Exemple #1
    def exportResults(geocodeResultObject, out_fc):
        """exports the geocode results to feature class

            geocodeResultObject -- results from geocode operation, must be of type
            out_fc -- full path to output shapefile
        if isinstance(geocodeResultObject, GeocodeResult):
            handler = GeocodeHandler(geocodeResultObject)
            if not handler.results:
                print('Geocoder returned 0 results! Did not create output')
                return None

            # create shapefile
            w = shp_helper.shp('POINT', out_fc)
            for field in handler.fields:
                w.add_field(field.name, field.type, 254)

            # add values
            for values in handler.formattedResults:
                w.add_row(values[0], values[1:])

            # project shapefile
            project(out_fc, handler.spatialReference)
            print('Created: "{}"'.format(out_fc))
            return out_fc

            raise TypeError('{} is not a {} object!'.format(geocodeResultObject, GeocodeResult))
Exemple #2
    def layer_to_fc(self, out_fc, sr=None, where='1=1', params={}, flds='*', records=None, get_all=False):
        """Method to export a feature class from a service layer

            out_fc -- full path to output feature class

            sr -- output spatial refrence (WKID)
            where -- optional where clause
            params -- dictionary of parameters for query
            flds -- list of fields for fc. If none specified, all fields are returned.
                Supports fields in list [] or comma separated string "field1,field2,.."
            records -- number of records to return. Default is none, will return maxRecordCount
            get_all -- option to get all records.  If true, will recursively query REST endpoint
                until all records have been gathered. Default is False.
        if self.type == 'Feature Layer':
            if not flds:
                flds = '*'
            if flds:
                if flds == '*':
                    fields = self.fields
                    if isinstance(flds, list):
                    elif isinstance(flds, basestring):
                        flds = flds.split(',')
                    fields = [f for f in self.fields if f.name in flds]

            # make new feature class
            if not sr:
                sr = self.spatialReference
            g_type = G_DICT[self.geometryType]

            # add all fields
            w = shp_helper.shp(g_type, out_fc)
            field_map = []
            for fld in fields:
                if fld.type not in [OID, SHAPE] + SKIP_FIELDS.keys():
                    if not 'shape' in fld.name.lower():
                        field_name = fld.name.split('.')[-1][:10]
                        field_type = SHP_FTYPES[fld.type]
                        field_length= str(fld.length)
                        w.add_field(field_name, field_type, field_length)
                        field_map.append((fld.name, field_name))

            # search cursor to write rows
            s_fields = ['SHAPE@'] + [f[0] for f in field_map]
            cursor = self.cursor(s_fields, where, records, params, get_all)
            for row in cursor.rows():
                w.add_row(row[0], row[1:])

            print 'Created: "{0}"'.format(out_fc)

            # write projection file
            project(out_fc, sr)
            return out_fc
            print 'Cannot convert layer: "{0}" to Feature Layer, Not a vector layer!'.format(self.name)
Exemple #3
    def exportResults(self, geocodeResultObject, out_fc):
        """exports the geocode results to feature class

            geocodeResultObject -- results from geocode operation, must be of type
            out_fc -- full path to output shapefile
        handler = GeocodeHandler(geocodeResultObject)
        if not handler.results:
            print "Geocoder returned 0 results! Did not create output"
            return None

        # create shapefile
        w = shp_helper.shp("POINT", out_fc)
        for field in handler.fields:
            w.add_field(field.name, field.type, 254)

        # add values
        for values in handler.formattedResults:
            w.add_row(values[0], values[1:])

        # project shapefile
        project(out_fc, handler.spatialReference)
        print 'Created: "{}"'.format(out_fc)
        return out_fc
Exemple #4
    def exportResults(geocodeResultObject, out_fc):
        """exports the geocode results to feature class

            geocodeResultObject -- results from geocode operation, must be of type
            out_fc -- full path to output shapefile
        if isinstance(geocodeResultObject, GeocodeResult):
            handler = GeocodeHandler(geocodeResultObject)
            if not handler.results:
                print('Geocoder returned 0 results! Did not create output')
                return None

            # create shapefile
            w = shp_helper.shp('POINT', out_fc)
            for field in handler.fields:
                w.add_field(field.name, field.type, 254)

