def test_wrong_zaak_identificatie(self):
        should_fail = [
            # Do not accept 0 padding in SIA id

            # Do not accept 0 as a sequence number

            # Too high sequence number (max two digits)

            # SIA id must be present

            # Do not accept whitespace inside the SIA id and sequence number
            'SIA- 123',
            'SIA- 123.01',
            'SIA-123. 01',
            'SIA-123 .01',

            # Miscellaneous misspellings
            'SIA-99.05 .02',
        for wrong_zaak_identificatie in should_fail:
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
    def test_correct_zaak_identificatie(self):
        # Test backwards compatibility
        self.assertEqual(_parse_zaak_identificatie('SIA-111'), (111, None))

        # Test new style
        self.assertEqual(_parse_zaak_identificatie('SIA-123.01'), (123, 1))
        self.assertEqual(_parse_zaak_identificatie('SIA-99.05'), (99, 5))

        # Accept extra white space before and/or after SIA id and sequence number
        self.assertEqual(_parse_zaak_identificatie('SIA-99.05  '), (99, 5))
        self.assertEqual(_parse_zaak_identificatie('  SIA-99.05  '), (99, 5))
        self.assertEqual(_parse_zaak_identificatie('  SIA-99.05'), (99, 5))
 def test_incorrect_type(self):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
    def test_empty_zaak_identificatie(self):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):