def reconstruct_plot(model, X, y, order=0):
    batch = y.shape[0]
    criterion = nn.MSELoss()
    with torch.no_grad():
        X = torch.tensor(X, dtype=torch.float)
        y_predict, X_predict = model(X)
        lo = criterion(X, X_predict)
    print('LOSS is: ', lo.numpy())
    if batch > 1:
        y_recover = [
            (leadlag_inverse(y_id)[0] + leadlag_inverse(y_predict_id)).numpy()
            for y_id, y_predict_id in zip(y, y_predict)
        logsig_recover = signatory.logsignature(y_predict, order)

        plt.figure(figsize=(16, 2))
        for i in range(4):
            plt.subplot(1, 4, i + 1)
            idx = np.random.randint(0, batch)
            y_true = leadlag_inverse(y[idx])
        return y_recover, logsig_recover
        logsig_recover = signatory.logsignature(y_predict, order)
        y_recover = leadlag_inverse(y_predict[0])  #+ leadlag_inverse(y[0])[0]
        #         plt.plot(leadlag_inverse(y[0]))
        #         plt.plot(y_recover)
        return y_recover, logsig_recover
Exemple #2
def get_data(order, params, freq, ll, scale):
    Batchsize = params['M']
    train_windows, train_path, time = _load_rough_bergomi(params, freq, ll)

    train_logsig = signatory.logsignature(torch.tensor(train_windows),
    train_sig = signatory.signature(torch.tensor(train_windows), order).numpy()
    train_sig_exp = np.concatenate([np.ones([Batchsize, 1]), train_sig],
    #     train_sig_normalized = normalize.normalize_sig(2, order, train_sig_exp)

    test_windows, test_path, time = _load_rough_bergomi(params, freq, ll)
    test_logsig = signatory.logsignature(torch.tensor(test_windows),
    test_sig = signatory.signature(torch.tensor(test_windows), order).numpy()
    test_sig_exp = np.concatenate([np.ones([Batchsize, 1]), test_sig], axis=1)
    if scale:
        scaler_logsig = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0.00001, 0.99999))
        logsig_transformed = scaler_logsig.fit_transform(train_logsig)
        data = logsig_transformed[1:]  # 1 week forecasting 1 week
        data_cond = logsig_transformed[:-1]
        data_cond = np.zeros_like(
            data_cond)  ######################################### for VAE
        scaler = scaler_logsig
        logsig_transformed = None
        scaler = None
        data = train_logsig[1:]  # 1 week forecasting 1 week
        data_cond = train_logsig[:-1]
        data_cond = np.zeros_like(
            data_cond)  ######################################### for VAE

    return train_windows, train_path, train_logsig, train_sig, train_sig_exp, test_windows, test_path,\
test_logsig, test_sig, test_sig_exp, logsig_transformed, data, data_cond, scaler
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self,
            controls (torch.Tensor): The control path of shape [N, L, C_control].
            responses (torch.Tensor): The response path of shape [N, L, C_response] (if regression) or shape (N,) if
            sampler (IntervalSampler): An initialised sampler from
            depth (int): The depth of the log-signature to truncate at.
            response_in_initial (bool): If a continuous regression problem, set True to include the response at time
                t=0 to the initial values.
        # Hold onto the initial values
        if response_in_initial:
            assert responses.dim(
            ) == 3, "Can only put the response in the IC if dim == 3."
            self.initial_values =
                (controls[:, 0, :], responses[:, 0, :]), dim=1)
            self.initial_values = controls[:, 0, :]
        self.initial_dim = self.initial_values.size(-1)

        # Setup intervals
        intervals, knot_idxs = sampler.intervals, sampler.knot_idxs
        self.sampler = None

        # Responses and params
        self.responses = responses[:, knot_idxs] if responses.dim(
        ) == 3 else responses
        self.depth = depth

        # Compute the signatures
        self.signatures = torch.stack([
            signatory.logsignature(controls[:, i[0]:i[1]], depth=depth)
            for i in intervals

