managed (it's us :) )
        # and set ourself in it
        self.schedulers = {self.conf.instance_id: self.sched}

    # Give the arbiter the data about what I manage
    # for me it's just my instance_id and my push flavor
    def what_i_managed(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'conf'):
            return {self.conf.instance_id: self.conf.push_flavor}
            return {}

    # our main function, launch after the init
    def main(self):

            #self.inject = Injector(self.sched)

            self.uri = self.http_daemon.uri
            logger.info("[scheduler] General interface is at: %s" % self.uri)
        except Exception, exp:
            logger.critical("I got an unrecoverable error. I have to exit")
            logger.critical("You can log a bug ticket at https://github.com/naparuba/shinken/issues/new to get help")
            logger.critical("Back trace of it: %s" % (traceback.format_exc()))
class Shinken(BaseSatellite):

    properties = BaseSatellite.properties.copy()
        'pidfile':   PathProp(default='/usr/local/shinken/var/schedulerd.pid'),
        'port':      IntegerProp(default='7768'),
        'local_log': PathProp(default='/usr/local/shinken/var/schedulerd.log'),
    #Create the shinken class:
    #Create a Pyro server (port = arvg 1)
    #then create the interface for arbiter
    #Then, it wait for a first configuration
    def __init__(self, config_file, is_daemon, do_replace, debug, debug_file):
        BaseSatellite.__init__(self, 'scheduler', config_file, is_daemon, do_replace, debug, debug_file)

        self.interface = IForArbiter(self)
        self.sched = Scheduler(self)
        self.ichecks = None
        self.ibroks = None
        self.must_run = True

        # Now the interface
        self.uri = None
        self.uri2 = None

        # And possible links for satellites
        # from now only pollers
        self.pollers = {}
        self.reactionners = {}

    def do_stop(self):
        super(Shinken, self).do_stop()

    def compensate_system_time_change(self, difference):
        """ Compensate a system time change of difference for all hosts/services/checks/notifs """
        logger.log('Warning: A system time change of %d has been detected.  Compensating...' % difference)
        # We only need to change some value
        self.program_start = max(0, self.program_start + difference)

        # Then we compasate all host/services
        for h in self.sched.hosts:
        for s in self.sched.services:

        # Now all checks and actions
        for c in self.sched.checks.values():
            # Already launch checks should not be touch
            if c.status == 'scheduled':
                t_to_go = c.t_to_go
                ref = c.ref
                new_t = max(0, t_to_go + difference)
                # But it's no so simple, we must match the timeperiod
                new_t = ref.check_period.get_next_valid_time_from_t(new_t)
                # But maybe no there is no more new value! Not good :(
                # Say as error, with error output
                if new_t is None:
                    c.state = 'waitconsume'
                    c.exit_status = 2
                    c.output = '(Error: there is no available check time after time change!)'
                    c.check_time = time.time()
                    c.execution_time = 0
                    c.t_to_go = new_t
                    ref.next_chk = new_t

        # Now all checks and actions
        for c in self.sched.actions.values():
            # Already launch checks should not be touch
            if c.status == 'scheduled':
                t_to_go = c.t_to_go

                #  Event handler do not have ref
                ref = getattr(c, 'ref', None)
                new_t = max(0, t_to_go + difference)

                # Notification should be check with notification_period
                if c.is_a == 'notification':
                    # But it's no so simple, we must match the timeperiod
                    new_t = ref.notification_period.get_next_valid_time_from_t(new_t)
                    # And got a creation_time variable too
                    c.creation_time = c.creation_time + difference

                # But maybe no there is no more new value! Not good :(
                # Say as error, with error output
                if new_t is None:
                    c.state = 'waitconsume'
                    c.exit_status = 2
                    c.output = '(Error: there is no available check time after time change!)'
                    c.check_time = time.time()
                    c.execution_time = 0
                    c.t_to_go = new_t

    def manage_signal(self, sig, frame):
        # If we got USR1, just dump memory
        if sig == 10:
            self.sched.need_dump_memory = True
        else: # if not, die :)
            self.must_run = False
            Daemon.manage_signal(self, sig, frame)

    def do_loop_turn(self):        
        # Ok, now the conf
        if not self.new_conf:
        print "Ok we've got conf"
        print "Configuration Loaded"

    def setup_new_conf(self):
        #self.use_ssl = self.app.use_ssl
        (conf, override_conf, modules, satellites) = self.new_conf
        self.new_conf = None
        # In fact it make the scheduler just DIE as a bad guy. 
        # Must manage it better or not manage it at all!
        #if self.cur_conf and self.cur_conf.magic_hash == conf.magic_hash:
        #    print("I received a conf with same hash than me, I skip it.")
        #    return
        self.conf = conf
        self.cur_conf = conf
        self.override_conf = override_conf
        self.modules = modules
        self.satellites = satellites
        #self.pollers = self.app.pollers

