def test_create_indexed_group_invalid_types(self):
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            _ = prov_utils.create_indexed_group(np.arange(4), "fddfd")

        file_path = 'test.h5'
        with h5py.File(file_path, mode='w') as h5_f:
            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
                _ = prov_utils.create_indexed_group(h5_f, 1.2343)
 def test_empty_base_name(self):
     file_path = 'test.h5'
     with h5py.File(file_path, mode='w') as h5_f:
         with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
             _ = prov_utils.create_indexed_group(h5_f, '    ')
    def test_second(self):
        file_path = 'test.h5'
        with h5py.File(file_path, mode='w') as h5_f:
            h5_group_1 = prov_utils.create_indexed_group(h5_f, 'Hello')
            self.assertIsInstance(h5_group_1, h5py.Group)
            self.assertEqual(, '/Hello_000')
            self.assertEqual(h5_group_1.parent, h5_f)
            data_utils.verify_book_keeping_attrs(self, h5_group_1)

            h5_group_2 = prov_utils.create_indexed_group(h5_f, 'Hello')
            self.assertIsInstance(h5_group_2, h5py.Group)
            self.assertEqual(, '/Hello_001')
            self.assertEqual(h5_group_2.parent, h5_f)
            data_utils.verify_book_keeping_attrs(self, h5_group_2)
    def test_first_group(self):
        file_path = 'test.h5'
        with h5py.File(file_path, mode='w') as h5_f:
            h5_group = prov_utils.create_indexed_group(h5_f, 'Hello')
            self.assertIsInstance(h5_group, h5py.Group)
            self.assertEqual(, '/Hello_000')
            self.assertEqual(h5_group.parent, h5_f)
            data_utils.verify_book_keeping_attrs(self, h5_group)

            h5_sub_group = prov_utils.create_indexed_group(h5_group, 'Test')
            self.assertIsInstance(h5_sub_group, h5py.Group)
            self.assertEqual(, '/Hello_000/Test_000')
            self.assertEqual(h5_sub_group.parent, h5_group)
            data_utils.verify_book_keeping_attrs(self, h5_sub_group)
Exemple #5
def write_results(h5_group, dataset=None, attributes=None, process_name=None):

    found_valid_dataset = False
    if dataset is not None:
        if isinstance(dataset, Dataset):
            found_valid_dataset = True
    found_valid_attributes = False

    if attributes is not None:
        if isinstance(attributes, dict):
            if len(attributes) > 0:
                found_valid_attributes = True
    if not (found_valid_dataset or found_valid_attributes):
        raise ValueError(
            'results should contain at least a sidpy Dataset or a dictionary in results'
    log_name = 'Log_'
    if process_name is not None:
        log_name = log_name + process_name
    log_group = create_indexed_group(h5_group, log_name)

    if found_valid_dataset:
        write_nsid_dataset(dataset, log_group)
    if found_valid_attributes:
        write_simple_attrs(log_group, flatten_dict(attributes))

    return log_group
Exemple #6
def write_results(h5_group, dataset=None, attributes=None, process_name=None):
    Writes results of a processing step back to HDF5 in NSID format

    h5_group : h5py.Group
        HDF5 Group into which results will be written
    dataset : sidpy.Dataset, optional. Default = None
        Dataset ??
    attributes : dict, optional. Default = None
        Metadata regarding processing step
    process_name : str, optional. Default = "Log_"
        Name of the prefix for group containing process results

    log_group : h5py.Group
        HDF5 group containing results

    found_valid_dataset = False

    if dataset is not None:

        if isinstance(dataset, Dataset):
            dataset = [dataset]

        if isinstance(dataset, list):
            if not all([isinstance(itm, Dataset) for itm in dataset]):
                raise TypeError('List contains non-Sidpy dataset entries! '
                                'Should only contain sidpy datasets')

            found_valid_dataset = True

    found_valid_attributes = False

    if attributes is not None:
        if isinstance(attributes, dict):
            if len(attributes) > 0:
                found_valid_attributes = True
            raise TypeError("Provided attributes is type {} but should be type"
                            " dict".format(type(attributes)))

    if not (found_valid_dataset or found_valid_attributes):
        raise ValueError('results should contain at least a sidpy Dataset or '
                         'a dictionary in results')
    log_name = 'Log_'
    if process_name is not None:
        log_name = log_name + process_name

    log_group = create_indexed_group(h5_group, log_name)

