def avg_ent(filepath, nrange, shuffle_mode=False, min_count=1, backwards=False, ExpectedProbability=False):
    For each n (Markov order) in the parameter nrange, averages entropy
    across all n-grams, estimating the entropy rate of the songs in filepath.
    if shuffle_mode:
        filepath = './output/shuffle.csv'
    ndct = p_to_ent(filepath, nrange, backwards = backwards, ExpectedProbability = ExpectedProbability)
    # print(ndct)
    result = {}
    for key, value in ndct.items():
        n = key
        ls = []
        for jey, ualue in value.items():
            if ualue[1]>min_count:
                for i in range(ualue[1]):
        if len(ls)>0:
            result[key] = sum(ls) / len(ls)
    with open("./output/entropy.csv", 'w') as output_file:
        writer = csv.writer(output_file)
        for key, value in result.items():
            row = []
    return result
def tennis(filename, count, dicts, seed):
    fh = open(filename, "r")

    data = []
    labels = []

    fl = fh.readlines()
    for line in fl:
        vals = line.split('\n')[0].rsplit(',')
        if len(vals) != 5:
        element = []
        for i in range(4):
            v = 0
            keys = dicts[i].keys()
            for k in keys:
                if vals[i] == k:
                v += 1

    shuffle.shuffle(data, labels, seed)

    return numpy.array(data, numpy.int16), labels
Exemple #3
def test_type_error_on_py3k():  # type: ignore
    msg = "abcdefghi" * 1000
    if sys.version_info.major > 2:
        with raises(TypeError):
        assert shuffle.unshuffle(shuffle.shuffle(msg)) == msg
def build_problem(ES, q0, Lambda, k, phi, alpha, N, order):
    dim_l = find_dim(N)

    A = np.zeros((dim_l, dim_l))
    b = np.zeros(dim_l)
    c = 0.
    keys = get_words(2, order)

    alphabet = (0, 1)

    words = itertools.chain(
        *[itertools.product(alphabet, repeat=i) for i in range(N + 1)])

    for w in tqdm(words, total=find_dim(N)):
        w_idx = keys.index(w)

        words2 = itertools.chain(
            *[itertools.product(alphabet, repeat=i) for i in range(N + 1)])
        for v in words2:
            v_idx = keys.index(v)

            w_shuffle_v = shuffle(w, v)
            w_shuffle_v_1 = [tuple(list(tau) + [0]) for tau in w_shuffle_v]
            ES_w_shuffle_v_1 = sum(ES[tau] for tau in w_shuffle_v_1)

            w1_shuffle_v = shuffle(tuple(list(w) + [0]), v)
            ES_w1_shuffle_v = sum(ES[tau] for tau in w1_shuffle_v)

            w1_shuffle_v1 = shuffle(tuple(list(w) + [0]), tuple(list(v) + [0]))
            ES_w1_shuffle_v1 = sum(ES[tau] for tau in w1_shuffle_v1)

            w1_shuffle_v1_1 = [tuple(list(tau) + [0]) for tau in w1_shuffle_v1]
            ES_w1_shuffle_v1_1 = sum(ES[tau] for tau in w1_shuffle_v1_1)

            A[w_idx, v_idx] = -Lambda * ES_w_shuffle_v_1 + (
                k - alpha) * ES_w1_shuffle_v1 - (phi + k) * ES_w1_shuffle_v1_1

        ES_w = ES[w]

        w_shuffle_2 = shuffle(w, (1, ))
        w_shuffle_21 = [tuple(list(tau) + [0]) for tau in w_shuffle_2]
        ES_w_shuffle_21 = sum(ES[tau] for tau in w_shuffle_21)

        w1_shuffle_2 = shuffle(tuple(list(w) + [0]), (1, ))
        ES_w1_shuffle_2 = sum(ES[tau] for tau in w1_shuffle_2)

        w1 = tuple(list(w) + [0])
        ES_w1 = ES[w1]

        w11 = tuple(list(w1) + [0])
        ES_w11 = ES[w11]