            # add values
            for values in handler.formattedResults:
                w.add_row(values[0], values[1:])

            # project shapefile
            project(out_fc, handler.spatialReference)
            print('Created: "{}"'.format(out_fc))
            return out_fc

            raise TypeError('{} is not a {} object!'.format(
                geocodeResultObject, GeocodeResult))
Exemple #5
    def layer_to_fc(self, out_fc, fields='*', where='1=1', records=None, params={}, get_all=False, sr=None):
        """Method to export a feature class from a service layer

            out_fc -- full path to output feature class

            sr -- output spatial refrence (WKID)
            where -- optional where clause
            params -- dictionary of parameters for query
            flds -- list of fields for fc. If none specified, all fields are returned.
                Supports fields in list [] or comma separated string "field1,field2,.."
            records -- number of records to return. Default is none, will return maxRecordCount
            get_all -- option to get all records.  If true, will recursively query REST endpoint
                until all records have been gathered. Default is False.
        if self.type == 'Feature Layer':
            if not fields:
                fields = '*'
            if fields == '*':
                _fields = self.fields
                if isinstance(fields, basestring):
                    fields = fields.split(',')
                _fields = [f for f in self.fields if f.name in fields]

            # make new feature class
            if not sr:
                sr = self.spatialReference
            g_type = G_DICT[self.geometryType]

            # add all fields
            w = shp_helper.shp(g_type, out_fc)
            field_map = []
            for fld in _fields:
                if fld.type not in [OID, SHAPE] + SKIP_FIELDS.keys():
                    if not any(['shape_' in fld.name.lower(),
                                'shape.' in fld.name.lower(),
                                '(shape)' in fld.name.lower(),
                                'objectid' in fld.name.lower(),
                                fld.name.lower() == 'fid']):

                        field_name = fld.name.split('.')[-1][:10]
                        field_type = SHP_FTYPES[fld.type]
                        field_length = str(fld.length) if fld.length else "50"
                        w.add_field(field_name, field_type, field_length)
                        field_map.append((fld.name, field_name))

            # search cursor to write rows
            s_fields = [f[0] for f in field_map]
            if not self.SHAPE.name in s_fields and 'SHAPE@' not in s_fields:

            query_resp = self.cursor(s_fields, where, records, params, get_all).response
            return exportFeatureSet(out_fc, query_resp, outSR=sr)
            print('Cannot convert layer: "{0}" to Feature Layer, Not a vector layer!'.format(self.name))
Exemple #6
def exportFeatureSet(out_fc, feature_set, outSR=None):
    """export features (JSON result) to shapefile or feature class

        out_fc -- output feature class or shapefile
        feature_set -- JSON response (feature set) obtained from a query

        outSR -- optional output spatial reference.  If none set, will default
            to SR of result_query feature set.
    # validate features input (should be list or dict, preferably list)
    if isinstance(feature_set, basestring):
            feature_set = json.loads(feature_set)
            raise IOError('Not a valid input for "features" parameter!')

    if not isinstance(feature_set, dict) or not 'features' in feature_set:
        raise IOError('Not a valid input for "features" parameter!')

    # make new shapefile
    fields = [Field(f) for f in feature_set['fields']]

    if not outSR:
        sr_dict = feature_set['spatialReference']
        if 'latestWkid' in sr_dict:
            outSR = int(sr_dict['latestWkid'])
            outSR = int(sr_dict['wkid'])

    g_type = feature_set['geometryType']

    # add all fields
    w = shp_helper.shp(G_DICT[g_type].upper(), out_fc)
    field_map = []
    for fld in fields:
        if fld.type not in [OID, SHAPE] + SKIP_FIELDS.keys():
            if not any(['shape_' in fld.name.lower(),
                        'shape.' in fld.name.lower(),
                        '(shape)' in fld.name.lower(),
                        'objectid' in fld.name.lower(),
                        fld.name.lower() == 'fid']):

                field_name = fld.name.split('.')[-1][:10]
                field_type = SHP_FTYPES[fld.type]
                field_length = str(fld.length) if fld.length else "50"
                w.add_field(field_name, field_type, field_length)
                field_map.append((fld.name, field_name))