        # Now We create our pollers
        for pol_id in satellites['pollers']:
            # Must look if we already have it
            already_got = pol_id in self.pollers
            p = satellites['pollers'][pol_id]
            self.pollers[pol_id] = p
            uri = pyro.create_uri(p['address'], p['port'], 'Schedulers', self.use_ssl)
            self.pollers[pol_id]['uri'] = uri
            self.pollers[pol_id]['last_connexion'] = 0
            print "Got a poller", p

        #First mix conf and override_conf to have our definitive conf
        for prop in self.override_conf:
            print "Overriding the property %s with value %s" % (prop, self.override_conf[prop])
            val = self.override_conf[prop]
            setattr(self.conf, prop, val)

        if self.conf.use_timezone != 'NOTSET':
            print "Setting our timezone to", self.conf.use_timezone
            os.environ['TZ'] = self.conf.use_timezone

        print "I've got modules", self.modules

        # TODO: if scheduler had previous modules instanciated it must clean them !
        # And start external ones too
        # give it an interface
        # But first remove previous interface if exists
        if self.ichecks is not None:
            print "Deconnecting previous Check Interface from pyro_daemon"
        #Now create and connect it
        self.ichecks = IChecks(self.sched)
        self.uri = self.pyro_daemon.register(self.ichecks, "Checks")
        print "The Checks Interface uri is:", self.uri

        #Same for Broks
        if self.ibroks is not None:
            print "Deconnecting previous Broks Interface from pyro_daemon"
        #Create and connect it
        self.ibroks = IBroks(self.sched)
        self.uri2 = self.pyro_daemon.register(self.ibroks, "Broks")
        print "The Broks Interface uri is:", self.uri2

        print("Loading configuration..")
        #we give sched it's conf
        self.sched.load_satellites(self.pollers, self.reactionners)

        #We must update our Config dict macro with good value
        #from the config parameters
        #print "DBG: got macors", self.sched.conf.macros

        #Creating the Macroresolver Class & unique instance
        m = MacroResolver()


        #Now create the external commander
        #it's a applyer : it role is not to dispatch commands,
        #but to apply them
        e = ExternalCommandManager(self.conf, 'applyer')

        #Scheduler need to know about external command to
        #activate it if necessery

        #External command need the sched because he can raise checks

    # our main function, launch after the init
    def main(self):

        self.uri2 = self.pyro_daemon.register(self.interface, "ForArbiter")
        print "The Arbiter Interface is at:", self.uri2
class Shinken(BaseSatellite):

    properties = BaseSatellite.properties.copy()
        'pidfile':   PathProp(default='/usr/local/shinken/var/schedulerd.pid'),
        'port':      IntegerProp(default='7768'),
        'local_log': PathProp(default='/usr/local/shinken/var/schedulerd.log'),
    #Create the shinken class:
    #Create a Pyro server (port = arvg 1)
    #then create the interface for arbiter
    #Then, it wait for a first configuration
    def __init__(self, config_file, is_daemon, do_replace, debug, debug_file):
        BaseSatellite.__init__(self, 'scheduler', config_file, is_daemon, do_replace, debug, debug_file)

        self.interface = IForArbiter(self)
        self.sched = Scheduler(self)
        self.ichecks = None
        self.ibroks = None
        self.must_run = True

        # Now the interface
        self.uri = None
        self.uri2 = None

        # And possible links for satellites
        # from now only pollers
        self.pollers = {}
        self.reactionners = {}

    def do_stop(self):
        super(Shinken, self).do_stop()

    def compensate_system_time_change(self, difference):
        """ Compensate a system time change of difference for all hosts/services/checks/notifs """
        logger.log('Warning: A system time change of %d has been detected.  Compensating...' % difference)
        # We only need to change some value
        self.program_start = max(0, self.program_start + difference)

