def parse(text):
        grammar_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        with open(grammar_path + Parser.grammar_file, 'r') as grammar:
            parser = generator.buildParser(\

        return TextTools.tag(text, parser)
Exemple #2
def check_parse(parser, input, show_ast=False):
        >>> check_parse('equal', 'no match')
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        Exception: unmatched sequence: "match"

        >>> check_parse('quoted', "'Hello World'")

        >>> check_parse('equal', "lvl = 'x'")

        >>> check_parse('and_expr', "lvl = 'x' and logger='vm' and foo='bar'")

        >>> check_parse('in_expr', "x in ('x', 'xx')", False)

        >>> check_parse('expression', "x in ('x', 'xx')", False)

        x>>> check_parse('expression', "x in ('x', 'xx') and x='x'", False)
    parser = generator.buildParser(decl).parserbyname(parser)
    retval = TextTools.tag(input, parser)
    if show_ast:
    if len(input) != retval[2]:
        raise Exception('unmatched sequence: "%s"' % ( input[retval[2]:]))
    return True
Exemple #3
def parse_problems(problem_s):
	decl = open('core/problem_file.def').read()
	parser = generator.buildParser(decl).parserbyname('problem_file')
	taglist = TextTools.tag(problem_s, parser)
	problems = taglist[1]

	# helpers to traverse taglist tree
	def get_children(node):
		return node[3]

	def get_first_child(node):
		return get_children(node)[0]

	def get_string(node):
		return problem_s[node[1]:node[2]]

	for problem in problems:
		c = get_children(problem)
		name = get_string(get_first_child(c[0]))
		statement = get_string(get_first_child(c[1]))
		solution = get_string(get_first_child(c[2]))
		testcases = []
		for tc in get_children(c[3]):

		signature = parse_signature(solution)
		print signature

		print name
		print statement
		print solution
		print testcases
Exemple #4
def parse(parser_name, input):
        execute parse and return result as if it was a sub group.

        This is what normally happens. Notice that the result does
        not contain 'quoted'
        >>> parser = generator.buildParser(decl).parserbyname('quoted')
        >>> input = "'foo'"
        >>> pprint(TextTools.tag(input, parser))
         [('quote', 0, 1, None),
          ('word', 1, 4, [('alphanums', 1, 4, None)]),
          ('quote', 4, 5, None)],

        >>> pprint(parse('quoted', input))
         [('quote', 0, 1, None),
          ('word', 1, 4, [('alphanums', 1, 4, None)]),
          ('quote', 4, 5, None)]]

    parser = generator.buildParser(decl).parserbyname(parser_name)
    tags = TextTools.tag(input, parser)
    if tags[0] == 0 or tags[2] != len(input):
        raise ParsingFailedError("parsing failed")

    return [parser_name, 0, tags[2], tags[1]]
Exemple #5
def parse(parser_name, input):
        execute parse and return result as if it was a sub group.

        This is what normally happens. Notice that the result does
        not contain 'quoted'
        >>> parser = generator.buildParser(decl).parserbyname('quoted')
        >>> input = "'foo'"
        >>> pprint(TextTools.tag(input, parser))
         [('quote', 0, 1, None),
          ('word', 1, 4, [('alphanums', 1, 4, None)]),
          ('quote', 4, 5, None)],

        >>> pprint(parse('quoted', input))
         [('quote', 0, 1, None),
          ('word', 1, 4, [('alphanums', 1, 4, None)]),
          ('quote', 4, 5, None)]]

    parser = generator.buildParser(decl).parserbyname(parser_name)
    tags = TextTools.tag(input, parser)
    if tags[0] == 0 or tags[2] != len(input):
        raise ParsingFailedError("parsing failed")

    return [parser_name, 0, tags[2], tags[1]]
Exemple #6
def check_parse(parser, input, show_ast=False):
        >>> check_parse('equal', 'no match')
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        Exception: unmatched sequence: "match"

        >>> check_parse('quoted', "'Hello World'")

        >>> check_parse('equal', "lvl = 'x'")

        >>> check_parse('and_expr', "lvl = 'x' and logger='vm' and foo='bar'")

        >>> check_parse('in_expr', "x in ('x', 'xx')", False)

