def run_cmd(args, pip=None): #CD = subprocess.check_output('pwd').strip().decode('utf-8') print(color('rb'), 'Running Command', color('gb'), args, color()) if pip: else:
def sign_package(package, key): from shlex import split as shplit from subprocess import PIPE with open(package, 'r') as f: import subprocess p1 = subprocess.Popen(shplit('openssl dgst -sha1 -binary'), stdin=f, stdout=PIPE) p2 = subprocess.Popen(shplit('openssl dgst -dss1 -sign "{0}"'.format(key)), stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE) p3 = subprocess.Popen(shplit('openssl enc -base64'), stdin=p2.stdout, stdout=PIPE) sig = ''.join(p3.communicate()[0].splitlines()) p1.poll(), p2.poll(), p3.poll() if p1.returncode or p2.returncode or p3.returncode: raise RuntimeError return sig
def sign_delta(filename, key, delta_tool): from shlex import split as shplit from subprocess import PIPE with open(filename, 'r') as f: import subprocess p1 = subprocess.Popen(shplit('openssl dgst -sha1 -binary'), stdin=f, stdout=PIPE) p2 = subprocess.Popen(shplit('openssl dgst -dss1 -sign "{0}"'.format(key)), stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE) p3 = subprocess.Popen(shplit('openssl enc -base64'), stdin=p2.stdout, stdout=PIPE) sig = ''.join(p3.communicate()[0].splitlines()) p1.poll(), p2.poll(), p3.poll() if p1.returncode or p2.returncode or p3.returncode: raise RuntimeError return sig
def parse_conf_file(f, dirname=''): thematics = {} for line in f: thema, *patts = shplit(line) files = [ fi for pattern in patts for fi in find_files(pattern, dirname, thema) ] add_files_to_thematic(thematics, thema, *files) return thematics
def main(out, path): out_db = out test1_cmd = "python {} -u -m -d {}" test2_cmd = "python {} -r {} -d {}" # directories to expect in 'path': raw, converted, # failure(/fake, /dspsr), success dir_r = os.path.join(path, "raw") dir_c = os.path.join(path, "converted") dir_fd = os.path.join(path, "failure/dspsr") dir_ff = os.path.join(path, "failure/fake") dir_s = os.path.join(path, "success") for d in [dir_r, dir_c, dir_fd, dir_ff, dir_s]: if not os.path.exists(d): raise (RuntimeError("Path does not exist: " + d)) if not os.access(d, os.R_OK): raise (RuntimeError("Necessary directories not read-able")) if not os.access(d, os.W_OK): raise (RuntimeError("Necessary directories not write-able")) # list of par files from /raw/ raw_pars = os.path.join(dir_r, "*.par") par_files = sorted(glob(raw_pars)) # convert par files to appropriate form pass # test par files for dspsr compatibility p = sproc.Popen(shplit(test1_cmd.format(raw_pars, 'dir')), stdout=sproc.PIPE, stderr=sproc.PIPE) p.wait() # check errors and output? # generate .db file conv_pars = os.path.join(dir_c, "*.par") par_files = sorted(glob(conv_pars)) mpd_main(par_files, out_db, append=False) # check if conversion to .db files succeeded ## TODO: need to change to use correct pars and directories ttest_main(pars=raw_pars, root_dir='dir', db_file=out_db) # make new db file from successful pars good_pars = os.path.join(dir_s, "*.par") par_files = sorted(glob(good_pars)) mpd_main(par_files, out_db, append=False)
exit(-1) # Check if invalid command if args['command'] is not None and args['command'] not in commands: parser.print_help() if started_from_gui(): input_color_supported(f'{Colors.ASK}Press return to exit...') exit() # Get options not specified from command line from input if args['command'] is None: args['command'] = ask(f'{Colors.ASK}Command to run?', options=list(commands.keys())) if not files: files = shplit( ask(f'{Colors.ASK}Files to process? (Please surround each in "quotes")' )) args['threads'] = threads if ( args['threads'] is None or args['threads'] > threads) else args['threads'] command_runner: FFMpegCommand = commands[args['command']](args['command'], ffmpeg_exe, options=args) # If additional arguments needed if command_runner.requires_additional_arguments: # If args not supplied, ask if args['arguments'] is None or ( command_runner.additional_arguments_validator is not None and not command_runner.additional_arguments_validator( args['arguments'])): args['arguments'] = ask(
for p in procs: p = p.strip() ppid, pid, cmd = re.split("\s+", p, maxsplit=2) if cmd == '/usr/sbin/xrdp': pids.add(pid) if ARGS.debug: print(p) # Get pid(s) if ARGS.debug: print(pids) parents = set() # Check the process states for pid in pids: proc = check_output(shplit(proc_cmd.format(pid=pid))) proc = proc.strip() state, stat = re.split(b"\s+", proc, maxsplit=1) state = state.decode('utf8') stat = stat.decode('utf8') if not (ARGS.quiet or ARGS.kill): if "Z" in state or "Z" in stat: print(pid, "is a zombie!") else: print(pid, "has state", state) # Check for processes with those pids as ppids (is a parent) with os.popen(procs_cmd) as procs: for p in procs: p = p.strip() ppid, cpid, cmd = re.split("\s+", p, maxsplit=2)
def get_args(flags): p = argparse.ArgumentParser() for c in 'nlivx': p.add_argument(f'-{c}', action='store_true') return p.parse_args(shplit(flags))