    # search cursor to write rows
    s_fields = [fl for fl in fields if fl.name in [f[0] for f in field_map]]
    for feat in feature_set['features']:
        row = Row(feat, s_fields, outSR, g_type).values
        w.add_row(row[-1], [v if v else ' ' for v in row[:-1]])

    print('Created: "{0}"'.format(out_fc))

    # write projection file
    project(out_fc, outSR)
    return out_fc
Exemple #7
def exportReplica(replica, out_folder):
    """converts a restapi.Replica() to a Shapefiles

    replica -- input restapi.Replica() object, must be generated from restapi.FeatureService.createReplica()
    out_folder -- full path to folder location where new files will be stored.
    if not hasattr(replica, 'replicaName'):
        print('Not a valid input!  Must be generated from restapi.FeatureService.createReplica() method!')

    # attachment directory and gdb set up
    att_loc = os.path.join(out_folder, 'Attachments')
    if not os.path.exists(att_loc):

    # set schema and create feature classes
    for layer in replica.layers:

        # download attachments
        att_dict = {}
        for attInfo in layer.attachments:
            out_file = assignUniqueName(os.path.join(att_loc, attInfo['name']))
            with open(out_file, 'wb') as f:
            att_dict[attInfo['parentGlobalId']] = out_file.strip()

        if layer.features:

            # make new feature class
            sr = layer.spatialReference

            out_fc = validate_name(os.path.join(out_folder, layer.name + '.shp'))
            g_type = G_DICT[layer.geometryType]

            # add all fields
            layer_fields = [f for f in layer.fields if f.type not in (SHAPE, OID)]
            w = shp_helper.shp(g_type, out_fc)
            guid = None
            field_map = []
            for fld in layer_fields:
                field_name = fld.name.split('.')[-1][:10]
                field_type = SHP_FTYPES[fld.type]
                if fld.type == 'esriFieldTypeGlobalID':
                    guid = fld.name
                field_length = str(fld.length) if fld.length else "50"
                w.add_field(field_name, field_type, field_length)
                field_map.append((fld.name, field_name))

            w.add_field('ATTCH_PATH', 'C', '254')

            # search cursor to write rows
            s_fields = [f[0] for f in field_map]
            date_indices = [i for i,f in enumerate(layer_fields) if f.type == 'esriFieldTypeDate']

            for feature in layer.features:
                row = [feature['attributes'][f] for f in s_fields]
                if guid:
                    row += [att_dict[feature['attributes'][guid]]]
                for i in date_indices:
                    row[i] = mil_to_date(row[i])

                g_type = G_DICT[layer.geometryType]
                if g_type == 'Polygon':
                    geom = feature['geometry']['rings']

                elif g_type == 'Polyline':
                     geom = feature['geometry']['paths']

                elif g_type == 'Point':
                     geom = [feature['geometry']['x'], feature['geometry']['y']]

                    # multipoint - to do

                w.add_row(geom, [v if v else ' ' for v in row])

            print('Created: "{0}"'.format(out_fc))

            # write projection file
            project(out_fc, sr)

    return out_folder
Exemple #8
def exportReplica(replica, out_folder):
    """converts a restapi.Replica() to a Shapefiles

    replica -- input restapi.Replica() object, must be generated from restapi.FeatureService.createReplica()
    out_folder -- full path to folder location where new files will be stored.
    if not hasattr(replica, "replicaName"):
        print "Not a valid input!  Must be generated from restapi.FeatureService.createReplica() method!"

    # attachment directory and gdb set up
    att_loc = os.path.join(out_folder, "Attachments")
    if not os.path.exists(att_loc):

    # set schema and create feature classes
    for layer in replica.layers:

        # download attachments
        att_dict = {}
        for attInfo in layer.attachments:
            out_file = os.path.join(att_loc, attInfo["name"])
            with open(out_file, "wb") as f:
            att_dict[attInfo["parentGlobalId"]] = out_file.strip()

        if layer.features:

            # make new feature class
            sr = layer.spatialReference

            out_fc = validate_name(os.path.join(out_folder, layer.name + ".shp"))
            g_type = G_DICT[layer.geometryType]

