def gengroups(players): global groupsfinal global onlineplayers fontstyle = "" for player in players: # print player playername, UUID, lastlogin, status, twitter, twitch, youtube, reddit, maildrop = player if playername in onlineplayers: fontstyle = "background-color: #FFAA00; color: white;" else: timediff = - lastlogin hourspast = int(timediff.total_seconds() // 3600) if hourspast > 59: hourspast = 59 fontstyle = "color: " + gradient[ hourspast ] + ";" social = "" if youtube: social += '<a href="' + youtube + '"><img src="youtube.png"></a>' if twitter: social += '<a href="' + twitter.strip("@") + '"><img src="twitter.png"></a>' if reddit: social += '<a href="' + reddit + '"><img src="reddit.png"></a>' if twitch: social += '<a href="' + twitch + '"><img src="twitch.png"></a>' # print bool(maildrop) playerstatus = maildropstatus = statusstatus = '' # print maildropstatus if bool(maildrop) or status: if bool(maildrop): maildropstatus = showandtellraw.tohtml( '<green^Maildrop> for you' ) if status: statusstatus = status if bool(maildrop): statusstatus += "</br>" playerstatus = ' <div class="status" style="padding: 5px;color: white;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.75); font-size: 75%;">' + unicode(statusstatus) + unicode(maildropstatus) + '</div>' groupsfinal.append( { "content" : '<div style="padding: 5px; width: 220px; min-height: 60px"> ' + '<div style="width: 100%;' + fontstyle+ '">'+'<img style="height:32px; width:32px; vertical-align:middle" src="' + playername + '/32"> '+ playername +' </div>' + playerstatus + social + "</div>", "id" : UUID, "sort" : 1})
"><gold^ hours, average ><dark_purple^" + "%.1F" % (totalminutes / 60.0 / totalplayer) + "><gold^ hours per player>") print(line) outfile.write(line) filenames = [config + '/topmotd.txt', otherdata + '/quickie.txt'] with open(otherdata + '/motd.txt', 'w') as outfile: for fname in filenames: with open(fname) as infile: outfile.write( with open(webdata + '/motd.html', 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(""" <style type="text/css" media="screen"> a:link { color:white; } a:visited { color:white; } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../font.css"> <div class="status" style="padding: 5px;color: white;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.75); font-size: 50%;font-family: minecraftfont;"> """) for line in open(otherdata + "/motd.txt", "r").readlines(): outfile.write(showandtellraw.tohtml(line) + "</br>") outfile.write('</div>') with open(webdata + "/", "w") as outfile: outfile.write(stats)
"><gold^\\\\>" + "<dark_purple^" + str(numwhitelist) + " >" + "<gold^players seen, ><dark_purple^" + "%.1F" % (totalminutes / 60.0) + "><gold^ h, average ><dark_purple^" + "%.1F" % (totalminutes / 60.0 / totalplayer) + "><gold^ h\/player>") print(line) outfile.write(line) filenames = [config + '/topmotd.txt', otherdata + '/quickie.txt'] with open(otherdata + '/motd.txt', 'w') as outfile: for fname in filenames: with open(fname) as infile: outfile.write( with open(webdata + '/motd.html', 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(""" <style type="text/css" media="screen"> a:link { color:white; } a:visited { color:white; } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../font.css"> <div class="status" style="padding: 5px;color: white;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.75); font-size: 50%;font-family: minecraftfont;"> """) for line in open(otherdata + "/motd.txt", "r").readlines(): outfile.write(showandtellraw.tohtml(line) + "</br>") outfile.write('</div>') with open(webdata + "/", "w") as outfile: outfile.write(stats)