Exemple #1
class GenericProvider(object):
    def __init__(self, name, url, private):
        self.name = name
        self.urls = {'base_url': url}
        self.private = private
        self.show = None
        self.supports_backlog = False
        self.supports_absolute_numbering = False
        self.anime_only = False
        self.search_mode = 'eponly'
        self.search_fallback = False
        self.enabled = False
        self.enable_daily = False
        self.enable_backlog = False
        self.cache = TVCache(self)
        self.proper_strings = ['PROPER|REPACK|REAL']

        self.enable_cookies = False
        self.cookies = ''
        self.rss_cookies = ''
        self.cookie_jar = dict()

    def id(self):
        return str(re.sub(r"[^\w\d_]", "_", self.name.strip().lower()))

    def isEnabled(self):
        return self.enabled

    def imageName(self):
        return ""

    def check_auth(self):
        return True

    def _doLogin(self):
        return True

    def get_subclasses(cls):
        yield cls
        if cls.__subclasses__():
            for sub in cls.__subclasses__():
                for s in sub.get_subclasses():
                    yield s

    def getResult(self, episodes):
        Returns a result of the correct type for this provider
        return SearchResult(episodes)

    def make_url(self, url):
        urls = []

        bt_cache_urls = [

        if url.startswith('magnet'):
                torrent_hash = str(
                    re.findall(r'urn:btih:([\w]{32,40})', url)[0]).upper()

                    torrent_name = re.findall('dn=([^&]+)', url)[0]
                except Exception:
                    torrent_name = 'NO_DOWNLOAD_NAME'

                if len(torrent_hash) == 32:
                    torrent_hash = b16encode(b32decode(torrent_hash)).upper()

                if not torrent_hash:
                        "Unable to extract torrent hash from magnet: " + url)
                    return urls

                urls = [
                             torrent_name=torrent_name) for x in bt_cache_urls
            except Exception:
                    "Unable to extract torrent hash or name from magnet: " +
                return urls
            urls = [url]

        return urls

    def make_filename(self, name):
        return ""

    def downloadResult(self, result):
        Save the result to disk.

        # check for auth
        if not self._doLogin:
            return False

        urls = self.make_url(result.url)
        filename = self.make_filename(result.name)

        for url in urls:
            if 'NO_DOWNLOAD_NAME' in url:

            sickrage.srCore.srLogger.info("Downloading a result from " +
                                          self.name + " at " + url)

            # Support for Jackett/TorzNab
            if url.endswith('torrent') and filename.endswith('nzb'):
                filename = filename.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '.' + 'torrent'

            if sickrage.srCore.srWebSession.download(
                    headers=(None, {
                        'Referer': '/'.join(url.split('/')[:3]) + '/'

                if self._verify_download(filename):
                    sickrage.srCore.srLogger.info("Saved result to " +
                    return True
                    sickrage.srCore.srLogger.warning("Could not download %s" %

        if len(urls):
            sickrage.srCore.srLogger.warning("Failed to download any results")

        return False

    def _verify_download(self, file_name=None):
        Checks the saved file to see if it was actually valid, if not then consider the download a failure.

        # primitive verification of torrents, just make sure we didn't get a text file or something
        if file_name.endswith('torrent'):
                with io.open(file_name, 'rb') as f:
                    parser = guessParser(StringInputStream(f.read()))
                    if parser and parser._getMimeType(
                    ) == 'application/x-bittorrent':
                        return True
            except Exception as e:
                    "Failed to validate torrent file: {}".format(e.message))

                "Result is not a valid torrent file")
            return False

        return True

    def getQuality(self, item, anime=False):
        Figures out the quality of the given RSS item node

        item: An elementtree.ElementTree element representing the <item> tag of the RSS feed

        Returns a Quality value obtained from the node's data
        (title, url) = self._get_title_and_url(item)
        quality = Quality.sceneQuality(title, anime)
        return quality

    def search(self,
        return []

    def _get_season_search_strings(self, episode):
        return [{}]

    def _get_episode_search_strings(self, eb_obj, add_string=''):
        return [{}]

    def _get_title_and_url(self, item):
        Retrieves the title and URL data from the item XML node

        item: An elementtree.ElementTree element representing the <item> tag of the RSS feed

        Returns: A tuple containing two strings representing title and URL respectively

        title = item.get('title', '').replace(' ', '.')
        url = item.get('link', '').replace('&amp;',
                                           '&').replace('%26tr%3D', '&tr=')

        return title, url

    def _get_size(self, item):
        """Gets the size from the item"""
            "Provider type doesn't have ability to provide download size implemented yet"
        return -1

    def _get_files(self, url):
        """Gets dict of files with sizes from the item"""
            "Provider type doesn't have _get_files() implemented yet")
        return {}

    def findSearchResults(self,

        if not self.check_auth:

        self.show = show

        results = {}
        itemList = []

        searched_scene_season = None
        for epObj in episodes:
            # search cache for episode result
            cacheResult = self.cache.search_cache(epObj, manualSearch,
            if cacheResult:
                if epObj.episode not in results:
                    results[epObj.episode] = cacheResult[epObj.episode]

                # found result, search next episode

            # skip if season already searched
            if len(
            ) > 1 and search_mode == 'sponly' and searched_scene_season == epObj.scene_season:

