Exemple #1
 def do_recharge(self, gas, amount, note="", date=None):
     Do a recharge of amount ``amount`` to the corresponding member account
     in the GAS ``gas``.
     If this person is not a member of GAS ``gas``, or if ``amount`` is a negative number
     a ``MalformedTransaction`` exception is raised.
     person = self.subject.instance
     if amount < 0:
         raise MalformedTransaction(ugettext("Amount of a recharge must be non-negative"))
     elif not person.has_been_member(gas):
         raise MalformedTransaction(ugettext("A person can't make an account recharge for a GAS that (s)he is not member of"))
         source_account = self.system['/wallet']
         exit_point = self.system['/expenses/gas/' + gas.uid + '/recharges']
         entry_point =  gas.accounting.system['/incomes/recharges']
         target_account = gas.accounting.system['/members/' + person.uid]
         description = unicode(person.report_name)
         issuer = self.subject
         if not date:
             date = datetime.now()  #_date.today
         transaction = register_transaction(source_account, exit_point, 
             entry_point, target_account, amount, description, issuer, 
             date, 'RECHARGE'
         transaction.add_references([person, gas])
Exemple #2
 def do_recharge(self, gas, amount):
     Do a recharge of amount ``amount`` to the corresponding member account 
     in the GAS ``gas``. 
     If this person is not a member of GAS ``gas``, or if ``amount`` is a negative number, 
     a ``MalformedTransaction`` exception is raised.
     person = self.subject.instance
     if amount < 0:
         raise MalformedTransaction(
             "Amount of a recharge must be non-negative")
     elif not person.is_member(gas):
         raise MalformedTransaction(
             "A person can't make an account recharge for a GAS that (s)he is not member of"
         source_account = self.system['/wallet']
         exit_point = self.system['/expenses/gas/' + gas.uid + '/recharges']
         entry_point = gas.accounting.system['/incomes/recharges']
         target_account = gas.accounting.system['/members/' + person.uid]
         description = "GAS member account recharge"
         issuer = person
         transaction = register_transaction(source_account,
         transaction.add_references([person, gas])
Exemple #3
 def pay_supplier(self, pact, amount, refs=None):
     Transfer a given (positive) amount ``amount`` of money from the GAS's cash
     to a supplier for which a solidal pact is currently active.
     If ``amount`` is negative, a ``MalformedTransaction`` exception is raised
     (supplier-to-GAS money transfers should be treated as "refunds").
     References for this transaction may be passed as the ``refs`` argument
     (e.g. a list of supplier orders this payment is related to).   
     if amount < 0:
         raise MalformedTransaction("Payment amounts must be non-negative")
     gas = self.subject.instance
     supplier = pact.supplier
     source_account = self.system['/cash']
     exit_point = self.system['/expenses/suppliers/' + supplier.uid]
     entry_point = supplier.accounting.system['/incomes/gas/' + gas.uid]
     target_account = supplier.accounting.system['/wallet']
     description = "Payment from GAS %(gas)s to supplier %(supplier)s" % {
         'gas': gas,
         'supplier': supplier,
     issuer = gas
     transaction = register_transaction(source_account,
     if refs:
Exemple #4
 def pay_membership_fee(self, gas, year):
     Pay the annual membership fee for a GAS this person is member of.
     Fee amount is determined by the ``gas.membership_fee`` attribute.
     If this person is not a member of GAS ``gas``, 
     a ``MalformedTransaction`` exception is raised.
     person = self.subject.instance
     if not person.is_member(gas):
         raise MalformedTransaction(
             "A person can't pay membership fees to a GAS that (s)he is not member of"
     source_account = self.system['/wallet']
     exit_point = self.system['/expenses/gas/' + gas.uid + '/fees']
     entry_point = gas.accounting.system['/incomes/fees']
     target_account = gas.accounting.system['/cash']
     amount = gas.membership_fee
     description = "Membership fee for year %(year)s" % {
         'year': year,
     issuer = person
     transaction = register_transaction(source_account,
     transaction.add_references([person, gas])
    def pay_supplier(self, order, amount, refs=None, descr=None, date=None, multiple=None):
        Transfer a given (positive) amount ``amount`` of money from the GAS's cash
        to a supplier for which a solidal pact is currently active.
        If ``amount`` is negative, a ``MalformedTransaction`` exception is raised
        (supplier-to-GAS money transfers should be treated as "refunds").
        References for this transaction may be passed as the ``refs`` argument
        (e.g. a list of supplier orders this payment is related to).   
        if amount < 0:
            raise MalformedTransaction(ugettext(u"Payment amounts must be non-negative"))
        gas = self.subject.instance
        supplier = order.supplier
        source_account = self.system['/cash']
        exit_point = self.system['/expenses/suppliers/' + supplier.uid]
        entry_point =  supplier.accounting.system['/incomes/gas/' + gas.uid]
        target_account = supplier.accounting.system['/wallet']
        if multiple:
            description = "Ord. %s" % multiple
            description += " %(pact)s" % {'pact': order.pact,}
            description = order.common_name

