Exemple #1
def metacommands():
  from silica.core.silicaevent import SilicaEvent
  from silica.core.errors import SilicaSyntaxError
  #@+node:peckj.20140819145303.4101: *3* -debug
  def toggledebug(sg, arglist):
    if sg.debug:
      msg = 'Debugging output enabled.'
      msg = 'Debugging output disabled.'
    return SilicaEvent('meta', message=msg)
  sg.new_metacommand('-debug', 'Toggle debugging output.', toggledebug)
Exemple #2
def metacommands():
    from silica.core.silicaevent import SilicaEvent
    from silica.core.errors import SilicaSyntaxError

    #@+node:peckj.20140819145303.4101: *3* -debug
    def toggledebug(sg, arglist):
        if sg.debug:
            msg = 'Debugging output enabled.'
            msg = 'Debugging output disabled.'
        return SilicaEvent('meta', message=msg)

    sg.new_metacommand('-debug', 'Toggle debugging output.', toggledebug)
Exemple #3
def metacommands():
  from silica.core.silicaevent import SilicaEvent
  from silica.core.errors import SilicaSyntaxError
  #@+node:peckj.20140402084328.4762: *3* query + control (note)
  #@+node:peckj.20140402084328.4755: *4* -state
  def state(sg,arglist):
    return SilicaEvent('meta', message=str(sg.note))
  sg.new_metacommand('-state', 'Prints the state of the note.', state)
  #@+node:peckj.20140402084328.4756: *4* -reset
  def reset(sg,arglist):
    return SilicaEvent('meta', message='Note state has been reset.')
  sg.new_metacommand('-reset', 'Resets the state of the note.', reset)
  #@+node:peckj.20140402084328.4761: *3* system control
  #@+node:peckj.20140402084328.4754: *4* -exit
  def exit(sg,arglist):
    sg.exit = True
    return SilicaEvent('meta',message='Goodbye!')
  sg.new_metacommand('-exit', 'Exits silica.', exit)
  #@+node:peckj.20140402084328.4757: *4* -silent
  def silent(sg,arglist):
    sg.repl.silent = not sg.repl.silent
    return SilicaEvent('meta', message='Silent mode toggled.')
  sg.new_metacommand('-silent', 'Toggle all textual output.', silent)
  #@+node:peckj.20140402084328.4764: *4* -about
  def about(sg, arglist):
    import datetime
    current_year = datetime.date.today().year
    msg = '\nsilica, copyright 2012-%s Jacob M. Peck\n' % current_year
    msg = msg + 'This is version: %s\n' % sg.silica_version
    msg = msg + 'For more information, please visit http://github.com/gatesphere/silica'
    return SilicaEvent('meta', message=msg)
  sg.new_metacommand('-about', 'Display information about silica.', about)
  #@+node:peckj.20140819145303.4094: *4* -require
  def require(sg, arglist):
    if len(arglist) != 1:
      e = SilicaSyntaxError('Syntax error in metacommand call: -require requires 1 argument')
      return SilicaEvent('exception', exception=e)
    modname = arglist[0]
    msg = 'Module \"%s\" loaded.' % modname
    return SilicaEvent('meta', message=msg)
  sg.new_metacommand('-require', 'Load a module with a given name.', require)
  #@+node:peckj.20140402084328.4760: *3* namespaces
  #@+node:peckj.20140402084328.4758: *4* -enter
  def enter(sg,arglist):
    if len(arglist) != 1:
      e = SilicaSyntaxError('Syntax error in metacommand call: -enter requires 1 argument')
      return SilicaEvent('exception', exception=e)
    ns = arglist[0]
    return SilicaEvent('meta', message='Entered namespace %s.' % '::'.join(sg.current_namespace))
  sg.new_metacommand('-enter', 'Enter the given namespace, automatically created if absent.', enter)
  #@+node:peckj.20140402084328.4759: *4* -leave
  def leave(sg,arglist):
    if len(sg.current_namespace) > 1:
      return SilicaEvent('meta', message='Now in namespace %s.' % '::'.join(sg.current_namespace))
      return SilicaEvent('meta', message='Nowhere to go.  Staying in namespace %s.' % '::'.join(sg.current_namespace))
  sg.new_metacommand('-leave', 'Leave the current namespace, retreating one level up.', leave)
  #@+node:peckj.20140402084328.4763: *4* -home
  def home(sg,arglist):
    sg.current_namespace = sg.current_namespace[0:1]
    return SilicaEvent('meta', message='Entered namespace home.')
  sg.new_metacommand('-home', 'Return to the home namespace.', home)