Exemple #1
class FilReader(Filterbank):
    """Class to handle the reading of sigproc format filterbank files
    :param filename: name of filterbank file
    :type filename: :func:`str`
    .. note::
       To be considered as a Sigproc format filterbank file the header must only 
       contain keywords found in the ``HeaderParams.header_keys`` dictionary. 
    def __init__(self, filename):
        self.filename = filename
        self.header = parseSigprocHeader(self.filename)
        self._file = File(filename, "r", self.header.nbits)
        self.itemsize = np.dtype(self.header.dtype).itemsize
        if self.header.nbits in [1, 2, 4]:
            self.bitfact = 8 / self.header.nbits
            self.bitfact = 1
        self.sampsize = self.header.nchans * self.itemsize / self.bitfact
        super(FilReader, self).__init__()

    def readBlock(self, start, nsamps):
        """Read a block of filterbank data.
        :param start: first time sample of the block to be read
        :type start: int

        :param nsamps: number of samples in the block (i.e. block will be nsamps*nchans in size)
        :type nsamps: int

        :return: 2-D array of filterbank data
        :rtype: :class:`~sigpyproc.Filterbank.FilterbankBlock`
        self._file.seek(self.header.hdrlen + start * self.sampsize)
        data = self._file.cread(self.header.nchans * nsamps)
        data = data.reshape(nsamps, self.header.nchans).transpose()
        start_mjd = self.header.mjdAfterNsamps(start)
        new_header = self.header.newHeader({'tstart': start_mjd})
        return FilterbankBlock(data, new_header)

    def readPlan(self, gulp, skipback=0, start=0, nsamps=None, verbose=True):
        """A generator used to perform filterbank reading.
        :param gulp: number of samples in each read
        :type gulp: int

        :param skipback: number of samples to skip back after each read (def=0)
        :type skipback: int

        :param start: first sample to read from filterbank (def=start of file)
        :type start: int

        :param nsamps: total number samples to read (def=end of file)
        :type nsamps: int

        :param verbose: flag for display of reading plan information (def=True)
        :type verbose: bool

        :return: An generator that can read through the file.
        :rtype: generator object
        .. note::

           For each read, the generator yields a tuple ``x``, where:
              * ``x[0]`` is the number of samples read
              * ``x[1]`` is the index of the read (i.e. ``x[1]=0`` is the first read)
              * ``x[2]`` is a 1-D numpy array containing the data that was read

           The normal calling syntax for this is function is:

           .. code-block:: python
              for nsamps, ii, data in self.readPlan(*args,**kwargs):
                  # do something

           where data always has contains ``nchans*nsamps`` points. 


        if nsamps is None:
            nsamps = self.header.nsamples - start
        if nsamps < gulp:
            gulp = nsamps
        tstart = time.time()
        skipback = abs(skipback)
        if skipback >= gulp:
            raise ValueError, "readsamps must be > skipback value"
        self._file.seek(self.header.hdrlen + start * self.sampsize)
        nreads = nsamps // (gulp - skipback)
        lastread = nsamps - (nreads * (gulp - skipback))
        if lastread < skipback:
            nreads -= 1
            lastread = nsamps - (nreads * (gulp - skipback))
        blocks = [(ii, gulp * self.header.nchans,
                   -skipback * self.header.nchans) for ii in range(nreads)]
        blocks.append((nreads, lastread * self.header.nchans, 0))

        if verbose:
            print "Filterbank reading plan:"
            print "------------------------"
            print "Called on file:       ", self.filename
            print "Called by:            ", istack()[1][3]
            print "Number of samps:      ", nsamps
            print "Number of reads:      ", nreads
            print "Nsamps per read:      ", blocks[0][1] / self.header.nchans
            print "Nsamps of final read: ", blocks[-1][1] / self.header.nchans
            print "Nsamps to skip back:  ", -1 * blocks[0][
                2] / self.header.nchans

        for ii, block, skip in blocks:
            if verbose:
                stdout.write("Percentage complete: %d%%\r" %
                             (100 * ii / nreads))
            data = self._file.cread(block)
            self._file.seek(skip * self.itemsize / self.bitfact, os.SEEK_CUR)
            yield int(block / self.header.nchans), int(ii), data
        if verbose:
            print "Execution time: %f seconds     \n" % (time.time() - tstart)
Exemple #2
class FilReader(Filterbank):
    """Class to handle the reading of sigproc format filterbank files
    :param filename: name of filterbank file
    :type filename: :func:`str`
    .. note::
       To be considered as a Sigproc format filterbank file the header must only 
       contain keywords found in the ``HeaderParams.header_keys`` dictionary. 
    def __init__(self,filename):
        self.filename = filename
        self.header = parseSigprocHeader(self.filename)
        self._file = File(filename,"r",self.header.nbits)
        self.itemsize = np.dtype(self.header.dtype).itemsize
        if self.header.nbits in [1,2,4]:
            self.bitfact = 8/self.header.nbits
            self.bitfact = 1
        self.sampsize = self.header.nchans*self.itemsize/self.bitfact

    def readBlock(self,start,nsamps):
        """Read a block of filterbank data.
        :param start: first time sample of the block to be read
        :type start: int