        if descr:
            description += ". %s" % descr.replace(description + ". ", "")
        issuer =  self.subject
        transaction = register_transaction(source_account, exit_point, entry_point, 
            target_account, amount, description, issuer, date, 'PAYMENT'
        if refs:
Exemple #6
 def do_recharge(self, gas, amount, note="", date=None):
     Do a recharge of amount ``amount`` to the corresponding member account
     in the GAS ``gas``.
     If this person is not a member of GAS ``gas``, or if ``amount`` is a negative number
     a ``MalformedTransaction`` exception is raised.
     person = self.subject.instance
     if amount < 0:
         raise MalformedTransaction(
             ugettext("Amount of a recharge must be non-negative"))
     elif not person.has_been_member(gas):
         raise MalformedTransaction(
                 "A person can't make an account recharge for a GAS that (s)he is not member of"
         source_account = self.system['/wallet']
         exit_point = self.system['/expenses/gas/' + gas.uid + '/recharges']
         entry_point = gas.accounting.system['/incomes/recharges']
         target_account = gas.accounting.system['/members/' + person.uid]
         description = unicode(person.report_name)
         issuer = self.subject
         if not date:
             date = datetime.now()  #_date.today
         transaction = register_transaction(source_account, exit_point,
                                            entry_point, target_account,
                                            amount, description, issuer,
                                            date, 'RECHARGE')
         transaction.add_references([person, gas])
 def refund_gas(self, gas, amount, refs=None):
     Refund a given ``amount`` of money to a GAS for which a solidal pact 
     is currently active.
     If GAS ``gas`` doesn't have an active solidal pact with this supplier, 
     or if ``amount`` is negative, raise a ``MalformedTransaction`` exception.
     References for this transaction may be passed as the ``refs`` argument
     (e.g. a list of supplier orders this refund is related to).
     if amount < 0:
         raise MalformedTransaction("Refund amounts must be non-negative")
     supplier = self.subject.instance
     if supplier not in gas.suppliers:
         msg = "An active solidal pact must be in place between a supplier and the GAS (s)he is refunding"
         raise MalformedTransaction(msg)        
     source_account = self.system['/wallet']
     exit_point = self.system['/incomes/gas/' + gas.uid]
     entry_point = gas.accounting.system['/expenses/suppliers/' + supplier.uid] 
     target_account = gas.accounting.system['/cash']
     description = "Refund from supplier %(supplier)s to GAS %(gas)s" % {'gas': gas, 'supplier': supplier,}
     issuer = supplier 
     transaction = register_transaction(source_account, exit_point, entry_point, target_account, amount, description, issuer, kind='REFUND')
     if refs:
    def extra_operation(self, gas, amount, target, causal, date):
        Another account operation for this subject

        For a GASMEMBER the target operation can be income or expense operation
        The operation can implicate a GAS economic change

        if amount < 0:
            raise MalformedTransaction(ugettext("Payment amounts must be non-negative"))

        person = self.subject.instance
        if not person.has_been_member(gas):
            raise MalformedTransaction(ugettext("A person can't pay membership fees to a GAS that (s)he is not member of"))

        gas_acc = gas.accounting
        gas_system = gas.accounting.system
        kind = GASMEMBER_GAS

