def shopSmart(orderList, fruitShops):
        orderList: List of (fruit, numPound) tuples
        fruitShops: List of FruitShops
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

    bestShop = None
    bestCost = -1

    for shop in fruitShops:
      totalCost = 0;
      for fruit, numPound in orderList:
        fruitCost = shop.getCostPerPound(fruit)
        if fruitCost != None:
          totalCost += fruitCost * numPound
          totalCost = -1;
      if (totalCost > 0) and (totalCost < bestCost or bestCost == -1):
        bestShop = shop
        bestCost = totalCost

      # print "Shop %s: %.2f" % (shop.getName(), totalCost)

    return bestShop
Exemple #2
def shopSmart(orderList, fruitShops):
        orderList: List of (fruit, numPound) tuples
        fruitShops: List of FruitShops
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    totalCost = {}
    for shop in fruitShops:
        totalCost[shop] = 0.0

    for order in orderList:
        fruit, pounds = order
        for shop in totalCost.keys():
            cost = shop.getCostPerPound(fruit)
            if cost == None:
                print "%s doesn't have %s" % (shop, fruit)
                del totalCost[shop]
                totalCost[shop] += cost * pounds

    if len(totalCost.keys()) == 0:
        return None

    bestShop = (totalCost.keys())[0]
    minCost = totalCost[bestShop]
    for shop, cost in totalCost.items():
        if cost < minCost:
            bestShop = shop
            minCost = cost

    return bestShop
Exemple #3
def shopSmart(orderList, fruitShops):
        orderList: List of (fruit, numPound) tuples
        fruitShops: List of FruitShops
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    store_num = 0 # current store we're testing
    final_store_num = 0 # the store with the best value
    min = 0 # current minimum price
    for shop in fruitShops: # iterate through stores
      total = 0
      for fruit in orderList: # iterate through grocery list
        # compute prices and add it total price
        total = total + shop.getCostPerPound(fruit[0])  * fruit[1]
      if min == 0:
        min = total
        final_store_num = store_num
      elif min > total:
        # update the minimum total if new total is less than
        min = total
        final_store_num = store_num
      # iterate store number
      store_num = store_num + 1
    #return the store than has the least cost
    return fruitShops[final_store_num]
def shopSmart(orderList, fruitShops):
        orderList: List of (fruit, numPound) tuples
        fruitShops: List of FruitShops
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

    bestShop = None
    bestCost = -1

    for shop in fruitShops:
        totalCost = 0
        for fruit, numPound in orderList:
            fruitCost = shop.getCostPerPound(fruit)
            if fruitCost != None:
                totalCost += fruitCost * numPound
                totalCost = -1
        if (totalCost > 0) and (totalCost < bestCost or bestCost == -1):
            bestShop = shop
            bestCost = totalCost

        # print "Shop %s: %.2f" % (shop.getName(), totalCost)

    return bestShop
Exemple #5
def shopSmart(orderList, fruitShops):
        orderList: List of (fruit, numPound) tuples
        fruitShops: List of FruitShops
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    totalCost = {}
    for shop in fruitShops:
        totalCost[shop] = 0.0

    for order in orderList:
        fruit, pounds = order
        for shop in totalCost.keys():
            cost = shop.getCostPerPound(fruit)
            if cost == None:
                print "%s doesn't have %s" % (shop, fruit)
                del totalCost[shop]
                totalCost[shop] += cost * pounds

    if len(totalCost.keys()) == 0:
        return None

    bestShop = (totalCost.keys())[0]
    minCost = totalCost[bestShop]
    for shop, cost in totalCost.items():
        if cost < minCost:
            bestShop = shop
            minCost = cost

    return bestShop
Exemple #6
def buyFruitFromShop(orderList, shop):
    totalCost = 0.0
    for tuple in orderList:
        price = shop.getCostPerPound(tuple[0])
        # Check if the fruit is available at this shop
        if not price:
            print 'Error:', tuple[0], 'is not available at this shop'
            return None
        totalCost += price * tuple[1]
    return totalCost
Exemple #7
def shopSmart(orderList, fruitShops):
        orderList: List of (fruit, numPound) tuples
        fruitShops: List of FruitShops
    costs = {}
    for shop in fruitShops:
        costs[shop] = 0
        for fruit, pounds in orderList:
            costs[shop] += shop.getCostPerPound(fruit) * pounds

