Exemple #1
def test_readconfig(tmpdir):
    p16 = Proc()
    assert p16.id == 'p16'
    # nothing updated
    p16._readConfig(None, Config())
    assert p16.id == 'p16'

    config = Config()
    config._load({'f20': {'forks': 20}})
    p16.forks = 10
    p16._readConfig({'forks': 30}, config)
    assert p16.id == 'p16'
    assert p16.forks == 10
    assert p16.runner == 'local'
    assert p16.config.runner == '__tmp__'

    p17 = Proc()
    p17.forks = 10
    config = Config()
    config._load({'f30': {'forks': 20}})
    # no such profile in config
    p17._readConfig('dry', config)
    assert p17.forks == 10
    assert p17.runner == 'dry'
    assert p17.config.runner == 'dry'
Exemple #2
def test_readconfig_preload(tmpdir):
    config._load({'xyz': {'runner': 'sge', 'forks': 50}})
    p18 = Proc()
    p18._readConfig('xyz', Config())
    assert p18.runner == 'sge'
    assert p18.forks == 50
    assert p18.config.runner == 'xyz'
Exemple #3
def tag(options):
    """Tag the version"""
    default_options = Config()
    publish = default_options.get('publish', False)
    #changelog = default_options.get('changelog', '')
    increment = default_options.get('increment', 'patch')
    versource = default_options.get('versource', '')
    vertoml = default_options.get('vertoml', '')
    #checksource = default_options.get('checksource', True)
    #checktoml = default_options.get('checktoml', True)
    extra = default_options.get('extra', '')

    specver = options[POSITIONAL] or None
    ret = status(default_options, specver, True)

    if not ret:

    tagver = _get_version_from_gittag() or Tag((0, 0, 0))
    specver = specver or tagver.increment(increment)

    if versource:
        _log('Updating version in source file ...')
        _update_version_to_source(_getsrcfile(versource), specver)

    if vertoml:
        _log('Updating version in pyproject.toml ...')
        _update_version_to_toml(specver, vertoml)

    if extra:
        cmd = bash(c=extra).fg
        if cmd.rc != 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Failed to run %r' % extra)
    _log('Committing the change ...')
        git.commit({'allow-empty': True}, a=True, m=str(specver)).fg
    except CmdyReturnCodeError:
        # pre-commit fails, do it again
        _log('Pre-commit failed, try again ...')
        git.commit({'allow-empty': True}, a=True, m=str(specver)).fg

    _log('Pushing the commit to remote ...')

    _log('Adding tag %r ...' % specver)
    _log('Pushing the tag to remote ...')

    if publish:
        _log('Building the release ...')
        _log('Publishing the release ...')
Exemple #4
def version(options):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    """Get current local version"""
    default_options = Config()
    vertoml = options.vertoml
    ver = _get_version_from_toml(vertoml)
    _log('Current version: %s' % ver)
Exemple #5
	def __init__(self, conf = None, cfgfile = None):
		PyPPL Constructor
			conf (dict): the configurations for the pipeline, default: `None`
				- Remember the profile name should be included.
			cfgfile (file): the configuration file for the pipeline, default: `None`
		self.counter = PyPPL.COUNTER

		self.config = Config()
		# __noloading__ tells processes not load it as they have it initiated.
		self.config._load({'default': config, '__noloading__': None})
		if cfgfile:
		if conf and isinstance(conf, dict):

		if self.config._log.file is True:
			self.config._log.file = (Path('./') / Path(sys.argv[0]).stem).with_suffix(
				'%s.pyppl.log' % ('.' + str(self.counter) if self.counter else ''))

		# reinitiate logger according to new config
		logger.pyppl('Version: %s', __version__)

		for cfile in DEFAULT_CFGFILES + (str(cfgfile), ):
			if cfile.endswith('.osenv'):
				logger.config('Read from environment variables with prefix: "%s_"',
			cfile = Path(cfile).expanduser()
			if not utils.fs.isfile(cfile):
				if cfile == cfgfile:
					logger.warning('Configuration file does not exist: %s', cfile)
			elif cfile.suffix in ('.yaml', 'yml'):
					import yaml # pylint: disable=W0611
				except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
					logger.warning('Module PyYAML not installed, config file ignored: %s', cfile)
			elif cfile.suffix == '.toml':
					import toml # pylint: disable=W0611
				except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
					logger.warning('Module toml not installed, config file ignored: %s', cfile)
			logger.config('Read from %s', cfile)