            # mark season searched for season pack searches so we can skip later on
            searched_scene_season = epObj.scene_season

            # check if this is a cache only search
            if cacheOnly:

            search_strings = []
            if len(episodes) > 1 and search_mode == 'sponly':
                # get season search results
                search_strings = self._get_season_search_strings(epObj)
            elif search_mode == 'eponly':
                # get single episode search results
                search_strings = self._get_episode_search_strings(epObj)

            first = search_strings and isinstance(
                search_strings[0], dict) and 'rid' in search_strings[0]
            if first:
                sickrage.srCore.srLogger.debug('First search_string has rid')

            for curString in search_strings:
                    itemList += self.search(curString,
                except SAXParseException:

                if first:
                    first = False
                    if itemList:
                            'First search_string had rid, and returned results, skipping query by string'
                            'First search_string had rid, but returned no results, searching with string query'

        # if we found what we needed already from cache then return results and exit
        if len(results) == len(episodes):
            return results

        # sort list by quality
        if len(itemList):
            items = {}
            itemsUnknown = []
            for item in itemList:
                quality = self.getQuality(item, anime=show.is_anime)
                if quality == Quality.UNKNOWN:
                    itemsUnknown += [item]
                    if quality not in items:
                        items[quality] = [item]

            itemList = list(
                    *[v for (k, v) in sorted(items.items(), reverse=True)]))
            itemList += itemsUnknown or []

        # filter results
        for item in itemList:
            (title, url) = self._get_title_and_url(item)

            # parse the file name
                myParser = NameParser(False)
                parse_result = myParser.parse(title)
            except InvalidNameException:
                    "Unable to parse the filename " + title +
                    " into a valid episode")
            except InvalidShowException:
                    "Unable to parse the filename " + title +
                    " into a valid show")

            showObj = parse_result.show
            quality = parse_result.quality
            release_group = parse_result.release_group
            version = parse_result.version

            addCacheEntry = False
            if not (showObj.air_by_date or showObj.sports):
                if search_mode == 'sponly':
                    if len(parse_result.episode_numbers):
                            "This is supposed to be a season pack search but the result "
                            + title +
                            " is not a valid season pack, skipping it")
                        addCacheEntry = True
                    if len(parse_result.episode_numbers) and (
                            parse_result.season_number not in set(
                                [ep.season for ep in episodes]) or not [
                                    ep for ep in episodes if ep.scene_episode
                                    in parse_result.episode_numbers
                            "The result " + title +
                            " doesn't seem to be a valid episode that we are trying to snatch, ignoring"
                        addCacheEntry = True
                    if not len(
                    ) and parse_result.season_number and not [
                            ep for ep in episodes
                            if ep.season == parse_result.season_number
                            and ep.episode in parse_result.episode_numbers
                            "The result " + title +
                            " doesn't seem to be a valid season that we are trying to snatch, ignoring"
                        addCacheEntry = True
                    elif len(parse_result.episode_numbers) and not [
                            ep for ep in episodes
                            if ep.season == parse_result.season_number
                            and ep.episode in parse_result.episode_numbers
                            "The result " + title +
                            " doesn't seem to be a valid episode that we are trying to snatch, ignoring"
                        addCacheEntry = True

                if not addCacheEntry:
                    # we just use the existing info for normal searches
                    actual_season = parse_result.season_number
                    actual_episodes = parse_result.episode_numbers
                if not parse_result.is_air_by_date:
                        "This is supposed to be a date search but the result "
                        + title + " didn't parse as one, skipping it")
                    addCacheEntry = True
                    airdate = parse_result.air_date.toordinal()
                    dbData = [
                        x['doc'] for x in sickrage.srCore.mainDB.db.get_many(
                            'tv_episodes', showObj.indexerid, with_doc=True)
                        if x['doc']['airdate'] == airdate

                    if len(dbData) != 1:
                            "Tried to look up the date for the episode " +
                            title +
                            " but the database didn't give proper results, skipping it"
                        addCacheEntry = True

                if not addCacheEntry:
                    actual_season = int(dbData[0]["season"])
                    actual_episodes = [int(dbData[0]["episode"])]

            # add parsed result to cache for usage later on
            if addCacheEntry:
                    "Adding item from search to cache: " + title)
                self.cache.addCacheEntry(title, url, parse_result=parse_result)

            # make sure we want the episode
            wantEp = True
            for epNo in actual_episodes:
                if not showObj.wantEpisode(actual_season, epNo, quality,
                                           manualSearch, downCurQuality):
                    wantEp = False

            if not wantEp:
                    "RESULT:[{}] QUALITY:[{}] IGNORED!".format(
                        title, Quality.qualityStrings[quality]))

            # make a result object
            epObjs = []
            for curEp in actual_episodes:
                epObjs.append(showObj.getEpisode(actual_season, curEp))

            result = self.getResult(epObjs)
            result.show = showObj
            result.url = url
            result.name = title
            result.quality = quality
            result.release_group = release_group
            result.version = version
            result.content = None
            result.size = self._get_size(url)
            result.files = self._get_files(url)