        if target == INCOME: #Correction for gasmember: +gasmember -GAS
            source_account = gas_system['/cash']
            exit_point = gas_system['/expenses/member']
            entry_point = gas_system['/incomes/recharges']
            target_account = gas_system['/members/' + person.uid]
        elif  target == EXPENSE: #Correction for GAS: +GAS -gasmember
            source_account = gas_system['/members/' + person.uid]
            exit_point = gas_system['/expenses/gas']
            entry_point = gas_system['/incomes/member']
            target_account = gas_system['/cash']
        elif  target == ASSET: #Detraction for Gasmember: -gasmember
            source_account = gas_system['/members/' + person.uid]
            exit_point = gas_system['/expenses/member']
            entry_point = self.system['/incomes/other']
            target_account = self.system['/wallet']
            kind = ADJUST
        elif  target == LIABILITY: #Addition for Gasmember: +gasmember
            source_account = self.system['/wallet']
            exit_point = self.system['/expenses/other']
            entry_point = gas_system['/incomes/recharges']
            target_account = gas_system['/members/' + person.uid]
            kind = ADJUST
        elif  target == EQUITY: #Restitution for gasmember: empty container +gasmember -GAS
            source_account = gas_system['/cash']
            exit_point = gas_system['/expenses/member']
            entry_point = gas_system['/incomes/recharges']
            target_account = gas_system['/members/' + person.uid]
            kind = RECYCLE
            raise MalformedTransaction(ugettext("Payment target %s not identified") % target)

        description = "%(gas)s %(target)s %(causal)s" % {
            'gas': gas.id_in_des,
            'target': target,
            'causal': causal
        issuer = self.subject
        if not date:
            date = datetime.now()  #_date.today
        transaction = register_transaction(source_account, exit_point, entry_point, target_account, amount, description, issuer, date, kind)
Exemple #9
    def extra_operation(self, gas, pact, amount, target, causal, date):
        Another account operation for this subject

        For a Supplier the target operation can be income or expense operation with GAS

        if amount < 0:
            raise MalformedTransaction(
                _("Payment amounts must be non-negative"))
        if amount < 0:
            raise MalformedTransaction(
                _("Refund amounts must be non-negative"))
        supplier = self.subject.instance

        if supplier not in gas.suppliers:
            msg = _(
                "An active solidal pact must be in place between a supplier and the GAS (s)he is refunding"
            raise MalformedTransaction(msg)

        gas_acc = gas.accounting
        gas_system = gas.accounting.system

        #Correzione a favore del GAS: +GAS -fornitore
        if target == EXPENSE:  #+GAS -Supplier

            #UGLY: remove me when done and executed one command that regenerate all missing accounts

            source_account = self.system['/wallet']
            exit_point = self.system['/expenses/gas/' + gas.uid]
            entry_point = gas_system['/incomes/suppliers/' + supplier.uid]
            target_account = gas_system['/cash']

        #Correzione a favore del fornitore: +fornitore -GAS
        elif target == INCOME:  #+Supplier -GAS
            source_account = gas_system['/cash']
            exit_point = gas_system['/expenses/suppliers/' + supplier.uid]
            entry_point = self.system['/incomes/gas/' + gas.uid]
            target_account = self.system['/wallet']

            raise MalformedTransaction(
                _("Payment target %s not identified") % target)

        description = "%(pact)s %(target)s %(causal)s" % {
            'pact': pact,
            'target': target,
            'causal': causal
        issuer = self.subject
        kind = PACT_EXTRA
        if not date:
            date = datetime.now()  #_date.today
        transaction = register_transaction(source_account, exit_point,
                                           entry_point, target_account, amount,
                                           description, issuer, date, kind)
Exemple #10
    def extra_operation(self, gas, pact, amount, target, causal, date):
        Another account operation for this subject

        For a Supplier the target operation can be income or expense operation with GAS

        if amount < 0:
            raise MalformedTransaction(_("Payment amounts must be non-negative"))
        if amount < 0:
            raise MalformedTransaction(_("Refund amounts must be non-negative"))
        supplier = self.subject.instance

        if supplier not in gas.suppliers:
            msg = _("An active solidal pact must be in place between a supplier and the GAS (s)he is refunding")
            raise MalformedTransaction(msg)

        gas_acc = gas.accounting
        gas_system = gas.accounting.system

        #Correzione a favore del GAS: +GAS -fornitore
        if target == EXPENSE: #+GAS -Supplier

