def log_in(): session["logged_in"] = request.form["log_in"] session["user"] = request.form["user"] if "logged_in" in session and session["logged_in"]: return json.dumps("Right") else: return json.dumps("Wrong")
def log_in(): session['logged_in'] = request.form['log_in'] session['user'] = request.form['user'] if 'logged_in' in session and session['logged_in']: return json.dumps('Right') else: return json.dumps('Wrong')
def profile_person_json(): nickname = request.args.get('nickname', None) if nickname: uid = getUidByName(urllib2.unquote(nickname.strip())) if uid: return json.dumps({'status': 'success', 'uid': str(uid)}) return json.dumps({'status': 'failed'})
def profile_group_topic(fieldEnName): if request.method == 'GET' and fieldEnName: result_arr = [] sort = request.args.get('sort', 'prob') topic_type = request.args.get('topic_type', 'freq') limit = request.args.get('limit', 50) if limit: limit = int(limit) window_size = request.args.get('window_size', 24 * 60 * 60) if window_size: window_size = int(window_size) start_ts = request.args.get('start_ts', None) end_ts = request.args.get('end_ts', None) if not start_ts or not end_ts: start_ts, end_ts = _time_zone(_utf_encode(default_timerange)) if start_ts: start_ts = int(start_ts) if end_ts: end_ts = int(end_ts) interval = (end_ts - start_ts) / (24 * 3600) + 1 datestr = ts2datetimestr(end_ts) # '20130907' domainid = DOMAIN_LIST.index(fieldEnName) date_list = last_week_to_date(datestr, interval) keywords_dict = {} for datestr in date_list: _keywords_dict = getDomainKeywordsData(domainid, datestr) for k, v in _keywords_dict.iteritems(): try: keywords_dict[k] += v except KeyError: keywords_dict[k] = v if topic_type == 'freq': keywords_sorted = sorted(keywords_dict.iteritems(), key=lambda(k, v): v, reverse=False) top_keywords = keywords_sorted[len(keywords_sorted)-limit:] result_arr = [{'text': k, 'size': float(v)} for k, v in top_keywords] return json.dumps({'status': 'current finished', 'data': result_arr}) else: return json.dumps([]) return json.dumps(result_arr)
def profile_group_status_count(fieldEnName): start_ts = request.args.get('start_ts', None) end_ts = request.args.get('end_ts', None) if not start_ts or not end_ts: start_ts, end_ts = _time_zone(_utf_encode(default_timerange)) if start_ts: start_ts = int(start_ts) if end_ts: end_ts = int(end_ts) interval = (end_ts - start_ts) / (24 * 3600) + 1 datestr = ts2datetimestr(end_ts) # '20130907' date_list = last_week_to_date(datestr, interval) domainid = DOMAIN_LIST.index(fieldEnName) time_arr = [] total_arr = [] repost_arr = [] fipost_arr = [] for datestr in date_list: active, important, reposts, original = getDomainCountData(domainid, datestr) sumcount = reposts + original time_arr.append(ts2date(datetimestr2ts(datestr)).isoformat()) total_arr.append(sumcount) repost_arr.append(reposts) fipost_arr.append(original) return json.dumps({'time': time_arr, 'count': total_arr, 'repost': repost_arr, 'fipost': fipost_arr})
def single_analysis(mid): test = request.args.get('test', '') mid = int(mid) blog_info = calculate_single(mid, test) blog_img_url = blog_info['user']['profile_image_url'] blog_date_list = blog_info['datelist'] bloger_name = blog_info['user']['name'] blog_reposts_count = blog_info['status']['repostsCount'] blog_comments_count = blog_info['status']['commentsCount'] blog_attitudes_count = blog_info['status']['attitudesCount'] blog_time = blog_info['status']['postDate'] result = {'mid': mid} #'tar_profile_image_url': blog_img_url, #'tar_screen_name': bloger_name, #'tar_repost_count': blog_reposts_count, #'tar_comments_count': blog_comments_count, #'tar_attitudes_count': blog_attitudes_count, #'tar_post_date': blog_time, #'blog_date_list': blog_date_list} return json.dumps(result) '''
def single_ajax_spatial(): if request.method == "GET": return render_template('propagate/ajax/single_spatial.html') else: mid = int(request.form.get('mid', "")) blog_info = calculate_single(mid, 'None') area_list = blog_info['geo'] return json.dumps({'map_data': area_list})
def burst_monitor(): request_method = request.method if request_method == "POST": form = request.form current_time = time.time() current_date = ts2datetime(current_time) data = burst_caculate(current_date, 1, "active", 5) return json.dumps(data) else: abort(404)
def remove_kd(): result = "Right" new_id = request.form["f_id"] old_items = db.session.query(KnowledgeList).filter(KnowledgeList.kID == new_id).all() if len(old_items): for old_item in old_items: db.session.delete(old_item) db.session.commit() else: result = "Wrong" return json.dumps(result)
def single_ajax_trend(): if request.method == "GET": return render_template('propagate/ajax/single_trend.html') else: mid = int(request.form.get('mid', "")) blog_info = calculate_single(mid, 'None') perday_repost_count = blog_info['perday_count'] blog_date_list = blog_info['datelist'] date_list = [int(time.mktime(d.timetuple()))*1000 for d in blog_date_list] return json.dumps({'perday_blog_count': zip(date_list, perday_repost_count)})