		for plgname, plugin in pluginmgr.list_name_plugin():
			logger.plugin('Loaded %s: v%s', 
				plgname, plugin.__version__ if hasattr(plugin, '__version__') else 'Unknown')

		self.tree  = ProcTree()
		# save the procs in order for plugin use
		self.procs = []
		pluginmgr.hook.pypplInit(ppl = self)
Exemple #6
def test_run(tmpdir, caplog):
    sys.argv = ['pytest']
    p24 = Proc()
    p24.resume = 'resume'
    p24.props.workdir = tmpdir / 'test_run_p24'
    (p24.workdir / 'proc.settings.yaml').write_text('input: ')
    p24.run('dry', Config())
    assert 'Previous processes skipped.' in caplog.text
    assert p24.runner == 'dry'

    p25 = Proc()
    p25.resume = 'skip'
    p25.run(None, Config())
    assert 'Pipeline will resume from future processes.' in caplog.text

    p25.resume = 'skip+'
    p25.props.workdir = tmpdir / 'test_run_p25'
    (p25.workdir / 'proc.settings.yaml').write_text('input: ')
    p25.run(None, Config())
    assert 'Data loaded, pipeline will resume from future processes.' in caplog.text
Exemple #7
def test_readconfig_preset(tmpdir):
    p181 = Proc()
    p181.runner = 'xyz'
    config = Config()
    cfile = tmpdir / 'test_readconfig_preset.ini'
runner: sge
forks: 50
    p181._readConfig('', config)
    assert p181.runner == 'sge'
    assert p181.forks == 50
    assert p181.config.runner == 'xyz'
Exemple #8
def setup_module(module):
    pytest.config = Config()
            'default': {
                'repos': 'pwwang/remotedata',
            'standard': {
                'source': 'github'
            'invalidrepos': {
                'source': 'github',
                'repos': 'a'
            'withbranch': {
                'source': 'github',
                'repos': 'pwwang/remotedata/notmaster'
            'dropbox': {
                'source': 'dropbox',
        }, '~/.remotedata.yaml', 'REMOTEDATA.osenv')  # get token from osenv
Exemple #9
def load_config(config, opts):
    """Load the configurations from file"""
    if not path.isfile(config):
        raise OSError("Config file does not exist: {}".format(config))
    configs = Config(with_profile=False)
    configs = configs.as_dict()
    ones = []
    if "instance" in configs:
        ones = configs["instance"]
        del configs["instance"]
    opts |= configs
    # padding figtype and ggs, and devpars
    len_fml = len(opts["formula"])
    opts["figtype"].extend([None] * (len_fml - len(opts["figtype"])))
    opts["figfmt"].extend([None] * (len_fml - len(opts["figfmt"])))
    opts["ggs"].extend([None] * (len_fml - len(opts["ggs"])))
    if isinstance(opts["devpars"], list):
        default_devpars = opts["devpars"][0]
        opts["devpars"].extend([default_devpars] *
                               (len_fml - len(opts["devpars"])))
        default_devpars = opts["devpars"]
        opts["devpars"] = [opts["devpars"]] * len_fml
    for instance in ones:
        if "formula" not in instance:
            raise ValueError(
                "Formula not found in instance: {}".format(instance))
        if "title" not in instance:
            raise ValueError(
                "Title not found in instance: {}".format(instance))
        def_devpars = default_devpars.copy()
        def_devpars.update(instance.get("devpars", {}))
Exemple #10
def procset(procs):
    # pretend they are running
    procs.p1.runtime_config = procs.p2.runtime_config = procs.p3.runtime_config = Config(
    procs.p1.runtime_config._load({'default': {'dirsig': False}})
    return ProcSet(procs.p1, procs.p2, procs.p3, procs.p4)
Exemple #11
    def __init__(self, id=None, tag='notag', desc='No description.', **kwargs):
		Proc constructor
			tag  (str)   : The tag of the process
			desc (str)   : The description of the process
			id   (str)   : The identify of the process
			**kwargs: Other properties of the process, which can be set by `proc.xxx` later.
        # Do not go through __getattr__ and __setattr__
        # Get configuration from config
        self.__dict__['config'] = Config()
        # computed props
        self.__dict__['props'] = Diot(diot_nest=False)

        defaultconfig = dict.copy(utils.config)
        # The id (actually, it's the showing name) of the process
        defaultconfig['id'] = id if id else utils.varname()
        if ' ' in tag:
            raise ProcTagError("No space allowed in tag.")