    return min(costs, key=lambda x: costs[x])
Exemple #8
def shopSmart(orderList, fruitShops):
        orderList: List of (fruit, numPound) tuples
        fruitShops: List of FruitShops
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    lista = []
    for shop in fruitShops:
        cost = 0.0
        for item in orderList:
            cost += shop.getCostPerPound(item[0]) * item[1]
    return fruitShops[lista.index(min(lista))]
Exemple #9
def shopSmart(orderList, fruitShops):
        orderList: List of (fruit, numPound) tuples
        fruitShops: List of FruitShops
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    for shop in fruitShops:
        for item in orderList:
    return fruitShops[lista.index(min(lista))]
Exemple #10
def shopSmart(orderList, fruitShops):
        orderList: List of (fruit, numPound) tuples
        fruitShops: List of FruitShops
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    mn_cost, res = 1e8, None
    for shop in fruitShops:
      cost = 0
      for fruit, pounds in orderList:
        cost += pounds * shop.getCostPerPound(fruit)
      if cost < mn_cost:
        mn_cost, res = cost, shop
    return res
Exemple #11
def shopSmart(orderList, fruitShops):
        orderList: List of (fruit, numPound) tuples
        fruitShops: List of FruitShops
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    mn_cost, res = 1e8, None
    for shop in fruitShops:
        cost = 0
        for fruit, pounds in orderList:
            cost += pounds * shop.getCostPerPound(fruit)
        if cost < mn_cost:
            mn_cost, res = cost, shop
    return res
Exemple #12
def shopSmart(orderList, fruitShops):
        orderList: List of (fruit, numPound) tuples
        fruitShops: List of FruitShops
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    best_price = 99999999.99
    best_shop = fruitShops[0]
    for shop in fruitShops:
        price = sum([shop.getCostPerPound(i[0]) * i[1] for i in orderList])
        if best_price > price:
            best_price = price
            best_shop = shop
    return best_shop
def shopSmart(orderList, fruitShops):
        orderList: List of (fruit, numPound) tuples
        fruitShops: List of FruitShops
    price = 100000
    selectedShop = "None"
    for shop in fruitShops:
        cost = 0
        for fruit in orderList:
            cost += shop.getCostPerPound(fruit[0]) * fruit[1]
        if cost < price:
            price = cost
            selectedShop = shop
    return selectedShop
Exemple #14
def shopSmart(orderList, fruitShops):
        orderList: List of (fruit, numPound) tuples
        fruitShops: List of FruitShops
    #assume that the fruits are available in all shops
    shopname = fruitShops[0]
    min_cost = 10000
    for shop in fruitShops:
        cost = 0
        for fruit, numPound in orderList:
            cost += shop.getCostPerPound(fruit) * numPound
        if cost < min_cost:
            min_cost = cost
            shopname = shop
    return shopname
def shopSmart(orderList, fruitShops):
        orderList: List of (fruit, numPound) tuples
        fruitShops: List of FruitShops
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    cheapest = 0.0
    finalShop = 0
    for shop in fruitShops:
        total = 0.0
        for a,b in orderList:
            total += b * shop.getCostPerPound(a)
        if cheapest is 0.0 or total < cheapest:
            cheapest = total
            finalShop = shop
    return finalShop
Exemple #16
def shopSmart(orderList, fruitShops):
        orderList: List of (fruit, numPound) tuples
        fruitShops: List of FruitShops
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    min_shop = None
    min_price = float("Infinity")
    for shop in fruitShops:
        price = 0.0
        for order in orderList:
            price += shop.getCostPerPound(order[0]) * order[1]
        if price < min_price:
            min_price = price
            min_shop = shop
    return min_shop
Exemple #17
def shopSmart(orderList, fruitShops):
        orderList: List of (fruit, numPound) tuples
        fruitShops: List of FruitShops
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    minShop = None
    minPrice = 99999.0
    for shop in fruitShops:
        totalThisShop = 0.0
        for order in orderList:
            totalThisShop += order[1] * shop.getCostPerPound(order[0])
        if totalThisShop < minPrice:
            minPrice = totalThisShop
            minShop = shop
    return minShop
Exemple #18
def shopSmart(orderList, fruitShops):
        orderList: List of (fruit, numPound) tuples
        fruitShops: List of FruitShops
    min = -1
    bestShop = None
    for shop in fruitShops:
        total = 0
        for order in orderList:
            fruitName, amount = order
            total = total + shop.getCostPerPound(fruitName) * amount
        if total < min or min < 0:
            min = total
            bestShop = shop
    return bestShop
def shopSmart(orderList, fruitShops):
        orderList: List of (fruit, numPound) tuples
        fruitShops: List of FruitShops
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    totalCost = float("inf")
    name = ""
    for shop in fruitShops:
        payment = 0.0
        for fruit, num in orderList:
            payment = payment + shop.getCostPerPound(fruit) * num
        if payment < totalCost:
            totalCost = payment
            name = shop
    return name
Exemple #20
def shopSmart(orderList, fruitShops):
        orderList: List of (fruit, numPound) tuples
        fruitShops: List of FruitShops
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    bestCost = 99999999
    bestShop = None
    for shop in fruitShops:
        cost = 0
        for f, q in orderList:
            cost = cost + shop.getCostPerPound(f) * q
        if (cost < bestCost):
            bestCost = cost
            bestShop = shop
    return bestShop
Exemple #21
def shopSmart(orderList, fruitShops):
        orderList: List of (fruit, numPound) tuples
        fruitShops: List of FruitShops
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    cheapest = 999
    current = fruitShops[0]
    for shop in fruitShops:
        totalCost = 0
        for fruit, pound in orderList:
            cost = shop.getCostPerPound(fruit)*pound
            totalCost = totalCost+cost
        if totalCost < cheapest:
            cheapest = totalCost
            current = shop
    return current
def shopSmart(orderList, fruitShops):
        orderList: List of (fruit, numPound) tuples
        fruitShops: List of FruitShops
    m = 0
    name = fruitShops[0]
    for fruit in orderList:
        m += fruit[1] * name.getCostPerPound(fruit[0])
    for shop in fruitShops:
        costShop = 0
        for fruit in orderList:
            costShop = costShop + fruit[1] * shop.getCostPerPound(fruit[0])
        if costShop < m:
            m = costShop
            name = shop
    return name
Exemple #23
    def getFruitCostPerPoundOnRoute(self, fruit, route):
            fruit: Fruit string