def profile_person(uid): if uid: count, get_results ={'_id': int(uid)}, fields=['profile_image_url', 'name', 'friends_count', \ 'statuses_count', 'followers_count', 'gender', 'verified', 'created_at', 'location']) if count > 0: for r in get_results(): user = {'id': uid, 'profile_image_url': r['profile_image_url'], 'userName': unicode(r['name'], 'utf-8'), 'friends_count': r['friends_count'], \ 'statuses_count': r['statuses_count'], 'followers_count': r['followers_count'], 'gender': r['gender'], \ 'verified': r['verified'], 'created_at': r['created_at'], 'location': unicode(r['location'], "utf-8")} else: return 'no such user' return json.dumps(user)
def add_trash(): result = "Right" new_field = request.form["f_id"] count, get_results ={"_id": new_field}, fields=["_id", "name"]) if count > 0: for get_result in get_results(): new_item = BlackList(blackID=get_result["_id"], blackName=get_result["name"]) db.session.add(new_item) db.session.commit() else: result = "Wrong" return json.dumps(result)
def personal_weibo_count_false(uid): total_days = 89 today = now_ts = time.mktime(datetime.datetime(today.year, today.month,, 2, 0).timetuple()) now_ts = int(now_ts) during = 24 * 3600 time_arr = [] post_arr = [] repost_arr = [] fipost_arr = [] m = request.args.get('m') if request.args.get('interval'): total_days = int(request.args.get('interval')) - 1 for i in range(total_days-1, -1, -1): end_ts = now_ts - i * during begin_ts = end_ts - during repost_query_dict = { 'timestamp': { '$gt': begin_ts, '$lt': end_ts }, 'user': int(uid), 'retweeted_status': '1' } post_query_dict = { 'timestamp': { '$gt': begin_ts, '$lt': end_ts }, 'user': int(uid) } if m == 'test': post_count =, count_only=True) repost_count =, count_only=True) fipost_count = post_count - repost_count else: post_count =, count_only=True) repost_count =, count_only=True) fipost_count = post_count - repost_count post_arr.append(post_count) fipost_arr.append(fipost_count) repost_arr.append(repost_count) time_arr.append(ts2date(end_ts).isoformat()) print 'sum count: ', sum(post_arr) return json.dumps({'time': time_arr, 'count': post_arr, 'repost': repost_arr, 'fipost': fipost_arr})
def profile_group_location(fieldEnName): domainid = DOMAIN_LIST.index(fieldEnName) datestr = '20130901' verified_count, unverified_count, province_dict = 0, 0, {} _verified_count, _unverified_count, _province_dict = getDomainBasic(domainid, datestr) verified_count = int(_verified_count) unverified_count = int(_unverified_count) province_dict = _province_dict city_count = province_dict results = province_color_map(city_count) return json.dumps(results)
def add_kd(): result = "Right" new_field = request.form["f_id"] t = request.form["type"] count, get_results ={"_id": new_field}, fields=["_id", "name"]) if count > 0: for get_result in get_results(): new_item = KnowledgeList(kID=get_result["_id"], kName=get_result["name"], domain=t) db.session.add(new_item) db.session.commit() else: result = "Wrong" return json.dumps(result)
def topic(): if "logged_in" in session and session["logged_in"]: if session["user"] == "admin": request_method = request.method if request_method == "GET": args = request.args topic = args.get("keyword", None) time = args.get("time", None) rank_method = args.get("rank_method", "pagerank") page_num = args.get("page_num", 20) top_n = args.get("top_n", 500) if not topic or not time: return redirect("/identify/") dur_time = _utf_encode(time) start_ts, end_ts = _time_zone(dur_time) return render_template( "identify/topic.html", topic=topic, start_ts=start_ts, end_ts=end_ts, rank_method=rank_method, page_num=page_num, top_n=top_n, window_size=1, dur_time=_utf_decode(dur_time), ) if request_method == "POST": form = request.form topic = form.get("topic", None) start_ts = form.get("start_ts", None) end_ts = form.get("end_ts", None) if start_ts: start_ts = int(start_ts) if end_ts: end_ts = int(end_ts) rank_method = form.get("rank_method", "pagerank") page_num = int(form.get("page_num", 20)) top_n = int(form.get("top_n", 500)) current_date = ts2datetime(end_ts) window_size = (end_ts - start_ts) / (24 * 3600) data = read_topic_rank_results(topic, top_n, rank_method, current_date, window_size) return json.dumps({"status": "current finished", "data": data}) else: return redirect("/")
def personal_weibo_count(uid): total_days = 89 today = now_ts = time.mktime(datetime.datetime(today.year, today.month,, 2, 0).timetuple()) now_ts = int(now_ts) during = 24 * 3600 time_arr = [] post_arr = [] repost_arr = [] fipost_arr = [] m = request.args.get('m') if request.args.get('interval'): total_days = int(request.args.get('interval')) - 1 for i in range(total_days-1, -1, -1): end_ts = now_ts - i * during begin_ts = end_ts - during query_dict = { 'timestamp': { '$gt': begin_ts, '$lt': end_ts }, 'user': int(uid), } if m == 'test': count, get_results =, fields=['retweeted_status']) else: count, get_results =, fields=['retweeted_status']) post_count = 0 fipost_count = 0 repost_count = 0 for r in get_results(): if r['retweeted_status']: repost_count += 1 else: fipost_count += 1 post_count += 1 post_arr.append(post_count) fipost_arr.append(fipost_count) repost_arr.append(repost_count) time_arr.append(ts2date(end_ts).isoformat()) print 'sum count: ', sum(post_arr) return json.dumps({'time': time_arr, 'count': post_arr, 'repost': repost_arr, 'fipost': fipost_arr})