    if found_valid_dataset:
        for dset in dataset:
            write_nsid_dataset(dset, log_group)

        if found_valid_attributes:
            write_simple_attrs(log_group, flatten_dict(attributes))

    return log_group
Exemple #7
    def translate(self, parm_path):
        The main function that translates the provided file into a .h5 file
        parm_path : string / unicode
            Absolute file path of the parameters .mat file.
        h5_path : string / unicode
            Absolute path of the translated h5 file
        parm_path = path.abspath(parm_path)
        parm_dict, excit_wfm = self._read_parms(parm_path)
        excit_wfm = excit_wfm[1::2]

        num_dat_files = len(self.file_list)

        f = open(self.file_list[0], 'rb')
        spectrogram_size, count_vals = self._parse_spectrogram_size(f)
        print("Excitation waveform shape: ", excit_wfm.shape)
        print("spectrogram size:", spectrogram_size)
        num_pixels = parm_dict['grid_num_rows'] * parm_dict['grid_num_cols']
        print('Number of pixels: ', num_pixels)
        print('Count Values: ', count_vals)
        #if (num_pixels + 1) != count_vals:
        #    print("Data size does not match number of pixels expected. Cannot continue")

        #Find how many channels we have to make
        num_ai_chans = num_dat_files // 2  # Division by 2 due to real/imaginary

        # Now start creating datasets and populating:
        #Start with getting an h5 file
        h5_file = h5py.File(self.h5_path)

        #First create a measurement group
        h5_meas_group = create_indexed_group(h5_file, 'Measurement')

        #Set up some parameters that will be written as attributes to this Measurement group
        global_parms = dict()
        global_parms['data_type'] = 'trKPFM'
        global_parms['translator'] = 'trKPFM'
        write_simple_attrs(h5_meas_group, global_parms)
        write_simple_attrs(h5_meas_group, parm_dict)

        #Now start building the position and spectroscopic dimension containers
        #There's only one spectroscpoic dimension and two position dimensions

        #The excit_wfm only has the DC values without any information on cycles, time, etc.
        #What we really need is to add the time component. For every DC step there are some time steps.

        num_time_steps = (
            spectrogram_size - 5
        ) // excit_wfm.size // 2  #Need to divide by 2 because it considers on and off field

        #There should be three spectroscopic axes
        #In order of fastest to slowest varying, we have
        #time, voltage, field

        time_vec = np.linspace(0, parm_dict['IO_time'], num_time_steps)
        print('Num time steps: {}'.format(num_time_steps))
        print('DC Vec size: {}'.format(excit_wfm.shape))
        print('Spectrogram size: {}'.format(spectrogram_size))

        field_vec = np.array([0, 1])

        spec_dims = [
            Dimension('Time', 's', time_vec),
            Dimension('Field', 'Binary', field_vec),
            Dimension('Bias', 'V', excit_wfm)

        pos_dims = [
            Dimension('Cols', 'm', int(parm_dict['grid_num_cols'])),
            Dimension('Rows', 'm', int(parm_dict['grid_num_rows']))

        self.raw_datasets = list()

        for chan_index in range(num_ai_chans):
            chan_grp = create_indexed_group(h5_meas_group, 'Channel')

            if chan_index == 0:
                write_simple_attrs(chan_grp, {'Harmonic': 1})
                write_simple_attrs(chan_grp, {'Harmonic': 2})

            h5_raw = write_main_dataset(
                chan_grp,  # parent HDF5 group
                (num_pixels, spectrogram_size - 5),
                # shape of Main dataset
                'Raw_Data',  # Name of main dataset
                'Deflection',  # Physical quantity contained in Main dataset
                'V',  # Units for the physical quantity
                pos_dims,  # Position dimensions
                spec_dims,  # Spectroscopic dimensions
                dtype=np.complex64,  # data type / precision
                chunks=(1, spectrogram_size - 5),
                main_dset_attrs={'quantity': 'Complex'})

            #h5_refs = hdf.write(chan_grp, print_log=False)
            #h5_raw = get_h5_obj_refs(['Raw_Data'], h5_refs)[0]
            #link_h5_objects_as_attrs(h5_raw, get_h5_obj_refs(aux_ds_names, h5_refs))

        # Now that the N channels have been made, populate them with the actual data....
        self._read_data(parm_dict, parm_path, spectrogram_size)


        return self.h5_path