                "FOUND RESULT:[{}] QUALITY:[{}] URL:[{}]".format(
                    title, Quality.qualityStrings[quality], url))

            if len(epObjs) == 1:
                epNum = epObjs[0].episode
                sickrage.srCore.srLogger.debug("Single episode result.")
            elif len(epObjs) > 1:
                epNum = MULTI_EP_RESULT
                    "Separating multi-episode result to check for later - result contains episodes: "
                    + str(parse_result.episode_numbers))
            elif len(epObjs) == 0:
                epNum = SEASON_RESULT
                    "Separating full season result to check for later")

            if epNum not in results:
                results[epNum] = [result]

        return results

    def find_propers(self, search_date=None):

        results = self.cache.list_propers(search_date)

        return [
            Proper(x['name'], x['url'],
                   datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(x['time']), self.show)
            for x in results

    def seed_ratio(self):
        Provider should override this value if custom seed ratio enabled
        It should return the value of the provider seed ratio
        return ''

    def add_cookies_from_ui(self):
        Adds the cookies configured from UI to the providers requests session
        :return: A tuple with the the (success result, and a descriptive message in str)

        # This is the generic attribute used to manually add cookies for provider authentication
        if self.enable_cookies and self.cookies:
            cookie_validator = re.compile(r'^(\w+=\w+)(;\w+=\w+)*$')
            if cookie_validator.match(self.cookies):
                    dict(x.rsplit('=', 1) for x in self.cookies.split(';')))
                return True

        return False

    def getDefaultProviders(cls):

    def getProvider(cls, name):
        providerMatch = [x for x in cls.getProviders() if x.name == name]
        if len(providerMatch) == 1:
            return providerMatch[0]

    def getProviderByID(cls, id):
        providerMatch = [x for x in cls.getProviders() if x.id == id]
        if len(providerMatch) == 1:
            return providerMatch[0]

    def getProviders(cls):
        modules = [TorrentProvider.type, NZBProvider.type]
        for type in []:
            modules += cls.loadProviders(type)
        return modules

    def loadProviders(cls, type):
        providers = []
        pregex = re.compile('^([^_]*?)\.py$', re.IGNORECASE)
        path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), type)
        names = [pregex.match(m) for m in os.listdir(path)]
        providers += [
            cls.loadProvider(name.group(1), type) for name in names if name
        return providers

    def loadProvider(cls, name, type, *args, **kwargs):
        import inspect
        members = dict(
                importlib.import_module('.{}.{}'.format(type, name),
                lambda x: hasattr(
                    x, 'type') and x not in [NZBProvider, TorrentProvider]))
        return [
            v for v in members.values()
            if hasattr(v, 'type') and v.type == type
        ][0](*args, **kwargs)
Exemple #2
class GenericProvider(object):
    def __init__(self, name, url, private):
        self.name = name
        self.urls = {'base_url': url}
        self.private = private
        self.supports_backlog = True
        self.supports_absolute_numbering = False
        self.anime_only = False
        self.search_mode = 'eponly'
        self.search_fallback = False
        self.enabled = False
        self.enable_daily = True
        self.enable_backlog = True
        self.cache = TVCache(self)
        self.proper_strings = ['PROPER|REPACK|REAL|RERIP']
        self.search_separator = ' '

        # cookies
        self.enable_cookies = False
        self.cookies = ''

        # web session
        self.session = WebSession(cloudflare=True)

    def id(self):
        return str(re.sub(r"[^\w\d_]", "_", self.name.strip().lower()))

    def isEnabled(self):
        return self.enabled

    def imageName(self):
        return ""

    def seed_ratio(self):
        return ''

    def isAlive(self):
        return True

    def _check_auth(self):
        return True

    def login(self):
        return True

    def getResult(self, season=None, episodes=None):
        Returns a result of the correct type for this provider
        return SearchResult(season, episodes)

    def get_content(self, url):
        if self.login():
            headers = {}
            if url.startswith('http'):
                headers = {'Referer': '/'.join(url.split('/')[:3]) + '/'}

            if not url.startswith('magnet'):
                    return self.session.get(url, verify=False, headers=headers).content
                except Exception:

    def make_filename(self, name):
        return ""

    def get_quality(self, item, anime=False):
        Figures out the quality of the given RSS item node

        item: An elementtree.ElementTree element representing the <item> tag of the RSS feed

        Returns a Quality value obtained from the node's data
        (title, url) = self._get_title_and_url(item)
        quality = Quality.scene_quality(title, anime)
        return quality

    def search(self, search_strings, age=0, show_id=None, season=None, episode=None, **kwargs):
        return []

    def _get_season_search_strings(self, show_id, season, episode, session=None):
        Get season search strings.

        search_string = {
            'Season': []

        show_object = find_show(show_id, session=session)
        episode_object = show_object.get_episode(season, episode)

        for show_name in all_possible_show_names(show_id, episode_object.scene_season):
            episode_string = "{}{}".format(show_name, self.search_separator)

            if show_object.air_by_date or show_object.sports:
                episode_string += str(episode_object.airdate).split('-')[0]
            elif show_object.anime:
                episode_string += 'Season'
                episode_string += 'S{season:0>2}'.format(season=episode_object.scene_season)


        return [search_string]

    def _get_episode_search_strings(self, show_id, season, episode, add_string='', session=None):
        Get episode search strings.