        >>> check_parse('expression', "x in ('x', 'xx')", False)

        x>>> check_parse('expression', "x in ('x', 'xx') and x='x'", False)
    parser = generator.buildParser(decl).parserbyname(parser)
    retval = TextTools.tag(input, parser)
    if show_ast:
    if len(input) != retval[2]:
        raise Exception('unmatched sequence: "%s"' % (input[retval[2]:]))
    return True
    def parse(text):
        grammar_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        with open(grammar_path + Parser.grammar_file, 'r') as grammar:
            parser = generator.buildParser(\

        return TextTools.tag(text, parser)
Exemple #8
 def state( self ):
     self.tagcmds = {}
     parser = generator.buildParser(self.grammer).parserbyname('file')
     r = [ id(node) for node in parser ]
     parser = [ self.compilestate(node) for node in parser ]
     tbname = [ (k, v[1] + ('%03d' % (i,)) ) for i, (k, v) in enumerate( self.tagcmds.items() ) ]
     tbname = dict(tbname)
     rr = {}
     for k, v in self.tagcmds.items() :
         if v[1] not in ('TABLE','SUBTABLE'):
             rr[tbname[k]] = v
         else :
             rr[tbname[k]] = (v[0],v[1],[ tbname[tn] for tn in v[2] ],v[3],v[4])
     self.tagcmds = rr
     r = [ tbname[tn] for tn in r ]
     return r
Exemple #9
    def work(self, filename):
        """work, work"""
        outdir = self.args.outdir
        basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
        xplfile = open (filename).read()

        simpleparser = generator.buildParser(self.declaration).parserbyname('root')

        gploutput = UmXPlot(basename, outdir, debug=self.args.debug,, force=self.args.force)
        if self.args.arrowsize:
            gploutput.arrowsize = self.args.arrowsize
        labelsoutput = open ( "%s/%s.labels" %(outdir,basename) , 'w')

        # start the work
        datasources = list()
        data = list()
        info("starting parsing of %s" %(filename) )
        taglist = TextTools.tag(xplfile, simpleparser)
        currentcolor = title = xlabel = ylabel = ""
        # used to generate default XRange
        xmin = sys.maxint
        xmax = 0.0

        for tag, beg, end, subtags in taglist[1]:
        # read options and labels from parse tree
        # convert keyword labels
            localcolor = 0
            if tag == 'text':
                # default color for labels
                localcolor = "black"
                for subtag, subbeg, subend, subparts in subtags:
                    if subtag == 'float1':
                        xpoint = xplfile[subbeg:subend]
                    elif subtag == 'int1':
                        ypoint = xplfile[subbeg:subend]
                    elif subtag == 'keyword':
                        label = xplfile[subbeg:subend]
                    elif subtag == 'localcolor':
                        localcolor = xplfile[subbeg:subend]

                if xplfile[beg:beg+1] == 'l': # 'l'text
                    position = "right"
                elif xplfile[beg:beg+1] == 'r':
                    position = "left"
                    position = "center"
                # label options
                # defaults
                printthis = True
                labelxoffset = 0.5
                labelyoffset = 0.0
                labelrotation = 0
                if not self.args.fontsize:
                    labelsize = 5
                    labelsize = self.args.fontsize-1
                # special cases
                if label == "R":
                    localcolor = "red"
                    #labelsize = 3 # smaller R for macroview
                    if self.args.microview:
                        if self.args.rexmitpos == "right":
                            labelxoffset = -0.15
                            labelyoffset = 0.7
                        if self.args.rexmitpos == "left":
                            labelxoffset = -0.15
                            labelyoffset = -0.7
                elif label == "3" or label == "2" or label == "1":
                    printthis = False
                elif label == "3DUP":
                    printthis = False
                    labelxoffset = -1
                    localcolor = "#32CD32"
                    labelrotation = 90
                elif label == "SYN" or label == "RST_IN":
                    printthis = False # edit if you want
                    localcolor = "black"
                    if self.args.microview:
                        labelxoffset = -0.15
                        labelyoffset = 0.7
                # dont print S (sack) labels
                elif label == "S":
                    printthis = False
                # escape _
                label = label.replace("_","\\\_")
                # write label out
                if printthis:
                    labelsoutput.write('set label "\\\\fontsize{%s}{%s}\\\\selectfont %s" at %s, %s '\
                            '%s offset %f, %f tc rgbcolor "%s" rotate by %s\n'
                            %(labelsize, int(round(labelsize/1.2)),label,xpoint,ypoint,position,labelyoffset,labelxoffset,localcolor,labelrotation) )
            # read colors
            elif tag == 'color':
                currentcolor = xplfile[beg:end]

