Exemple #1
    def lists_are_equal(list_one: Union[Tuple[Any], List[Any]], list_two: Union[Tuple[Any], List[Any]], message: str='') -> bool:
        """lists_are_equal(list_one, list_two, message='')

        Assert two collections contain tbe exact same values.

        .. note:: The order of the values in each collection will be asserted.

        :param list_one: The first value. (Can be any collection type)
        :type list_one: Union[Tuple[Any], List[Any]]
        :param list_two: The second value. (Can be any collection type)
        :type list_two: Union[Tuple[Any], List[Any]]
        :param message: A custom message to include when the assertion fails. Default is Empty String.
        :type message: str, optional
        :return: True, if the assertion succeeds.
        :rtype: bool
        :exception AssertionError: when the assertion fails.
        if not CommonCollectionUtils.is_collection(list_one):
            raise AssertionError('{}: expected\n  {}\n  to be equal to\n  {}'.format(message, list_one, list_two))
        if not CommonCollectionUtils.is_collection(list_two):
            raise AssertionError('{}: expected\n  {}\n  to be equal to\n  {}'.format(message, list_one, list_two))
        if len(list_one) != len(list_two):
            raise AssertionError('{}: expected\n  {}\n  to be equal to\n  {}'.format(message, list_one, list_two))
        if isinstance(list_one, set) or isinstance(list_two, set):
            return list_one == list_two
        current_idx = 0
        while current_idx < len(list_one):
            item_one = list_one[current_idx]
            item_two = list_two[current_idx]
            if item_one != item_two:
                raise AssertionError('{}:  expected\n  {}\n  to be equal to\n  {}\n  Difference:\n  {}\n  should be\n  {}\n  at index {}'.format(message, list_one, list_two, item_one, item_two, current_idx))
            current_idx += 1
        return True
Exemple #2
    def list_contents_are_same(list_one: Union[Tuple[Any], List[Any]], list_two: Union[Tuple[Any], List[Any]], message: str='') -> bool:
        """list_contents_are_same(list_one, list_two, message='')

        Assert the values contained within two collections are the same.

        .. note:: The order of the values in each collection is ignored.

        :param list_one: The first value. (Can be any collection type)
        :type list_one: Union[Tuple[Any], List[Any]]
        :param list_two: The second value. (Can be any collection type)
        :type list_two: Union[Tuple[Any], List[Any]]
        :param message: A custom message to include when the assertion fails. Default is Empty String.
        :type message: str, optional
        :return: True, if the assertion succeeds.
        :rtype: bool
        :exception AssertionError: when the assertion fails.
        if not CommonCollectionUtils.is_collection(list_one):
            raise AssertionError('{}: {} is not a collection'.format(message, list_one))
        if not CommonCollectionUtils.is_collection(list_two):
            raise AssertionError('{}: {} is not a collection'.format(message, list_two))
        if len(list_one) != len(list_two):
            raise AssertionError('{}: expected\n  {}\n  to be equal to\n  {}'.format(message, list_one, list_two))
        for item_one in list_one:
            if item_one not in list_two:
                raise AssertionError('{}: expected\n  {}\n  contents to be equal to\n  {}\n  {} not found in\n  {}'.format(message, list_one, list_two, item_one, list_two))
        for item_one in list_two:
            if item_one not in list_one:
                raise AssertionError('{}: expected\n  {}\n  contents to be equal to\n  {}\n  {} not found in\n  {}'.format(message, list_one, list_two, item_one, list_one))
        return True
    def are_similar(value_one: Any, value_two: Any, message: str = '') -> bool:
        """are_similar(value_one, value_two, message='')

        Assert two values are similar.

        If the values are both collections, then the values contained within will be asserted to be similar.

        .. note:: The order of the values in each collection is ignored.