        search_string = {
            'Episode': []

        show_object = find_show(show_id, session=session)
        episode_object = show_object.get_episode(season, episode)

        for show_name in all_possible_show_names(show_id, episode_object.scene_season):
            episode_string = "{}{}".format(show_name, self.search_separator)
            episode_string_fallback = None

            if show_object.air_by_date:
                episode_string += str(episode_object.airdate).replace('-', ' ')
            elif show_object.sports:
                episode_string += str(episode_object.airdate).replace('-', ' ')
                episode_string += ('|', ' ')[len(self.proper_strings) > 1]
                episode_string += episode_object.airdate.strftime('%b')
            elif show_object.anime:
                # If the show name is a season scene exception, we want to use the indexer episode number.
                if (episode_object.scene_season > 1 and show_name in get_scene_exceptions(show_object.indexer_id, episode_object.scene_season)):
                    # This is apparently a season exception, let's use the scene_episode instead of absolute
                    ep = episode_object.scene_episode
                    ep = episode_object.scene_absolute_number
                episode_string += '{episode:0>2}'.format(episode=ep)
                episode_string_fallback = episode_string + '{episode:0>3}'.format(episode=ep)
                episode_string += sickrage.app.naming_ep_type[2] % {
                    'seasonnumber': episode_object.scene_season,
                    'episodenumber': episode_object.scene_episode,

            if add_string:
                episode_string += self.search_separator + add_string
                episode_string_fallback += self.search_separator + add_string

            if episode_string_fallback:

        return [search_string]

    def _get_title_and_url(self, item):
        Retrieves the title and URL data from the item XML node

        item: An elementtree.ElementTree element representing the <item> tag of the RSS feed

        Returns: A tuple containing two strings representing title and URL respectively

        title = item.get('title', '').replace(' ', '.')
        url = item.get('link', '').replace('&amp;', '&').replace('%26tr%3D', '&tr=')

        return title, url

    def _get_size(self, item):
        """Gets the size from the item"""
        sickrage.app.log.debug("Provider type doesn't have ability to provide download size implemented yet")
        return -1

    def _get_result_stats(self, item):
        # Get seeders/leechers stats
        seeders = item.get('seeders', -1)
        leechers = item.get('leechers', -1)
        return try_int(seeders, -1), try_int(leechers, -1)

    def find_search_results(self, show_id, season, episode, search_mode, manualSearch=False, downCurQuality=False, cacheOnly=False, session=None):
        provider_results = {}
        item_list = []

        if not self._check_auth:
            return provider_results

        show_object = find_show(show_id, session=session)
        episode_object = show_object.get_episode(season, episode)

        # search cache for episode result
        provider_results = self.cache.search_cache(show_id, season, episode, manualSearch, downCurQuality)

        # check if this is a cache only search
        if cacheOnly:
            return provider_results

        search_strings = []
        if search_mode == 'sponly':
            # get season search results
            search_strings = self._get_season_search_strings(show_id, season, episode)
        elif search_mode == 'eponly':
            # get single episode search results
            search_strings = self._get_episode_search_strings(show_id, season, episode)

        for curString in search_strings:
                item_list += self.search(curString, show_id=show_id, season=season, episode=episode)
            except SAXParseException:

        # sort list by quality
        if item_list:
            # categorize the items into lists by quality
            items = defaultdict(list)
            for item in item_list:
                items[self.get_quality(item, anime=show_object.is_anime)].append(item)

            # temporarily remove the list of items with unknown quality
            unknown_items = items.pop(Quality.UNKNOWN, [])

            # make a generator to sort the remaining items by descending quality
            items_list = (items[quality] for quality in sorted(items, reverse=True))

            # unpack all of the quality lists into a single sorted list
            items_list = list(itertools.chain(*items_list))

            # extend the list with the unknown qualities, now sorted at the bottom of the list

        # filter results
        for item in item_list:
            provider_result = self.getResult()

            provider_result.name, provider_result.url = self._get_title_and_url(item)

            # ignore invalid urls
            if not validate_url(provider_result.url) and not provider_result.url.startswith('magnet'):

                parse_result = NameParser(show_id=show_id).parse(provider_result.name)
            except (InvalidNameException, InvalidShowException) as e:

            provider_result.show_id = parse_result.indexer_id
            provider_result.quality = parse_result.quality
            provider_result.release_group = parse_result.release_group
            provider_result.version = parse_result.version
            provider_result.size = self._get_size(item)
            provider_result.seeders, provider_result.leechers = self._get_result_stats(item)

            sickrage.app.log.debug("Adding item from search to cache: {}".format(provider_result.name))
            self.cache.add_cache_entry(provider_result.name, provider_result.url, provider_result.seeders, provider_result.leechers, provider_result.size)

            if not provider_result.show_id:

            provider_result_show_obj = find_show(provider_result.show_id, session=session)
            if not provider_result_show_obj:

            if not parse_result.is_air_by_date and (provider_result_show_obj.air_by_date or provider_result_show_obj.sports):
                sickrage.app.log.debug("This is supposed to be a date search but the result {} didn't parse as one, skipping it".format(provider_result.name))

