Exemple #1
    def start(self):  # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements
        Start SickChill
        # do some preliminary stuff
        sickbeard.MY_FULLNAME = ek(os.path.normpath, ek(os.path.abspath, __file__))
        sickbeard.MY_NAME = ek(os.path.basename, sickbeard.MY_FULLNAME)
        sickbeard.PROG_DIR = ek(os.path.dirname, sickbeard.MY_FULLNAME)
        sickbeard.LOCALE_DIR = ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.PROG_DIR, 'locale')
        sickbeard.DATA_DIR = sickbeard.PROG_DIR
        sickbeard.MY_ARGS = sys.argv[1:]

            locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
            sickbeard.SYS_ENCODING = locale.getpreferredencoding()
        except (locale.Error, IOError):
            sickbeard.SYS_ENCODING = 'UTF-8'

        # pylint: disable=no-member
        if not sickbeard.SYS_ENCODING or sickbeard.SYS_ENCODING.lower() in ('ansi_x3.4-1968', 'us-ascii', 'ascii', 'charmap') or \
                (sys.platform.startswith('win') and sys.getwindowsversion()[0] >= 6 and str(getattr(sys.stdout, 'device', sys.stdout).encoding).lower() in ('cp65001', 'charmap')):
            sickbeard.SYS_ENCODING = 'UTF-8'

        # TODO: Continue working on making this unnecessary, this hack creates all sorts of hellish problems
        if not hasattr(sys, 'setdefaultencoding'):

            # On non-unicode builds this will raise an AttributeError, if encoding type is not valid it throws a LookupError
            sys.setdefaultencoding(sickbeard.SYS_ENCODING)  # pylint: disable=no-member
        except (AttributeError, LookupError):
            sys.exit('Sorry, you MUST add the SickChill folder to the PYTHONPATH environment variable\n'
                     'or find another way to force Python to use {} for string encoding.'.format(sickbeard.SYS_ENCODING))

        # Rename the main thread
        threading.currentThread().name = 'MAIN'

        args = SickChillArgumentParser(sickbeard.PROG_DIR).parse_args()

        if args.force_update:
            result = self.force_update()
            sys.exit(int(not result))  # Ok -> 0 , Error -> 1

        # Need console logging for SickBeard.py and SickBeard-console.exe
        sickbeard.NO_RESIZE = args.noresize
        self.console_logging = (not hasattr(sys, 'frozen')) or (sickbeard.MY_NAME.lower().find('-console') > 0) and not args.quiet
        self.no_launch = args.nolaunch
        self.forced_port = args.port
        if args.daemon:
            self.run_as_daemon = platform.system() != 'Windows'
            self.console_logging = False
            self.no_launch = True

        self.create_pid = bool(args.pidfile)
        self.pid_file = args.pidfile
        if self.pid_file and ek(os.path.exists, self.pid_file):
            # If the pid file already exists, SickChill may still be running, so exit
            raise SystemExit('PID file: {0} already exists. Exiting.'.format(self.pid_file))

        sickbeard.DATA_DIR = ek(os.path.abspath, args.datadir) if args.datadir else sickbeard.DATA_DIR
        sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE = ek(os.path.abspath, args.config) if args.config else ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.DATA_DIR, 'config.ini')

        # The pid file is only useful in daemon mode, make sure we can write the file properly
        if self.create_pid:
            if self.run_as_daemon:
                pid_dir = ek(os.path.dirname, self.pid_file)
                if not ek(os.access, pid_dir, os.F_OK):
                    sys.exit('PID dir: {0} doesn\'t exist. Exiting.'.format(pid_dir))
                if not ek(os.access, pid_dir, os.W_OK):
                    raise SystemExit('PID dir: {0} must be writable (write permissions). Exiting.'.format(pid_dir))
                if self.console_logging:
                    sys.stdout.write('Not running in daemon mode. PID file creation disabled.\n')
                self.create_pid = False

        # Make sure that we can create the data dir
        if not ek(os.access, sickbeard.DATA_DIR, os.F_OK):
                ek(os.makedirs, sickbeard.DATA_DIR, 0o744)
            except os.error:
                raise SystemExit('Unable to create data directory: {0}'.format(sickbeard.DATA_DIR))

        # Make sure we can write to the data dir
        if not ek(os.access, sickbeard.DATA_DIR, os.W_OK):
            raise SystemExit('Data directory must be writeable: {0}'.format(sickbeard.DATA_DIR))