            #UGLY: remove me when done and executed one command that regenerate all missing accounts

            source_account = self.system['/wallet']
            exit_point = self.system['/expenses/gas/' + gas.uid]
            entry_point = gas_system['/incomes/suppliers/' + supplier.uid]
            target_account = gas_system['/cash']

        #Correzione a favore del fornitore: +fornitore -GAS
        elif  target == INCOME: #+Supplier -GAS
            source_account = gas_system['/cash']
            exit_point = gas_system['/expenses/suppliers/' + supplier.uid]
            entry_point = self.system['/incomes/gas/' + gas.uid]
            target_account = self.system['/wallet']

            raise MalformedTransaction(_("Payment target %s not identified") % target)

        description = "%(pact)s %(target)s %(causal)s" % {
            'pact': pact,
            'target': target,
            'causal': causal
        issuer = self.subject
        kind = PACT_EXTRA
        if not date:
            date = datetime.now()  #_date.today
        transaction = register_transaction(source_account, exit_point, entry_point, target_account, amount, description, issuer, date, kind)
Exemple #11
    def extra_operation(self, amount, target, causal, date):
        Another account operation for this subject

        For a GAS the target operation can be income or expense operation

        if amount < 0:
            raise MalformedTransaction(
                ugettext("Payment amounts must be non-negative"))
        gas = self.subject.instance
        non_des = self.get_non_des_accounting()
        if not non_des:
            raise Person.DoesNotExist
        non_des_system = non_des.system
        if target == INCOME:
            source_account = non_des_system['/wallet']
            exit_point, created = non_des_system.get_or_create_account(
                '/expenses', 'OutOfDES', account_type.expense)
            entry_point = self.system['/incomes/OutOfDES']
            target_account = self.system[
                '/cash']  #WAS gas.accounting.system['/cash']
        elif target == EXPENSE:
            source_account = self.system['/cash']
            exit_point = self.system['/expenses/OutOfDES']
            entry_point, created = non_des_system.get_or_create_account(
                '/incomes', 'OutOfDES', account_type.income)
            target_account = non_des_system['/wallet']
            #WAS raise MalformedTransaction(ugettext("Payment target %s not identified" % target))
            #coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, __proxy__ found
            raise MalformedTransaction(
                ugettext("Payment target %s not identified") % target)

        description = "%(gas)s %(target)s %(causal)s" % {
            'gas': gas.id_in_des,
            'target': target,
            'causal': causal
        #WAS raise description = ugettext("%(gas)s %(target)s %(causal)s") % { ...
        #WAS exceptions must be old-style classes or derived from BaseException, not unicode

        issuer = self.subject
        kind = GAS_EXTRA
        if not date:
            date = datetime.datetime.now()  #_date.today
#        transaction = register_simple_transaction(source_account, target_account, amount, description, issuer, date=date, kind=kind)
        transaction = register_transaction(source_account, exit_point,
                                           entry_point, target_account, amount,
                                           description, issuer, date, kind)
Exemple #12
    def pay_supplier(self,
        Transfer a given (positive) amount ``amount`` of money from the GAS's cash
        to a supplier for which a solidal pact is currently active.
        If ``amount`` is negative, a ``MalformedTransaction`` exception is raised
        (supplier-to-GAS money transfers should be treated as "refunds").
        References for this transaction may be passed as the ``refs`` argument
        (e.g. a list of supplier orders this payment is related to).   
        if amount < 0:
            raise MalformedTransaction(
                ugettext(u"Payment amounts must be non-negative"))
        gas = self.subject.instance
        supplier = order.supplier
        source_account = self.system['/cash']
        exit_point = self.system['/expenses/suppliers/' + supplier.uid]
        entry_point = supplier.accounting.system['/incomes/gas/' + gas.uid]
        target_account = supplier.accounting.system['/wallet']
        if multiple:
            description = "Ord. %s" % multiple
            description += " %(pact)s" % {
                'pact': order.pact,
            description = order.common_name

        if descr:
            description += ". %s" % descr.replace(description + ". ", "")
        issuer = self.subject
        transaction = register_transaction(source_account, exit_point,
                                           entry_point, target_account, amount,
                                           description, issuer, date,
        if refs:
    def extra_operation(self, amount, target, causal, date):
        Another account operation for this subject