            if search_mode == 'sponly':
                if len(parse_result.episode_numbers):
                    sickrage.app.log.debug("This is supposed to be a season pack search but the result {} is not "
                                           "a valid season pack, skipping it".format(provider_result.name))
                elif parse_result.season_number != (episode_object.season, episode_object.scene_season)[show_object.is_scene]:
                    sickrage.app.log.debug("This season result {} is for a season we are not searching for, skipping it".format(provider_result.name))
                if not all([parse_result.season_number is not None, parse_result.episode_numbers,
                            parse_result.season_number == (episode_object.season, episode_object.scene_season)[show_object.is_scene],
                            (episode_object.episode, episode_object.scene_episode)[show_object.is_scene] in parse_result.episode_numbers]):
                    sickrage.app.log.debug("The result {} doesn't seem to be a valid episode "
                                           "that we are trying to snatch, ignoring".format(provider_result.name))

            provider_result.season = int(parse_result.season_number)
            provider_result.episodes = list(map(int, parse_result.episode_numbers))

            # make sure we want the episode
            for episode_number in provider_result.episodes.copy():
                if not provider_result_show_obj.want_episode(provider_result.season, episode_number, provider_result.quality, manualSearch, downCurQuality):
                    sickrage.app.log.info("RESULT:[{}] QUALITY:[{}] IGNORED!".format(provider_result.name, Quality.qualityStrings[provider_result.quality]))
                    if episode_number in provider_result.episodes:

            # detects if season pack and if not checks if we wanted any of the episodes
            if len(provider_result.episodes) != len(parse_result.episode_numbers):

                "FOUND RESULT:[{}] QUALITY:[{}] URL:[{}]".format(provider_result.name, Quality.qualityStrings[provider_result.quality], provider_result.url)

            if len(provider_result.episodes) == 1:
                episode_number = provider_result.episodes[0]
                sickrage.app.log.debug("Single episode result.")
            elif len(provider_result.episodes) > 1:
                episode_number = MULTI_EP_RESULT
                sickrage.app.log.debug("Separating multi-episode result to check for later - result contains episodes: " + str(parse_result.episode_numbers))
                episode_number = SEASON_RESULT
                sickrage.app.log.debug("Separating full season result to check for later")

            if episode_number not in provider_results:
                provider_results[int(episode_number)] = [provider_result]
                provider_results[int(episode_number)] += [provider_result]

        return provider_results

    def find_propers(self, show_id, season, episode):
        results = []

        for term in self.proper_strings:
            search_strngs = self._get_episode_search_strings(show_id, season, episode, add_string=term)
            for item in self.search(search_strngs[0], show_id=show_id, season=season, episode=episode):
                result = self.getResult(season, [episode])
                result.name, result.url = self._get_title_and_url(item)
                if not validate_url(result.url) and not result.url.startswith('magnet'):

                result.seeders, result.leechers = self._get_result_stats(item)
                result.size = self._get_size(item)
                result.date = datetime.datetime.today()

        return results

    def add_cookies_from_ui(self):
        Add the cookies configured from UI to the providers requests session.
        :return: dict

        if isinstance(self, TorrentRssProvider) and not self.cookies:
            return {'result': True,
                    'message': 'This is a TorrentRss provider without any cookies provided. '
                               'Cookies for this provider are considered optional.'}

        # This is the generic attribute used to manually add cookies for provider authentication
        if not self.enable_cookies:
            return {'result': False,
                    'message': 'Adding cookies is not supported for provider: {}'.format(self.name)}

        if not self.cookies:
            return {'result': False,
                    'message': 'No Cookies added from ui for provider: {}'.format(self.name)}

        cookie_validator = re.compile(r'^([\w%]+=[\w%]+)(;[\w%]+=[\w%]+)*$')
        if not cookie_validator.match(self.cookies):
                'Failed to validate cookie for provider {}'.format(self.name),
                'Cookie is not correctly formatted: {}'.format(self.cookies))

            return {'result': False,
                    'message': 'Cookie is not correctly formatted: {}'.format(self.cookies)}

        if hasattr(self, 'required_cookies') and not all(
                req_cookie in [x.rsplit('=', 1)[0] for x in self.cookies.split(';')] for req_cookie in
            return {'result': False,
                    'message': "You haven't configured the required cookies. Please login at {provider_url}, "
                               "and make sure you have copied the following cookies: {required_cookies!r}"
                        .format(provider_url=self.name, required_cookies=self.required_cookies)}

        # cookie_validator got at least one cookie key/value pair, let's return success
        add_dict_to_cookiejar(self.session.cookies, dict(x.rsplit('=', 1) for x in self.cookies.split(';')))

        return {'result': True,
                'message': ''}

    def check_required_cookies(self):
        Check if we have the required cookies in the requests sessions object.

        Meaning that we've already successfully authenticated once, and we don't need to go through this again.
        Note! This doesn't mean the cookies are correct!
        if hasattr(self, 'required_cookies'):
            return all(dict_from_cookiejar(self.session.cookies).get(cookie) for cookie in self.required_cookies)

        # A reminder for the developer, implementing cookie based authentication.
            'You need to configure the required_cookies attribute, for the provider: {}'.format(self.name))

    def cookie_login(self, check_login_text, check_url=None):
        Check the response for text that indicates a login prompt.

