def clean_protein(
    prot: protein.Protein,
    checks: bool = True):
  """Adds missing atoms to Protein instance.

    prot: A `protein.Protein` instance.
    checks: A `bool` specifying whether to add additional checks to the cleaning

    pdb_string: A string of the cleaned protein.

  # Clean pdb.
  prot_pdb_string = protein.to_pdb(prot)
  pdb_file = io.StringIO(prot_pdb_string)
  alterations_info = {}
  fixed_pdb = cleanup.fix_pdb(pdb_file, alterations_info)
  fixed_pdb_file = io.StringIO(fixed_pdb)
  pdb_structure = PdbStructure(fixed_pdb_file)
  cleanup.clean_structure(pdb_structure, alterations_info)"alterations info: %s", alterations_info)

  # Write pdb file of cleaned structure.
  as_file = openmm_app.PDBFile(pdb_structure)
  pdb_string = _get_pdb_string(as_file.getTopology(), as_file.getPositions())
  if checks:
    _check_cleaned_atoms(pdb_string, prot_pdb_string)
  return pdb_string
Exemple #2
def overwrite_pdb_coordinates(pdb_str: str, pos) -> str:
    pdb_file = io.StringIO(pdb_str)
    structure = PdbStructure(pdb_file)
    topology = openmm_app.PDBFile(structure).getTopology()
    with io.StringIO() as f:
        openmm_app.PDBFile.writeFile(topology, pos, f)
        return f.getvalue()
def get_initial_energies(pdb_strs: Sequence[str],
                         stiffness: float = 0.0,
                         restraint_set: str = "non_hydrogen",
                         exclude_residues: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None):
    """Returns initial potential energies for a sequence of PDBs.

  Assumes the input PDBs are ready for minimization, and all have the same
  Allows time to be saved by not pdbfixing / rebuilding the system.

    pdb_strs: List of PDB strings.
    stiffness: kcal/mol A**2, spring constant of heavy atom restraining
    restraint_set: Which atom types to restrain.
    exclude_residues: An optional list of zero-indexed residues to exclude from

    A list of initial energies in the same order as pdb_strs.
    exclude_residues = exclude_residues or []

    openmm_pdbs = [
        openmm_app.PDBFile(PdbStructure(io.StringIO(p))) for p in pdb_strs
    force_field = openmm_app.ForceField("amber99sb.xml")
    system = force_field.createSystem(openmm_pdbs[0].topology,
    stiffness = stiffness * ENERGY / (LENGTH**2)
    if stiffness > 0 * ENERGY / (LENGTH**2):
        _add_restraints(system, openmm_pdbs[0], stiffness, restraint_set,

    if k in os.environ and len(os.environ[k]) == 0:
        platform = openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName("CPU")
        platform = openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName("CUDA")
    simulation = openmm_app.Simulation(openmm_pdbs[0].topology, system,
                                       openmm.LangevinIntegrator(0, 0.01, 0.0),
    energies = []
    for pdb in openmm_pdbs:
            state = simulation.context.getState(getEnergy=True)
        except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
                "Error getting initial energy, returning large value %s", e)
            energies.append(unit.Quantity(1e20, ENERGY))
    return energies
Exemple #4
def startPageCallback(parameters, handler):
    global fixer
    if 'type' in parameters:
        if parameters.getfirst('type') == 'local':
            pdb = PdbStructure(parameters['pdbfile'].value.splitlines())
            fixer = PDBFixer(pdb)
            id = parameters.getfirst('pdbid')
            url = "" + id.lower(
            ) + ".ent.gz"
                response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
                content = gzip.GzipFile(
                pdb = PdbStructure(content.splitlines())
                fixer = PDBFixer(pdb)
                    header +
                    "Unable to download the PDB file. This may indicate an invalid PDB identifier, or an error in network connectivity."
                    + loadHtmlFile("error.html"))
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, file, extraParticleIdentifier='EP'):
        """Load a PDB file.

        The atom positions and Topology can be retrieved by calling getPositions() and getTopology().

        file : string
            the name of the file to load
        extraParticleIdentifier : string='EP'
            if this value appears in the element column for an ATOM record, the Atom's element will be set to None to mark it as an extra particle
        metalElements = ['Al','As','Ba','Ca','Cd','Ce','Co','Cs','Cu','Dy','Fe','Gd','Hg','Ho','In','Ir','K','Li','Mg',
        top = Topology()
        ## The Topology read from the PDB file
        self.topology = top

        # Load the PDB file

        if isinstance(file, PdbStructure):
            pdb = file
            inputfile = file
            own_handle = False
            if isinstance(file, str):
                inputfile = open(file)
                own_handle = True
            pdb = PdbStructure(inputfile, load_all_models=True, extraParticleIdentifier=extraParticleIdentifier)
            if own_handle:

        # Build the topology

        atomByNumber = {}
        for chain in pdb.iter_chains():
            c = top.addChain(chain.chain_id)
            for residue in chain.iter_residues():
                resName = residue.get_name()
                if resName in PDBFile._residueNameReplacements:
                    resName = PDBFile._residueNameReplacements[resName]
                r = top.addResidue(resName, c, str(residue.number))
                if resName in PDBFile._atomNameReplacements:
                    atomReplacements = PDBFile._atomNameReplacements[resName]
                    atomReplacements = {}
                for atom in residue.atoms:
                    atomName = atom.get_name()
                    if atomName in atomReplacements:
                        atomName = atomReplacements[atomName]
                    atomName = atomName.strip()
                    element = atom.element
                    if element == 'EP':
                        element = None
                    elif element is None:
                        # Try to guess the element.