        b[w_idx] = ES_w_shuffle_21 - ES_w1_shuffle_2 + (
            2 * alpha * q0 - q0 * k) * ES_w1 + 2 * phi * ES_w11

    c = q0 * (ES[(1, )] + 1.) - alpha * q0 - q0 * phi * ES[(1, )]

    return A, b, c
Exemple #5
def read_from_archves(comm, path, cnt_classes, size, crop):
    lst_tarfiles = []
    lst_tarfiles_local = []
    max_loaders = 500
    # ranks_with_files = comm.mpi_comm.allgather(comm.rank if ((comm.intra_rank == 0) and os.path.isdir(path)) else -1)
    ranks_with_files = comm.mpi_comm.allgather(
        comm.rank if os.path.isdir(path) else -1)
    ranks_with_files = [i for i in ranks_with_files if i >= 0]
    # ranks_with_files = ranks_with_files[:max_loaders]
    if comm.rank == ranks_with_files[0]:
        print("loading tarfiles from", path)
        lst_tarfiles = list_dir_absolute(path)
        lst_tarfiles = [
            i for i in lst_tarfiles if int(i.split("_")[-2]) < cnt_classes
            f"loaded {len(lst_tarfiles)} filenames, using {len(ranks_with_files)} readers"

    count_me_in = comm.rank in ranks_with_files
    #if comm.rank < 6:

    if comm.rank == 0:
            f"---------------shuffled tarfiles to read, rank {comm.rank} got",
        print("loading tars from storage")
    time_start = timer()
    if len(lst_tarfiles_local) > 0:
        data = read_from_list_of_tars(lst_tarfiles_local, size, crop)
        data = []
    time_end = timer()
    if comm.rank == 0:
        print(f"done loading tars in {time_end - time_start}, shuffling")
    time_start = timer()

    # print(f"{comm.rank}: {lst_tarfiles_local}, {len(data)}")
    data_local = []
    shuffle(data, data_local, comm.mpi_comm, pad=True)
    time_end = timer()
    if comm.rank == 0:
        print("done shuffling in", time_end - time_start)

    # for i in range(len(data_local)):
    # if data_local[i][0].shape != (3, 224, 224):
    # raise RuntimeError("wrong image loaded :", data_local[i][0].shape)

    return data_local
Exemple #6
def main():
  if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    parsing.error(0, "0")
  inst = parsing.parsing(sys.argv[1])
  shuffle.shuffle(rubik, inst)
  if utils.check_rubik(rubik) == False:
    print("the cube is not solved")
    print("the cube is solved")
Exemple #7
 def test_shuffle_content(self):
     array = [
         1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 23, 1412, 1, 32, 23, 5, 6, 6, 234, 23, 456,
     array_cp = copy.copy(array)
     for i in array_cp:
         self.assertIn(i, array)
     for j in array:
         self.assertIn(j, array_cp)
def _build_row(w, basis, E):
    Ai = []
    for v in basis:
        z = shuffle(w, v)
        Ai.append(sum(E[z_] for z_ in z))

    return np.array(Ai)
def _build_row(w, basis, E):
    Ai = []
    for j, v in enumerate(basis):
        z = shuffle(w, v)
        Ai.append(sum(E[z_] for z_ in z))

    return np.array(Ai)
Exemple #10
def play(deck,verbose):
	"""Plays a game of patience with the deck entered (represented by numbers 1 to 13) and returns 
		the ammount of cards left in the deck when the game ends. If verbose is True then prints each round. 
		Requires Shuffle function to be imported."""