        In that case, the cookie authentication was not successful.
        :param check_login_text: A string that's visible when the authentication failed.
        :param check_url: The url to use to test the login with cookies. By default the providers home page is used.

        :return: False when authentication was not successful. True if successful.
        check_url = check_url or self.urls['base_url']

        if self.check_required_cookies():
            # All required cookies have been found within the current session, we don't need to go through this again.
            return True

        if self.cookies:
            result = self.add_cookies_from_ui()
            if not result['result']:
                return False
            sickrage.app.log.warning('Failed to login, you will need to add your cookies in the provider '

                'Failed to auth with {provider}'.format(provider=self.name),
                'You will need to add your cookies in the provider settings')
            return False

        response = self.session.get(check_url)
        if any([not response, not (response.text and response.status_code == 200),
                check_login_text.lower() in response.text.lower()]):
            sickrage.app.log.warning('Please configure the required cookies for this provider. Check your '
                                     'provider settings')

                'Wrong cookies for {}'.format(self.name),
                'Check your provider settings'
            return False
            return True

    def getDefaultProviders(cls):

    def getProvider(cls, name):
        providerMatch = [x for x in cls.get_providers() if x.name == name]
        if len(providerMatch) == 1:
            return providerMatch[0]

    def getProviderByID(cls, id):
        providerMatch = [x for x in cls.get_providers() if x.id == id]
        if len(providerMatch) == 1:
            return providerMatch[0]

    def get_providers(cls):
        modules = [TorrentProvider.type, NZBProvider.type]
        for type in []:
            modules += cls.load_providers(type)
        return modules

    def load_providers(cls, provider_type):
        providers = []

        for (__, name, __) in pkgutil.iter_modules([os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), provider_type)]):
            imported_module = importlib.import_module('.{}.{}'.format(provider_type, name), package='sickrage.providers')
            for __, klass in inspect.getmembers(imported_module, predicate=lambda o: all([inspect.isclass(o) and issubclass(o, GenericProvider),
                                                                                          o is not NZBProvider, o is not TorrentProvider,
                                                                                          getattr(o, 'type', None) == provider_type])):
                providers += [klass()]

        return providers
class GenericProvider(object):
    def __init__(self, name, url, private):
        self.name = name
        self.urls = {'base_url': url}
        self.private = private
        self.show = None
        self.supports_backlog = False
        self.supports_absolute_numbering = False
        self.anime_only = False
        self.search_mode = 'eponly'
        self.search_fallback = False
        self.enabled = False
        self.enable_daily = False
        self.enable_backlog = False
        self.cache = TVCache(self)
        self.proper_strings = ['PROPER|REPACK|REAL']

        self.enable_cookies = False
        self.cookies = ''
        self.rss_cookies = ''
        self.cookie_jar = dict()

    def id(self):
        return str(re.sub(r"[^\w\d_]", "_", self.name.strip().lower()))

    def isEnabled(self):
        return self.enabled

    def imageName(self):
        return ""

    def check_auth(self):
        return True

    def _doLogin(self):
        return True

    def get_subclasses(cls):
        yield cls
        if cls.__subclasses__():
            for sub in cls.__subclasses__():
                for s in sub.get_subclasses():
                    yield s

    def getResult(self, episodes):
        Returns a result of the correct type for this provider
        return SearchResult(episodes)

    def make_url(self, url):
        urls = []

        btcache_urls = [

        if url.startswith('magnet'):
                torrent_hash = str(re.findall(r'urn:btih:([\w]{32,40})', url)[0]).upper()

                    torrent_name = re.findall('dn=([^&]+)', url)[0]
                except Exception:
                    torrent_name = 'NO_DOWNLOAD_NAME'

                if len(torrent_hash) == 32:
                    torrent_hash = b16encode(b32decode(torrent_hash)).upper()

                if not torrent_hash:
                    sickrage.srCore.srLogger.error("Unable to extract torrent hash from magnet: " + url)
                    return urls

                urls = [x.format(torrent_hash=torrent_hash, torrent_name=torrent_name) for x in btcache_urls]
            except Exception:
                sickrage.srCore.srLogger.error("Unable to extract torrent hash or name from magnet: " + url)
                return urls
            urls = [url]

        return urls

    def make_filename(self, name):
        return ""

    def downloadResult(self, result):
        Save the result to disk.

        # check for auth
        if not self._doLogin:
            return False

        urls = self.make_url(result.url)
        filename = self.make_filename(result.name)

        for url in urls:
            if 'NO_DOWNLOAD_NAME' in url:

            sickrage.srCore.srLogger.info("Downloading a result from " + self.name + " at " + url)

            # Support for Jackett/TorzNab
            if url.endswith('torrent') and filename.endswith('nzb'):
                filename = filename.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '.' + 'torrent'

            if sickrage.srCore.srWebSession.download(url,
                                                     headers=(None, {
                                                         'Referer': '/'.join(url.split('/')[:3]) + '/'

                if self._verify_download(filename):
                    sickrage.srCore.srLogger.info("Saved result to " + filename)
                    return True
                    sickrage.srCore.srLogger.warning("Could not download %s" % url)

        if len(urls):
            sickrage.srCore.srLogger.warning("Failed to download any results")

        return False

    def _verify_download(self, file_name=None):
        Checks the saved file to see if it was actually valid, if not then consider the download a failure.