            # read l/r arrow
            elif tag == 'darrow':
                for subtag, subbeg, subend, subparts in subtags:
                    if subtag == 'float1':
                        xpoint = xplfile[subbeg:subend]
                    elif subtag == 'int1':
                        ypoint = xplfile[subbeg:subend]
                    elif subtag == 'localcolor':
                        localcolor = xplfile[subbeg:subend]
                if not localcolor:
                    localcolor = currentcolor
                if ('darrow',localcolor) not in datasources:
                    datasources.append( ('darrow',localcolor) )
                data.append( ( ('darrow', localcolor), "%s %s\n" %(xpoint, ypoint) ) )

            elif tag == 'harrow':
                for subtag, subbeg, subend, subparts in subtags:
                    if subtag == 'float1':
                        xpoint = xplfile[subbeg:subend]
                    elif subtag == 'int1':
                        ypoint = xplfile[subbeg:subend]
                    elif subtag == 'localcolor':
                        localcolor = xplfile[subbeg:subend]
                if not localcolor:
                    localcolor = currentcolor
                if ('harrow',localcolor) not in datasources:
                    datasources.append( ('harrow',localcolor) )
                data.append( ( ('harrow', localcolor), "%s %s\n" %(xpoint, ypoint) ) )

            # read dot
            elif tag == 'dot':
                for subtag, subbeg, subend, subparts in subtags:
                    if subtag == 'float1':
                        xpoint = xplfile[subbeg:subend]
                    elif subtag == 'int1':
                        ypoint = xplfile[subbeg:subend]
                    elif subtag == 'localcolor':
                        localcolor = xplfile[subbeg:subend]
                if not localcolor:
                    localcolor = currentcolor
                if ('dot',localcolor) not in datasources:
                    datasources.append( ('dot',localcolor) )
                data.append( ( ('dot', localcolor), "%s %s\n" %(xpoint, ypoint) ) )

            # diamonds
            elif tag == 'diamond':
                for subtag, subbeg, subend, subparts in subtags:
                    if subtag == 'float1':
                        xpoint = xplfile[subbeg:subend]
                    elif subtag == 'int1':
                        ypoint = xplfile[subbeg:subend]
                    elif subtag == 'localcolor':
                        localcolor = xplfile[subbeg:subend]
                if not localcolor:
                    localcolor = currentcolor
                if ('diamond',localcolor) not in datasources:
                    datasources.append( ('diamond',localcolor) )
                data.append( ( ('diamond', localcolor), "%s %s\n" %(xpoint, ypoint) ) )

            elif tag == 'box':
                for subtag, subbeg, subend, subparts in subtags:
                    if subtag == 'float1':
                        xpoint = xplfile[subbeg:subend]
                    elif subtag == 'int1':
                        ypoint = xplfile[subbeg:subend]
                    elif subtag == 'localcolor':
                        localcolor = xplfile[subbeg:subend]
                if ('box',currentcolor) not in datasources:
                    datasources.append( ('box',currentcolor) )
                data.append( ( ('box',currentcolor), "%s %s\n" %(xpoint, ypoint) ) )

            elif tag == 'tick':
                for subtag, subbeg, subend, subparts in subtags:
                    if subtag == 'float1':
                        xpoint = xplfile[subbeg:subend]
                    elif subtag == 'int1':
                        ypoint = xplfile[subbeg:subend]
                    elif subtag == 'localcolor':
                        localcolor = xplfile[subbeg:subend]
                if not localcolor:
                    localcolor = currentcolor
                if ('tick',localcolor) not in datasources:
                    datasources.append( ('tick',localcolor) )
                data.append( ( ('tick',localcolor), "%s %s\n" %(xpoint, ypoint) ) )

            elif tag == 'line':
                for subtag, subbeg, subend, subparts in subtags:
                    if subtag == 'float1':
                        x1point = float(xplfile[subbeg:subend])
                        if x1point < xmin:
                            xmin = x1point
                    elif subtag == 'int1':
                        y1point = xplfile[subbeg:subend]
                    elif subtag == 'float2':
                        x2point = float(xplfile[subbeg:subend])
                        if x2point > xmax:
                            xmax = x2point
                    elif subtag == 'int2':
                        y2point = xplfile[subbeg:subend]
                if ('line',currentcolor) not in datasources:
                    datasources.append( ('line',currentcolor) )
                data.append( ( ('line',currentcolor), "%s %s %s %s\n" %(x1point, y1point, x2point, y2point) ) )

        # finish close
        info("data parsing complete")

        # write options to gpl file
        # labels

        # range
        debug("XRange [%s:%s]" %(xmin,xmax) )
        gploutput.setXRange("[%s:%s]" %(xmin,xmax) )

        if self.args.ymax:
            debug("YRange [*:%s]" %self.args.ymax )
            gploutput.setYRange("[*:%s]" %self.args.ymax )