        # Some params
        self.n_samples = self.signatures.size(0)
        self.ds_length = self.signatures.size(1)
        self.input_dim = self.signatures.size(2)
        self.controls = self.signatures  # As the signatures are now the controls

        # Add some functionality
        self.size = self.signatures.size()
Exemple #4
def logsig(step,stride,level,data):
    size = data.shape[0]
    data = data.reshape(size, 39, 19, 3)
    data = np.swapaxes(data, 1, 2)
    data = data.reshape(size * 19, 39, 3)
    sig = list()
    for i in range(0, frame - step + 1, stride):
        temp_data = data[:, i:i + step, :]
        temp_data = torch.from_numpy(temp_data).float()
        temp_sig = (signatory.logsignature(temp_data, level))
        temp_data = temp_data.cpu().numpy()
        temp_sig = temp_sig.cpu().numpy()
        temp_data = np.swapaxes(temp_data, 0, 1)
        temp_data = temp_data[0]
        att = np.concatenate((temp_data, temp_sig), axis=1)

    if frame % stride>1:
        temp_data1 = data[:, frame-step+1:frame, :]
        temp_data1 = torch.from_numpy(temp_data1).float()
        temp_sig1 = (signatory.logsignature(temp_data1, level))
        temp_data1 = temp_data1.cpu().numpy()
        temp_sig1 = temp_sig1.cpu().numpy()
        temp_data1 = np.swapaxes(temp_data1, 0, 1)
        temp_data1 = temp_data1[0]
        att1 = np.concatenate((temp_data1, temp_sig1), axis=1)

    sig = np.swapaxes(sig, 0, 1)
    t1 = sig.shape[1]
    s1 = sig.shape[2]
    sig = sig.reshape(size, 19, t1, s1)
    sig = np.swapaxes(sig, 1, 3)
    sig = np.expand_dims(sig, axis=-1)
    return sig
Exemple #5
def Ito_map(X):
    N = X.shape[1]
    Y = torch.zeros((1, N, 3))  #.cuda()
    if X.shape[2] == 2:
        Y[0, :, 0] = X[0, :, 0]
        Y[0, :, 1] = X[0, :, 1]
        Y[0, :, 2] = torch.tensor([0.] + [
            signatory.logsignature(X[:, :i + 1, :], 2, mode='brackets')[0, -1]
            for i in range(1, N)
        ])  #.cuda()
        Y[0, :, 0] = X[0, :, 0]
        Y[0, :, 1] = X[0, :, 1]
        Y[0, :, 2] = 0.5 * (X[0, :, 3] - X[0, :, 4])
    return Y
def inverse_multiple_path(path, order, net=None, train=True):
    N = path.shape[1] - 1
    path_torch = leadlag(torch.tensor(path)[:, :, 0])
    path_leadlag = path_torch.numpy()
    logsig = signatory.logsignature(path_torch, order)
    X = logsig.numpy()
    y = path_leadlag
    if not net:
        ds, dl = data_prepare(X, y)
        net = Net(X.shape[-1], order, N)
        net.train_net(dl, 1000)
    elif train:
        ds, dl = data_prepare(X, y)
        net.train_net(dl, 1000)

    y_recover, logsig_recover = reconstruct_plot(net, X, y, order)

    return y_recover, logsig_recover, net
def inverse_single_path(path0, order, sig=True, net0=None, N=28):
    if not sig:
        N = path0.shape[1] - 1
        path_torch = leadlag(torch.tensor(path0)[:, :, 0])
        path_leadlag = path_torch.numpy()
        logsig = signatory.logsignature(path_torch, order)
        X0 = logsig.numpy()
        y0 = path_leadlag
        X0 = path0
        y0 = path0[:, :, None]

    dl = data_prepare(X0, y0)
    if not net0:
        net0 = Net(X0.shape[-1], order, N)
    net0.train_net(dl, 1000)
    y_recover, logsig_recover = reconstruct_plot(net0, X0, y0, order)
    return net0, y_recover, logsig_recover