	visible=[]												#List visible to represent the table
	deck=shuffle(deck)										#Deck is randomly shuffled by imported shuffle function
	while len(deck)!=0 and len(visible)<10:					#While loop to make sure at begining of round deck isnt empty or there are too many piles
		y=jqk(visible)										#gets result of both conditions
		if y==() and x==():									#if they both return empty tuples then a new pile needs to added
			if verbose and len(visible)<10:					#if true is etered the new visible is printed
				print visible	
		if len(deck)>2 and y!=():							#deck has to be longer than 2 to be able to carry this whole function out when y returns a tuple				
			for m in y:
				visible[m]=deck.pop(0)						#loop so that for ever member of the tuple is found and then a new card put over the top of it (replacing it)
			if verbose:
				print visible
		if len(deck)>=2 and x!=():							#deck has to be longer than 1 for this function to be done when add_to_11 gives a non empty tuple as it needs to cards to place on top
			for n in x:
			if verbose:
				print visible
		if len(deck)<3 and y!=() :							#if jqk returns a tuple but less than 3 cards are availible then they cannot all be replaced however you would still win to 0 is returned
			return 0
		if len(deck)<2 and x!=():							#if add_to_11 returns a tuple but there are less than 2 cards left not all can be replced but you would still win so 0 is returned
			return 0
	if R==0:												#if its fallen out of while loop due to deck being all used then its won and 0 is returned
		return R
	if R>0:													#if its fallen out due to too many piles its because it added a tenth on, this means it needs to be replaced to deck to get remaing cards so its one more than it falls out the loop with
		return R+1
def action_handler(game, Action):
    the_action = Action.get('actionType', None)

    pileId=Action.get('pileId', None)
    fromPileId=Action.get('fromPileId', None)
    toPileId=Action.get('toPileId', None)
    numberCards=Action.get('numberCards', None)
    fromMethod=Action.get('fromMethod', None)
    toMethod=Action.get('toMethod', None)
    key=Action.get('key', None)
    value=Action.get('value', None)
    userId=Action.get('userId', None)
    playerId=Action.get('playerId', None)
    isExit=Action.get('isExit', None)
    isRemove=Action.get('isRemove', None)
    toPermission=Action.get('toPermission', None)
    actionList=Action.get('actionList', None)

    if the_action == 0:

    elif the_action==1:
        game.piles[fromPileId].pileTransfer(game.piles[toPileId], fromMethod, toMethod, numberCards, None, None)

    elif the_action==2:
        if userId != -1:
            value = game.players[userId].map_change(key)
        if type(value) is not int:
            value = int(eval(value))
        game.vars[key] = value

    elif the_action==3:
        # board -> player
        player_exit_enter(playerId, isExit)

    elif the_action==4:
        # board -> pile
        pile_creation_removal(game.piles[pileId], isRemove)

    elif the_action==5:
        # board -> pile
        permission_change(game.piles[pileId], toPermission)

    elif the_action==6:
       decision = game.players[userId].ask_the_user(actionList)
       action_handler(game, actionList[decision])
def optdigits(filename):
    fh = open(filename, "r")

    data = []
    labels = []

    fl = fh.readlines()
    for line in fl:
        vals = line.split('\n')[0].rsplit(',')
        if len(vals) != 65:
        data.append([int(vals[i]) for i in range(64)])

    shuffle.shuffle(data, labels, shuffle.generate_seed(len(data)))

    return numpy.array(data), labels
def glass(filename):
    fh = open(filename, "r")

    data = []
    labels = []

    fl = fh.readlines()
    for line in fl:
        vals = line.split('\n')[0].rsplit(',')
        if len(vals) != 11:
        data.append([float(vals[i + 1]) for i in range(9)])

    shuffle.shuffle(data, labels, shuffle.generate_seed(len(data)))

    return numpy.array(data), labels
def shuffle_a_file(fn):
    fid = open(fn, 'r+t')
    arr = []

    for ln in fid:
        if len(ln.strip()) == 0:


    for ii in arr:

Exemple #15
def encrypt_flow(img, filepath, keypass):
    """ UI flow for an encryption operation """

    shuff = shuff_algo.shuffle(img, keypass)
    print("Save image? (y/n)")
    ifsave = input("> ")
    if ifsave.lower() == 'y':
        cv2.imwrite(filepath, shuff)
Exemple #16
def quick_select(seq, k):
    assert len(seq) > 0


    lo = 0
    hi = len(seq)

    while lo < hi:
        j = partition(seq, lo, hi)

        if k < j:
            hi = j
        elif j < k:
            lo = j + 1
            return seq[j]

    return seq[k]
Exemple #17
def test_enqueue_dequeue(pq):
    assert len(pq) == 0

    with pytest.raises(IndexError):