        # size
        if self.args.plotsize:
            gploutput.setPlotSize("%scm,%scm" \
                    %(self.args.plotsize[0], self.args.plotsize[1]))

        if self.args.fontsize:

        if self.args.microview:

        #iterate over data sources (color x plottype) and write file
        for index,datasource in enumerate(datasources):
            datafilename = "%s/%s.dataset.%s.%s" %(outdir,
                    basename, datasource[1], datasource[0])
            dataoutput = open ( datafilename , 'w')
            wrotedata = False

            # iterate over all data and write approciate  lines to target file
            for dataline in data:
                if dataline[0] == datasource:
                    dataoutput.write("%s" %dataline[1] )
                    if (wrotedata == False):
                        wrotedata = True

            # only plot datasource if wrote data, else remove target file
            if (wrotedata == True):
                gploutput.plot(outdir, basename, datasource[1], datasource[0],

        gploutput.gplot('load "%s/%s.labels"\n' %(outdir,basename) )

Exemple #10
from billys import *
from functools import *
from simpleparse import generator
from simpleparse.stt import TextTools

parser = generator.buildParser("""
	things			:= things*
	thing			:= alphanums, separator
	alphanums		:= [a-zA-Z0-9]+
	whitespace		:= [ \t\r]
	separator		:= whitespace, whitespace+ / [\n]

print 'done'

taglist = TextTools.tag("""
""", parser)
print 'done2'

for tag, beg, end, parts in taglist:
    print tag, beg, end, parts

Exemple #11
import os
from sys import stdin, stdout, stderr
from simpleparse import generator
from mx.TextTools import TextTools

input =
decl = open('typographify.def').read()
from typo_html import codes

parser = generator.buildParser(decl).parserbyname('para')
taglist = TextTools.tag(input, parser)
for tag, beg, end, parts in taglist[1]:
    if tag == 'plain':
    elif tag == 'markup':
        markup = parts[0]
        mtag, mbeg, mend = markup[:3]
        start, stop = codes.get(mtag,
                                ('<!-- unknown -->', '<!-- /unknown -->'))
        stdout.write(start + input[mbeg + 1:mend - 1] + stop)
stderr.write('parsed %s chars of %s\n' % (taglist[-1], len(input)))
from billys import *
from functools import *
from simpleparse import generator
from simpleparse.stt import TextTools

parser = generator.buildParser("""
	things			:= things*
	thing			:= alphanums, separator
	alphanums		:= [a-zA-Z0-9]+
	whitespace		:= [ \t\r]
	separator		:= whitespace, whitespace+ / [\n]

print 'done'

taglist = TextTools.tag("""
""", parser)
print 'done2'

for tag, beg, end, parts in taglist:
    print tag, beg, end, parts

Exemple #13
import os
from sys import stdin, stdout, stderr
from simpleparse import generator
from mx.TextTools import TextTools

input =
decl = open('typographify.def').read()
from typo_html import codes
parser = generator.buildParser(decl).parserbyname('para')
taglist = TextTools.tag(input, parser)
for tag, beg, end, parts in taglist[1]:
    if tag == 'plain':
    elif tag == 'markup':
        markup = parts[0]
        mtag, mbeg, mend = markup[:3]
        start, stop = codes.get(mtag, ('<!-- unknown -->','<!-- /unknown -->'))
        stdout.write(start + input[mbeg+1:mend-1] + stop)
stderr.write('parsed %s chars of %s\n' %  (taglist[-1], len(input)))

Exemple #14
		print (tag,start,stop,subtags), buffer
	def word( self, (tag,start,stop,subtags), buffer ):
		print (tag,start,stop,subtags), buffer
	def markup( self, (tag,start,stop,subtags), buffer ):
		print (tag,start,stop,subtags), buffer

parser = Parser(grammar)
for test in tests:
    success, children, nextcharacter = parser.parse( test, production="para", processor=Processor())
    #print success, children, nextcharacter
    assert success and nextcharacter==len(test)

from simpleparse import generator
from simpleparse.stt.TextTools import TextTools

input = tests[0]
parser = generator.buildParser(grammar).parserbyname("para")
taglist = TextTools.tag(input, parser)
for tag, beg, end, parts in taglist[1]:
    if tag == 'plain':
    elif tag == 'markup':
        markup = parts[0]
        mtag, mbeg, mend = markup[:3]
        start, stop = codes.get(mtag, ('<!-- unknown -->','<!-- / -->'))
        stdout.write(start + input[mbeg+1:mend-1] + stop)
stderr.write('parsed %s chars of %s\n' %  (taglist[-1], len(input)))