            route: List of shop names
        Returns the best cost per pound of 'fruit' at any of the shops along
        the route. If none of the shops carry 'fruit', returns None
        routeShops = [shop for shop in self.shops if shop.getName() in route]
        costs = []
        for shop in routeShops:
            cost = shop.getCostPerPound(fruit)
            if cost is not None:
        if not costs:
            # None of the shops carry this fruit
            return None
        return min(costs)
    def getFruitCostPerPoundOnRoute(self, fruit, route):
            fruit: Fruit string

            route: List of shop names
        Returns the best cost per pound of 'fruit' at any of the shops along 
        the route. If none of the shops carry 'fruit', returns None
        routeShops = [ shop for shop in self.shops if shop.getName() in route ]
        costs = []
        for shop in routeShops:
            cost = shop.getCostPerPound(fruit)
            if cost is not None:
        if not costs:
            # None of the shops carry this fruit
            return None
        return min(costs)
Exemple #25
def shopSmart(orderList, fruitShops):
        orderList: List of (fruit, numPound) tuples
        fruitShops: List of FruitShops
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    minCost = 99999
    minShop = ''
    for shop in fruitShops:
        totalCost = 0.0
        for f in orderList:
            fru, num = f
            totalCost += num * shop.getCostPerPound(fru)
        if totalCost < minCost:
            minCost = totalCost
            minShop = shop

    return minShop
def shopSmart(orderList, fruitShops):
        orderList: List of (fruit, numPound) tuples
        fruitShops: List of FruitShops
    current_total = 0.0
    cheaper_shop = None
    #first loop iterates through all the shop instances
    for shop in fruitShops:
        temp_total= 0.0
        #second loop check at the total cost of the orderlist for each instance.
        for fruit_name, quant, in orderList:
            temp_total = temp_total+(quant*shop.getCostPerPound(fruit_name))
        #if statement checks the total price of current shop list against the previous
        if temp_total<current_total or current_total == 0.0:
            current_total= temp_total
            cheaper_shop = shop
        print("current total",current_total,"temp total",temp_total)
    return cheaper_shop