        For a GAS the target operation can be income or expense operation

        if amount < 0:
            raise MalformedTransaction(ugettext("Payment amounts must be non-negative"))
        gas = self.subject.instance
        non_des = self.get_non_des_accounting()
        if not non_des:
            raise Person.DoesNotExist
        non_des_system = non_des.system
        if target == INCOME:
            source_account = non_des_system['/wallet']
            exit_point, created = non_des_system.get_or_create_account('/expenses', 'OutOfDES', account_type.expense)
            entry_point = self.system['/incomes/OutOfDES']
            target_account = self.system['/cash']   #WAS gas.accounting.system['/cash']
        elif  target == EXPENSE:
            source_account = self.system['/cash']
            exit_point = self.system['/expenses/OutOfDES']
            entry_point, created = non_des_system.get_or_create_account('/incomes', 'OutOfDES', account_type.income)
            target_account = non_des_system['/wallet']
            #WAS raise MalformedTransaction(ugettext("Payment target %s not identified" % target))
            #coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, __proxy__ found
            raise MalformedTransaction(ugettext("Payment target %s not identified") % target)

        description = "%(gas)s %(target)s %(causal)s" % {
            'gas': gas.id_in_des,
            'target': target,
            'causal': causal
        #WAS raise description = ugettext("%(gas)s %(target)s %(causal)s") % { ...
        #WAS exceptions must be old-style classes or derived from BaseException, not unicode

        issuer = self.subject
        kind = GAS_EXTRA
        if not date:
            date = datetime.datetime.now()  #_date.today
#        transaction = register_simple_transaction(source_account, target_account, amount, description, issuer, date=date, kind=kind)
        transaction = register_transaction(source_account, exit_point, entry_point, target_account, amount, description, issuer, date, kind)
 def pay_membership_fee(self, gas, year):
     Pay the annual membership fee for a GAS this person is member of.
     Fee amount is determined by the ``gas.membership_fee`` attribute.
     If this person is not a member of GAS ``gas``, 
     a ``MalformedTransaction`` exception is raised.
     person = self.subject.instance
     if not person.is_member(gas):
         raise MalformedTransaction("A person can't pay membership fees to a GAS that (s)he is not member of")
     source_account = self.system['/wallet']
     exit_point = self.system['/expenses/gas/' + gas.uid + '/fees']
     entry_point = gas.accounting.system['/incomes/fees']
     target_account = gas.accounting.system['/cash']
     amount = gas.membership_fee
     description = "Membership fee for year %(year)s" % {'year': year,}
     issuer = person 
     transaction = register_transaction(source_account, exit_point, entry_point, target_account, amount, description, issuer, kind='MEMBERSHIP_FEE')
     transaction.add_references([person, gas])  
 def do_recharge(self, gas, amount):
     Do a recharge of amount ``amount`` to the corresponding member account 
     in the GAS ``gas``. 
     If this person is not a member of GAS ``gas``, or if ``amount`` is a negative number, 
     a ``MalformedTransaction`` exception is raised.
     person = self.subject.instance
     if amount < 0:
         raise MalformedTransaction("Amount of a recharge must be non-negative")
     elif not person.is_member(gas):
         raise MalformedTransaction("A person can't make an account recharge for a GAS that (s)he is not member of")
         source_account = self.system['/wallet']
         exit_point = self.system['/expenses/gas/' + gas.uid + '/recharges']
         entry_point = gas.accounting.system['/incomes/recharges']
         target_account = gas.accounting.system['/members/' + person.uid]
         description = "GAS member account recharge"
         issuer = person 
         transaction = register_transaction(source_account, exit_point, entry_point, target_account, amount, description, issuer, kind='RECHARGE')
         transaction.add_references([person, gas])
Exemple #16
    def refund_gas(self, gas, amount, refs=None):
        Refund a given ``amount`` of money to a GAS for which a solidal pact 
        is currently active.
        If GAS ``gas`` doesn't have an active solidal pact with this supplier, 
        or if ``amount`` is negative, raise a ``MalformedTransaction`` exception.
        References for this transaction may be passed as the ``refs`` argument
        (e.g. a list of supplier orders this refund is related to).
        if amount < 0:
            raise MalformedTransaction("Refund amounts must be non-negative")
        supplier = self.subject.instance

