class Merger:
    """Concatain tracking data from several tracking site."""
    def __init__(self):
        constructor creates an ArgumentParser object to implement main interface
        puts resulting args in self.args also creates an empty instance of
        ShipDict for merging incoming data
        parser = ArgumentParser()
                            help="Verbose mode")
                            help="Restrict to ships by that name")
                            help="Store kml output in gzip (KMZ) format")
        parser.add_argument("json_filenames", nargs='*')
        self.args = parser.parse_args()

        # the windows command line is a little lazy with filename expansion
        json_filenames = []
        for json_filename in self.args.json_filenames:
            if '*' not in json_filename:
        self.args.json_filenames = json_filenames

        self.ship_dict = ShipDict()
        self.gpx = GPX()
        self.gpxx_color = [
            "Black", "DarkRed", "DarkGreen", "DarkYellow", "DarkBlue",
            "DarkMagenta", "DarkCyan", "LightGray", "DarkGray", "Red", "Green",
            "Yellow", "Blue", "Magenta", "Cyan", "White"

    def main(self, *args, **kwargs):
        urls = [url for url in args]

    def get_data(self, urls=roots_url):
        Download data from urls and decode them as original data are encrypted
        Use inpage JS to retrieve data's urls and decode them
        Add prefixes to id as id are not unique accross tracking data from different site
        with Firefox(options=opts) as driver:
            for root_url, prefixe in zip(roots_url, string.ascii_letters):
                # Wait for page loading
                #TODO : find a better way to wait until page is fully loaded
                #Get url from page JS
                configData_url = root_url + driver.execute_script(
                    "return tracker._getRessourceUrl('config')")
                x = requests.get(configData_url)
                #Decode data usgin page JS
                configdata_xml = driver.execute_script(
                    "return new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(new UInt8Array(arguments[0]))",
                #Parse XML to find boats identification
                root = ET.fromstring(bytes(configdata_xml, 'utf8'))
                    [[prefixe + boat.attrib['id'], boat.attrib['name']]
                     for boat in root.iter('boat')])
                #Get boats tracks
                tracks_url = root_url + driver.execute_script(
                    "return tracker._getRessourceUrl('tracks')")
                x = requests.get(tracks_url)
                tracks_json = driver.execute_script(
                    "return new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(new UInt8Array(arguments[0]))",
                tracks = json.loads(tracks_json)
                for boat_track in tracks['tracks']:
                    self.ship_dict.add_chunk(boat_track, prefixe=prefixe)

    def export_as_gpx(self):
        Export to GPX, one GPX for all boat, track name is boat name
        Implement track color Dispalay according to GPX Extension
        for boat in self.ship_dict.all_ships():
            #Create small XML tree to pass as GPX extention, first tag not taken into account
            #GPX Extension to define track color
            root_extension = ET.Element('')
            track_extension = ET.SubElement(root_extension,
            track_color = ET.SubElement(track_extension, 'gpxx:DisplayColor')

            #Initiate Track
            gpx_track = GPXTrack()
            track_color.text = self.gpxx_color[random.randrange(
            gpx_track.extensions = root_extension

            #Initiate TrackSegment
            gpx_segment = GPXTrackSegment()
            for position in boat.positions:
                    GPXTrackPoint(position.latitude, position.longitude))

        with open('all.gpx', 'w') as f:
Exemple #2
class Merger(object):
    def __init__(self):
        constructor creates an ArgumentParser object to implement main interface
        puts resulting args in self.args also creates an empty instance of
        ShipDict for merging incoming data
        parser = ArgumentParser()
                            help="Verbose mode")
                            help="Restrict to ships by that name")
                            help="Store kml output in gzip (KMZ) format")
        parser.add_argument("json_filenames", nargs='*')
        self.args = parser.parse_args()

        # the windows command line is a little lazy with filename expansion
        json_filenames = []
        for json_filename in self.args.json_filenames:
            if '*' not in json_filename:
        self.args.json_filenames = json_filenames

        self.ship_dict = ShipDict()

    def merge(self, json_filenames):
        given a list of json filenames, decode the JSON content
        and insert it into the local instance of ShipDict
        for json_filename in json_filenames:

            # self.args.verbose is True if we run the program with --verbose
            if self.args.verbose:
                print(f"Opening {json_filename} for parsing JSON")

            with open(json_filename, newline="\n") as feed:
                # decode json
                chunks = json.load(feed)
                # each incoming file contains a list of
                # extended or abbreviated chunks
                for chunk in chunks:

        # at this point it might be that some of the ships
        # in ship_dict were never seen in an extended dataset
        # in that case we do not have a name for these ships
        # so we silently ignore them

