efilenames = {}
for efile in efiles:
    efilenames[efile['attachment_links'][0]['name']] = efile['id']
print efilenames
enames = {}
for eper in epers:
    enames[eper['code']] = eper
print enames

pers = glob('pers/*.json')
for per in pers:
    with open(per) as json_data:
        temp = json.load(json_data)
    data = {
        'code': temp['name'],
        'description': temp['desc'],
        'sg_arcana': temp['arcana'],
        'sg_level': (int)(temp['level']),
        'sg_json': None
    if temp['name'] not in enames:
        data['project'] = {'type': 'Project', 'id': 70}
        id = sg.create('CustomEntity07', data, ['id'])['id']
        id = sg.update('CustomEntity07', enames[temp['name']]['id'],
        if temp['name'] in efilenames:
            sg.delete('Attachment', efilenames[temp['name']])
    sg.upload('CustomEntity07', id, per, 'sg_json')
Call this script from the command line as python delete_actionmenu.py 
***you MUST know the ID of the action menu you want to delete and enter it below

This is a very stupid script and is provided as a utility only

Documentation to come - note that you will have to write a find routine to find the
correct ID to delete!

Author Tom Stratton / tom at tomstratton dot net 

from shotgun_api3 import Shotgun
from pprint import pprint

SERVER_PATH = 'https://*****.shotgunstudio.com' #your server path here
SCRIPT_USER = '******' #your script name 
SCRIPT_KEY =  '********' #your key here
sg.delete('ActionMenuItem', ID_TO_DELELE)

# note that the id numbers will have to be either found or remembered!
Exemple #3
Call this script from the command line as python delete_actionmenu.py 
***you MUST know the ID of the action menu you want to delete and enter it below

This is a very stupid script and is provided as a utility only

Documentation to come - note that you will have to write a find routine to find the
correct ID to delete!

Author Tom Stratton / tom at tomstratton dot net 

from shotgun_api3 import Shotgun
from pprint import pprint

SERVER_PATH = 'https://*****.shotgunstudio.com'  #your server path here
SCRIPT_USER = '******'  #your script name
SCRIPT_KEY = '********'  #your key here
sg.delete('ActionMenuItem', ID_TO_DELELE)

# note that the id numbers will have to be either found or remembered!
config = blob['config']
payload = blob['data']

sg = Shotgun(config['shotgun_url'], config['script_name'], config['script_api_key'], 'api3_preview')

if method == 'find':
  result = sg.find(payload['entity'], payload['filters'], payload['fields'], payload['order'], payload['filter_operator'], payload['limit'], payload['retired_only'])
elif method == 'find_one':
  result = sg.find_one(payload['entity'], payload['filters'], payload['fields'], payload['order'], payload['filter_operator'])
elif method == 'create':
  result = sg.create(payload['entity'], payload['data'])
elif method == 'update':
  result = sg.update(payload['entity'], payload['id'], payload['data'])
elif method == 'delete':
  result = sg.delete(payload['entity'], payload['id'])
elif method == 'upload':
  result = sg.upload(payload['entity'], payload['id'], payload['path'], payload['field_name'], payload['display_name'])
elif method == 'upload_thumbnail':
  result = sg.upload_thumbnail(payload['entity'], payload['id'], payload['path'])
elif method == 'schema_field_read':
  result = sg.schema_field_read(payload['entity'])
elif method == 'schema_field_create':
  result = sg.schema_field_create(payload['entity'], payload['type'], payload['name'], payload['attrs'])
elif method == '_url_for_attachment_id':
  entity_id = payload['id']

  # Do a lot of legwork (based on Shotgun.download_attachment())
  sid = sg._get_session_token()
  domain = urlparse(sg.base_url)[1].split(':',1)[0]
  cj = cookielib.LWPCookieJar()