Exemple #1
def setup(obj):

    obj.path = torch.rand(obj.size, dtype=torch.float, requires_grad=True)
    shape = obj.size[-3], signatory.logsignature_channels(obj.size[-1], obj.depth)
    obj.grad = torch.rand(shape)
    obj.logsignature = signatory.LogSignature(obj.depth)(obj.path)
def setup(obj):
    obj.path = torch.rand(obj.size,
    shape = obj.size[-3], signatory.logsignature_channels(
        obj.size[-1], obj.depth)
    obj.grad = torch.rand(shape, device='cuda')
    obj.logsignature = signatory.LogSignature(obj.depth)(obj.path)
    def __init__(self, input_dim, depth, logsig, basepoint=True):

        self.basepoint = basepoint
        self.depth = depth
        self.logsig = logsig
        self.sig_func = signatory.logsignature if self.logsig else signatory.signature
        self.terms = signatory.logsignature_channels(
            self.depth) if self.logsig else signatory.signature_channels(
                input_dim, self.depth)
        if self.terms >= TERMS_LIMIT:
            raise ImportError(
                "Number of signature terms {} is greater than {}..".format(
                    self.terms, TERMS_LIMIT))
Exemple #4
    def transform(self, sequence) -> torch.Tensor:
        embedded = sequence['embedded']

        sig_func = signatory.logsignature if self.logsig else signatory.signature

        terms = signatory.logsignature_channels(
            self.depth) if self.logsig else signatory.signature_channels(
                embedded.shape[-1], self.depth)
        if terms >= TERMS_LIMIT:
            raise ImportError(
                "Number of signature terms is greater than {}..".format(

        signature_terms = sig_func(path=embedded,
        return signature_terms
    def __init__(self, in_channels, depth, p=2, include_time=True, pseudometric=True, metric_type='general'):
        Called with some path `f` and some shapelet `g` such that
        f, g \colon [0, T] \to R^in_channels,
        which are described by as being the unique continuous piecewise linear functions such that
        f(times[i]) == path1[i] for all i,
        g(times[i]) == path2[i] for all i,
        where `times` is a strictly increasing 1D tensor of shape (length,) for some  value `length`, and `path1` is a
        tensor of shape (..., length, in_channels) and `path2` is a tensor of shape (*, length, in_channels), where
        '...' and '*' represent potentially different batch dimensions.

        Then let `q = logsig(f, depth) - logsig(g, depth)` be the difference in their logsignatures to depth `depth`,
        which will be a vector of size `l = logsignature_channels(in_channels, depth)`.

        Then this discrepancy calculates
        where ||.||_p denotes the L^p vector norm, and A is a matrix of shape (l, l), which:
            - will be the identity matrix if pseudometric==False
            - will be learnt and diagonal if pseudometric=True and metric_type == 'diagonal'
            - will be learnt and square if pseudometric==True and metric_type == 'general'.

        The return value will be a tensor of shape (..., *).

            in_channels: The number of input channels of the path.
            depth: An integer describing the depth of the logsignature transform to take.
            p: A number in [1, \infty] specifying the parameter p of the distance. Defaults to 2.
            include_time: Boolean. Whether to take the logsignature discrepancy of the time-augmented path or not.
                Defaults to True. (Setting this to False produces a pseudometric rather similar in spirit to dynamic
                time warping, in that it's reparameterisation invariant.)
            pseudometric: Whether to take a learnt linear transformation beforehand. Defaults to True.
            metric_type: Either 'general' or 'diagonal'. Whether to take a general learnt linear transformation or just
                a diagonal one. Defaults to 'general'.
        super(LogsignatureDiscrepancy, self).__init__()

        assert metric_type in ('general', 'diagonal'), "Valid values for 'metric_type' are 'general' and 'diagonal'."
        if signatory is None:
            raise ImportError("Signatory must be installed to compute logsignature discrepancies. It can be found at "
                              "`https://github.com/patrick-kidger/signatory`. See also the installation instructions "
                              "for `torchshapelets` at "
                              "`https://github.com/jambo6/generalised_shapelets/tree/master/torchshapelets`. ")

        self.in_channels = in_channels
        self.depth = depth
        self.p = p
        self.include_time = include_time
        self.pseudometric = pseudometric
        self.metric_type = metric_type

        if pseudometric:
            channels = in_channels
            if include_time:
                channels += 1
            logsignature_channels = signatory.logsignature_channels(channels, depth)
            if metric_type == 'general':
                linear = torch.randn(logsignature_channels, logsignature_channels, requires_grad=True)
                torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(linear, a=math.sqrt(5))
                linear = torch.randn(logsignature_channels, requires_grad=True)
                torch.nn.init.uniform_(linear, 0.9, 1.1)
            self.linear = torch.nn.Parameter(linear)
            self.register_parameter('linear', None)

        self.logsignature = signatory.Logsignature(depth=depth)
Exemple #6
def _logsignature_windows(x, depth, window_length, t, _version):
    t = misc.validate_input_path(x, t)