            # add all fields
            layer_fields = [f for f in layer.fields if f.type not in (SHAPE, OID)]
            w = shp_helper.shp(g_type, out_fc)
            guid = None
            field_map = []
            for fld in layer_fields:
                field_name = fld.name.split(".")[-1][:10]
                field_type = SHP_FTYPES[fld.type]
                if fld.type == "esriFieldTypeGlobalID":
                    guid = fld.name
                field_length = str(fld.length) if fld.length else "50"
                w.add_field(field_name, field_type, field_length)
                field_map.append((fld.name, field_name))

            w.add_field("ATTCH_PATH", "C", "254")

            # search cursor to write rows
            s_fields = [f[0] for f in field_map]
            date_indices = [i for i, f in enumerate(layer_fields) if f.type == "esriFieldTypeDate"]

            for feature in layer.features:
                row = [feature["attributes"][f] for f in s_fields]
                if guid:
                    row += [att_dict[feature["attributes"][guid]]]
                for i in date_indices:
                    row[i] = mil_to_date(row[i])

                g_type = G_DICT[layer.geometryType]
                if g_type == "Polygon":
                    geom = feature["geometry"]["rings"]

                elif g_type == "Polyline":
                    geom = feature["geometry"]["paths"]

                elif g_type == "Point":
                    geom = [feature["geometry"]["x"], feature["geometry"]["y"]]

                    # multipoint - to do

                w.add_row(geom, row)

            print 'Created: "{0}"'.format(out_fc)

            # write projection file
            project(out_fc, sr)

    return out_folder
Exemple #9
    def layer_to_fc(self,
        """Method to export a feature class from a service layer

            out_fc -- full path to output feature class

            sr -- output spatial refrence (WKID)
            where -- optional where clause
            params -- dictionary of parameters for query
            flds -- list of fields for fc. If none specified, all fields are returned.
                Supports fields in list [] or comma separated string "field1,field2,.."
            records -- number of records to return. Default is none, will return maxRecordCount
            get_all -- option to get all records.  If true, will recursively query REST endpoint
                until all records have been gathered. Default is False.
        if self.type == 'Feature Layer':
            if not fields:
                fields = '*'
            if fields == '*':
                _fields = self.fields
                if isinstance(fields, basestring):
                    fields = fields.split(',')
                _fields = [f for f in self.fields if f.name in fields]

            # make new feature class
            if not sr:
                sr = self.spatialReference
            g_type = G_DICT[self.geometryType]

            # add all fields
            w = shp_helper.shp(g_type, out_fc)
            field_map = []
            for fld in _fields:
                if fld.type not in [OID, SHAPE] + SKIP_FIELDS.keys():
                    if not any([
                            'shape_' in fld.name.lower(), 'shape.'
                            in fld.name.lower(), '(shape)' in fld.name.lower(),
                            'objectid' in fld.name.lower(),
                            fld.name.lower() == 'fid'

                        field_name = fld.name.split('.')[-1][:10]
                        field_type = SHP_FTYPES[fld.type]
                        field_length = str(fld.length) if fld.length else "50"
                        w.add_field(field_name, field_type, field_length)
                        field_map.append((fld.name, field_name))

            # search cursor to write rows
            s_fields = [f[0] for f in field_map]
            if not self.SHAPE.name in s_fields and 'SHAPE@' not in s_fields:

            query_resp = self.cursor(s_fields, where, records, params,
            return exportFeatureSet(out_fc, query_resp, outSR=sr)
                'Cannot convert layer: "{0}" to Feature Layer, Not a vector layer!'
Exemple #10
def exportFeatureSet(out_fc, feature_set, outSR=None):
    """export features (JSON result) to shapefile or feature class

        out_fc -- output feature class or shapefile
        feature_set -- JSON response (feature set) obtained from a query

        outSR -- optional output spatial reference.  If none set, will default
            to SR of result_query feature set.
    # validate features input (should be list or dict, preferably list)
    if isinstance(feature_set, basestring):
            feature_set = json.loads(feature_set)
            raise IOError('Not a valid input for "features" parameter!')

    if not isinstance(feature_set, dict) or not 'features' in feature_set:
        raise IOError('Not a valid input for "features" parameter!')