        # primitive verification of torrents, just make sure we didn't get a text file or something
        if file_name.endswith('torrent'):
                with open(file_name, 'rb') as file:
                    mime_type = guessParser(StringInputStream(file.read()))._getMimeType()
                    if mime_type == 'application/x-bittorrent':
                        return True
            except Exception as e:
                sickrage.srCore.srLogger.debug("Failed to validate torrent file: {}".format(e.message))

            sickrage.srCore.srLogger.debug("Result is not a valid torrent file")
            return False

        return True

    def getQuality(self, item, anime=False):
        Figures out the quality of the given RSS item node

        item: An elementtree.ElementTree element representing the <item> tag of the RSS feed

        Returns a Quality value obtained from the node's data
        (title, url) = self._get_title_and_url(item)
        quality = Quality.sceneQuality(title, anime)
        return quality

    def search(self, search_params, search_mode='eponly', epcount=0, age=0, epObj=None):
        return []

    def _get_season_search_strings(self, episode):
        return [{}]

    def _get_episode_search_strings(self, eb_obj, add_string=''):
        return [{}]

    def _get_title_and_url(self, item):
        Retrieves the title and URL data from the item XML node

        item: An elementtree.ElementTree element representing the <item> tag of the RSS feed

        Returns: A tuple containing two strings representing title and URL respectively

        title = item.get('title', '').replace(' ', '.')
        url = item.get('link', '').replace('&amp;', '&').replace('%26tr%3D', '&tr=')

        return title, url

    def _get_size(self, item):
        """Gets the size from the item"""
        sickrage.srCore.srLogger.error("Provider type doesn't have ability to provide download size implemented yet")
        return -1

    def _get_files(self, url):
        """Gets dict of files with sizes from the item"""
        sickrage.srCore.srLogger.error("Provider type doesn't have _get_files() implemented yet")
        return {}

    def findSearchResults(self, show, episodes, search_mode, manualSearch=False, downCurQuality=False, cacheOnly=False):

        if not self.check_auth:

        self.show = show

        results = {}
        itemList = []

        searched_scene_season = None
        for epObj in episodes:
            # search cache for episode result
            cacheResult = self.cache.search_cache(epObj, manualSearch, downCurQuality)
            if cacheResult:
                if epObj.episode not in results:
                    results[epObj.episode] = cacheResult[epObj.episode]

                # found result, search next episode

            # skip if season already searched
            if len(episodes) > 1 and search_mode == 'sponly' and searched_scene_season == epObj.scene_season:

            # mark season searched for season pack searches so we can skip later on
            searched_scene_season = epObj.scene_season

            # check if this is a cache only search
            if cacheOnly:

            search_strings = []
            if len(episodes) > 1 and search_mode == 'sponly':
                # get season search results
                search_strings = self._get_season_search_strings(epObj)
            elif search_mode == 'eponly':
                # get single episode search results
                search_strings = self._get_episode_search_strings(epObj)

            first = search_strings and isinstance(search_strings[0], dict) and 'rid' in search_strings[0]
            if first:
                sickrage.srCore.srLogger.debug('First search_string has rid')

            for curString in search_strings:
                    itemList += self.search(curString, search_mode, len(episodes), epObj=epObj)
                except SAXParseException:

                if first:
                    first = False
                    if itemList:
                            'First search_string had rid, and returned results, skipping query by string')
                            'First search_string had rid, but returned no results, searching with string query')

        # if we found what we needed already from cache then return results and exit
        if len(results) == len(episodes):
            return results

        # sort list by quality
        if len(itemList):
            items = {}
            itemsUnknown = []
            for item in itemList:
                quality = self.getQuality(item, anime=show.is_anime)
                if quality == Quality.UNKNOWN:
                    itemsUnknown += [item]
                    if quality not in items:
                        items[quality] = [item]

            itemList = list(itertools.chain(*[v for (k, v) in sorted(items.items(), reverse=True)]))
            itemList += itemsUnknown or []

        # filter results
        for item in itemList:
            (title, url) = self._get_title_and_url(item)

            # parse the file name
                myParser = NameParser(False)
                parse_result = myParser.parse(title)
            except InvalidNameException:
                sickrage.srCore.srLogger.debug("Unable to parse the filename " + title + " into a valid episode")
            except InvalidShowException:
                sickrage.srCore.srLogger.debug("Unable to parse the filename " + title + " into a valid show")

            showObj = parse_result.show
            quality = parse_result.quality
            release_group = parse_result.release_group
            version = parse_result.version

