def match(tags=typer.Argument(..., help=MATCH_TAGS_HELP)): """ Search your notes you've tagged. """ tags_list = [t.strip() for t in tags.split(",")] found_notes = Notes.find_by_tags(tags_list) typer.secho(f'Found {len(found_notes)} with tags in "{tags_list}"') print_notes(found_notes)
def check_for_reminders(version: Optional[bool] = typer.Option(None, "--version", callback=version_callback)): reminders = Notes.due_reminders() if len(reminders) > 0: reminder_str = f"{len(reminders)} reminders due! Mark these as done soon." typer.secho(reminder_str, bold=True) typer.secho("-" * len(reminder_str)) print_notes(reminders) typer.secho("-" * len(reminder_str))
def ls(count: int = typer.Argument(10, help=LS_COUNT_HELP)): """ Fetch the latest notes you've taken. """ all_notes = Notes.all() if count == 0: count = len(all_notes) latest_notes = sorted(all_notes, reverse=True)[:count] typer.secho(f"Last {min(count, len(latest_notes))} notes", bold=True, underline=True) print_notes(latest_notes)
def tasks(include_complete: bool = typer.Option(False), count: int = typer.Argument(10, help=LS_COUNT_HELP)): """ Lists notes marked as Tasks. """ all_tasks = Notes.all_tasks(include_complete) if count == 0: count = len(all_tasks) latest_notes = sorted(all_tasks, reverse=True)[:count] typer.secho(f"Last {min(count, len(latest_notes))} tasks:") print_notes(latest_notes)
def mark_done(note_id: int = typer.Argument(...)): """ Mark a task type note as done. """ note = Notes.get_by_id(note_id) if note is not None: note.mark_as_done() note.update(run_magic=False) typer.secho(f"Marked note {note_id} as done.") else: typer.secho(f"No note under id {note_id} found.") raise typer.Abort()
def edit(note_id: int = typer.Argument(..., help=EDIT_NOTE_ID_HELP)): """ Edit a note you've taken. """ note = Notes.get_by_id(note_id) if note is not None: typer.secho(note.pretty_str()) update = typer.prompt("New content") note.content = update note.update() typer.secho(f"Note {note_id} updated.") else: typer.secho(f"No note of ID {note_id} found.") raise typer.Abort()
def delete( note_id: int = typer.Argument(..., help=DELETE_NOTE_ID_HELP), force: bool = typer.Option(False), ): """ Delete a note you've taken. """ note = Notes.get_by_id(note_id) if note is not None: typer.secho(note.pretty_str()) if force or typer.confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this note?", abort=True): note.delete() typer.secho(f"Note under ID {note_id} deleted.") else: typer.secho(f"No note under id {note_id} found.") raise typer.Abort()
def search(term: str, limit: int = typer.Argument(5)): found_notes =, limit) typer.secho(f'Found {len(found_notes)} notes matching "{term}"') print_notes(found_notes)