        if supplier not in gas.suppliers:
            msg = "An active solidal pact must be in place between a supplier and the GAS (s)he is refunding"
            raise MalformedTransaction(msg)

        source_account = self.system['/wallet']
        exit_point = self.system['/incomes/gas/' + gas.uid]
        entry_point = gas.accounting.system['/expenses/suppliers/' +
        target_account = gas.accounting.system['/cash']
        description = "Refund from supplier %(supplier)s to GAS %(gas)s" % {
            'gas': gas,
            'supplier': supplier,
        issuer = supplier
        transaction = register_transaction(source_account,
        if refs:
 def pay_supplier(self, pact, amount, refs=None):
     Transfer a given (positive) amount ``amount`` of money from the GAS's cash
     to a supplier for which a solidal pact is currently active.
     If ``amount`` is negative, a ``MalformedTransaction`` exception is raised
     (supplier-to-GAS money transfers should be treated as "refunds").
     References for this transaction may be passed as the ``refs`` argument
     (e.g. a list of supplier orders this payment is related to).   
     if amount < 0:
         raise MalformedTransaction("Payment amounts must be non-negative")
     gas = self.subject.instance
     supplier = pact.supplier
     source_account = self.system['/cash']
     exit_point = self.system['/expenses/suppliers/' + supplier.uid]
     entry_point = supplier.accounting.system['/incomes/gas/' + gas.uid]
     target_account = supplier.accounting.system['/wallet']
     description = "Payment from GAS %(gas)s to supplier %(supplier)s" % {'gas': gas, 'supplier': supplier,}
     issuer = gas 
     transaction = register_transaction(source_account, exit_point, entry_point, target_account, amount, description, issuer, kind='PAYMENT')
     if refs:
Exemple #18
    def extra_operation(self, gas, amount, target, causal, date):
        Another account operation for this subject

        For a GASMEMBER the target operation can be income or expense operation
        The operation can implicate a GAS economic change

        if amount < 0:
            raise MalformedTransaction(
                ugettext("Payment amounts must be non-negative"))

        person = self.subject.instance
        if not person.has_been_member(gas):
            raise MalformedTransaction(
                    "A person can't pay membership fees to a GAS that (s)he is not member of"

        gas_acc = gas.accounting
        gas_system = gas.accounting.system
        kind = GASMEMBER_GAS

        #UGLY: remove me when done and executed one command that regenerate all missing accounts

        if target == INCOME:  #Correction for gasmember: +gasmember -GAS
            source_account = gas_system['/cash']
            exit_point = gas_system['/expenses/member']
            entry_point = gas_system['/incomes/recharges']
            target_account = gas_system['/members/' + person.uid]
        elif target == EXPENSE:  #Correction for GAS: +GAS -gasmember
            source_account = gas_system['/members/' + person.uid]
            exit_point = gas_system['/expenses/gas']
            entry_point = gas_system['/incomes/member']
            target_account = gas_system['/cash']
        elif target == ASSET:  #Detraction for Gasmember: -gasmember
            source_account = gas_system['/members/' + person.uid]
            exit_point = gas_system['/expenses/member']
            entry_point = self.system['/incomes/other']
            target_account = self.system['/wallet']
            kind = ADJUST
        elif target == LIABILITY:  #Addition for Gasmember: +gasmember
            source_account = self.system['/wallet']
            exit_point = self.system['/expenses/other']
            entry_point = gas_system['/incomes/recharges']
            target_account = gas_system['/members/' + person.uid]
            kind = ADJUST
        elif target == EQUITY:  #Restitution for gasmember: empty container +gasmember -GAS
            source_account = gas_system['/cash']
            exit_point = gas_system['/expenses/member']
            entry_point = gas_system['/incomes/recharges']
            target_account = gas_system['/members/' + person.uid]
            kind = RECYCLE
            raise MalformedTransaction(
                ugettext("Payment target %s not identified") % target)

        description = "%(gas)s %(target)s %(causal)s" % {
            'gas': gas.id_in_des,
            'target': target,
            'causal': causal
        issuer = self.subject
        if not date:
            date = datetime.now()  #_date.today
        transaction = register_transaction(source_account, exit_point,
                                           entry_point, target_account, amount,
                                           description, issuer, date, kind)