    values = list(
        zip(np.random.permutation(size), np.random.standard_normal(size)))
    for k, v in values:
        pq.push(k, v)

    for k, v in values:
        pq.decrease(k, v - 1.0)

    assert len(pq) == size

    values_sorted = [pq.pop_min() for _ in range(size)]

    assert len(pq) == 0
    assert values_sorted == [i for i, _ in sorted(values, key=lambda x: x[1])]
def avg_ent(filepath, nrange, shuffle_mode=False):
    For each n (Markov order) in the parameter nrange, averages entropy 
    across all n-grams, estimating the entropy rate of the songs in filepath.
    if shuffle_mode == True:
        filepath = './output/shuffle.csv'
    idct = index.get_probs(filepath, nrange)
    ndct = p_to_ent(filepath, nrange)
    result = {}
    for key, value in ndct.items():
        n = key
        ls = []
        ngram_count_list = []
        nminus1gram_dict = idct[n - 1]
        for value in nminus1gram_dict.values():
        total_ngram_count = sum(ngram_count_list)
        for jey, ualue in value.items():
            #if ualue[1]>1:
            See equation 2.11 in Elements of Information Theory (Cover & Thomas, 2nd ed.):
            Add together the conditional entropies for each prefix, multiplied by the marginal entropy of that prefix.
            prefix_marginal = nminus1gram_dict[key][1] / total_ngram_count
            ls.append(prefix_marginal * nminus1gram_dict)
            #if len(ls)>0:
            result[key] = sum(ls)
    with open("./output/entropy.csv", 'w') as output_file:
        writer = csv.writer(output_file)
        for key, value in result.items():
            row = []
    return result
Exemple #19
def deal_cards(player_count, cards_in_hand, deck):
    if player_count * cards_in_hand > len(deck):
        return "error--number of cards requested is too high"
        deck = shuffle.shuffle(deck)
        player_hands = {}
        for x in list(range(player_count)):
            player_hands["player" + str(x)] = []
        for card in list(range(cards_in_hand)):
            for x in player_hands:
                player_hands[x] = player_hands[x] + deck[0]
                deck = deck[1:]
        return ((player_hands), (deck))
def play(deck, verbose):
	play a single game of patience with a deck. Return the number
	of cards left in the deck at the end of the game, and therefore
	if 0 is returned, the game has been won. If verbose, prints the
	visible cards at each stage of the game.
	keyword arguments:
	deck -- a list representing a deck.
	verbose -- Boolean value controlling whether the visible cards are
	printed at each stage of the game.
	visible = [deck.pop(0), deck.pop(0)]									#creates list "visible" which contains the face up cards, and makes the top two cards of the deck the first two elements.
	if verbose:																
		print visible
	while len(deck) > 0 and len(visible) < 10:								#while game winning conditions (the length of deck becoming 0, or more than 9 piles being created) are not met, play the game.
		if add_to_11(visible) != ():										#if add_to_11(visible) does not equal (), it means there are cards to be replaced
			a, b = add_to_11(visible)										#unpack the indices of two cards which add to eleven
			visible[a] = deck.pop(0)
			if len(deck) > 0:												#for the case where the length of the deck is 1 at the start of the loop, this ensures the computer doesn't try to access an element in a empty list.
				visible[b] = deck.pop(0)
		elif 11 in visible and 12 in visible and 13 in visible:				#checks for j, q, k in visible
			a, b, c = jqk(visible)											#unpacks the indices of j, q and k.
			visible[a] = deck.pop(0)
			if len(deck) > 1:
				visible[b] = deck.pop(0)
			if len(deck) > 1:
				visible[c] = deck.pop(0)
		else:																#if the above two conditions have not been met, a new pile must be created
		if verbose:
			print visible
	if len(visible) == 10:													#if a tenth pile has to be turned over, the game is lost, so the card in the tenth pile is returned to the deck.
	return len(deck)														#returns the length of the deck as described in the docstring
def krkopt(filename, count, dicts, seed):
    fh = open(filename, "r")

    data = []
    labels = []

