from shogun.Features import StringCharFeatures, RAWBYTE
from numpy import array

#create string features
f=StringCharFeatures(['hey','guys','i','am','a','string'], RAWBYTE)

#and output several stats
print "max string length", f.get_max_vector_length()
print "number of strings", f.get_num_vectors()
print "length of first string", f.get_vector_length(0)
print "string[5]", ''.join(f.get_feature_vector(5))
print "strings", f.get_features()

#replace string 0
f.set_feature_vector(array(['t','e','s','t']), 0)

print "strings", f.get_features()
from shogun.Features import StringCharFeatures, RAWBYTE

# load features from directory

#and output several stats
print "max string length", f.get_max_vector_length()
print "number of strings", f.get_num_vectors()
print "length of first string", f.get_vector_length(0)
print "str[0,0:3]", f.get_feature(0,0), f.get_feature(0,1), f.get_feature(0,2)
print "len(str[0])", f.get_vector_length(0)
print "str[0]", f.get_feature_vector(0)

#or load features from file (one string per line)
print f.get_features()

#or load fasta file
#print f.get_features()