        # Make sure we can write to the config file
        if not ek(os.access, sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE, os.W_OK):
            if ek(os.path.isfile, sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE):
                raise SystemExit('Config file must be writeable: {0}'.format(sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE))
            elif not ek(os.access, ek(os.path.dirname, sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE), os.W_OK):
                raise SystemExit('Config file root dir must be writeable: {0}'.format(ek(os.path.dirname, sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE)))

        ek(os.chdir, sickbeard.DATA_DIR)

        # Check if we need to perform a restore first
        restore_dir = ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.DATA_DIR, 'restore')
        if ek(os.path.exists, restore_dir):
            success = self.restore_db(restore_dir, sickbeard.DATA_DIR)
            if self.console_logging:
                sys.stdout.write('Restore: restoring DB and config.ini {0}!\n'.format(('FAILED', 'SUCCESSFUL')[success]))

        # Load the config and publish it to the sickbeard package
        if self.console_logging and not ek(os.path.isfile, sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE):
            sys.stdout.write('Unable to find {0}, all settings will be default!\n'.format(sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE))

        sickbeard.CFG = ConfigObj(sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE, encoding='UTF-8')

        # Initialize the config and our threads

        if self.run_as_daemon:

        # Get PID
        sickbeard.PID = os.getpid()

        # Build from the DB to start with

        logger.log('Starting SickChill [{branch}] using \'{config}\''.format
                   (branch=sickbeard.BRANCH, config=sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE))


        if self.forced_port:
            logger.log('Forcing web server to port {port}'.format(port=self.forced_port))
            self.start_port = self.forced_port
            self.start_port = sickbeard.WEB_PORT

        if sickbeard.WEB_LOG:
            self.log_dir = sickbeard.LOG_DIR
            self.log_dir = None

        # sickbeard.WEB_HOST is available as a configuration value in various
        # places but is not configurable. It is supported here for historic reasons.
        if sickbeard.WEB_HOST and sickbeard.WEB_HOST != '':
            self.web_host = sickbeard.WEB_HOST
            self.web_host = '' if sickbeard.WEB_IPV6 else ''

        # web server options
        self.web_options = {
            'port': int(self.start_port),
            'host': self.web_host,
            'data_root': ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.PROG_DIR, 'gui', sickbeard.GUI_NAME),
            'web_root': sickbeard.WEB_ROOT,
            'log_dir': self.log_dir,
            'username': sickbeard.WEB_USERNAME,
            'password': sickbeard.WEB_PASSWORD,
            'enable_https': sickbeard.ENABLE_HTTPS,
            'handle_reverse_proxy': sickbeard.HANDLE_REVERSE_PROXY,
            'https_cert': ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.PROG_DIR, sickbeard.HTTPS_CERT),
            'https_key': ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.PROG_DIR, sickbeard.HTTPS_KEY),

        # start web server
        self.web_server = SRWebServer(self.web_options)

        # Fire up all our threads

        # Build internal name cache

        # Pre-populate network timezones, it isn't thread safe

        # sure, why not?
        if sickbeard.USE_FAILED_DOWNLOADS:

        # Check for metadata indexer updates for shows (sets the next aired ep!)
        # sickbeard.showUpdateScheduler.forceRun()

        # Launch browser
        if sickbeard.LAUNCH_BROWSER and not (self.no_launch or self.run_as_daemon):
            sickbeard.launchBrowser('https' if sickbeard.ENABLE_HTTPS else 'http', self.start_port, sickbeard.WEB_ROOT)

        # main loop
        while True:
Exemple #2
    def start(self):
        Start SickChill
        # do some preliminary stuff
        settings.MY_FULLNAME = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        settings.MY_NAME = os.path.basename(settings.MY_FULLNAME)

        settings.DATA_DIR = os.path.dirname(settings.PROG_DIR)
        profile_path = str(Path.home().joinpath("sickchill").absolute())
        if check_installed():
            settings.DATA_DIR = profile_path

        if settings.DATA_DIR != profile_path:
            checks = ["sickbeard.db", "sickchill.db", "config.ini"]
            if not any([
                    os.path.isfile(os.path.join(settings.DATA_DIR, check))
                    for check in checks
                settings.DATA_DIR = profile_path

        settings.MY_ARGS = sys.argv[1:]