    fl = fh.readlines()
    for line in fl:
        vals = line.split("\n")[0].rsplit(",")
        if len(vals) != 7:
        element = []
        for i in range(6):
            v = 0
            for k in dicts[i].keys():
                if vals[i] == k:
                v += 1

    shuffle.shuffle(data, labels, seed)

    return numpy.array(data, numpy.int16), labels
def mushroom(filename, count, dicts, seed):
    fh = open(filename, "r")

    data = []
    labels = []

    fl = fh.readlines()
    for line in fl:
        vals = line.split('\n')[0].rsplit(',')
        if len(vals) != 23:
        element = []
        for i in range(22):
            v = 0
            for k in dicts[i + 1].keys():
                if vals[i + 1] == k:
                v += 1

    shuffle.shuffle(data, labels, seed)

    return numpy.array(data, numpy.int16), labels
Exemple #23
    def shuffle(self, other, max_order=MAX_SHUFFLE_ORDER):
        order = self.order + other.order
        tensor = Tensor(self.dim, order)

        for w1 in self.sigkeys():
            self_w1 = self[w1]
            if self_w1 == 0.:

            for w2 in other.sigkeys():
                if len(w1) + len(w2) > max_order:

                other_w2 = other[w2]
                if other_w2 == 0.:

                shuffled = shuffle.shuffle(w1, w2)
                for v in shuffled:
                    tensor[v] += self[w1] * other[w2]

        return tensor
Exemple #24
    def rev_announcement(self, s, msg_args):
        """Handles doing a reverse announcement.

		secret: Secret for ElGamal decryption.
		server_pub_keys: Public keys of servers.
		ann_list_pre: Announcement list before the previous server's modifications.
		ann_list_post: Announcement list after the previous server's modifications.
		g_, h_: Verifiable shuffle parameters
		init_id: The id of the server that was the first in the ring.
        (secret, server_pub_keys, ann_list_pre, ann_list_post, g_, h_,
         init_id) = msg_args
        ann_list = ann_list_post

        if init_id != self.server_id:
            if init_id == Constants.INIT_ID:
                init_id = self.server_id
                ann_list = []
                ann_list.append([k for k in self.stp_list.keys()])
                ann_list.append([(secret, v) for v in self.stp_list.values()])
                # verify shuffle from prev server
                if not shuffle.verify(s, ann_list_pre, ann_list_post, g_, h_):
                    eprint(, 'Verifiable shuffle failed.')


            self.eph_key = randkey()

            # update announcement list
            self.secret = powm(secret, self.pri_key)
            secret = (secret * powm(Constants.G, self.eph_key)) % Constants.P
            ann_list[1] = [(sec, (rep * self.secret) % Constants.P)
                           for sec, rep in ann_list[1]]
            new_ann_list = self.announcement_bwd(ann_list, secret,

            # shuffle announcement list
            n = len(new_ann_list[0])
            pi = shuffle.generate_permutation(n)
            new_ann_list = [shuffle.shuffle(elts, pi) for elts in new_ann_list]

            # update parameters
            beta = self.eph_key
            g_ = Constants.G
            h_ = 1
            for server_pub_key in server_pub_keys:
                h_ = (h_ * server_pub_key) % Constants.P

            # pass announcement list to next server
            s = socket.socket()
            send(s, [
                Constants.REV_ANNOUNCEMENT, secret, server_pub_keys, ann_list,
                new_ann_list, g_, h_, init_id

            # prove shuffle to prev server
            if self.addr != self.prev_addr:
                shuffle.prove(s, ann_list, new_ann_list, pi, beta, g_, h_)
            # verify shuffle from next server (if more than one server)
            if self.addr != self.next_addr:
                if not shuffle.verify(s, ann_list_pre, ann_list_post, g_, h_):
                    eprint(, 'Verifiable shuffle failed.')