        # Then we compasate all host/services
        for h in self.sched.hosts:
        for s in self.sched.services:

        # Now all checks and actions
        for c in self.sched.checks.values():
            # Already launch checks should not be touch
            if c.status == 'scheduled':
                t_to_go = c.t_to_go
                ref = c.ref
                new_t = max(0, t_to_go + difference)
                # But it's no so simple, we must match the timeperiod
                new_t = ref.check_period.get_next_valid_time_from_t(new_t)
                # But maybe no there is no more new value! Not good :(
                # Say as error, with error output
                if new_t is None:
                    c.state = 'waitconsume'
                    c.exit_status = 2
                    c.output = '(Error: there is no available check time after time change!)'
                    c.check_time = time.time()
                    c.execution_time = 0
                    c.t_to_go = new_t
                    ref.next_chk = new_t

        # Now all checks and actions
        for c in self.sched.actions.values():
            # Already launch checks should not be touch
            if c.status == 'scheduled':
                t_to_go = c.t_to_go

                #  Event handler do not have ref
                ref = getattr(c, 'ref', None)
                new_t = max(0, t_to_go + difference)

                # Notification should be check with notification_period
                if c.is_a == 'notification':
                    # But it's no so simple, we must match the timeperiod
                    new_t = ref.notification_period.get_next_valid_time_from_t(new_t)
                    # And got a creation_time variable too
                    c.creation_time = c.creation_time + difference

                # But maybe no there is no more new value! Not good :(
                # Say as error, with error output
                if new_t is None:
                    c.state = 'waitconsume'
                    c.exit_status = 2
                    c.output = '(Error: there is no available check time after time change!)'
                    c.check_time = time.time()
                    c.execution_time = 0
                    c.t_to_go = new_t

    def manage_signal(self, sig, frame):
        # If we got USR1, just dump memory
        if sig == 10:
            self.sched.need_dump_memory = True
        else: # if not, die :)
            self.must_run = False
            Daemon.manage_signal(self, sig, frame)

    def do_loop_turn(self):        
        # Ok, now the conf
        if not self.new_conf:
        print "Ok we've got conf"
        print "Configuration Loaded"

    def setup_new_conf(self):
        #self.use_ssl = self.app.use_ssl
        (conf, override_conf, modules, satellites) = self.new_conf
        self.new_conf = None
        # In fact it make the scheduler just DIE as a bad guy. 
        # Must manage it better or not manage it at all!
        #if self.cur_conf and self.cur_conf.magic_hash == conf.magic_hash:
        #    print("I received a conf with same hash than me, I skip it.")
        #    return
        self.conf = conf
        self.cur_conf = conf
        self.override_conf = override_conf
        self.modules = modules
        self.satellites = satellites
        #self.pollers = self.app.pollers

        # Now We create our pollers
        for pol_id in satellites['pollers']:
            # Must look if we already have it
            already_got = pol_id in self.pollers
            p = satellites['pollers'][pol_id]
            self.pollers[pol_id] = p
            uri = pyro.create_uri(p['address'], p['port'], 'Schedulers', self.use_ssl)
            self.pollers[pol_id]['uri'] = uri
            self.pollers[pol_id]['last_connexion'] = 0
            print "Got a poller", p

        #First mix conf and override_conf to have our definitive conf
        for prop in self.override_conf:
            print "Overriding the property %s with value %s" % (prop, self.override_conf[prop])
            val = self.override_conf[prop]
            setattr(self.conf, prop, val)

        if self.conf.use_timezone != 'NOTSET':
            print "Setting our timezone to", self.conf.use_timezone
            os.environ['TZ'] = self.conf.use_timezone

        print "I've got modules", self.modules

        # TODO: if scheduler had previous modules instanciated it must clean them !
        # And start external ones too
        # give it an interface
        # But first remove previous interface if exists
        if self.ichecks is not None:
            print "Deconnecting previous Check Interface from pyro_daemon"
        #Now create and connect it
        self.ichecks = IChecks(self.sched)
        self.uri = self.pyro_daemon.register(self.ichecks, "Checks")
        print "The Checks Interface uri is:", self.uri