        :param nsamps: number of samples in the block (i.e. block will be nsamps*nchans in size)
        :type nsamps: int

        :return: 2-D array of filterbank data
        :rtype: :class:`~sigpyproc.Filterbank.FilterbankBlock`
        data = self._file.cread(self.header.nchans*nsamps)
        data = data.reshape(nsamps,self.header.nchans).transpose()
        start_mjd = self.header.mjdAfterNsamps(start)
        new_header = self.header.newHeader({'tstart':start_mjd})
        return FilterbankBlock(data,new_header)
    def readPlan(self,gulp,skipback=0,start=0,nsamps=None,verbose=True):
        """A generator used to perform filterbank reading.
        :param gulp: number of samples in each read
        :type gulp: int

        :param skipback: number of samples to skip back after each read (def=0)
        :type skipback: int

        :param start: first sample to read from filterbank (def=start of file)
        :type start: int

        :param nsamps: total number samples to read (def=end of file)
        :type nsamps: int

        :param verbose: flag for display of reading plan information (def=True)
        :type verbose: bool

        :return: An generator that can read through the file.
        :rtype: generator object
        .. note::

           For each read, the generator yields a tuple ``x``, where:
              * ``x[0]`` is the number of samples read
              * ``x[1]`` is the index of the read (i.e. ``x[1]=0`` is the first read)
              * ``x[2]`` is a 1-D numpy array containing the data that was read

           The normal calling syntax for this is function is:

           .. code-block:: python
              for nsamps, ii, data in self.readPlan(*args,**kwargs):
                  # do something

           where data always has contains ``nchans*nsamps`` points. 


        if nsamps is None:
            nsamps = self.header.nsamples-start
        if nsamps<gulp:
            gulp = nsamps
        tstart = time.time()
        skipback = abs(skipback)
        if skipback >= gulp:
            raise ValueError,"readsamps must be > skipback value"
        nreads = nsamps//(gulp-skipback)
        lastread = nsamps-(nreads*(gulp-skipback))
        if lastread<skipback:
            nreads -= 1
            lastread = nsamps-(nreads*(gulp-skipback))
        blocks = [(ii,gulp*self.header.nchans,-skipback*self.header.nchans) for ii in range(nreads)]
        if verbose:
            print "Filterbank reading plan:"
            print "------------------------"
            print "Called on file:       ",self.filename      
            print "Called by:            ",istack()[1][3]
            print "Number of samps:      ",nsamps 
            print "Number of reads:      ",nreads
            print "Nsamps per read:      ",blocks[0][1]/self.header.nchans
            print "Nsamps of final read: ",blocks[-1][1]/self.header.nchans
            print "Nsamps to skip back:  ",-1*blocks[0][2]/self.header.nchans
        for ii,block,skip in blocks:
            if verbose:
                stdout.write("Percentage complete: %d%%\r"%(100*ii/nreads))
            data = self._file.cread(block)
            yield int(block/self.header.nchans),int(ii),data
        if verbose:
            print "Execution time: %f seconds     \n"%(time.time()-tstart)
Exemple #3
class FilReader(Filterbank):
    """Class to handle the reading of sigproc format filterbank files

    filename : str
        name of filterbank file

        container of filterbank data with observational metadata

    To be considered as a Sigproc format filterbank file the header must only
    contain keywords found in the ``HeaderParams.header_keys`` dictionary.

    def __init__(self, filename):
        self.filename = filename
        self.header   = Header.parseSigprocHeader(self.filename)
        self._file    = File(filename, "r", self.header.nbits)
        self.itemsize = np.dtype(self.header.dtype).itemsize
        if self.header.nbits in {1, 2, 4}:
            self.bitfact = 8 // self.header.nbits
            self.bitfact = 1
        self.sampsize = self.header.nchans * self.itemsize // self.bitfact

    def readBlock(self, start, nsamps, as_filterbankBlock=True):
        """Read a block of filterbank data.

        start : int
            first time sample of the block to be read
        nsamps : int
            number of samples in the block (i.e. block will be nsamps*nchans in size)
        as_filterbankBlock : bool, optional
            whether to read data as filterbankBlock or numpy array, by default True

        :class:`~sigpyproc.Filterbank.FilterbankBlock` or :py:obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            2-D array of filterbank data
        self._file.seek(self.header.hdrlen + start * self.sampsize)
        data = self._file.cread(self.header.nchans * nsamps)
        nsamps_read = data.size // self.header.nchans
        data = data.reshape(nsamps_read, self.header.nchans).transpose()
        start_mjd  = self.header.mjdAfterNsamps(start)
        new_header = self.header.newHeader({"tstart": start_mjd})
        if as_filterbankBlock:
            return FilterbankBlock(data, new_header)
        return data

    def readDedispersedBlock(self, start, nsamps, dm, as_filterbankBlock=True,
        """Read a block of dedispersed filterbank data, best used in cases where
        I/O time dominates reading a block of data.

        start : int
            first time sample of the block to be read
        nsamps : int
            number of samples in the block (i.e. block will be nsamps*nchans in size)
        dm : float
            dispersion measure to dedisperse at
        as_filterbankBlock : bool, optional
            whether to read data as filterbankBlock or numpy array, by default True
        small_reads : bool, optional
            if the datum size is greater than 1 byte, only read the data needed
            instead of every frequency of every sample, by default True

        :class:`~sigpyproc.Filterbank.FilterbankBlock` or :py:obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            2-D array of filterbank data
        data = np.zeros((self.header.nchans, nsamps), dtype=self._file.dtype)
        min_sample = start + self.header.getDMdelays(dm)
        max_sample = min_sample + nsamps
        curr_sample = np.zeros(self.header.nchans, dtype=int)

        start_mjd  = self.header.mjdAfterNsamps(start)
        new_header = self.header.newHeader({"tstart": start_mjd})

        lowest_chan, highest_chan, sample_offset = (0, 0, start)
        with tqdm(total=nsamps * self.header.nchans) as progress:
            while curr_sample[-1] < nsamps:
                relevant_channels = np.argwhere(
                        max_sample > sample_offset, min_sample <= sample_offset
                lowest_chan = np.min(relevant_channels)
                highest_chan = np.max(relevant_channels)
                sampled_chans = np.arange(lowest_chan, highest_chan + 1, dtype=int)
                read_length = sampled_chans.size

                if self.bitfact == 1 and small_reads:
                    next_offset = (
                        sample_offset * self.sampsize + lowest_chan * self.itemsize
                    self._file.seek(self.header.hdrlen + next_offset)

                    data[sampled_chans, curr_sample[sampled_chans]] = self._file.cread(

                    next_offset = sample_offset * self.sampsize
                    self._file.seek(self.header.hdrlen + next_offset)

                    sample = self._file.cread(self.sampsize)
                    data[sampled_chans, curr_sample[sampled_chans]] = sample[

                curr_sample[sampled_chans] += 1

                if curr_sample[highest_chan] > nsamps:
                    sample_offset = min_sample[highest_chan + 1]
                    sample_offset += 1


        if as_filterbankBlock:
            data = FilterbankBlock(data, new_header)
            data.dm = dm
            return data
        return data

    def readPlan(self, gulp, skipback=0, start=0, nsamps=None,
                 tqdm_desc=None, verbose=True):
        """A generator used to perform filterbank reading.

        gulp : int
            number of samples in each read
        skipback : int, optional
            number of samples to skip back after each read, by default 0
        start : int, optional
            first sample to read from filterbank, by default 0 (start of the file)
        nsamps : int, optional
            total number samples to read, by default None (end of the file)
        tqdm_desc : str, optional
            [description], by default None
        verbose : bool, optional
            flag for display of reading plan information, by default True

        int, int, :py:obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            An generator that can read through the file.

            If read samples < ``skipback``.

        For each read, the generator yields a tuple ``x``, where:

            * ``x[0]`` is the number of samples read
            * ``x[1]`` is the index of the read (i.e. ``x[1]=0`` is the first read)
            * ``x[2]`` is a 1-D numpy array containing the data that was read

        The normal calling syntax for this is function is:

        >>> for nsamps, ii, data in self.readPlan(*args,**kwargs):
                # do something
        where data always has contains ``nchans*nsamps`` points.
        if nsamps is None:
            nsamps = self.header.nsamples - start
        gulp     = min(nsamps, gulp)
        skipback = abs(skipback)
        if skipback >= gulp:
            raise ValueError("readsamps must be > skipback value")
        self._file.seek(self.header.hdrlen + start * self.sampsize)
        nreads   = nsamps // (gulp - skipback)
        lastread = nsamps - (nreads * (gulp - skipback))
        if lastread < skipback:
            nreads  -= 1
            lastread = nsamps - (nreads * (gulp - skipback))
        blocks = [
            (ii, gulp * self.header.nchans, -skipback * self.header.nchans)
            for ii in range(nreads)
        if lastread != 0:
            blocks.append((nreads, lastread * self.header.nchans, 0))

        if verbose:
            print("\nFilterbank reading plan:")
            print(f"Called on file:       {self.filename}")
            print(f"Called by:            {inspect.stack()[1][3]}")
            print(f"Number of samps:      {nsamps}")
            print(f"Number of reads:      {nreads}")
            print(f"Nsamps per read:      {blocks[0][1]//self.header.nchans}")
            print(f"Nsamps of final read: {blocks[-1][1]//self.header.nchans}")
            print(f"Nsamps to skip back:  {-1*blocks[0][2]//self.header.nchans}\n")

        if tqdm_desc is None:
            tqdm_desc = f"{inspect.stack()[1][3]} : "
        for ii, block, skip in tqdm(blocks, desc=tqdm_desc):
            data = self._file.cread(block)
            self._file.seek(skip * self.itemsize // self.bitfact, os.SEEK_CUR)
            yield int(block // self.header.nchans), int(ii), data