def topic_ajax_spatial(): if request.method == "GET": return render_template('propagate/ajax/topic_spatial.html') else: keyword = request.form.get('keyword', "") keyuser = request.form.get('keyuser', "") beg_time = int(request.form.get('beg_time', "")) end_time = int(request.form.get('end_time', "")) fields_list = ['text', 'timestamp','reposts_count','comments_count','user', 'terms', '_id','retweeted_status','bmiddle_pic','geo','source','attitudes_count'] count, get_results ={'text': [u'%s'%keyword], 'timestamp': {'$gt': beg_time, '$lt': end_time}}, sort_by=['timestamp'], fields=fields_list) topic_info = calculate(get_results()) topic_area_list = topic_info['geo'] return json.dumps({'map_data': topic_area_list})
def profile_group_verify(fieldEnName): domainid = DOMAIN_LIST.index(fieldEnName) datestr = '20130901' verified_count, unverified_count, province_dict = 0, 0, {} _verified_count, _unverified_count, _province_dict = getDomainBasic(domainid, datestr) verified_count = int(_verified_count) unverified_count = int(_unverified_count) province_dict = _province_dict result_list = '' if verified_count + unverified_count > 0: sumcount = verified_count + unverified_count result_list = str(verified_count) + ',' + str(unverified_count) + ',' + str(int(verified_count * 100 / sumcount) / 100.00) + ',' + str(1 - int(verified_count * 100 / sumcount) / 100.00) return json.dumps(result_list)
def topic_ajax_trend(): if request.method == "GET": return render_template('propagate/ajax/topic_trend.html') else: keyword = request.form.get('keyword', "") keyuser = request.form.get('keyuser', "") beg_time = int(request.form.get('beg_time', "")) end_time = int(request.form.get('end_time', "")) fields_list = ['text', 'timestamp','reposts_count','comments_count','user', 'terms', '_id','retweeted_status','bmiddle_pic','geo','source','attitudes_count'] count, get_results ={'text': [u'%s'%keyword], 'timestamp': {'$gt': beg_time, '$lt': end_time}}, sort_by=['timestamp'], fields=fields_list) topic_info = calculate(get_results()) perday_blog_count = topic_info['perday_count_list'] date_list = topic_info['date_list'] date_list = [int(time.mktime(d.timetuple()))*1000 for d in date_list] return json.dumps({'perday_blog_count': zip(date_list, perday_blog_count)})
def profile_person_topic(uid): if request.method == 'GET' and uid: result_arr = [] limit = 50 start_ts = request.args.get('start_ts', None) end_ts = request.args.get('end_ts', None) if not start_ts or not end_ts: start_ts, end_ts = _time_zone(_utf_encode(default_timerange)) if start_ts: start_ts = int(start_ts) if end_ts: end_ts = int(end_ts) try: interval = (end_ts - start_ts) / (24 * 3600) + 1 datestr = ts2datetimestr(end_ts) # '20130907' except Exception, e: print e interval, datestr = _default_time() date_list = last_week_to_date(datestr, interval) active = important = reposts = original = emoticon = 0 keywords_dict = {} for current_time in date_list: _active, _important, _reposts, _original, _emoticon, _direct_interact, _retweeted_interact, _keywords_dict = getPersonData(uid, current_time) active += _active important += _important reposts += _reposts original += _original emoticon += _emoticon if _keywords_dict: keywords_dict.update(_keywords_dict) if keywords_dict: sortedkeywords = sorted(keywords_dict.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) for k, v in sortedkeywords[:limit]: result_arr.append({'text': k, 'size': float(v)}) return json.dumps({'status': 'current finished', 'data': result_arr})
def search_history(): if request.method == "GET": keyword = request.args.get("keyword", None) now1 = request.args.get("now1", None) now2 = request.args.get("now2", None) now = request.args.get("now", None) timestamp_end = request.args.get("timestamp", None) if timestamp_end: timestamp_end = int(timestamp_end) if now1: now1 = int(now1) if now2: now2 = int(now2) if now: now = int(now) histories1 = None histories2 = None histories = None if keyword != None: status, histories = _search_history(keyword) else: if now: status, histories = _all_history(now) if now1: status, histories1 = _all_history(now1) if now2 == 0: status, histories2 = _all_history(now2) histories_names = [] if histories1: for history in histories1: start = time.strftime("%m月 %d日, %Y", time.localtime(history.start)) end = time.strftime("%m月 %d日, %Y", time.localtime(history.end - 24 * 3600)) datestr = str(start) + " - " + str(end) if timestamp_end: timestamp_start = int(history.db_date) time_pass = timestamp_end - timestamp_start time_pass_hour = int(time_pass) / 3600 time_pass_day = int(time_pass) / (24 * 3600) time_pass = time.strftime("%M分钟 %S秒 ", time.localtime(time_pass)) time_pass = str(time_pass_day) + "天" + str(time_pass_hour) + "小时" + time_pass time_pass = "******" + str(time_pass) db_date = time.strftime("%m月 %d日, %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(history.db_date)) db_date = " 提交时间: " + str(db_date) histories_names.append([history.topic, datestr, db_date, time_pass]) else: histories_names.append([history.topic, datestr]) if histories2: for history in histories2: start = time.strftime("%m月 %d日, %Y", time.localtime(history.start)) end = time.strftime("%m月 %d日, %Y", time.localtime(history.end - 24 * 3600)) datestr = str(start) + " - " + str(end) if