            # initialize add announcement
            ltp_list = list(zip(ann_list[0],
                                [rep for sec, rep in ann_list[1]]))
            ann_args = [ltp_list, secret, Constants.INIT_ID]
Exemple #25
from NSQuestions import NSQuestions
#print NSQuestions
from FTQuestions import FTQuestions
#print FTQuestions
from IEQuestions import IEQuestions
#print IEQuestions
from JPQuestions import JPQuestions
#print JPQuestions
from MyersBriggsTypes import TYPES
# print	TYPES

from shuffle import shuffle
shuffle (NSQuestions)
shuffle (FTQuestions)
shuffle (IEQuestions)
shuffle (JPQuestions)

#while loop if user wants to continue the test?
#ask for user name?
result = {
def Quizzer (Questions, Type1, Type2, result):
Exemple #26
# train process
alpha = 0.01
epoch = 148
mini_batch = 80
l = 50 #lamda
index = 5
for index in range(6):
    x_train = list_x_train[index]
    y_train = list_y_train[index]
    theta1 = randInitializeWeights(784, hidden_layer)
    theta2 = randInitializeWeights(hidden_layer, hidden_layer)
    theta3 = randInitializeWeights(hidden_layer, 10)
    print 'training... ' + str(index + 1)
    for i in range(epoch):
        # mini batch
        x_train, y_train = shuffle(x_train, y_train)
        for k in range(len(x_train)/mini_batch):
            x = x_train[k*mini_batch:(k + 1)*mini_batch]
            y = y_train[k*mini_batch:(k + 1)*mini_batch]

            results = nnCostFunction(theta1, theta2, theta3, x, y, lamda=l)
            grad1 = results[1]
            grad2 = results[2]
            grad3 = results[3]
            #print 'inter ' + str(i) + ' coss = ' + str(results[0])
            grad = np.concatenate([unRolling(grad1), unRolling(grad2)])
            grad = np.concatenate([grad, unRolling(grad3)])
            theta = np.concatenate([unRolling(theta1), unRolling(theta2)])
            theta = np.concatenate([theta, unRolling(theta3)])
            theta = theta - alpha * grad
            theta1 = np.reshape(
 def test_a_large_array_is_sorted_lowest_to_highest(self):
     assert sort(shuffle([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
                          10])) == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
Exemple #28
        if squared == True:
            x = int(math.sqrt(s))
            y = int(math.sqrt(s))
    if isPrime == None and squared == None:
        x, y = fpf.numberFactors(s,primeNumbers)
    if isPrime != True:   
    print("No primes")

### make and shuffle the board

listOfNumbers = cpl.createList(x,y)
correctList = listOfNumbers.copy()
done = False
while done == False:
    listOfNumbers = sh.shuffle(x,y,listOfNumbers)
    fakeList = listOfNumbers.copy()
    done = sh.checkShuffle(x,y,listOfNumbers)
    listOfNumbers = fakeList.copy()

### print the board


### Game
game = True
while game == True:
    if listOfNumbers == correctList:
    composition = mP.wheresNumber(x,y,listOfNumbers,isPrime)
    askedNumber = mP.askForInput(x,y)
Exemple #29
def train_multiple_outputs(n_images, batch_size, epoch_num, critic_updates=5):

    g = generator_model()
    d = discriminator_model()
    d_on_g = generator_containing_discriminator_multiple_outputs(g, d)

    d_opt = Adam(lr=1E-4, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, epsilon=1e-08)
    d_on_g_opt = Adam(lr=1E-4, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, epsilon=1e-08)

    d.trainable = True
    d.compile(optimizer=d_opt, loss=wasserstein_loss)
    d.trainable = False
    loss = [perceptual_loss, wasserstein_loss]
    loss_weights = [100, 1]
    d_on_g.compile(optimizer=d_on_g_opt, loss=loss, loss_weights=loss_weights)
    d.trainable = True

    output_true_batch, output_false_batch = np.ones((batch_size, 1)), np.zeros(
        (batch_size, 1))

    for epoch in range(epoch_num):
        print('epoch: {}/{}'.format(epoch, epoch_num))
        print('batches: {}'.format(batch_size))
        start = 0

        d_losses = []
        d_on_g_losses = []
        for index in range(int(25000 // batch_size)):
            data = load_images(start, batch_size)
            y_train, x_train = data['B'], data['A']
            image_blur_batch = x_train
            image_full_batch = y_train
            generated_images = g.predict(x=image_blur_batch,