        defaultconfig['tag'] = tag
        defaultconfig['desc'] = desc
        # The extra arguments for the process
        defaultconfig['args'] = dict.copy(defaultconfig['args'])
        # The callfront function of the process
        defaultconfig['callfront'] = None
        # The callback function of the process
        defaultconfig['callback'] = None
        # The dependencies specified
        defaultconfig['depends'] = []
        # The input that user specified
        defaultconfig['input'] = ''
        # The output that user specified
        defaultconfig['output'] = ''
        # resume flag of the process
        # ''       : Normal, do not resume
        # 'skip+'  : Load data from previous run, pipeline resumes from future processes
        # 'resume+': Deduce input from 'skip+' processes
        # 'skip'   : Just skip, do not load data
        # 'resume' : Load data from previous run, resume pipeline
        defaultconfig['resume'] = ''
        # The template environment, keep process indenpendent, even for the subconfigs
        defaultconfig['envs'] = utils.tryDeepCopy(defaultconfig['envs'])

        # The output channel of the process
        self.props.channel = Channel.create()
        # The dependencies computed
        self.props.depends = []
        # the computed echo option
        self.props.echo = {}
        # computed expart
        self.props.expart = []
        # computed expect
        self.props.expect = None
        # The computed input
        self.props.input = {}
        # The jobs
        self.props.jobs = []
        # The locker for the process
        self.props.lock = None
        # non-cached job ids
        self.props.ncjobids = []
        # The original name of the process if it's copied
        self.props.origin = defaultconfig['id']
        # The computed output
        self.props.output = OrderedDiot()
        # data for proc.xxx in template
        self.props.procvars = {}
        # Valid return code
        self.props.rc = [0]
        # get the runner from the profile
        self.props.runner = 'local'
        # The computed script. Template object
        self.props.script = None
        # The unique identify of the process
        # cache the suffix
        self.props._suffix = ''
        # The template class
        self.props.template = None
        # timer for running time
        self.props.timer = None
        # The computed workdir
        self.props.workdir = ''
        # Remember the attr being set, they have the highest priority
        self.props.sets = set()

        # convert alias to its original name
        for aliaskey, aliasval in Proc.ALIAS.items():
            if aliaskey in kwargs:
                kwargs[aliasval] = kwargs.pop(aliaskey)

        for key in kwargs:
            if key not in defaultconfig:
                raise ProcAttributeError(key)

        # update the conf with kwargs
        # collapse the loading trace, we don't need it anymore.
        self.config._load({'default': defaultconfig})
        for key, val in kwargs.items():
            if key[0] != '_':
                setattr(self, key, val)
Exemple #12
A set of utitities for PyPPL
import re
import inspect
from copy import deepcopy
from queue import PriorityQueue
from os import path, walk, sep as pathsep
from hashlib import md5
from threading import Thread
import psutil
from transitions import Transition, Machine
import cmdy
from simpleconf import Config
from . import _fsutil as fs

config = Config() # pylint: disable=invalid-name

def loadConfigurations(conf, *cfgfiles):
	"""Load the configuration files"""

# remove python2 support
# try:
# 	from Queue import Queue, PriorityQueue, Empty as QueueEmpty
# except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
# 	from queue import Queue, PriorityQueue, Empty as QueueEmpty

# try:
# 	string_types = basestring # pylint: disable=invalid-name
Exemple #13
 def load_file(self, compfile):
     """Load commands and options from a configuration file"""
     config = Config(with_profile=False)
Exemple #14
	def __init__(self, id = None, tag = 'notag', desc = 'No description.', **kwargs):
		Proc constructor
			tag  (str)   : The tag of the process
			desc (str)   : The description of the process
			id   (str)   : The identify of the process
			**kwargs: Other properties of the process, which can be set by `proc.xxx` later.
		# Do not go through __getattr__ and __setattr__
		# Get configuration from config
		self.__dict__['config'] = Config()
		# computed props
		self.__dict__['props'] = Box(box_intact_types = [list])

		defaultconfig = dict.copy(utils.config)
		# The id (actually, it's the showing name) of the process
		defaultconfig['id'] = id if id else utils.varname()
		if ' ' in tag:
			raise ProcTagError("No space allowed in tag.")
		if 'depends' in kwargs:
			raise ProcAttributeError("Attribute 'depends' has to be set using `__setattr__`")