            addCacheEntry = False
            if not (showObj.air_by_date or showObj.sports):
                if search_mode == 'sponly':
                    if len(parse_result.episode_numbers):
                            "This is supposed to be a season pack search but the result " + title + " is not a valid season pack, skipping it")
                        addCacheEntry = True
                    if len(parse_result.episode_numbers) and (
                                    parse_result.season_number not in set([ep.season for ep in episodes])
                            or not [ep for ep in episodes if ep.scene_episode in parse_result.episode_numbers]):
                            "The result " + title + " doesn't seem to be a valid episode that we are trying to snatch, ignoring")
                        addCacheEntry = True
                    if not len(parse_result.episode_numbers) and parse_result.season_number and not [ep for ep in
                                                                                                     episodes if
                                                                                                     ep.season == parse_result.season_number and ep.episode in parse_result.episode_numbers]:
                            "The result " + title + " doesn't seem to be a valid season that we are trying to snatch, ignoring")
                        addCacheEntry = True
                    elif len(parse_result.episode_numbers) and not [ep for ep in episodes if
                                                                    ep.season == parse_result.season_number and ep.episode in parse_result.episode_numbers]:
                            "The result " + title + " doesn't seem to be a valid episode that we are trying to snatch, ignoring")
                        addCacheEntry = True

                if not addCacheEntry:
                    # we just use the existing info for normal searches
                    actual_season = parse_result.season_number
                    actual_episodes = parse_result.episode_numbers
                if not parse_result.is_air_by_date:
                        "This is supposed to be a date search but the result " + title + " didn't parse as one, skipping it")
                    addCacheEntry = True
                    airdate = parse_result.air_date.toordinal()
                    dbData = [x['doc'] for x in sickrage.srCore.mainDB.db.get_many('tv_episodes', showObj.indexerid, with_doc=True)
                              if x['doc']['airdate'] == airdate]

                    if len(dbData) != 1:
                            "Tried to look up the date for the episode " + title + " but the database didn't give proper results, skipping it")
                        addCacheEntry = True

                if not addCacheEntry:
                    actual_season = int(dbData[0]["season"])
                    actual_episodes = [int(dbData[0]["episode"])]

            # add parsed result to cache for usage later on
            if addCacheEntry:
                sickrage.srCore.srLogger.debug("Adding item from search to cache: " + title)
                self.cache.addCacheEntry(title, url, parse_result=parse_result)

            # make sure we want the episode
            wantEp = True
            for epNo in actual_episodes:
                if not showObj.wantEpisode(actual_season, epNo, quality, manualSearch, downCurQuality):
                    wantEp = False

            if not wantEp:
                    "RESULT:[{}] QUALITY:[{}] IGNORED!".format(title, Quality.qualityStrings[quality]))

            # make a result object
            epObjs = []
            for curEp in actual_episodes:
                epObjs.append(showObj.getEpisode(actual_season, curEp))

            result = self.getResult(epObjs)
            result.show = showObj
            result.url = url
            result.name = title
            result.quality = quality
            result.release_group = release_group
            result.version = version
            result.content = None
            result.size = self._get_size(url)
            result.files = self._get_files(url)

                "FOUND RESULT:[{}] QUALITY:[{}] URL:[{}]".format(title, Quality.qualityStrings[quality], url))

            if len(epObjs) == 1:
                epNum = epObjs[0].episode
                sickrage.srCore.srLogger.debug("Single episode result.")
            elif len(epObjs) > 1:
                epNum = MULTI_EP_RESULT
                    "Separating multi-episode result to check for later - result contains episodes: " + str(
            elif len(epObjs) == 0:
                epNum = SEASON_RESULT
                sickrage.srCore.srLogger.debug("Separating full season result to check for later")

            if epNum not in results:
                results[epNum] = [result]

        return results

    def find_propers(self, search_date=None):

        results = self.cache.list_propers(search_date)

        return [Proper(x['name'], x['url'], datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(x['time']), self.show) for x in

    def seed_ratio(self):
        Provider should override this value if custom seed ratio enabled
        It should return the value of the provider seed ratio
        return ''

    def add_cookies_from_ui(self):
        Adds the cookies configured from UI to the providers requests session
        :return: A tuple with the the (success result, and a descriptive message in str)

        # This is the generic attribute used to manually add cookies for provider authentication
        if self.enable_cookies and self.cookies:
            cookie_validator = re.compile(r'^(\w+=\w+)(;\w+=\w+)*$')
            if cookie_validator.match(self.cookies):
                                      dict(x.rsplit('=', 1) for x in self.cookies.split(';')))
                return True

        return False

    def getDefaultProviders(cls):

    def getProvider(cls, name):
        providerMatch = [x for x in cls.getProviders() if x.name == name]
        if len(providerMatch) == 1:
            return providerMatch[0]

    def getProviderByID(cls, id):
        providerMatch = [x for x in cls.getProviders() if x.id == id]
        if len(providerMatch) == 1:
            return providerMatch[0]

    def getProviders(cls):
        modules = [TorrentProvider.type, NZBProvider.type]
        for type in []:
            modules += cls.loadProviders(type)
        return modules

    def loadProviders(cls, type):
        providers = []
        pregex = re.compile('^([^_]*?)\.py$', re.IGNORECASE)
        path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), type)
        names = [pregex.match(m) for m in os.listdir(path)]
        providers += [cls.loadProvider(name.group(1), type) for name in names if name]
        return providers

    def loadProvider(cls, name, type, *args, **kwargs):
        import inspect
        members = dict(
                importlib.import_module('.{}.{}'.format(type, name), 'sickrage.providers'),
                lambda x: hasattr(x, 'type') and x not in [NZBProvider, TorrentProvider])
        return [v for v in members.values() if hasattr(v, 'type') and v.type == type][0](
            *args, **kwargs)