timestamp_end: timestamp_start = int(history.db_date) time_pass = timestamp_end - timestamp_start time_pass_hour = int(time_pass) / 3600 time_pass_day = int(time_pass) / (24 * 3600) time_pass = time.strftime("%M分钟 %S秒 ", time.localtime(time_pass)) time_pass = str(time_pass_day) + "天" + str(time_pass_hour) + "小时" + time_pass time_pass = "******" + str(time_pass) db_date = time.strftime("%m月 %d日, %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(history.db_date)) db_date = " 提交时间: " + str(db_date) histories_names.append([history.topic, datestr, db_date, time_pass]) else: histories_names.append([history.topic, datestr]) if histories: for history in histories: start = time.strftime("%m月 %d日, %Y", time.localtime(history.start)) end = time.strftime("%m月 %d日, %Y", time.localtime(history.end - 24 * 3600)) datestr = str(start) + " - " + str(end) histories_names.append([history.topic, datestr]) return json.dumps(histories_names) else: operator = request.form.get("operator", "add") keyword = request.form.get("keyword", "") start = request.form.get("start", "") end = request.form.get("end", "") sentiment = request.form.get("sentiment", "") if keyword != "" and start != "" and end != "" and sentiment != "": if operator == "add": status, item = _add_history(-1, keyword, start_ts, end_ts, timestamp) item = item.topic + "\t" + item.start + "\t" + item.end + "\t" + item.range + "\t" + item.status else: status, item = "failed", "Null" else: status, item = "failed", "Null" return json.dumps({"status": status, "item": item})
def profile_network(friendship, uid): if request.method == 'GET': start_ts = request.args.get('start_ts', None) end_ts = request.args.get('end_ts', None) if not start_ts or not end_ts: start_ts, end_ts = _time_zone(_utf_encode(default_timerange)) if start_ts: start_ts = int(start_ts) if end_ts: end_ts = int(end_ts) limit = 10 fri_fol = getFriendship(uid, friendship) fri_fol_interact_uid_count = {} domain_count = {} # 关注者、粉丝领域统计 for uid in fri_fol: domain = user2domain(uid) try: domain_count[domain] += 1 except KeyError: domain_count[domain] = 1 domain_count = [(k, v) for k, v in domain_count.iteritems()] try: interval = (end_ts - start_ts) / (24 * 3600) + 1 datestr = ts2datetimestr(end_ts) # '20130907' except Exception, e: print e interval, datestr = _default_time() date_list = last_week_to_date(datestr, interval) for datestr in date_list: active, important, reposts, original, emoticon, direct_interact, retweeted_interact, keywords_dict = getPersonData(uid, datestr) for k, v in retweeted_interact.iteritems(): k = int(k) v = int(v) if k in set(fri_fol): try: fri_fol_interact_uid_count[k] += v except KeyError: fri_fol_interact_uid_count[k] = v for k, v in direct_interact.iteritems(): v = int(v) k = getUidByName(k) if k and k in set(fri_fol): try: fri_fol_interact_uid_count[k] += v except KeyError: fri_fol_interact_uid_count[k] = v fri_fol_interact_name_count = {} for k, v in fri_fol_interact_uid_count.iteritems(): name = getUserNameById(k) fri_fol_interact_name_count[name] = v fri_fol_interact_name_sorted = sorted(fri_fol_interact_name_count.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) sorted_uid_interact_count = sorted(fri_fol_interact_uid_count.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) users = getUsersInfoByUidInteract(sorted_uid_interact_count) return json.dumps({'status': 'finished', 'data': {'fri_fol_interact': fri_fol_interact_name_sorted, \ 'users': users, 'domains': domain_count}})
def area(): default_timerange = get_default_timerange() default_field_enname, default_field_zhname = get_default_field_name() default_field_dict = get_default_field_dict() if "logged_in" in session and session["logged_in"]: if session["user"] == "admin": request_method = request.method if request_method == "GET": return render_template( "identify/area.html", from_external=True, timerange=default_timerange, field_dict=default_field_dict, default_field_zh=default_field_zhname, default_field_en=default_field_enname, ) elif request_method == "POST": form = request.form action = form.get("action", "run") top_n = int(form.get("top_n", 500)) if top_n > 500: top_n = 500 page_num = int(form.get("page_num", 20)) rank_method = form.get("rank_method", "important") during_date = form.get("window_size", default_timerange) during_date = _utf_encode(during_date) start_ts, end_ts = _time_zone(during_date) window_size = (end_ts - start_ts) / (24 * 3600) field = form.get("field", default_field_enname) field_id = DOMAIN_LIST.index(field) if action == "previous_rank": action = "rank" if action == "rank": current_date = ts2datetime(end_ts - 24 * 3600) previous_date = ts2datetime(start_ts - 24 * 3600) data = area_caculate(current_date, window_size, rank_method, top_n, field_id) previous_data = area_caculate(previous_date, window_size, rank_method, top_n, field_id) index = dict() for i in range(0, len(data)): # 比较上期结果 flag = 0 for j in range(0, len(previous_data)): if previous_data[j][1] == data[i][1]: flag = 1 compare = previous_data[j][0] - data[i][0] index[previous_data[j][1]] = j break if flag == 0: compare = 0 data[i].append(compare) pre_data = [] for i in range(0, len(previous_data)): if index.has_key(previous_data[i][1]): pass else: pre_data.append(previous_data[i]) return json.dumps({"status": "current finished", "data": data, "pre_data": pre_data}) elif action == "run": during_date = _utf_decode(during_date.strip()) return render_template( "identify/area.html", rank_method=rank_method, during_date=during_date, top_n=top_n, page_num=page_num, field=field, timerange=default_timerange, field_dict=default_field_dict, default_field_zh=default_field_zhname, default_field_en=default_field_enname, ) else: return redirect("/") else: return redirect("/")