            for _ in range(critic_updates):
                d_loss_real = d.train_on_batch(image_full_batch,
                d_loss_fake = d.train_on_batch(generated_images,
                d_loss = 0.5 * np.add(d_loss_fake, d_loss_real)
            print('batch {} d_loss : {}'.format(index + 1, np.mean(d_losses)))

            d.trainable = False

            d_on_g_loss = d_on_g.train_on_batch(
                image_blur_batch, [image_full_batch, output_true_batch])
            print('batch {} d_on_g_loss : {}'.format(index + 1, d_on_g_loss))

            d.trainable = True
            if (index % 300):
                save_all_weights(d, g, epoch, int(index * 10))
            start += batch_size

        with open('log.txt', 'a') as f:
            f.write('{} - {} - {}\n'.format(epoch, np.mean(d_losses),

        save_all_weights(d, g, epoch, int(np.mean(d_on_g_losses)))
Exemple #30
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(miss_judge_test_dir, str(j)+'試行目'))
        for l in range(1, n_epoch+1):
            os.mkdir(os.path.join(os.path.join(miss_judge_train_dir, str(j)+'試行目'), str(l)))
            os.mkdir(os.path.join(os.path.join(miss_judge_test_dir, str(j)+'試行目'), str(l)))

    for i in range(1, k+1):
        print(str(i) + '試行目')
        current_dir = os.path.join(main_dir, str(i)+'試行目')
        if not os.path.exists(current_dir):
        N_test = shuffle(input_dir, current_dir, flag = 0)
        train_dir = os.path.join(current_dir, 'training')
        test_dir = os.path.join(current_dir, 'testing')
        #data augmentationの実行
        N, G = augmentation(os.path.join(train_dir, 'image1'), os.path.join(train_dir, 'image2'), 100, (h,w))
        resize(os.path.join(train_dir, 'image2'), os.path.join(train_dir, 'image3'), h, w)
        resize(os.path.join(test_dir, 'image1'), os.path.join(test_dir, 'image2'), h, w)

        start_time = time.clock()
        pathsAndLabels = []
        paths = []
        for j in range(0, G):
            pathsAndLabels.append(np.asarray([os.path.join(os.path.join(train_dir, 'image3'), 'stage'+str(j)+'\\'), j]))
 def test1(self):
     self.assertEqual(sum(range(5)), sum(shuffle(range(5))))
Exemple #32
    def test_shuffle(self):
        inp = [i for i in range(0, 1000)]

        self.assertNotEqual(inp.copy(), shuffle(inp))
Exemple #33
from get_file_list import get_file_list
from shuffle import shuffle
from fix_window import fix_window
import sys

if __name__ == "__main__":
    folder = sys.argv[1]
    prefix = sys.argv[2]
    all_filename = "{}.txt".format(prefix)
    total = get_file_list(folder, all_filename)
    train_num = round(total * 0.95)
    train_filename = "{}_train.txt".format(prefix)
    test_filename = "{}_test.txt".format(prefix)
    shuffle(all_filename, train_filename, train_num, test_filename)
    train_fixed_filename = "{}_train_fixed.txt".format(prefix)
    test_fixed_filename = "{}_test_fixed.txt".format(prefix)
    fix_window(train_filename, train_fixed_filename)
    fix_window(test_filename, test_fixed_filename)
from shuffle import shuffle
import sys

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
	print 'Usage: ', __file__, '<count>'

count = int(sys.argv[1])
print ','.join(str(c) for c in shuffle(range(count)))
import shuffle

L = range(20)
print L
print L
Exemple #36
 def test_shuffle_returns_the_same_array_for_a_1_size_array(self):
     assert shuffle([1]) == [1]
Exemple #37
 def test_shuffle_returns_a_different_array_when_randomness_stubbed(self):
     assert shuffle([1,2],1) == [2,1]
Exemple #38
def test_shuffle():
	order = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 14, 14, 15, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20]
	result = shuffle(order)
	assert_not_equal(result, order)
Exemple #39
def shuff():
Exemple #40
    def new_announcement(self, s, msg_args):
        """Handles a request to carry out one step of the announcement phase.