        # Rename the main thread
        threading.currentThread().name = "MAIN"

        args = SickChillArgumentParser(settings.DATA_DIR).parse_args()

        if args.force_update:
            result = self.force_update()
            sys.exit(int(not result))  # Ok -> 0 , Error -> 1

        settings.NO_RESIZE = args.noresize
        self.console_logging = not (hasattr(sys, "frozen") or args.quiet
                                    or args.daemon)
        self.no_launch = args.nolaunch or args.daemon
        self.forced_port = args.port
        self.run_as_daemon = args.daemon and platform.system() != "Windows"

        # The pid file is only useful in daemon mode, make sure we can write the file properly
        if bool(args.pidfile) and not self.run_as_daemon:
            if self.console_logging:
                    "Not running in daemon mode. PID file creation disabled.\n"

        settings.DATA_DIR = os.path.abspath(
            args.datadir) if args.datadir else settings.DATA_DIR
        settings.CONFIG_FILE = os.path.abspath(
            args.config) if args.config else os.path.join(
                settings.DATA_DIR, "config.ini")

        # Make sure that we can create the data dir
        if not os.access(settings.DATA_DIR, os.F_OK):
                os.makedirs(settings.DATA_DIR, 0o744)
            except os.error:
                raise SystemExit("Unable to create data directory: {0}".format(

        # Make sure we can write to the data dir
        if not os.access(settings.DATA_DIR, os.W_OK):
            raise SystemExit("Data directory must be writeable: {0}".format(

        # Make sure we can write to the config file
        if not os.access(settings.CONFIG_FILE, os.W_OK):
            if os.path.isfile(settings.CONFIG_FILE):
                raise SystemExit("Config file must be writeable: {0}".format(
            elif not os.access(os.path.dirname(settings.CONFIG_FILE), os.W_OK):
                raise SystemExit(
                    "Config file root dir must be writeable: {0}".format(


        # Check if we need to perform a restore first
        restore_dir = os.path.join(settings.DATA_DIR, "restore")
        if os.path.exists(restore_dir):
            success = self.restore_db(restore_dir, settings.DATA_DIR)
            if self.console_logging:
                    "Restore: restoring DB and config.ini {0}!\n".format(
                        ("FAILED", "SUCCESSFUL")[success]))

        # Load the config and publish it to the oldbeard package
        if self.console_logging and not os.path.isfile(settings.CONFIG_FILE):
                "Unable to find {0}, all settings will be default!\n".format(

        settings.CFG = ConfigObj(settings.CONFIG_FILE,
                                 indent_type="  ")

        # Initialize the config and our threads

        # Get PID
        settings.PID = os.getpid()

        # Build from the DB to start with

        logger.info("Starting SickChill [{branch}] using '{config}'".format(
            branch=settings.BRANCH, config=settings.CONFIG_FILE))


        if settings.DEVELOPER:
            settings.movie_list = MovieList()

        web_options = {}
        if self.forced_port:
            logger.info("Forcing web server to port {port}".format(
            self.start_port = self.forced_port
                "port": int(self.start_port),
            self.start_port = settings.WEB_PORT

        # start web server
        self.web_server = SRWebServer(web_options)

        # Fire up all our threads

        # Build internal name cache

        # Pre-populate network timezones, it isn't thread safe

        # sure, why not?
        if settings.USE_FAILED_DOWNLOADS:

        # Check for metadata indexer updates for shows (sets the next aired ep!)
        # oldbeard.showUpdateScheduler.forceRun()

        # Launch browser
        if settings.LAUNCH_BROWSER and not self.no_launch:
                "https" if settings.ENABLE_HTTPS else "http", self.start_port,

        # main loop
        while True:
Exemple #3
    def start(self):
        Start SickChill
        # do some preliminary stuff
        settings.MY_FULLNAME = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        settings.MY_NAME = os.path.basename(settings.MY_FULLNAME)

        settings.DATA_DIR = os.path.dirname(settings.PROG_DIR)
        profile_path = str(Path.home().joinpath('sickchill').absolute())
        if check_installed():
            settings.DATA_DIR = profile_path

        if settings.DATA_DIR != profile_path:
            checks = [
            if not any([os.path.isfile(os.path.join(settings.DATA_DIR, check)) for check in checks]):
                settings.DATA_DIR = profile_path

        settings.MY_ARGS = sys.argv[1:]

        # Rename the main thread
        threading.currentThread().name = 'MAIN'

        args = SickChillArgumentParser(settings.DATA_DIR).parse_args()

        if args.force_update:
            result = self.force_update()
            sys.exit(int(not result))  # Ok -> 0 , Error -> 1