def burst(): default_burst_time = get_default_burst_time() if "logged_in" in session and session["logged_in"]: if session["user"] == "admin": request_method = request.method if request_method == "GET": return render_template("identify/burst.html", from_external=True, time=default_burst_time) elif request_method == "POST": form = request.form action = form.get("action", "run") top_n = int(form.get("top_n", 500)) if top_n > 500: top_n = 500 page_num = int(form.get("page_num", 20)) rank_method = form.get("rank_method", "important") burst_time = form.get("burst_time", default_burst_time) burst_time = _utf_encode(burst_time) time_ts = burst2ts(burst_time) if action == "rank": current_date = ts2datetime(time_ts) data = burst_caculate(current_date, 1, rank_method, top_n) previous_date = ts2datetime(time_ts - 24 * 3600) previous_data = burst_caculate(previous_date, 1, rank_method, top_n) index = dict() for i in range(0, len(data)): # 比较上期结果 flag = 0 for j in range(0, len(previous_data)): if previous_data[j][1] == data[i][1]: flag = 1 compare = previous_data[j][0] - data[i][0] index[previous_data[j][1]] = j break if flag == 0: compare = 0 data[i].append(compare) pre_data = [] for i in range(0, len(previous_data)): if index.has_key(previous_data[i][1]): pass else: pre_data.append(previous_data[i]) return json.dumps( { "status": "current finished", "data": data, "pre_data": pre_data, "method": rank_method, "time": time_ts, } ) elif action == "run": burst_time = _utf_decode(burst_time.strip()) return render_template( "identify/burst.html", rank_method=rank_method, burst_time=burst_time, top_n=top_n, page_num=page_num, time=default_burst_time, ) else: abort(404) else: abort(404) else: pas = db.session.query(UserList).filter(UserList.username == session["user"]).all() if pas != []: for pa in pas: identy = pa.identify if identy == 1: request_method = request.method if request_method == "GET": return render_template("identify/burst.html", from_external=True, time=default_burst_time) elif request_method == "POST": form = request.form action = form.get("action", "run") top_n = int(form.get("top_n", 500)) if top_n > 500: top_n = 500 page_num = int(form.get("page_num", 20)) rank_method = form.get("rank_method", "important") burst_time = form.get("burst_time", default_burst_time) burst_time = _utf_encode(burst_time) time_ts = burst2ts(burst_time) if action == "rank": current_date = ts2datetime(time_ts) data = burst_caculate(current_date, 1, rank_method, top_n) previous_date = ts2datetime(time_ts - 24 * 3600) previous_data = burst_caculate(previous_date, 1, rank_method, top_n) index = dict() for i in range(0, len(data)): # 比较上期结果 flag = 0 for j in range(0, len(previous_data)): if previous_data[j][1] == data[i][1]: flag = 1 compare = previous_data[j][0] - data[i][0] index[previous_data[j][1]] = j break if flag == 0: compare = 0 data[i].append(compare) pre_data = [] for i in range(0, len(previous_data)): if index.has_key(previous_data[i][1]): pass else: pre_data.append(previous_data[i]) return json.dumps( { "status": "current finished", "data": data, "pre_data": pre_data, "method": rank_method, "time": time_ts, } ) elif action == "run": burst_time = _utf_decode(burst_time) return render_template( "identify/burst.html", rank_method=rank_method, burst_time=burst_time, top_n=top_n, page_num=page_num, time=default_burst_time, ) else: return redirect("/") return redirect("/") else: return redirect("/")
def profile_interact_network(uid): if request.method == 'GET': start_ts = request.args.get('start_ts', None) end_ts = request.args.get('end_ts', None) if not start_ts or not end_ts: start_ts, end_ts = _time_zone(_utf_encode(default_timerange)) if start_ts: start_ts = int(start_ts) if end_ts: end_ts = int(end_ts) uid = int(uid) center_uid = uid direct_uid_interact_count = {} retweeted_uid_interact_count = {} uid_interact_count = {} try: interval = (end_ts - start_ts) / (24 * 3600) + 1 datestr = ts2datetimestr(end_ts) # '20130907' except Exception, e: print e interval, datestr = _default_time() date_list = last_week_to_date(datestr, interval) for datestr in date_list: active, important, reposts, original, emoticon, direct_interact, retweeted_interact, keywords_dict = getPersonData(uid, datestr) for k, v in retweeted_interact.iteritems(): k = int(k) v = int(v) try: retweeted_uid_interact_count[k] += v except KeyError: retweeted_uid_interact_count[k] = v for k, v in direct_interact.iteritems(): v = int(v) try: direct_uid_interact_count[k] += v except KeyError: direct_uid_interact_count[k] = v direct_uid_sorted = sorted(direct_uid_interact_count.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=False) retweeted_uid_sorted = sorted(retweeted_uid_interact_count.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=False) retweeted_uid2name_dict = {} for k, v in retweeted_uid_interact_count.iteritems(): retweeted_uid2name_dict[getUserNameById(k)] = v uid_interact_count = merge(direct_uid_interact_count, retweeted_uid2name_dict, lambda x, y: x+y) uid_sorted = sorted(uid_interact_count.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=False) second_circle_limit = 8 third_circle_limit = 36 second_circle_uid_counts = uid_sorted[-second_circle_limit:] third_circle_uid_counts = uid_sorted[-second_circle_limit-third_circle_limit-1:-second_circle_limit-1] third_circle_limit = len(third_circle_uid_counts) if len(third_circle_uid_counts) < third_circle_limit else third_circle_limit def node(friendsCount, followersCount, statusesCount, gender, verified, profileImageUrl, count, uid, name): return { "children": [], "data": { "friendsCount": friendsCount, "followersCount": followersCount, "statusesCount": statusesCount, "gender": gender, "verified": verified, "profileImageUrl": profileImageUrl, "$color": "#AEA9F8", "$angularWidth": 1000, "count": count }, "id": uid, "name": name } def unode(uid, name, count): return { "children": [], "data": { "$color": "#AEA9F8", #FCD9A1 AEA9F8 B0AAF6 B2ABF4 B6AEEF E0C7C0 D2BFD0 ECCFB3 D4C0CE "$angularWidth": 1000, "count":count }, "id": uid, "name": name } def source_data_structure(uid, name): return { "children": [], "data":{ "type": "none" }, "id": uid, "name": name } # first circle first_cicle = source_data_structure(center_uid, getUserNameById(center_uid)) second_circle = [] third_circle = [] # calcuate weight list second_circle_sum_counts = 0 for uid, count in second_circle_uid_counts: second_circle_sum_counts += count # adjust residual weight to index 0 of list if second_circle_sum_counts: weight_list = [int(count * third_circle_limit / second_circle_sum_counts) if int(count * third_circle_limit / second_circle_sum_counts) >= 1 else 1 for uid, count in second_circle_uid_counts] weight_list[0] += second_circle_sum_counts - sum(weight_list) # second circle for uid, count in second_circle_uid_counts: info = yymInfo(uid) if not info: second_circle.append(unode(uid, uid, count)) else: second_circle.append(node(info['friendsCount'], info['followersCount'], \ info['statusesCount'], info['gender'], \ info['verified'], info['profileImageUrl'], \ count, info['id'], info['userName'])) # set second circle color for i in range(0, len(second_circle)): second_circle[i]['data']['$color']="#B2ABF4" # third circle for uid, count in third_circle_uid_counts: info = yymInfo(uid) if not info: third_circle.append(unode(uid, uid, count)) else: third_circle.append(node(info['friendsCount'], info['followersCount'], \ info['statusesCount'], info['gender'], \ info['verified'], info['profileImageUrl'], \ count, info['id'], info['userName'])) # assign third circle to second circle, then second circle to first circle start_idx = 0 if len(third_circle): for i in range(0, len(second_circle)): #for k in range(0, weight_list[i]): if i < len(third_circle): second_circle[i]['children'].append(third_circle[i]) first_cicle['children'] = second_circle return json.dumps({'status': 'finished', 'data': first_cicle})
important += _important reposts += _reposts original += _original emoticon += _emoticon if _keywords_dict: keywords_dict.update(_keywords_dict) if keywords_dict: sortedkeywords = sorted(keywords_dict.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) for k, v in sortedkeywords[:limit]: result_arr.append({'text': k, 'size': float(v)}) return json.dumps({'status': 'current finished', 'data': result_arr}) else: return json.dumps([]) return json.dumps(result_arr) @mod.route('/person_interact_count', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def profile_interact_count(): if request.method == 'GET': limit = 10 start_ts = request.args.get('start_ts', None) end_ts = request.args.get('end_ts', None) if not start_ts or not end_ts: start_ts, end_ts = _time_zone(_utf_encode(default_timerange)) if start_ts: start_ts = int(start_ts)
def profile_search(model='hotest'): default_search_time = get_default_search_time() statuses_count_upBound = default_statuses_range friends_count_upBound = default_friends_range followers_count_upBound = default_followers_range local_statuses_range = statuses_count_upBound[0] local_followers_range = followers_count_upBound[0] local_friends_range = friends_count_upBound[0] if 'logged_in' in session and session['logged_in']: if session['user'] == 'admin': if request.method == 'GET': province = default_province province_str = ','.join(province) if model == 'person': nickname = urllib2.unquote(request.args.get('nickname')) return render_template('profile/profile_search.html', statusescount_up=statuses_count_upBound, \ friendscount_up=friends_count_upBound, followerscount_up=followers_count_upBound, \ location=province_str, model=model, result=None, nickname=nickname, \ field_dict=default_field_dict, time=default_search_time, \ local_statusescount_up=local_statuses_range, local_friendscount_up=local_friends_range, \ local_followerscount_up=local_followers_range) elif model == 'find': if request.args.get('statuses_count_upBound', None): local_statuses_range = request.args.get('statuses_count_upBound', None) local_statuses_range = (local_statuses_range, default_statuses_dict[local_statuses_range]) if request.args.get('friends_count_upBound',None): local_friends_range = request.args.get('friends_count_upBound',None) local_friends_range = (local_friends_range, default_friends_dict[local_friends_range]) if request.args.get('followers_count_upBound',None): local_followers_range = request.args.get('followers_count_upBound',None) local_followers_range = (local_followers_range, default_followers_dict[local_followers_range]) top_n = request.args.get('search_top_n', None) province_str = request.args.get('province_str', None) rank_str = request.args.get('rankcount', None) rank_str_zh = '' if rank_str == 'followers_count': rank_str_zh = u'粉丝数降序' elif rank_str == 'statuses_count': rank_str_zh = u'微博数降序' elif rank_str == 'friends_count': rank_str_zh = u'关注数降序' elif rank_str == 'created_at': rank_str_zh = u'注册时间降序' if(top_n): result_count = int(top_n) else: result_count = 100 return render_template('profile/profile_search.html',result_count=result_count, statusescount_up=statuses_count_upBound, \ friendscount_up=friends_count_upBound, followerscount_up=followers_count_upBound, \ location=province_str, model=model, rankcount=rank_str, field_dict=default_field_dict, \ time=default_search_time, sort=rank_str_zh, \ local_statusescount_up=local_statuses_range, local_friendscount_up=local_friends_range, \ local_followerscount_up=local_followers_range) else: return render_template('profile/profile_search.html', statusescount_up=statuses_count_upBound, \ friendscount_up=friends_count_upBound, followerscount_up=followers_count_upBound, \ location=province_str, model=model, result=None, \ field_dict=default_field_dict, time=default_search_time, \ local_statusescount_up=local_statuses_range, local_friendscount_up=local_friends_range, \ local_followerscount_up=local_followers_range) if request.method == 'POST' and request.form['page']: if model == 'newest': top_n = 1000 page = int(request.form['page']) if page == 1: startoffset = 0 else: startoffset = (page - 1) * COUNT_PER_PAGE endoffset = startoffset + COUNT_PER_PAGE - 1 users = _newest_users(top_n) return json.dumps(users[startoffset:endoffset]) elif model == 'hotest': top_n = 1000 latest = get_default_hotest_time() page = int(request.form['page']) if page == 1: startoffset = 0 else: startoffset = (page - 1) * COUNT_PER_PAGE endoffset = startoffset + COUNT_PER_PAGE - 1 users = _hotest_users(top_n, latest) return json.dumps(users[startoffset:endoffset]) elif model == 'oversea': page = int(request.form['page']) if page == 1: startoffset = 0 else: startoffset = (page - 1) * COUNT_PER_PAGE endoffset = startoffset + COUNT_PER_PAGE - 1 province = '海外' count, get_results ={'location': province}, sort_by=['followers_count'], max_offset=10000, fields=['_id', 'name', 'statuses_count', 'friends_count', 'followers_count', 'profile_image_url', 'description']) users = [] offset = 0 for r in get_results(): if offset >= startoffset and offset <= endoffset: users.append({'id': r['_id'], 'profileImageUrl': r['profile_image_url'], 'userName': r['name'], 'statusesCount': r['statuses_count'], 'friendsCount': r['friends_count'], 'followersCount': r['followers_count'], 'description': r['description']}) if offset >= endoffset: break offset += 1 return json.dumps(users) elif model in DOMAIN_LIST: page = int(request.form['page']) if page == 1: startoffset = 0 else: startoffset = (page - 1) * COUNT_PER_PAGE endoffset = startoffset + COUNT_PER_PAGE - 1 users = _domain_users(model) return json.dumps(users[startoffset:endoffset]) elif model == 'person': sharding = True nickname = urllib2.unquote(request.form['nickname']) uid = getUidByName(nickname) users = [] if uid: status, user = _search_person_basic(uid, sharding) if status == 'success': users.append(user._to_dict()) return json.dumps(users) elif model == 'find': read_from_xapian = 0 sharding = True page = int(request.form['page']) if page == 1: startoffset = 0 else: startoffset = (page - 1) * COUNT_PER_PAGE endoffset = startoffset + COUNT_PER_PAGE - 1 result_count = int(request.form['result_count']) statusescount_low, statusescount_up = parseRangePara(request.form['statusescount_up']) friendscount_low, friendscount_up = parseRangePara(request.form['friendscount_up']) followerscount_low, followerscount_up = parseRangePara(request.form['followerscount_up']) province_str = request.form['province'] rankcount = request.form['rankcount'] province = province_str.split(',') users = [] query_dict = {} query_dict['$and'] = [] query_dict['$and'].append({'statuses_count':{'$gt': statusescount_low, '$lt': statusescount_up }}) query_dict['$and'].append({'followers_count':{'$gt': followerscount_low, '$lt': followerscount_up}}) query_dict['$and'].append({'friends_count':{'$gt': friendscount_low, '$lt': friendscount_up}}) or_dict = {} or_dict['$or'] = [] for pro in province: or_dict['$or'].append({'location': pro}) query_dict['$and'].append(or_dict) if read_from_xapian: count, get_results =, max_offset=result_count, fields=[ '_id', 'name', 'statuses_count', 'followers_count', 'friends_count', 'description', 'profile_image_url'], sort_by=[rankcount]) for r in get_results(): statusesCount = r['statuses_count'] followersCount = r['followers_count'] friendsCount = r['friends_count'] userName = r['name'] description = r['description'] uid = r['_id'] profileImageUrl = r['profile_image_url'] users.append({'id': uid, 'userName': userName, 'statusesCount': statusesCount, 'followersCount': followersCount, 'friendsCount': friendsCount, 'description': description, 'profileImageUrl': profileImageUrl}) else: users = _multi_search(query_dict, rankcount, result_count, sharding) return json.dumps(users[startoffset:endoffset]) else: return redirect('/') else: return redirect('/')