        #Same for Broks
        if self.ibroks is not None:
            print "Deconnecting previous Broks Interface from pyro_daemon"
        #Create and connect it
        self.ibroks = IBroks(self.sched)
        self.uri2 = self.pyro_daemon.register(self.ibroks, "Broks")
        print "The Broks Interface uri is:", self.uri2

        print("Loading configuration..")
        #we give sched it's conf
        self.sched.load_satellites(self.pollers, self.reactionners)

        #We must update our Config dict macro with good value
        #from the config parameters
        #print "DBG: got macors", self.sched.conf.macros

        #Creating the Macroresolver Class & unique instance
        m = MacroResolver()


        #Now create the external commander
        #it's a applyer : it role is not to dispatch commands,
        #but to apply them
        e = ExternalCommandManager(self.conf, 'applyer')

        #Scheduler need to know about external command to
        #activate it if necessery

        #External command need the sched because he can raise checks

    # our main function, launch after the init
    def main(self):

        self.uri2 = self.pyro_daemon.register(self.interface, "ForArbiter")
        print "The Arbiter Interface is at:", self.uri2
class Shinken(BaseSatellite):

    properties = BaseSatellite.properties.copy()
            "pidfile": PathProp(default="schedulerd.pid"),
            "port": IntegerProp(default="7768"),
            "local_log": PathProp(default="schedulerd.log"),

    # Create the shinken class:
    # Create a Pyro server (port = arvg 1)
    # then create the interface for arbiter
    # Then, it wait for a first configuration
    def __init__(self, config_file, is_daemon, do_replace, debug, debug_file):

        BaseSatellite.__init__(self, "scheduler", config_file, is_daemon, do_replace, debug, debug_file)

        self.interface = IForArbiter(self)
        self.sched = Scheduler(self)

        self.ichecks = None
        self.ibroks = None
        self.must_run = True

        # Now the interface
        self.uri = None
        self.uri2 = None

        # And possible links for satellites
        # from now only pollers
        self.pollers = {}
        self.reactionners = {}

    def do_stop(self):
        if self.pyro_daemon:
            if self.ibroks:
            if self.ichecks:
        super(Shinken, self).do_stop()

    def compensate_system_time_change(self, difference):
        """ Compensate a system time change of difference for all hosts/services/checks/notifs """
        logger.log("Warning: A system time change of %d has been detected.  Compensating..." % difference)
        # We only need to change some value
        self.program_start = max(0, self.program_start + difference)

        # Then we compasate all host/services
        for h in self.sched.hosts:
        for s in self.sched.services:

        # Now all checks and actions
        for c in self.sched.checks.values():
            # Already launch checks should not be touch
            if c.status == "scheduled":
                t_to_go = c.t_to_go
                ref = c.ref
                new_t = max(0, t_to_go + difference)
                if ref.check_period is not None:
                    # But it's no so simple, we must match the timeperiod
                    new_t = ref.check_period.get_next_valid_time_from_t(new_t)
                # But maybe no there is no more new value! Not good :(
                # Say as error, with error output
                if new_t is None:
                    c.state = "waitconsume"
                    c.exit_status = 2
                    c.output = "(Error: there is no available check time after time change!)"
                    c.check_time = time.time()
                    c.execution_time = 0
                    c.t_to_go = new_t
                    ref.next_chk = new_t

        # Now all checks and actions
        for c in self.sched.actions.values():
            # Already launch checks should not be touch
            if c.status == "scheduled":
                t_to_go = c.t_to_go

                #  Event handler do not have ref
                ref = getattr(c, "ref", None)
                new_t = max(0, t_to_go + difference)

                # Notification should be check with notification_period
                if c.is_a == "notification":
                    if ref.notification_period:
                        # But it's no so simple, we must match the timeperiod
                        new_t = ref.notification_period.get_next_valid_time_from_t(new_t)
                    # And got a creation_time variable too
                    c.creation_time = c.creation_time + difference