        :param value_one: The first value.
        :type value_one: Any
        :param value_two: The second value.
        :type value_two: Any
        :param message: A custom message to include when the assertion fails.
        :type message: str
        :return: True, if the assertion succeeds.
        :rtype: bool
        :exception AssertionError: when the assertion fails.
        if CommonCollectionUtils.is_collection(
                value_one) or CommonCollectionUtils.is_collection(value_two):
            return CommonAssertionUtils.list_contents_are_same(value_one,
        if value_one != value_two:
            raise AssertionError(
                '{}: expected\n  {}\n  to be similar to\n  {}'.format(
                    message, value_one, value_two))
        return True
Exemple #4
 def _should_merge_dictionaries_allow_duplicates_false(dictionary_one: Dict[str, Any], dictionary_two: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
     result_dict = CommonCollectionUtils.merge_dict(dictionary_one, dictionary_two, allow_duplicates_in_collections=False)
     CommonAssertionUtils.contains(result_dict, 'a', message=pformat(result_dict))
     CommonAssertionUtils.contains(result_dict, 'b', message=pformat(result_dict))
     CommonAssertionUtils.contains(result_dict, 'c', message=pformat(result_dict))
     CommonAssertionUtils.contains(result_dict, 'test_coll', message=pformat(result_dict))
     CommonAssertionUtils.contains(result_dict, 'test_other_coll', message=pformat(result_dict))
     a_val = result_dict['a']
     CommonAssertionUtils.are_equal(a_val, 5, message=pformat(result_dict))
     b_val = result_dict['b']
     CommonAssertionUtils.are_equal(b_val, 2, message=pformat(result_dict))
     c_val = result_dict['c']
     CommonAssertionUtils.are_equal(c_val, 6, message=pformat(result_dict))
     test_coll_val = result_dict['test_coll']
     CommonAssertionUtils.contains(test_coll_val, 1, message=pformat(result_dict))
     CommonAssertionUtils.contains(test_coll_val, 2, message=pformat(result_dict))
     CommonAssertionUtils.contains(test_coll_val, 3, message=pformat(result_dict))
     CommonAssertionUtils.contains(test_coll_val, 4, message=pformat(result_dict))
     CommonAssertionUtils.contains(test_coll_val, 5, message=pformat(result_dict))
     CommonAssertionUtils.contains(test_coll_val, 6, message=pformat(result_dict))
     count_of_test_val = 0
     for val in test_coll_val:
         if val == 3:
             count_of_test_val += 1
     CommonAssertionUtils.are_equal(count_of_test_val, 1, message='The number of 3s were not correct! {}'.format(pformat(result_dict)))
     test_other_coll_val = result_dict['test_other_coll']
     CommonAssertionUtils.contains(test_other_coll_val, 24, message=pformat(result_dict))
     CommonAssertionUtils.contains(test_other_coll_val, 25, message=pformat(result_dict))
    def has_length(value: Union[Tuple[Any], List[Any]],
                   expected_length: int,
                   message: str = '') -> bool:
        """has_length(value, expected_length, message='')

        Assert a collection has the specified length.

        :param value: The collection being asserted. (Any collection that works with `len()` can be used)
        :type value: Union[Tuple[Any], List[Any]]
        :param expected_length: The length expected of the collection.
        :type expected_length: int
        :param message: A custom message to include when the assertion fails.
        :type message: str
        :return: True if the length matches.
        :rtype: bool
        :exception AssertionError: when the assertion fails.
        if not CommonCollectionUtils.is_collection(value):
            raise AssertionError(
                '{}: expected collection {} to have length {}, but was not a collection'
                .format(message, value, expected_length))
        if len(value) != expected_length:
            raise AssertionError(
                '{}: expected collection {} to have length {}, but was {}'.
                format(message, value, expected_length, len(value)))
        return True
 def get_full_stack_trace() -> List[str]:
         Retrieve the full stacktrace from the current stack.
     :return: A collection of stack trace strings.
     exception_info = CommonStacktraceUtil.full_exception_info()
     if CommonCollectionUtils.is_collection(exception_info):
         exceptions = traceback.format_exception(*exception_info)
         exceptions = traceback.format_stack()
     return exceptions
    def are_equal(value_one: Any, value_two: Any, message: str = '') -> bool:
            Assert the two values are equal to each other.

            If the values are both collections, then the values contained within will be asserted to be equal.
            Note: The order of the values in each collection is asserted.
        :param value_one: The first value.
        :param value_two: The second value.
        :param message: A custom message to include when the assertion fails.
        :return: True if the assertion succeeds.
        :exception AssertionError when the assertion fails.
        if CommonCollectionUtils.is_collection(
                value_one) or CommonCollectionUtils.is_collection(value_two):
            return CommonAssertionUtils.lists_are_equal(value_one,
        if value_one != value_two:
            raise AssertionError(
                '{}: expected\n  {}\n  to be equal to\n  {}'.format(
                    message, value_one, value_two))
        return True
 def has_length(value, expected_length: int, message: str = '') -> bool:
         Assert a collection has the specified length.
     :param expected_length: The length expected of the collection.
     :param value: The collection being asserted.
     :param message: A custom message to include when the assertion fails.
     :return: True if the length matches.
     :exception AssertionError when the assertion fails.
     if not CommonCollectionUtils.is_collection(value):
         raise AssertionError(
             '{}: expected collection {} to have length {}, but was not a collection'
             .format(message, value, expected_length))
     if len(value) != expected_length:
         raise AssertionError(
             '{}: expected collection {} to have length {}, but was {}'.
             format(message, value, expected_length, len(value)))
     return True
 def should_combine(items: List[int], combination_length: int,
                    expected_outcome: Set[Tuple[int]]):
     result = CommonCollectionUtils.create_possible_combinations(
         items, combination_length)
     CommonAssertionUtils.are_equal(result, expected_outcome)
 def should_intersect_false(list_one: List[int], *list_items: int):
     result = CommonCollectionUtils.intersects(list_one, *list_items)
 def should_intersect_true(list_one, *list_items):
     result = CommonCollectionUtils.intersects(list_one, *list_items)