    # make new shapefile
    fields = [Field(f) for f in feature_set['fields']]

    if not outSR:
        sr_dict = feature_set['spatialReference']
        if 'latestWkid' in sr_dict:
            outSR = int(sr_dict['latestWkid'])
            outSR = int(sr_dict['wkid'])

    g_type = feature_set['geometryType']

    # add all fields
    w = shp_helper.shp(G_DICT[g_type].upper(), out_fc)
    field_map = []
    for fld in fields:
        if fld.type not in [OID, SHAPE] + SKIP_FIELDS.keys():
            if not any([
                    'shape_' in fld.name.lower(), 'shape.' in fld.name.lower(),
                    '(shape)' in fld.name.lower(), 'objectid'
                    in fld.name.lower(),
                    fld.name.lower() == 'fid'

                field_name = fld.name.split('.')[-1][:10]
                field_type = SHP_FTYPES[fld.type]
                field_length = str(fld.length) if fld.length else "50"
                w.add_field(field_name, field_type, field_length)
                field_map.append((fld.name, field_name))

    # search cursor to write rows
    s_fields = [fl for fl in fields if fl.name in [f[0] for f in field_map]]
    for feat in feature_set['features']:
        row = Row(feat, s_fields, outSR, g_type).values
        w.add_row(row[-1], [v if v else ' ' for v in row[:-1]])

    print('Created: "{0}"'.format(out_fc))

    # write projection file
    project(out_fc, outSR)
    return out_fc
Exemple #11
def exportReplica(replica, out_folder):
    """converts a restapi.Replica() to a Shapefiles

    replica -- input restapi.Replica() object, must be generated from restapi.FeatureService.createReplica()
    out_folder -- full path to folder location where new files will be stored.
    if not hasattr(replica, 'replicaName'):
            'Not a valid input!  Must be generated from restapi.FeatureService.createReplica() method!'

    # attachment directory and gdb set up
    att_loc = os.path.join(out_folder, 'Attachments')
    if not os.path.exists(att_loc):

    # set schema and create feature classes
    for layer in replica.layers:

        # download attachments
        att_dict = {}
        for attInfo in layer.attachments:
            out_file = assignUniqueName(os.path.join(att_loc, attInfo['name']))
            with open(out_file, 'wb') as f:
            att_dict[attInfo['parentGlobalId']] = out_file.strip()

        if layer.features:

            # make new feature class
            sr = layer.spatialReference

            out_fc = validate_name(
                os.path.join(out_folder, layer.name + '.shp'))
            g_type = G_DICT[layer.geometryType]

            # add all fields
            layer_fields = [
                f for f in layer.fields if f.type not in (SHAPE, OID)
            w = shp_helper.shp(g_type, out_fc)
            guid = None
            field_map = []
            for fld in layer_fields:
                field_name = fld.name.split('.')[-1][:10]
                field_type = SHP_FTYPES[fld.type]
                if fld.type == 'esriFieldTypeGlobalID':
                    guid = fld.name
                field_length = str(fld.length) if fld.length else "50"
                w.add_field(field_name, field_type, field_length)
                field_map.append((fld.name, field_name))

            w.add_field('ATTCH_PATH', 'C', '254')

            # search cursor to write rows
            s_fields = [f[0] for f in field_map]
            date_indices = [
                i for i, f in enumerate(layer_fields)
                if f.type == 'esriFieldTypeDate'

            for feature in layer.features:
                row = [feature['attributes'][f] for f in s_fields]
                if guid:
                    row += [att_dict[feature['attributes'][guid]]]
                for i in date_indices:
                    row[i] = mil_to_date(row[i])

                g_type = G_DICT[layer.geometryType]
                if g_type == 'Polygon':
                    geom = feature['geometry']['rings']

                elif g_type == 'Polyline':
                    geom = feature['geometry']['paths']

                elif g_type == 'Point':
                    geom = [feature['geometry']['x'], feature['geometry']['y']]

                    # multipoint - to do

                w.add_row(geom, [v if v else ' ' for v in row])

            print('Created: "{0}"'.format(out_fc))

            # write projection file
            project(out_fc, sr)

    return out_folder