        # Need console logging for SickChill.py and SickChill-console.exe
        settings.NO_RESIZE = args.noresize
        self.console_logging = (not hasattr(sys, 'frozen')) or (settings.MY_NAME.lower().find('-console') > 0) and not args.quiet
        self.no_launch = args.nolaunch
        self.forced_port = args.port
        if args.daemon:
            self.run_as_daemon = platform.system() != 'Windows'
            self.console_logging = False
            self.no_launch = True

        self.create_pid = bool(args.pidfile)
        self.pid_file = args.pidfile
        if self.pid_file and os.path.exists(self.pid_file):
            # If the pid file already exists, SickChill may still be running, so exit
            raise SystemExit('PID file: {0} already exists. Exiting.'.format(self.pid_file))

        settings.DATA_DIR = os.path.abspath(args.datadir) if args.datadir else settings.DATA_DIR
        settings.CONFIG_FILE = os.path.abspath(args.config) if args.config else os.path.join(settings.DATA_DIR, 'config.ini')

        # The pid file is only useful in daemon mode, make sure we can write the file properly
        if self.create_pid:
            if self.run_as_daemon:
                pid_dir = os.path.dirname(self.pid_file)
                if not os.access(pid_dir, os.F_OK):
                    sys.exit('PID dir: {0} doesn\'t exist. Exiting.'.format(pid_dir))
                if not os.access(pid_dir, os.W_OK):
                    raise SystemExit('PID dir: {0} must be writable (write permissions). Exiting.'.format(pid_dir))
                if self.console_logging:
                    sys.stdout.write('Not running in daemon mode. PID file creation disabled.\n')
                self.create_pid = False

        # Make sure that we can create the data dir
        if not os.access(settings.DATA_DIR, os.F_OK):
                os.makedirs(settings.DATA_DIR, 0o744)
            except os.error:
                raise SystemExit('Unable to create data directory: {0}'.format(settings.DATA_DIR))

        # Make sure we can write to the data dir
        if not os.access(settings.DATA_DIR, os.W_OK):
            raise SystemExit('Data directory must be writeable: {0}'.format(settings.DATA_DIR))

        # Make sure we can write to the config file
        if not os.access(settings.CONFIG_FILE, os.W_OK):
            if os.path.isfile(settings.CONFIG_FILE):
                raise SystemExit('Config file must be writeable: {0}'.format(settings.CONFIG_FILE))
            elif not os.access(os.path.dirname(settings.CONFIG_FILE), os.W_OK):
                raise SystemExit('Config file root dir must be writeable: {0}'.format(os.path.dirname(settings.CONFIG_FILE)))


        # Check if we need to perform a restore first
        restore_dir = os.path.join(settings.DATA_DIR, 'restore')
        if os.path.exists(restore_dir):
            success = self.restore_db(restore_dir, settings.DATA_DIR)
            if self.console_logging:
                sys.stdout.write('Restore: restoring DB and config.ini {0}!\n'.format(('FAILED', 'SUCCESSFUL')[success]))

        # Load the config and publish it to the oldbeard package
        if self.console_logging and not os.path.isfile(settings.CONFIG_FILE):
            sys.stdout.write('Unable to find {0}, all settings will be default!\n'.format(settings.CONFIG_FILE))

        settings.CFG = ConfigObj(settings.CONFIG_FILE, encoding='UTF-8', indent_type='  ')

        if self.run_as_daemon:

        # Initialize the config and our threads

        # Get PID
        settings.PID = os.getpid()

        # Build from the DB to start with

        logger.info('Starting SickChill [{branch}] using \'{config}\''.format(branch=settings.BRANCH, config=settings.CONFIG_FILE))


        if settings.DEVELOPER:
            settings.movie_list = MovieList()

        web_options = {}
        if self.forced_port:
            logger.info('Forcing web server to port {port}'.format(port=self.forced_port))
            self.start_port = self.forced_port
                'port': int(self.start_port),
            self.start_port = settings.WEB_PORT

        # start web server
        self.web_server = SRWebServer(web_options)

        # Fire up all our threads

        # Build internal name cache

        # Pre-populate network timezones, it isn't thread safe

        # sure, why not?
        if settings.USE_FAILED_DOWNLOADS:

        # Check for metadata indexer updates for shows (sets the next aired ep!)
        # oldbeard.showUpdateScheduler.forceRun()

        # Launch browser
        if settings.LAUNCH_BROWSER and not (self.no_launch or self.run_as_daemon):
            sickchill.start.launchBrowser('https' if settings.ENABLE_HTTPS else 'http', self.start_port, settings.WEB_ROOT)

        # main loop
        while True: