def main(): # synthetic data from import sum_gauss x = numpy.arange(5000) # (height1, center1, fwhm1, ...) 5 peaks params1 = (50, 500, 100, 20, 2000, 200, 50, 2250, 100, 40, 3000, 75, 23, 4000, 150) y0 = sum_gauss(x, *params1) # random values between [-1;1] noise = 2 * numpy.random.random(5000) - 1 # make it +- 5% noise *= 0.05 # 2 gaussians with very large fwhm, as background signal actual_bg = sum_gauss(x, 15, 3500, 3000, 5, 1000, 1500) # Add 5% random noise to gaussians and add background y = y0 + numpy.average(y0) * noise + actual_bg # Open widget a = qt.QApplication(sys.argv) a.lastWindowClosed.connect(a.quit) def mySlot(ddict): print(ddict) w = BackgroundDialog() w.parametersWidget.parametersWidget.sigBackgroundParamWidgetSignal.connect(mySlot) w.setData(x, y) w.exec()
def test(withGUI=True, withTestData=True): myapp.make_pipeline(withGUI) if withTestData: myapp.load_test_data() if withGUI: node0 = list(csi.nodes.values())[0] node0.fileNameFilters = ['*.fio', '*.h5', '*.dat'] from silx.gui import qt from parseq.gui.mainWindow import MainWindowParSeq app = qt.QApplication(sys.argv) mainWindow = MainWindowParSeq() mainWindow.dataChanged() node0.widget.tree.setFocus() # important node0.widget.tree.setCurrentIndex(csi.model.index(0)) from modeltest import ModelTest node0.widget.files.ModelTest = ModelTest app.exec_() else: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt for data in csi.dataRootItem.get_items(): plt.plot(data.r, data.ft)
def test(): myapp.make_pipeline(True) app = qt.QApplication(sys.argv) mainWindow = AboutDialog(None) app.exec_()
def example_image(mode): """set up the roi stats example for images""" app = qt.QApplication([]) rectangle_roi, polygon_roi, arc_roi = get_2D_rois() window = _RoiStatsDisplayExWindow() window.setRois(rois2D=(rectangle_roi, polygon_roi, arc_roi)) # Create the thread that calls submitToQtMainThread updateThread = UpdateThread(window.plot) updateThread.start() # Start updating the plot # define some image and curve window.plot.addImage(numpy.arange(10000).reshape(100, 100), legend='img1') window.plot.addImage(numpy.random.random(10000).reshape(100, 100), legend='img2', origin=(0, 100)) window.setStats(STATS) # add some couple (plotItem, roi) to be displayed by default img1_item = window.plot.getImage('img1') img2_item = window.plot.getImage('img2') window.addItem(item=img2_item, roi=rectangle_roi) window.addItem(item=img1_item, roi=polygon_roi) window.addItem(item=img1_item, roi=arc_roi) window.setUpdateMode(mode) app.exec() updateThread.stop() # Stop updating the plot
def main(): app = qt.QApplication([]) ## load data from data/lena.hdf5 datapath = 'data/lena.hdf5' f = h5py.File(datapath) image = numpy.array(f['lena'], dtype='float32') showH5ls(datapath) plotimage = plotHistogram(image) # create a PlotAction which plot the histogram for the current image # # - using silx.gui.plot.PlotActions.PlotAction # # - doc@ # myaction = ComputeHistogramAction(image) ## Add this action into the toolBar of the window # TODO ... toolBar = plotimage.toolBar() # TODO ... # show automatically the histogram when the image change # # - using plotImage.sigActiveImageChanged.connect(plotHisto) # TODO ... app.exec_()
def main(argv=None): """Display an image from a file in an :class:`ImageView` widget. :param argv: list of command line arguments or None (the default) to use sys.argv. :type argv: list of str :return: Exit status code :rtype: int :raises IOError: if no image can be loaded from the file """ import argparse import os.path global app # QApplication must be global to avoid seg fault on quit app = qt.QApplication([]) sys.excepthook = qt.exceptionHandler mainWindow = ScatterView() mainWindow.setAttribute(qt.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) xx, yy, value = createData() mainWindow.setData(x=xx, y=yy, value=value) mainWindow.setFocus(qt.Qt.OtherFocusReason) return app.exec_()
def example_curve(mode): """set up the roi stats example for curves""" app = qt.QApplication([]) roi_1, roi_2 = get_1D_rois() window = _RoiStatsDisplayExWindow() window.setRois(rois1D=(roi_2, roi_1)) # define some image and curve window.plot.addCurve(x=numpy.linspace(0, 10, 56), y=numpy.arange(56), legend='curve1', color='blue') window.plot.addCurve(x=numpy.linspace(0, 10, 56), y=numpy.random.random_sample(size=56), legend='curve2', color='red') window.setStats(STATS) # add some couple (plotItem, roi) to be displayed by default curve1_item = window.plot.getCurve('curve1') window.addItem(item=curve1_item, roi=roi_1) window.addItem(item=curve1_item, roi=roi_2) curve2_item = window.plot.getCurve('curve2') window.addItem(item=curve2_item, roi=roi_2) window.setUpdateMode(mode) app.exec()
def plot_stack(mystack,what="intensity",title0="X",title1="Y",title2="Z"): from silx.gui.plot.StackView import StackViewMainWindow from silx.gui import qt app = qt.QApplication(sys.argv[1:]) sv = StackViewMainWindow() sv.setColormap("jet", autoscale=True) if what == "intensity": sv.setStack(numpy.absolute(mystack)) elif what == "real": sv.setStack(numpy.real(mystack)) elif what == "imaginary": sv.setStack(numpy.imag(mystack)) elif what == "phase": sv.setStack(numpy.angle(mystack)) elif what == "phase_deg": sv.setStack(numpy.angle(mystack,deg=True)) else: raise Exception("Undefined label "+what) sv.setLabels([title0,title1,title2]) app.exec_()
def test_Spectrum(withGUI): # with convenience functions import parseq_XES_scan as myapp myapp.make_pipeline(withGUI) myapp.load_test_data() if withGUI: from silx.gui import qt from parseq.gui.dataTreeModelView import DataTreeView MyTreeView = DataTreeView app = qt.QApplication(sys.argv) node = list(csi.nodes.values())[-1] view1 = MyTreeView(node) if "qt5" in qt.BINDING.lower(): from modeltest import ModelTest ModelTest(csi.model, view1) view1.setWindowTitle("Spectra Tree Model") # select the 1st item (it is a group) view1.setCurrentIndex(csi.model.index(0)) app.exec_()
def main(): app = qt.QApplication([]) plot = Plot1D() x = numpy.arange(21) y = numpy.arange(21) plot.addCurve(x=x, y=y, legend='myCurve') plot.addCurve(x=x, y=(y + 5), legend='myCurve2') plot.setActiveCurve('myCurve') plot.addScatter(x=[0, 2, 5, 5, 12, 20], y=[2, 3, 4, 20, 15, 6], value=[5, 6, 7, 10, 90, 20], legend='myScatter') stats = [ ('sum', numpy.sum), Integral(), (COM(), '{0:.2f}'), ] plot.getStatsWidget().setStats(stats) plot.getStatsWidget().parent().setVisible(True) app.exec_()
def main(filenames): app = qt.QApplication([]) viewer = Viewer() for filename in filenames: viewer.appendFile(filename) viewer.setVisible(True) app.exec_()
def main(): global app app = qt.QApplication([]) # Create the ad hoc window containing a PlotWidget and associated tools window = PlotAreaMainWindow(app) window.setAttribute(qt.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) window.setWindowTitle("PlotArea Main Window") # Add two plot windows to the plot area. window.plotArea.addPlotWindow(plotType='1D') window.plotArea.addPlotWindow(plotType='2D') plot0 = window.plotArea.getPlotWindow(0) plot1 = window.plotArea.getPlotWindow(1) # Add an 1D data + 2D image to the plots x0 = np.linspace(-10, 10, 200) x1 = np.linspace(-10, 5, 150) x = np.outer(x0, x1) image = np.sin(x) / x plot0.addCurve(x0, np.sin(x0) / x0, legend='test curve 0') plot0.addCurve(x1, np.sin(x1) / x1 + 0.1, legend='test curve 1') plot1.addImage(image) app.exec_()
def main(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument( '--backend', dest="backend", action="store", default=None, help='Set plot backend. Should be "matplotlib" (default) or "opengl"') options = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) assert options.backend in (None, 'matplotlib', 'opengl') qapp = qt.QApplication([]) plot_std = get_plot_std(backend=options.backend) plot_mean = get_plot_mean_baseline(backend=options.backend) plot_stacked_histo = get_plot_stacked_histogram(backend=options.backend) plot_log = get_plot_log(backend=options.backend) qapp.exec()
def makescreenshot(script_or_module, filename):'generate screenshot for %s from %s, binding is %s' '' % (filename, script_or_module, qt.BINDING)) # Probe Qt binding if qt.BINDING == 'PyQt4': def grabWindow(winID): return qt.QPixmap.grabWindow(winID) elif qt.BINDING in ('PyQt5', 'PySide2'): def grabWindow(winID): screen = qt.QApplication.primaryScreen() return screen.grabWindow(winID) global _count _count = 15 global _TIMEOUT _TIMEOUT = 1000. # in ms app = qt.QApplication.instance() or qt.QApplication([]) _logger.debug('Using Qt bindings: %s', qt) def _grabActiveWindowAndClose(): global _count activeWindow = qt.QApplication.activeWindow() if activeWindow is not None: if activeWindow.isVisible(): # hot fix since issue with pySide2 API if qt.BINDING == 'PySide2': pixmap = activeWindow.grab() else: pixmap = grabWindow(activeWindow.winId()) saveOK = if not saveOK: _logger.error('Cannot save snapshot to %s', filename) else: _logger.error('activeWindow is not visible.') app.quit() else: _count -= 1 if _count > 0: # Only restart a timer if everything is OK qt.QTimer.singleShot(_TIMEOUT, _grabActiveWindowAndClose) else: app.quit() raise TimeoutError( 'Aborted: It took too long to have an active window.') script_or_module = os.path.abspath(script_or_module) sys.argv = [script_or_module] sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(script_or_module))) qt.QTimer.singleShot(_TIMEOUT, _grabActiveWindowAndClose) if sys.version_info < (3, ): execfile(script_or_module) else: with open(script_or_module) as f: code = compile(, script_or_module, 'exec') exec(code, globals(), locals())
def test(): from import fittheories from import fitmanager from import functions from silx.gui.plot.PlotWindow import PlotWindow import numpy a = qt.QApplication([]) x = numpy.arange(1000) y1 = functions.sum_gauss(x, 100, 400, 100) fit = fitmanager.FitManager(x=x, y=y1) fitfuns = fittheories.FitTheories() fit.addtheory(name="Gaussian", function=functions.sum_gauss, parameters=("height", "peak center", "fwhm"), estimate=fitfuns.estimate_height_position_fwhm) fit.settheory('Gaussian') fit.configure( PositiveFwhmFlag=True, PositiveHeightAreaFlag=True, AutoFwhm=True, ) # Fit fit.estimate() fit.runfit() w = ParametersTab() w.fillFromFit(fit.fit_results, view='Gaussians') y2 = functions.sum_splitgauss(x, 100, 400, 100, 40, 10, 600, 50, 500, 80, 850, 10, 50) fit.setdata(x=x, y=y2) # Define new theory fit.addtheory(name="Asymetric gaussian", function=functions.sum_splitgauss, parameters=("height", "peak center", "left fwhm", "right fwhm"), estimate=fitfuns.estimate_splitgauss) fit.settheory('Asymetric gaussian') # Fit fit.estimate() fit.runfit() w.fillFromFit(fit.fit_results, view='Asymetric gaussians') # Plot pw = PlotWindow(control=True) pw.addCurve(x, y1, "Gaussians") pw.addCurve(x, y2, "Asymetric gaussians") a.exec_()
def main(): app = qt.QApplication([]) # Create the ad hoc plot widget and change its default colormap example = ColormapDialogExample() app.exec_()
def setUpClass(cls): """Makes sure Qt is inited""" cls._oldExceptionHook = sys.excepthook sys.excepthook = cls.exceptionHandler # Makes sure a QApplication exists and do it once for all if not qt.QApplication.instance(): cls._qapp = qt.QApplication([])
def main(): sys.excepthook = logUncaughtExceptions app = qt.QApplication([]) pyFAI.resources.silx_integration() widget = CalibrationWindow() setup(widget.model()) widget.setVisible(True) app.exec_()
def fitgui( self, ylog=False, legend="data", loadfromfit=False, concentrations=True, spectra=True, environ_elements=None, ): if is None: = qt.QApplication([]) w = McaAdvancedFit.McaAdvancedFit() # Copy mcafit x = self.mcafit.xdata0 y = self.mcafit.ydata0 w.setData(x, y, legend=legend, xmin=0, xmax=len(y) - 1) w.mcafit.configure(self.mcafit.getConfiguration()) # GUI for fitting if ylog: # w.graphWindow.setGraphYLimits(min(y[y>0]),None) w.refreshWidgets() result = # Parse result result = {} try: digestedresult = w.mcafit.digestresult() except AttributeError: digestedresult = None if digestedresult: # Load parameters from fit (if you did "load from fit") self.miscfromfitresult(digestedresult, out=result) if concentrations: self.concentrationsfromfitresult(digestedresult, out=result) if spectra: self.spectrafromfitresult(digestedresult, out=result) if loadfromfit: config = w.mcafit.getConfiguration() if concentrations: self.configadjustconcentrations(config, result["lmassfractions"], exclude=environ_elements) self.loadfrompymca(config=config) else: if concentrations or spectra: result = loadfromfit=loadfromfit, concentrations=concentrations, spectra=spectra, ) return result
def test(): myapp.make_pipeline(withGUI=True) myapp.load_test_data() app = qt.QApplication(sys.argv) mainWindow = CombineSpectraWidget() mainWindow.setWindowTitle("Combine") app.exec_()
def test(): myapp.make_pipeline(withGUI=True) app = qt.QApplication(sys.argv) dlg = SaveProjectDlg() dlg.ready.connect(showRes) app.exec_()
def main(): global app app = qt.QApplication([]) # Create the ad hoc window containing a PlotWidget and associated tools window = MyPlotWindow() window.setAttribute(qt.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) window.showImage() app.exec_()
def main(): app = qt.QApplication([]) sys.excepthook = qt.exceptionHandler window = FindContours() window.generateIsland() result = app.exec() # remove ending warnings relative to QTimer app.deleteLater() return result
def main(): app = qt.QApplication([]) widget = DataViewerFrame() widget.addView(MyColorView(widget)) widget.setData(Color.GREEN) result = app.exec() # remove ending warnings relative to QTimer app.deleteLater() sys.exit(result)
def setUpClass(cls): = None if sys.platform.startswith('linux') and not os.environ.get( 'DISPLAY', ''): # On linux and no DISPLAY available (e.g., ssh without -X) logger.warning( 'pyFAI.integrate_widget tests disabled (DISPLAY env. variable not set)' ) = None elif qt is not None: = qt.QApplication([])
def create_plot2d(): from silx.gui.plot import Plot2D global app # QApplication must be global to avoid seg fault on quit app = qt.QApplication([]) plot = Plot2D() # Create the plot widget plot.setAttribute(qt.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) plot.setKeepDataAspectRatio( False) # To keep aspect ratio between X and Y axes # Make the plot widget visible plot.setFocus(qt.Qt.OtherFocusReason) return plot
def main(filenames): app = qt.QApplication([]) tree = hdf5.Hdf5TreeView() tree.setVisible(True) model = tree.findHdf5TreeModel() for filename in filenames: model.insertFile(filename) app.exec_()
def main(filenames): """ :param filenames: list of file paths """ app = qt.QApplication([]) sys.excepthook = qt.exceptionHandler window = Hdf5TreeViewExample(filenames) result = app.exec_() # remove ending warnings relative to QTimer app.deleteLater() sys.exit(result)
def setUpClass(cls): = None if sys.platform.startswith('linux') and not os.environ.get('DISPLAY', ''): # On linux and no DISPLAY available (e.g., ssh without -X) logger.warning('pyFAI.integrate_widget tests disabled (DISPLAY env. variable not set)') = None elif qt is not None: = qt.QApplication([]) config = {"poni": UtilsTest.getimage("Pilatus1M.poni")} integration_config.normalize(config, inplace=True) cls.base_config = config
def qapp(use_gui, xvfb, request): _set_qt_binding(request.config.option.qt_binding) from silx.gui import qt app = qt.QApplication.instance() if app is None: app = qt.QApplication([]) try: yield app finally: if app is not None: app.closeAllWindows()