Exemple #1
class EdgeSnapWindow(Window):
    def __init__(self):
        super(EdgeSnapWindow, self).__init__('Color Segmentation Example')
        self.image = Image("shapes.png", sample=True).edges()
        self.points = []


    def on_mouse(self, event, x, y, mouse_key, data=None):
        """ Callback for mouse events

            event - int - see cv2.EVENT_* constants
            x, y - int, int - position of the cursor
            mouse_key - int - mouse key
        if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
            self.points.append((x, y))

            for p in self.points:
                self.image.dl().circle(p, 5, color=Color.BLUE)

            features = self.image.edge_snap(self.points)

            for f in features:
                f.draw(color=Color.RED, width=2)


    def on_key(self, key):
        if key == 32:  # Space bar to clear points
            self.points = []
            print "Points cleared"
Exemple #2
class ColorSegmentationWindow(Window):

    def __init__(self):
        super(ColorSegmentationWindow, self).__init__('Color Segmentation Example')
        self.img = Image('simplecv')
        self.segmentation = ColorSegmentation()
        self.normal = True  # mode toggle for segment detection
        self.point1 = (0, 0)
        self.point2 = (0, 0)
        self.mosue_down = False

    def on_mouse(self, event, x, y, mouse_key, data=None):
        """ Callback for mouse events

            event - int - see cv2.EVENT_* constants
            x, y - int, int - position of the cursor
            mouse_key - int - mouse key
        if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
            self.point1 = (x, y)
            self.point2 = (x, y)
            self.mosue_down = True
        elif event == cv2.EVENT_MOUSEMOVE:
            if self.mosue_down == True:
                self.point2 = (x, y)
        elif event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP:
            self.mosue_down = False
            self.point2 = (x, y)

            x1, y1, w, h = points_to_roi(self.point1, self.point2)
            if w > 0 and h > 0:
                crop = self.img.crop(x1, y1, w, h)
                self.segmentation = ColorSegmentation()

    def on_key(self, key):
        if key == 32:  # Space bar to switch between modes
            self.normal = not self.normal
            print "Display Mode:", "Normal" if self.normal else "Segmented"

    def on_update(self):
        """ Callback for periodic update.
        if self.normal:
            self.img.dl().rectangle_to_pts(self.point1, self.point2, color=Color.RED)
            if self.segmentation.is_ready():
                img = self.segmentation.get_segmented_image()
                img = img.erode(iterations = 2).dilate().invert()
class EdgeSnapWindow(Window):

    def __init__(self):
        super(EdgeSnapWindow, self).__init__('Color Segmentation Example')
        self.image = Image("shapes.png", sample=True).edges()
        self.points = []


    def on_mouse(self, event, x, y, mouse_key, data=None):
        """ Callback for mouse events

            event - int - see cv2.EVENT_* constants
            x, y - int, int - position of the cursor
            mouse_key - int - mouse key
        if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
            self.points.append((x, y))

            for p in self.points:
                self.image.dl().circle(p, 5, color=Color.BLUE)

            features = self.image.edge_snap(self.points)

            for f in features:
                f.draw(color=Color.RED, width=2)


    def on_key(self, key):
        if key == 32:  # Space bar to clear points
            self.points = []
            print "Points cleared"
to think of this is if you played the card matching game, the cards would
pretty much have to be identical.  The template method doesn't allow much
for the scale to change, nor for rotation.  This is the most basic pattern
matching SimpleCV offers.  If you are looking for something more complex
you will probably want to look into img.find()
print __doc__

import time

from simplecv.api import Image, Color, TemplateMatch

source = Image("templatetest.png", sample=True)  # the image to search
template = Image("template.png",
                 sample=True)  # the template to search the image for
t = 5

methods = [
]  # the various types of template matching available

for m in methods:
    img = Image("templatetest.png", sample=True)
    img.dl().text("current method: {}".format(m), (10, 20), color=Color.RED)
    fs = source.find(TemplateMatch, template, threshold=t, method=m)
    for match in fs:
        img.dl().rectangle((match.x, match.y), (match.width, match.height),
from simplecv.api import Color, Image
from simplecv.core.drawing.layer import DrawingLayer

img = Image("color.jpg", sample=True)
line_l = DrawingLayer()
a = (20, 20)
b = (20, 100)
c = (100, 100)
d = (100, 20)
line_l.line(a, b, alpha=128, width=5)
line_l.line(b, c, alpha=128)
line_l.line(c, d, antialias=True)
line_l.line(d, a, color=Color.PUCE)
line_l.line(b, d, width=5)
temp = img.apply_layers()
print "line: %s" % temp.save(temp=True)

lines_l = DrawingLayer()
a = (20, 20)
b = (20, 100)
c = (100, 100)
d = (100, 20)
pts = (a, b, c, d, a)
lines_l.lines(pts, alpha=128)
# translate over and down 10
pts = map(lambda x: ((x[0] + 10), (x[1] + 10)), pts)
lines_l.lines(pts, color=Color.BEIGE, width=10)
#translate over and down 10
pts = map(lambda x: ((x[0] + 10), (x[1] + 10)), pts)
Exemple #6
# write the text
layer.text("Just some innocent looking dots", (50, 25), Color.BLACK)
layer.text("Use w/s keys to change intensity", (50, 50), Color.BLACK)
layer.text("a/d keys to change angle", (50, 75), Color.BLACK)

#draw 6 innocent looking dots
layer.circle((125, 200), 25, Color.RED, 1, True)
layer.circle((250, 200), 25, Color.BLUE, 1, True)
layer.circle((375, 200), 25, Color.GREEN, 1, True)
layer.circle((125, 300), 25, Color.YELLOW, 1, True)
layer.circle((250, 300), 25, Color.ORANGE, 1, True)
layer.circle((375, 300), 25, Color.CYAN, 1, True)

# apply layer
img = img.apply_layers()

power = 1
angle = 0
while True:
    key = cv2.waitKey(1)
    if key == -1:
    print chr(key)

    # detect w,a,s,d key presses and modify power, angle
    if key == ord('w'):
        power += 10
        blur = img.motion_blur2(power, angle)
This example uses the built in template matching.  The easiest way
to think of this is if you played the card matching game, the cards would
pretty much have to be identical.  The template method doesn't allow much
for the scale to change, nor for rotation.  This is the most basic pattern
matching SimpleCV offers.  If you are looking for something more complex
you will probably want to look into img.find()
print __doc__

import time

from simplecv.api import Image, Color, TemplateMatch

source = Image("templatetest.png", sample=True) # the image to search
template = Image("template.png", sample=True) # the template to search the image for
t = 5

methods = ["SQR_DIFF", "SQR_DIFF_NORM", "CCOEFF",
           "CCOEFF_NORM", "CCORR", "CCORR_NORM"]  # the various types of template matching available

for m in methods:
    img = Image("templatetest.png", sample=True)
    img.dl().text("current method: {}".format(m), (10, 20), color=Color.RED)
    fs = source.find(TemplateMatch, template, threshold=t, method=m)
    for match in fs:
        img.dl().rectangle((match.x, match.y), (match.width, match.height), color=Color.RED)