async def on_message(message): global ingame if message.content.startswith('*ping'): if len(shplit(message.content)) == 1: await client.send_message(, else: await client.send_message(, man['ping']) elif message.content.startswith('*getstats'): if len(shplit(message.content)) == 1: await client.send_message(, com.getstats( elif len(shplit(message.content)) == 2: if == dmid or "Dungeon Keeper" in [ for y in ]: await client.send_message(, com.getstats(shplit(message.content)[1])) else: await client.send_message(, 'Access denied!') else: await client.send_message(, man['getstats']) elif message.content.startswith('*mkchar'): if len(shplit(message.content)) == 1: await client.send_message(, com.mkchar( else: await client.send_message(, man['mkchar']) elif message.content.startswith('*putpoint'): if len(shplit(message.content)) == 2: await client.send_message(, com.putpoint(, shplit(message.content)[1])) elif len(shplit(message.content)) == 3: await client.send_message(, com.putpoint(, shplit(message.content)[1], int(shplit(message.content)[2]))) else: await client.send_message(, man['putpoint']) elif message.content.startswith('*delchar'): if len(shplit(message.content)) == 1: await client.send_message(, com.delchar( elif len(shplit(message.content)) == 2: if == dmid or "Dungeon Keeper" in [ for y in ]: await client.send_message(, com.delchar( else: await client.send_message(, 'Access denied!') else: await client.send_message(, man['delchar']) elif message.content.startswith('*man'): if len(shplit(message.content)) == 1: await client.send_message(, "Commands: ```\n*{}```".format('\n*'.join(man))) elif len(shplit(message.content)) == 2: await client.send_message(, man[shplit(message.content)[1]]) else: await client.send_message(, man['man']) elif message.content.startswith('*restart'): if len(shplit(message.content)) == 1: if == dmid: with open('.doblrest', 'w') as tmp: tmp.write( os.execv(__file__, sys.argv) else: await client.send_message(, 'Access denied!') elif message.content.startswith('*shutdown'): if len(shplit(message.content)) == 1: if == dmid: await client.send_message(, 'Shutting down...') raise SystemExit else: await client.send_message(, 'Access denied!') elif message.content.startswith('*enter'): # +init tracker if in ingame: await client.send_message(, 'You\'re already in the Dungeon!') else: await client.send_message(, '<@{}> has entered the Dungeon of Bad Luck...'.format( ingame.append( if len(ingame) == 1: # genNpc = 0 curTurn = 0 # inBattle = False while True: if ingame[curTurn][0] != 'n': actions = ['n', 'L'] await client.send_message(, ext.buildActions(ingame[curTurn], actions)) resp = await client.wait_for_message( author=await client.get_user_info(ingame[curTurn]),, check=lambda x: True if len(x.content) == 1 else False, timeout=60) if resp is None: await client.send_message(, 'Timeout.') await client.send_message(, '<@{}> does nothing.'.format(ingame[curTurn])) curTurn += 1 if curTurn >= len(ingame): curTurn -= len(ingame) continue else: turn = resp.content if turn not in actions: await client.send_message(, 'Invalid turn.') await client.send_message(, '<@{}> does nothing.'.format(ingame[curTurn])) curTurn += 1 else: if turn == 'L': canLeave = True for i in ingame: if i != ingame[curTurn]: await client.send_message(, '<@{}>, can <@{}> leave the Dungeon? (y/n)' .format(i, ingame[curTurn])) resp1 = await client.wait_for_message( author=await client.get_user_info(i),, check=lambda x: True if len(x.content) == 1 else False, timeout=60) if resp1 is None: await client.send_message(, 'Timeout.') else: if resp1.content.lower() == 'n': canLeave = False break elif resp1.content.lower() == 'y': pass else: await client.send_message(, 'Invalid choice. (assuming Y)' ) if canLeave is True: await client.send_message(, '<@{}> has left the Dungeon of Bad Luck.' .format(ingame[curTurn])) ingame.pop(curTurn) if len(ingame) == 0: break else: if random.randint(1, 100) <= 10: await client.send_message(, '<@{}> has left the Dungeon of Bad Luck anyway.' .format(ingame[curTurn])) ingame.pop(curTurn) if len(ingame) == 0: break else: await client.send_message(, '<@{}> tried to escape, but to no avail.' .format(ingame[curTurn])) curTurn += 1 if len(ingame) == 0: break else: if turn == 'n': await client.send_message(, '<@{}> does nothing.'.format( ingame[curTurn])) curTurn += 1 if curTurn >= len(ingame): curTurn -= len(ingame)
from filehandler import python_findline as pf, python_writeline as pw, htmlfind_and_replace as hr import htmlparser as html import djangofiles as df from htmlparser import color if len(sys.argv) != 3: print("Error : {} <ProjectName> <Html Files Folder Name>".format( sys.argv[0])) exit() #constants HTML_FILE_NAMES = [ f for f in glob.glob("{}/*.html".format(os.environ['PWD'] + '/' + sys.argv[2])) ] PROJECT_NAME = shplit(sys.argv[1])[0] PROJECT_HOME = subprocess.check_output('pwd').strip().decode('utf-8') SETTINGS = '{}/{}/'.format(PROJECT_HOME, PROJECT_NAME) URLS = '{}/{}/'.format(PROJECT_HOME, PROJECT_NAME) DJANGO_PROJECT = 'django-admin startproject {} .'.format(PROJECT_NAME) INSTALL_DJANGO_IN_VIRENV = 'pipenv install django' PIPENV_RUN = 'pipenv run' APPS = [] temp_file = '{}/{}'.format(PROJECT_HOME, 'templates') if sys.argv[1] == 'setup': if not os.path.exists(temp_file): os.mkdir(temp_file) for i in HTML_FILE_NAMES: shutil.copy(i, temp_file) if len(hr(i, "[Model ")) == 0: print(color('rb'), "# Fill the appropriate HTML file details ",
def run_cmd(cmd): from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from shlex import split as shplit process = Popen(shplit(cmd), stdout=PIPE) output, error = process.communicate() return output, error