                # But maybe no there is no more new value! Not good :(
                # Say as error, with error output
                if new_t is None:
                    c.state = "waitconsume"
                    c.exit_status = 2
                    c.output = "(Error: there is no available check time after time change!)"
                    c.check_time = time.time()
                    c.execution_time = 0
                    c.t_to_go = new_t

    def manage_signal(self, sig, frame):
        # If we got USR1, just dump memory
        if sig == 10:
            self.sched.need_dump_memory = True
        else:  # if not, die :)
            self.must_run = False
            Daemon.manage_signal(self, sig, frame)

    def do_loop_turn(self):
        # Ok, now the conf
        if not self.new_conf:
        print "Ok we've got conf"
        print "Configuration Loaded"

    def setup_new_conf(self):
        # self.use_ssl = self.app.use_ssl
        (conf, override_conf, modules, satellites) = self.new_conf
        self.new_conf = None

        # In fact it make the scheduler just DIE as a bad guy.
        # Must manage it better or not manage it at all!
        # if self.cur_conf and self.cur_conf.magic_hash == conf.magic_hash:
        #    print("I received a conf with same hash than me, I skip it.")
        #    return

        self.conf = conf
        self.cur_conf = conf
        self.override_conf = override_conf
        self.modules = modules
        self.satellites = satellites
        # self.pollers = self.app.pollers

        if self.conf.human_timestamp_log:

        # Now We create our pollers
        for pol_id in satellites["pollers"]:
            # Must look if we already have it
            already_got = pol_id in self.pollers
            p = satellites["pollers"][pol_id]
            self.pollers[pol_id] = p
            uri = pyro.create_uri(p["address"], p["port"], "Schedulers", self.use_ssl)
            self.pollers[pol_id]["uri"] = uri
            self.pollers[pol_id]["last_connection"] = 0

        # First mix conf and override_conf to have our definitive conf
        for prop in self.override_conf:
            # print "Overriding the property %s with value %s" % (prop, self.override_conf[prop])
            val = self.override_conf[prop]
            setattr(self.conf, prop, val)

        if self.conf.use_timezone != "":
            print "Setting our timezone to", self.conf.use_timezone
            os.environ["TZ"] = self.conf.use_timezone

        if len(self.modules) != 0:
            print "I've got modules", self.modules

        # TODO: if scheduler had previous modules instanciated it must clean them !
        # And start external ones too

        # give it an interface
        # But first remove previous interface if exists
        if self.ichecks is not None:
            print "Deconnecting previous Check Interface from pyro_daemon"
        # Now create and connect it
        self.ichecks = IChecks(self.sched)
        self.uri = self.pyro_daemon.register(self.ichecks, "Checks")
        print "The Checks Interface uri is:", self.uri

        # Same for Broks
        if self.ibroks is not None:
            print "Deconnecting previous Broks Interface from pyro_daemon"
        # Create and connect it
        self.ibroks = IBroks(self.sched)
        self.uri2 = self.pyro_daemon.register(self.ibroks, "Broks")
        print "The Broks Interface uri is:", self.uri2

        print ("Loading configuration..")

        # we give sched it's conf
        self.sched.load_satellites(self.pollers, self.reactionners)

        # We must update our Config dict macro with good value
        # from the config parameters
        # print "DBG: got macors", self.sched.conf.macros

        # Creating the Macroresolver Class & unique instance
        m = MacroResolver()

        # self.conf.dump()
        # self.conf.quick_debug()

        # Now create the external commander
        # it's a applyer : it role is not to dispatch commands,
        # but to apply them
        e = ExternalCommandManager(self.conf, "applyer")

        # Scheduler need to know about external command to
        # activate it if necessery

        # External command need the sched because he can raise checks

        # We clear our schedulers managed (it's us :) )
        # and set ourself in it
        self.schedulers = {self.conf.instance_id: self.sched}

    # Give the arbiter the data about what I manage
    # for me it's just my instance_id and my push flavor
    def what_i_managed(self):
        if hasattr(self, "conf"):
            return {self.conf.instance_id: self.conf.push_flavor}
            return {}

    # our main function, launch after the init
    def main(self):
            self.uri2 = self.pyro_daemon.register(self.interface, "ForArbiter")
            logger.log("[scheduler] General interface is at: %s" % self.uri2)
        except Exception, exp:
            logger.log("CRITICAL ERROR: I got an unrecoverable error. I have to exit")
            logger.log("You can log a bug ticket at https://github.com/naparuba/shinken/issues/new to get help")
            logger.log("Back trace of it: %s" % (traceback.format_exc()))