        # we also might need to sort positions
        # since we cannot be sure of the order
        # in which data files are provided

    def write_ships_summary(self, ships, out_name):
        saves in filename a summary of all selected ships
        typically out_name is <ship_name>.txt or ALL_SHIPS.txt
        also it will have a -v added in verbose mode
        as we show more stuff in verbose mode

        ships are expected to be sorted already

        returns filename
        filename = (f"{out_name}-v.txt"
                    if self.args.verbose else f"{out_name}.txt")

        print(f"Opening {filename} for listing ships")

        with open(filename, 'w', newline="\n") as summary:
            # one line to say how many ships we have seen
            summary.write(f"Found {len(ships)} ships\n")
            # ships are expected to be sorted already
            for ship in ships:
                    f"{} ({len(ship.positions)} positions)\n")
                # in verbose mode let us show all the positions at hand
                if self.args.verbose:
                    for position in ship.positions:
        # return filename
        return filename

    def write_kml_output(self, ships, out_name):
        saves a summary of all selected ships in KML format
        (or KMZ if gzip option selected)
        out_name is used to compute the output filename
        returns filename
        # create an instance of the KML class
        kml = KML()
        # send it the `contents` method to retrieve the text
        # to be written in the kml file
        contents = kml.contents(
            description=f"Positions for ship(s) {out_name}")
        # compute suffix based on self.args.gzip
        #  - whether the --gzip option was passed or not
        suffix = "kmz" if self.args.gzip else "kml"
        # compute full filename
        kml_filename = f"{out_name}.{suffix}"
        # message
        print(f"Opening {kml_filename} for ship {out_name}")
        # open a plain file or compressed file as requested
        with, 'w', newline="\n") if self.args.gzip \
                else open(kml_filename, 'w', newline="\n") as out:
        # return filename
        return kml_filename

    def main(self):
        program entry point

        first runs merge on the input json filenames
        specified on the command line

        then creates a summary file, and a kml file

        as per usual convention, this returns 0 if everything goes fine
        and non-zero otherwise, and specifically
          (*) 1 if both output files were created but they do not match
              the reference result
          (*) 2 if an exception occured and prevented file creation

        run with --help to see the list of available options
        in particular it is possible to restrict to the ship(s) that match
        one specific ship name using -s/--ship

        # this try/except is mostly for illustrating how
        # to display an exception in your code, rather than relying
        # on Python to do it for you when an exception is not handled
        # in this particular instance, the try/except is not
        # particularly helpful then

            # send the contents of all incoming files to the ship_dict instance
            # this method also clears

            # if --ship is specified on the command line,
            # corresponding value is stored in self.args.ship_name
            # as per ArgumentParser definition. So:

            # if --ship is not specified
            if not self.args.ship_name:
                # use all ships in ship_dict
                ships = self.ship_dict.all_ships()
                # we use this to compute output filenames
                output_name = "ALL_SHIPS"

            # if --ship was specified
                # restrict to ships that match the selected ship name
                ships = self.ship_dict.ships_by_name(self.args.ship_name)
                output_name = self.args.ship_name

            # sort ships once and for good
            # we can't sort these objects inline as they are
            # typically dict_values objects
            ships = sorted(ships, key=lambda ship:

            # create summary file
            summary_filename = self.write_ships_summary(ships, output_name)

            kml_filename = self.write_kml_output(ships, output_name)

            # if a ship name was specified, we cannot compare anything
            if self.args.ship_name:
                ok = True
                # for each of the 2 files, compare contents with the reference
                # that is expected to be in this directory with a .ref extension
                ok_summary = Compare(summary_filename).compare_and_print()
                ok_kml = Compare(kml_filename).compare_and_print()
                # is everything fine ?
                ok = ok_summary and ok_kml
            # if so return 0 otherwise 1
            return 0 if ok else 1

        # if anything goes south
        except Exception as exc:
            # give description of the exception
            print(f'Something went wrong, {type(exc)}, {exc}')
            # plus provide a snapshot of the stack at the point
            # where the exception was raised
            import traceback
            # return 2 in this case
            return 2
Exemple #3
class Merger(object):
    def __init__(self):
        constructor creates an ArgumentParser object to implement main interface
        puts resulting args in self.args
        also creates an empty instance of ShipDict for merging incoming data
        parser = ArgumentParser()
        parser.add_argument ("-v", "--verbose", dest='verbose', default=False,
                             help="Verbose mode")
        parser.add_argument ("-s", "--ship", dest='ship_name', default=None,
                             help="Restrict to ships by that name")
        parser.add_argument ("-z", "--gzip", dest='gzip', default=False,
                             help="Store kml output in gzip (KMZ) format")
        parser.add_argument ("inputs", nargs='*')
        self.args = parser.parse_args()
        # the windows command line is a little lazy with filename expansion
        inputs = []
        for input in self.args.inputs:
            if '*' not in input:
        self.args.inputs = inputs

        self.ship_dict = ShipDict()
    def merge(self, json_input_filenames):
        given a list of json filenames, decode the JSON content
        and insert it into the local instance of ShipDict
        for json_input_filename in json_input_filenames:

            # self.args.verbose is True if we run the program with --verbose
            if self.args.verbose:
                print ('Opening {} for parsing JSON'.format(json_input_filename))

            with open(json_input_filename) as feed:
                # decode json
                chunks = json.load(feed)
                # each incoming file contains a list of
                # extended or abbreviated chunks
                for chunk in chunks:

        # at this point it might be that some of the ships
        # in ship_dict were never seen in an extended dataset
        # in that case we do not have a name for these ships
        # so we silently ignore them

        # we also might need to sort positions
        # since we cannot be sure of the order
        # in which data files are provided

    def write_ships_summary(self, ships, out_name):
        saves in filename a summary of all selected ships
        typically out_name is <ship_name>.txt or ALL_SHIPS.txt 
        also it will have a -v added in verbose mode
        as we show more stuff in verbose mode

        ships are expected to be sorted already

        returns filename
        format = "{}-v.txt" if self.args.verbose else "{}.txt"
        filename = format.format(out_name)

        print ("Opening {filename} for listing ships".format(**locals()))

        with open(filename, 'w') as summary:
            # one line to say how many ships we have seen
            summary.write ("Found {} ships\n".format(len(ships)))
            # ships are expected to be sorted already
            for ship in ships:
                summary.write ("{} ({} positions)\n".format(,
                # in verbose mode let us show all the positions at hand
                if self.args.verbose:
                    for position in ship.positions:
        # return filename
        return filename

    def write_kml_output(self, ships, out_name):
        saves a summary of all selected ships in KML format
        (or KMZ if gzip option selected)
        out_name is used to compute the output filename
        returns filename
        # create an instance of the KML class
        kml = KML()
        # send it the `contents` method to retrieve the text
        # to be written in the kml file
        contents = kml.contents(ships, kml_name=out_name,
                                description = "Positions for ship(s) {}".\
        # compute suffix based on self.args.gzip
        #  - whether the --gzip option was passed or not
        suffix = "kmz" if self.args.gzip else "kml"
        # compute full filename
        kml_filename = "{}.{}".format(out_name, suffix)
        # message
        print ("Opening {kml_filename} for ship {out_name}".\
        # open a plain file or compressed file as requested
        with, 'w') if self.args.gzip \
             else open(kml_filename, 'w') as out:
        # return filename
        return kml_filename

    def main(self):
        program entry point

        first runs merge on the input json filenames
        specified on the command line

        then creates a summary file, and a kml file

        as per usual convention, this returns 0 if everythong goes fine
        and non-zero otherwise, and specifically
          (*) 1 if both output files were created but they do not match 
              the reference result
          (*) 2 if an exception occured and prevented file creation

        run with --help to see the list of available options
        in particular it is possible to restrict to the ship(s) that match
        one specific ship name using -s/--ship
            # send the contents of all incoming files to the ship_dict instance
            # this method also clears 

            # if --ship is specified on the command line,
            # corresponding value is stored in self.args.ship_name
            # as per ArgumentParser definition. So:

            # if --ship is not specified
            if not self.args.ship_name:
                # use all ships in ship_dict
                ships = self.ship_dict.all_ships()
                # we use this to compute output filenames
                output_name = "ALL_SHIPS"

            # if --ship was specified
                # restrict to ships that match the selected ship name
                ships = self.ship_dict.ships_by_name(ship_name)
                output_name = self.args.ship_name

            # sort ships once and for good
            ships = self.ship_dict.sort_ships_by_name(ships)

            # create summary file
            summary_filename = self.write_ships_summary(ships, output_name)

            kml_filename = self.write_kml_output(ships, output_name)

            # for each of the 2 files, compare contents with the reference
            # that is expected to be in this directory with a .ref extension
            ok_summary = Compare(summary_filename).compare_and_print()
            ok_kml     = Compare(kml_filename).compare_and_print()
            # is everything fine ?
            ok         = ok_summary and ok_kml
            # if so return 0 otherwise 1
            return 0 if ok else 1

        # if anything goes south
        except Exception as e:
            # give description of the exception
            print ('Something went wrong', e)
            # plus provide a snapshot of the stack at the point
            # where the exception was raised
            import traceback
            # return 2 in this case
            return 2