		generator: Generator for this server to use.
		ann_list_pre: Announcement list before the previous server's modifications.
		ann_list_post: Announcement list after the previous server's modifications.
		g_, h_: Verifiable shuffle parameters
		init_id: The id of the server that was the first in the ring.
        generator, ann_list_pre, ann_list_post, g_, h_, init_id = msg_args
        ann_list = ann_list_post

        if init_id != self.server_id:
            if init_id == Constants.INIT_ID:
                init_id = self.server_id
                ann_list = []
                ann_list.append([(self.secret, v)
                                 for v in self.ltp_list.values()])

                # verify shuffle from prev server
                if not shuffle.verify(s, ann_list_pre, ann_list_post, g_, h_):
                    eprint(, 'Verifiable shuffle failed.')


            # update announcement list
            secret_inv = modinv(powm(self.secret, self.pri_key))
            new_ann_list = self.announcement_fwd(ann_list, secret_inv)

            # shuffle announcement list
            n = len(new_ann_list[0])
            pi = shuffle.generate_permutation(n)
            new_ann_list = [shuffle.shuffle(elts, pi) for elts in new_ann_list]

            # update generator and parameters
            new_generator = powm(generator, self.eph_key)
            beta = 1
            g_ = 1
            h_ = secret_inv

            # pass announcement list to next server
            s = socket.socket()
            send(s, [
                Constants.NEW_ANNOUNCEMENT, new_generator, ann_list,
                new_ann_list, g_, h_, init_id

            # prove shuffle to next server (if more than one server)
            if self.addr != self.next_addr:
                shuffle.prove(s, ann_list, new_ann_list, pi, beta, g_, h_)
            # verify shuffle from prev server (if more than one server)
            if self.addr != self.prev_addr:
                if not shuffle.verify(s, ann_list_pre, ann_list_post, g_, h_):
                    eprint(, 'Verifiable shuffle failed.')


            # initialize add announcement
            stp_list = list(zip(ann_list[0],
                                [rep for sec, rep in ann_list[1]]))
            stp_args = [stp_list, generator, Constants.INIT_ID]
Exemple #41
 def test_shuffle_length(self):
     array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
     array_cp = copy.copy(array)
     self.assertEqual(array.__len__(), array_cp.__len__())
Exemple #42
    assert 1 <= m < n, "m must be smaller than n."

    edges = list()
    deg = np.zeros(n)

    for i in range(m, n):
        if i == m:
            for j in range(i):
                edges.append((j, i))
                deg[j] += 1
                deg[i] += 1

        connection = np.random.choice(range(n),
                                      p=deg / np.sum(deg))
        for cnt in connection:
            edges.append((cnt, i))
            deg[cnt] += 1
            deg[i] += 1

    edges = shuffle(n, edges)

    os.makedirs('generated', exist_ok=True)
    with open(os.path.join('generated', args.out_txt), 'w') as f:
        f.write(str(n) + '\n')
        f.write(str(len(edges)) + '\n')
        for edge in edges:
            f.write('%d %d\n' % (edge[0], edge[1]))
Exemple #43
def test_basic():  # type: ignore
    msg = b"abcdefghijklm" * 1000
    assert shuffle.unshuffle(shuffle.shuffle(msg)) == msg
Exemple #44
def three_way_quick_sort(seq):
    quick_subsort(seq, 0, len(seq))
Exemple #45
# Insertion sorting algorithm

from shuffle import gen_list, shuffle

def insertion_sort(lst: list):
    """Insertion sorting algorithm
    for i in range(1, len(lst)):
        current = lst[i]
        current_index = i - 1

        while (current_index >= 0) and (lst[current_index] > current):
            lst[current_index + 1] = lst[current_index]
            current_index = current_index - 1

        lst[current_index + 1] = current

if __name__ == '__main__':
    lst = gen_list(20)
    print('Generate List:', lst)
    print('Shuffled List:', lst)
    print('Sorted List:  ', lst)