		# The extra arguments for the process
		defaultconfig['args'] = dict.copy(defaultconfig['args'])
		# The callfront function of the process
		defaultconfig['callfront'] = None
		# The callback function of the process
		defaultconfig['callback'] = None
		# The dependencies specified
		defaultconfig['depends'] = []
		# The input that user specified
		defaultconfig['input'] = ''
		# The output that user specified
		defaultconfig['output'] = ''
		# resume flag of the process
		# ''       : Normal, do not resume
		# 'skip+'  : Load data from previous run, pipeline resumes from future processes
		# 'resume+': Deduce input from 'skip+' processes
		# 'skip'   : Just skip, do not load data
		# 'resume' : Load data from previous run, resume pipeline
		defaultconfig['resume'] = ''
		# The template environment, keep process indenpendent, even for the subconfigs
		defaultconfig['envs'] = pycopy.deepcopy(defaultconfig['envs'])

		# The output channel of the process
		self.props.channel = Channel.create()
		# The dependencies computed
		self.props.depends = []
		# the computed echo option
		self.props.echo = {}
		# computed expart
		self.props.expart = []
		# computed expect
		self.props.expect = None
		# The computed input
		self.props.input = {}
		# The jobs
		self.props.jobs = []
		# The locker for the process
		self.props.lock = None
		# non-cached job ids
		self.props.ncjobids = []
		# The original name of the process if it's copied
		self.props.origin = defaultconfig['id']
		# The computed output
		self.props.output = OBox()
		# data for proc.xxx in template
		self.props.procvars = {}
		# Valid return code
		self.props.rc = [0]
		# get the runner from the profile
		self.props.runner = 'local'
		# The computed script. Template object
		self.props.script = None
		# The unique identify of the process
		# cache the suffix
		self.props._suffix = ''
		# The template class
		self.props.template = None
		# timer for running time
		self.props.timer = None
		# The computed workdir
		self.props.workdir = ''
		# remember which property is set, then it will not be overwritten by configurations,
		# do not put any values here because we want
		# the kwargs to be overwritten by the configurations but keep the values set by:
		# p.xxx           = xxx
		self.props.sets = set()

		# update the conf with kwargs
		defaultconfig.update(dict(tag = tag, desc = desc, **kwargs))
		# collapse the loading trace, we don't need it anymore.
		self.config._load({'default': defaultconfig})
Exemple #15
def status(options, specver=None, ret=False):
    """Get the status of the project"""
    tagver = _get_version_from_gittag()

    exception = None
    gitstatus = git.status(s=True).str()
    cherry = git.cherry(v=True).str()
    if gitstatus or cherry:
        exception = UncleanRepoException(
            'You have changes uncommitted or unpushed.\n\n' +
    lastmsg = git.log('-1', pretty="format:%s", _sep='=').strip()

    if lastmsg == str(tagver):
        raise NoChangesSinceLastTagException('No changes since last tag.')

    tagver = tagver or Tag((0, 0, 0))

    rcoptions = Config()
    changelog = rcoptions.get('changelog', '')
    increment = rcoptions.get('increment', 'patch')
    versource = rcoptions.get('versource', '')
    vertoml = rcoptions.get('vertoml', '')
    checksource = rcoptions.get('checksource', True)
    checktoml = rcoptions.get('checktoml', True)

    _log('Current version: %s' % str(tagver))

    if ret:
        nextver = tagver.increment(increment)
        _log('New version received: %r' % (specver or nextver))
        if exception:
            raise exception
        return _checkver(specver or nextver, changelog, versource, vertoml,
                         checksource, checktoml)

    nextver = tagver.increment('patch')
    _log('Next auto patch version is: %s' % nextver)

    if _checkver(nextver, changelog, versource, vertoml, checksource,
        _log('  You are good to go with this version.')
        shortcmd = '`tagit tag`, ' if increment == 'patch' else ''
        _log('  Run %s`tagit tag -c.i patch` or `tagit tag %s`' %
             (shortcmd, nextver))

    nextver = tagver.increment('minor')
    _log('Next auto minor version is: %s' % nextver)

    if _checkver(nextver, changelog, versource, vertoml, checksource,
        _log('  You are good to go with this version.')
        shortcmd = '`tagit tag`, ' if increment == 'minor' else ''
        _log('  Run %s`tagit tag -c.i minor` or `tagit tag %s`' %
             (shortcmd, nextver))

    nextver = tagver.increment('major')
    _log('Next auto major version is: %s' % nextver)

    if _checkver(nextver, changelog, versource, vertoml, checksource,
        _log('  You are good to go with this version.')
        shortcmd = '`tagit tag`, ' if increment == 'major' else ''
        _log('  Run %s`tagit tag -c.i major` or `tagit tag %s`' %
             (shortcmd, nextver))

    if exception:
        raise exception