    # slightly roundabout way of doing things (rather than using arange) so that it's constructed differentiably
    timespan = t[-1] - t[0]
    num_pieces = (timespan / window_length).ceil().to(int).item()
    end_t = t[0] + num_pieces * window_length
    new_t = torch.linspace(t[0],
                           num_pieces + 1,
    new_t = torch.min(new_t, t.max())

    t_index = 0
    new_t_unique = []
    new_t_indices = []
    for new_t_elem in new_t:
        while True:
            lequal = (new_t_elem <= t[t_index])
            close = new_t_elem.allclose(t[t_index])
            if lequal or close:
            t_index += 1
        new_t_indices.append(t_index + len(new_t_unique))
        if close:

    batch_dimensions = x.shape[:-2]

    missing_X = torch.full((1, ), float('nan'), dtype=x.dtype,
                           device=x.device).expand(*batch_dimensions, 1,
    if len(new_t_unique) > 0:  # no-op if len == 0, so skip for efficiency
        t, indices = torch.cat([t, *new_t_unique]).sort()
        x = torch.cat([x, missing_X], dim=-2)[...,
                                              indices.clamp(0, x.size(-2)), :]

    # Fill in any missing data linearly (linearly because that's what signatures do in between observations anyway)
    # and conveniently that's what this already does. Here 'missing data' includes the NaNs we've just added.
    x = interpolation_linear.linear_interpolation_coeffs(x, t)

    # Flatten batch dimensions for compatibility with Signatory
    flatten_X = x.view(-1, x.size(-2), x.size(-1))
    first_increment = torch.zeros(*batch_dimensions,
                                      x.size(-1), depth),
    first_increment[..., :x.size(-1)] = x[..., 0, :]
    logsignatures = [first_increment]
    compute_logsignature = signatory.Logsignature(depth=depth)
    for index, next_index, time, next_time in zip(new_t_indices[:-1],
                                                  new_t[:-1], new_t[1:]):
        logsignature = compute_logsignature(flatten_X[...,
                                                      index:next_index + 1, :])
        logsignature = logsignature.view(*batch_dimensions, -1)
        if _version == 0:
            logsignature = logsignature * (next_time - time)
        elif _version == 1:
            raise RuntimeError

    logsignatures = torch.stack(logsignatures, dim=-2)
    logsignatures = logsignatures.cumsum(dim=-2)

    if _version == 0:
        return logsignatures, new_t
    elif _version == 1:
        return logsignatures
        raise RuntimeError
Exemple #7
def logsignature_windows(x, depth, window_length, t=None):
    """Calculates logsignatures over multiple windows, for the batch of controls given, as in the log-ODE method.
    This corresponds to a transform of the time series, and should be used prior to applying one of the interpolation

        x: tensor of values, of shape (..., length, input_channels), where ... is some number of batch dimensions. This
            is interpreted as a (batch of) paths taking values in an input_channels-dimensional real vector space, with
            length-many observations. Missing values are supported, and should be represented as NaNs.
        depth: What depth to compute the logsignatures to.
        window_length: How long a time interval to compute logsignatures over.
        t: Optional one dimensional tensor of times. Must be monotonically increasing. If not passed will default to
            tensor([0., 1., ..., length - 1]).

        If there are missing values then calling this function can be pretty slow. Make sure to cache the result, and
        don't reinstantiate it on every forward pass, if at all possible.

        A tuple of two tensors, which are the values and times of the transformed path.
    t = misc.validate_input_path(x, t)

    # slightly roundabout way of doing things (rather than using arange) so that it's constructed differentiably
    timespan = t[-1] - t[0]
    num_pieces = (timespan / window_length).ceil().to(int).item()
    end_t = t[0] + num_pieces * window_length
    new_t = torch.linspace(t[0],
                           num_pieces + 1,
    new_t = torch.min(new_t, t.max())

    t_index = 0
    new_t_unique = []
    new_t_indices = []
    for new_t_elem in new_t:
        while True:
            lequal = (new_t_elem <= t[t_index])
            close = new_t_elem.allclose(t[t_index])
            if lequal or close:
            t_index += 1
        new_t_indices.append(t_index + len(new_t_unique))
        if close:

    batch_dimensions = x.shape[:-2]

    missing_X = torch.full((1, ), float('nan'), dtype=x.dtype,
                           device=x.device).expand(*batch_dimensions, 1,
    if len(new_t_unique) > 0:  # no-op if len == 0, so skip for efficiency
        t, indices = torch.cat([t, *new_t_unique]).sort()
        x = torch.cat([x, missing_X], dim=-2)[...,
                                              indices.clamp(0, x.size(-2)), :]

    # Fill in any missing data linearly (linearly because that's what signatures do in between observations anyway)
    # and conveniently that's what this already does. Here 'missing data' includes the NaNs we've just added.
    x = interpolation_linear.linear_interpolation_coeffs(x, t)

    # Flatten batch dimensions for compatibility with Signatory
    flatten_X = x.view(-1, x.size(-2), x.size(-1))
    first_increment = torch.zeros(*batch_dimensions,
                                      x.size(-1), depth),
    first_increment[..., :x.size(-1)] = x[..., 0, :]
    logsignatures = [first_increment]
    compute_logsignature = signatory.Logsignature(depth=depth)
    for index, next_index, time, next_time in zip(new_t_indices[:-1],
                                                  new_t[:-1], new_t[1:]):
        logsignature = compute_logsignature(flatten_X[...,
                                                      index:next_index + 1, :])
        logsignature = logsignature.view(*batch_dimensions,
                                         -1) * (next_time - time)

    logsignatures = torch.stack(logsignatures, dim=-2)
    logsignatures = logsignatures.cumsum(dim=-2)

    return logsignatures, new_t