def showresult_by_topic(): # get the input context keyword = request.args.get('keyword', "") keyuser = request.args.get('keyuser', "") beg_time = request.args.get('beg_time', "") end_time = request.args.get('end_time', "") test = request.args.get('test', 'None') keyword = keyword.strip('@\r\n\t') keyuser = keyuser.strip('@\r\n\t') beg_time = beg_time.strip('@\r\n\t') end_time = end_time.strip('@\r\n\t') return_beg_str = beg_time return_end_str = end_time keyuser_str = keyuser if keyword == "": flash(u'关键字(词)不能为空') field_topics = getFieldTopics() status_hot = getHotStatus() return render_template('propagate/search.html',field_topics = field_topics,status_hot = status_hot) if keyuser == "": keyuser_str = u'无' if beg_time == "": beg_time = calendar.timegm(datetime(2013, 1, 1).timetuple()) return_beg_str = '2013-01-01' else: beg_time = datetime.strptime(beg_time,"%Y-%m-%d") beg_time_year = int(beg_time.year) beg_time_month = int(beg_time.month) beg_time_day = int( beg_time = calendar.timegm(datetime(beg_time_year,beg_time_month,beg_time_day).timetuple()) if end_time == "": end_time = calendar.timegm(datetime(2013, 1, 7).timetuple()) return_end_str = '2013-01-07' else: end_time = datetime.strptime(end_time,"%Y-%m-%d") end_time_year = int(end_time.year) end_time_month = int(end_time.month) end_time_day = int( end_time = calendar.timegm(datetime(end_time_year,end_time_month,end_time_day).timetuple()) fields_list = ['text', 'timestamp','reposts_count','comments_count','user', 'terms', '_id','retweeted_status','bmiddle_pic','geo','source','attitudes_count'] if test == 'None': count, get_results ={'text': [u'%s'%keyword], 'timestamp': {'$gt': beg_time, '$lt': end_time}}, sort_by=['timestamp'], fields=fields_list) else: count, get_results ={'text': [u'%s'%keyword], 'timestamp': {'$gt': beg_time, '$lt': end_time}}, sort_by=['timestamp'], fields=fields_list) if count == 0: flash(u'您搜索的话题结果为空') field_topics = getFieldTopics() status_hot = getHotStatus() return render_template('propagate/search.html',field_topics = field_topics,status_hot = status_hot) else: print count topic_info = calculate(get_results()) print 'ok' topic_ori_screen_name = topic_info['topic_poster'] topic_img_url = topic_info['topic_url'] topic_blog_count = topic_info['blogs_sum'] topic_blog_ori_count = topic_info['topic_ori_blog_count'] blog_ori_account = '%10.2f'%(float(topic_blog_ori_count)/topic_blog_count) topic_leader_count = topic_info['topic_index']['leader_index'] topic_ori_date = topic_info['topic_post_date'] return json.dumps({'topic_profile_image_url': topic_img_url[0]}) '''
def profile_interact_count(): if request.method == 'GET': limit = 10 start_ts = request.args.get('start_ts', None) end_ts = request.args.get('end_ts', None) if not start_ts or not end_ts: start_ts, end_ts = _time_zone(_utf_encode(default_timerange)) if start_ts: start_ts = int(start_ts) if end_ts: end_ts = int(end_ts) direct_uid_interact_count = {} retweeted_uid_interact_count = {} uid_interact_count = {} domain_count = {} try: interval = (end_ts - start_ts) / (24 * 3600) + 1 datestr = ts2datetimestr(end_ts) # '20130907' except Exception, e: print e interval, datestr = _default_time() date_list = last_week_to_date(datestr, interval) for datestr in date_list: active, important, reposts, original, emoticon, direct_interact, retweeted_interact, keywords_dict = getPersonData(uid, datestr) for k, v in retweeted_interact.iteritems(): k = int(k) v = int(v) try: retweeted_uid_interact_count[k] += v except KeyError: retweeted_uid_interact_count[k] = v for k, v in direct_interact.iteritems(): v = int(v) try: direct_uid_interact_count[k] += v except KeyError: direct_uid_interact_count[k] = v direct_uid_sorted = sorted(direct_uid_interact_count.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=False) retweeted_uid_sorted = sorted(retweeted_uid_interact_count.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=False) retweeted_uid2name_dict = {} for k, v in retweeted_uid_interact_count.iteritems(): retweeted_uid2name_dict[getUserNameById(k)] = v uid_interact_count = merge(direct_uid_interact_count, retweeted_uid2name_dict, lambda x, y: x+y) uid_sorted = sorted(uid_interact_count.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) direct_uid_sorted = direct_uid_sorted[-limit:] retweeted_uid_sorted = retweeted_uid_sorted[-limit:] retweeted_name_sorted = [] for uid, count in retweeted_uid_sorted: retweeted_name_sorted.append((getUserNameById(uid), count)) return json.dumps({'status': 'finished', 'data': {'direct_uid': direct_uid_sorted, \ 'retweeted_uid': retweeted_name_sorted}})