Exemple #1
 def test_runCmd_noCmd(self):
     if there's no such command, tell the person so
     s = ShellProtocol()
     s.showPrompt = lambda: None
     called = []
     s.sendLine = called.append
     r = s.runCmd(*['foo', 'bar'])
     self.assertEqual(r, False)
     self.assertEqual(len(called), 1)
     self.assertTrue('foo' in called[0])
Exemple #2
 def test_runCmd_error(self):
     If there's any other kind of error
     s = ShellProtocol()
     s.showPrompt = lambda: None
     called = []
     s.sendLine = called.append
     def fake(arg1):
         raise Exception('foo')
     s.cmd_foo = fake
     r = s.runCmd(*['foo', 'arg1'])
     self.assertEqual(r, False)
     self.assertEqual(len(called), 1)
Exemple #3
 def test_runCmd_badArgs(self):
     If the user supplies bad arguments
     s = ShellProtocol()
     s.showPrompt = lambda: None
     called = []
     s.sendLine = called.append
     def fake(arg1, arg2):
     s.cmd_foo = fake
     r = s.runCmd(*['foo', 'arg1'])
     self.assertEqual(r, False)
     self.assertEqual(len(called), 1)
Exemple #4
 def test_runCmd(self):
     runCmd should find the command from arg[0] and run it with args[1:]*
     s = ShellProtocol()
     s.showPrompt = lambda: None
     called = []
     def fake(*args):
         return 'hey'
     s.cmd_foo = fake
     r = s.runCmd(*['foo', 'arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3'])
     self.assertEqual(r, 'hey')
     self.assertEqual(len(called), 1)
     self.assertEqual(called[0], ('arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3'))