def calc_shims(shim_roi, sens, x0, dt, lamb=0, max_iter=50): """RF shim designer. Uses the Gerchberg Saxton algorithm. Args: shim_roi (array): region within volume to be shimmed. Mask of 1's and 0's. [dim_x dim_y dim_z] sens (array): sensitivity maps. [Nc dim_x dim_y dim_z] x0 (array) initial guess for shim values. [Nc 1] dt (float): hardware sampling dwell time. lamb (float): regularization term. max_iter (int): max number of iterations. Returns: Vector of complex shim weights. """ k1 = np.expand_dims(np.array((0, 0, 0)), 0) A = rf.PtxSpatialExplicit(sens, coord=k1, dt=dt, img_shape=shim_roi.shape, ret_array=False) alg_method = sp.alg.GerchbergSaxton(A, shim_roi, x0, max_iter=max_iter, tol=10E-9, lamb=lamb) while not alg_method.done(): alg_method.update() return alg_method.x
def test_stspa_2d_explicit(self): target, sens = self.problem_2d(8) dim = target.shape[0] g, k1, t, s = rf.spiral_arch(0.24, dim, 4e-6, 200, 0.035) k1 = k1 / dim A = rf.PtxSpatialExplicit(sens, k1, dt=4e-6, img_shape=target.shape, b0=None) pulses = sp.mri.rf.stspa(target, sens, st=None, coord=k1, dt=4e-6, max_iter=100, alpha=10, tol=1E-4, phase_update_interval=200, explicit=True) npt.assert_array_almost_equal(A*pulses, target, 1E-3)
def stspk(mask, sens, n_spokes, fov, dx_max, gts, sl_thick, tbw, dgdtmax, gmax, alpha=1, iter_dif=0.01): """Small tip spokes and k-t points parallel transmit pulse designer. Args: mask (ndarray): region in which to optimize flip angle uniformity in slice. [dim dim] sens (ndarray): sensitivity maps. [nc dim dim] n_spokes (int): number of spokes to be created in the design. fov (float): excitation FOV (cm). dx_max (float): max. resolution of the trajectory (cm). gts (float): hardware sampling dwell time (s). sl_thick (float): slice thickness (mm). tbw (int): time-bandwidth product. dgdtmax (float): max gradient slew (g/cm/s). gmax (float): max gradient amplitude (g/cm). alpha (float): regularization parameter. iter_dif (float): for each spoke, the difference in cost btwn. successive iterations at which to terminate MLS iterations. Returns: 2-element tuple containing - **pulses** (*array*): RF waveform out. - **g** (*array*): corresponding gradient, in g/cm. References: Grissom, W., Khalighi, M., Sacolick, L., Rutt, B. & Vogel, M (2012). Small-tip-angle spokes pulse design using interleaved greedy and local optimization methods. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 68(5), 1553-62. """ device = backend.get_device(sens) xp = device.xp with device: nc = sens.shape[0] kmax = 1 / dx_max # /cm, max spatial freq of trajectory # greedy kx, ky grid kxs, kys = xp.meshgrid( xp.linspace(-kmax / 2, kmax / 2 - 1 / fov, * kmax)), xp.linspace(-kmax / 2, kmax / 2 - 1 / fov, * kmax))) # vectorize the grid kxs = kxs.flatten() kys = kys.flatten() # remove DC dc = xp.intersect1d(xp.where((kxs == 0)), xp.where((kys == 0)))[0] kxs = xp.concatenate([kxs[:dc], kxs[dc + 1:]]) kys = xp.concatenate([kys[:dc], kys[dc + 1:]]) # step 2: design the weights # initial kx/ky location is DC k = xp.expand_dims(xp.array([0, 0]), 0) # initial target phase phs = xp.zeros((xp.count_nonzero(mask), 1), dtype=xp.complex) for ii in range(n_spokes): # build Afull (and take only 0 locations into matrix) Anum = rf.PtxSpatialExplicit(sens, k, gts, mask.shape, ret_array=True) Anum = Anum[~(Anum == 0).all(1)] # design wfull using MLS: # initialize wfull sys_a = (Anum.conj().T @ Anum + alpha * xp.eye((ii + 1) * nc)) sys_b = (Anum.conj().T @ xp.exp(1j * phs)) w_full = xp.linalg.solve(sys_a, sys_b) err = Anum @ w_full - xp.exp(1j * phs) cost = err.conj().T @ err + alpha * w_full.conj().T @ w_full cost = xp.real(cost) cost_old = 10 * cost # to get the loop going while xp.absolute(cost - cost_old) > iter_dif * cost_old: cost_old = cost phs = xp.angle(Anum @ w_full) w_full = xp.linalg.solve( (Anum.conj().T @ Anum + alpha * xp.eye( (ii + 1) * nc)), (Anum.conj().T @ xp.exp(1j * phs))) err = Anum @ w_full - xp.exp(1j * phs) cost = xp.real(err.conj().T @ err + alpha * w_full.conj().T @ w_full) # add a spoke using greedy method if ii < n_spokes - 1: r = xp.exp(1j * phs) - Anum @ w_full rfnorm = xp.zeros(kxs.shape, dtype=xp.complex) for jj in range(kxs.size): ks_test = xp.expand_dims(xp.array([kxs[jj], kys[jj]]), 0) Anum = rf.PtxSpatialExplicit(sens, ks_test, gts, mask.shape, ret_array=True) Anum = Anum[~(Anum == 0).all(1)] rfm = xp.linalg.solve((Anum.conj().T @ Anum), (Anum.conj().T @ r)) rfnorm[jj] = xp.linalg.norm(rfm) ind = xp.argmax(rfnorm) k_new = xp.expand_dims(xp.array([kxs[ind], kys[ind]]), 0) if ii % 2 != 0: # add to end of pulse k = xp.concatenate((k, k_new)) else: # add to beginning of pulse k = xp.concatenate((k_new, k)) # remove chosen point from candidates kxs = xp.concatenate([kxs[:ind], kxs[ind + 1:]]) kys = xp.concatenate([kys[:ind], kys[ind + 1:]]) # from our spoke selections, build the whole waveforms # first, design our gradient waveforms: g = rf.spokes_grad(k, tbw, sl_thick, gmax, dgdtmax, gts) # design our rf # calc. the size of the traps in our gz waveform- will use to calc rf area = tbw / (sl_thick / 10) / 4257 # thick*kwid=twb, kwid=gam*area [subgz, nramp] = rf.min_trap_grad(area, gmax, dgdtmax, gts) npts = 128 subrf = rf.dzrf(npts, tbw, 'st') n_plat = subgz.size - 2 * nramp # time points on trap plateau # interpolate to stretch out waveform to appropriate length f = interp1d(np.arange(0, npts, 1) / npts, subrf, fill_value='extrapolate') subrf = f(xp.arange(0, n_plat, 1) / n_plat) subrf = xp.concatenate((xp.zeros(nramp), subrf, xp.zeros(nramp))) pulses = xp.kron(xp.reshape(w_full, (nc, n_spokes)), subrf) # add zeros for gzref rf_ref = xp.zeros((nc, g.shape[1] - pulses.shape[1])) pulses = xp.concatenate((pulses, rf_ref), 1) return pulses, g