                        upper = atomName.upper()
                        while len(upper) > 1 and upper[0].isdigit():
                            upper = upper[1:]
                        if upper.startswith('CL'):
                            element = elem.chlorine
                        elif upper.startswith('NA'):
                            element = elem.sodium
                        elif upper.startswith('MG'):
                            element = elem.magnesium
                        elif upper.startswith('BE'):
                            element = elem.beryllium
                        elif upper.startswith('LI'):
                            element = elem.lithium
                        elif upper.startswith('K'):
                            element = elem.potassium
                        elif upper.startswith('ZN'):
                            element = elem.zinc
                        elif( len( residue ) == 1 and upper.startswith('CA') ):
                            element = elem.calcium
                                element = elem.get_by_symbol(upper[0])
                            except KeyError:
                    newAtom = top.addAtom(atomName, element, r, str(atom.serial_number))
                    atomByNumber[atom.serial_number] = newAtom
        self._positions = []
        for model in pdb.iter_models(True):
            coords = []
            for chain in model.iter_chains():
                for residue in chain.iter_residues():
                    for atom in residue.atoms:
                        pos = atom.get_position().value_in_unit(nanometers)
                        coords.append(Vec3(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]))
        ## The atom positions read from the PDB file.  If the file contains multiple frames, these are the positions in the first frame.
        self.positions = self._positions[0]
        self._numpyPositions = None

        # Add bonds based on CONECT records. Bonds between metals of elements specified in metalElements and residues in standardResidues are not added.

        connectBonds = []
        for connect in pdb.models[-1].connects:
            i = connect[0]
            for j in connect[1:]:
                if i in atomByNumber and j in atomByNumber:    
                    if atomByNumber[i].element is not None and atomByNumber[j].element is not None:
                        if atomByNumber[i].element.symbol not in metalElements and atomByNumber[j].element.symbol not in metalElements:
                            connectBonds.append((atomByNumber[i], atomByNumber[j])) 
                        elif atomByNumber[i].element.symbol in metalElements and atomByNumber[j] not in PDBFile._standardResidues:
                            connectBonds.append((atomByNumber[i], atomByNumber[j])) 
                        elif atomByNumber[j].element.symbol in metalElements and atomByNumber[i] not in PDBFile._standardResidues:
                            connectBonds.append((atomByNumber[i], atomByNumber[j]))     
                        connectBonds.append((atomByNumber[i], atomByNumber[j]))         
        if len(connectBonds) > 0:
            # Only add bonds that don't already exist.
            existingBonds = set(top.bonds())
            for bond in connectBonds:
                if bond not in existingBonds and (bond[1], bond[0]) not in existingBonds:
                    top.addBond(bond[0], bond[1])
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self, filename=None, pdbfile=None, url=None, pdbid=None):
        """Create a new PDBFixer instance to fix problems in a PDB file.
        filename : str, optional, default=None
            A filename specifying the file from which the PDB file is to be read.
        pdbfile : file, optional, default=None
            A file-like object from which the PDB file is to be read.
            The file is not closed after reading.
        url : str, optional, default=None
            A URL specifying the internet location from which the PDB file contents should be retrieved.
        pdbid : str, optional, default=None
            A four-letter PDB code specifying the structure to be retrieved from the RCSB.
        Only one of structure, filename, pdbfile, url, or pdbid may be specified or an exception will be thrown.
        Start from a filename.
        >>> filename = resource_filename('pdbfixer', 'tests/data/test.pdb')
        >>> fixer = PDBFixer(filename=filename)

        Start from a file object.

        >>> with open(filename) as f:
        ...     fixer = PDBFixer(pdbfile=f)

        Start from a URL.

        >>> fixer = PDBFixer(url='')

        Start from a PDB code.
        >>> fixer = PDBFixer(pdbid='1VII')


        # Check to make sure only one option has been specified.
        if bool(filename) + bool(pdbfile) + bool(url) + bool(pdbid) != 1:
            raise Exception("Exactly one option [filename, pdbfile, url, pdbid] must be specified.")

        self.source = None
        if filename:
            self.source = filename
            # A local file has been specified.
            file = open(filename, 'r')                
            structure = PdbStructure(file)
        elif pdbfile:
            # A file-like object has been specified.
            structure = PdbStructure(pdbfile)  
        elif url:
            self.source = url
            # A URL has been specified.
            file = urlopen(url)
            structure = PdbStructure(file)
        elif pdbid:
            # A PDB id has been specified.
            url = '' % pdbid
            self.source = url
            file = urlopen(url)
            # Read contents all at once and split into lines, since urlopen doesn't like it when we read one line at a time over the network.
            contents ='utf-8')
            lines = contents.split('\n')
            structure = PdbStructure(lines)
        # Check the structure has some atoms in it.
        atoms = list(structure.iter_atoms())
        if len(atoms)==0:
            raise Exception("Structure contains no atoms.")
        self.structure = structure
        self.pdb = app.PDBFile(structure)
        self.topology = self.pdb.topology
        self.positions = self.pdb.positions
        # Load the templates.
        self.templates = {}
        templatesPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates')
        for file in os.listdir(templatesPath):
            templatePdb = app.PDBFile(os.path.join(templatesPath, file))
            name = next(templatePdb.topology.residues()).name
            self.templates[name] = templatePdb
Exemple #7
    def __init__(self, file):
        """Load a PDB file.

        The atom positions and Topology can be retrieved by calling getPositions() and getTopology().

        file : string
            the name of the file to load
        top = Topology()
        ## The Topology read from the PDB file
        self.topology = top

        # Load the PDB file

        if isinstance(file, PdbStructure):
            pdb = file
            inputfile = file
            own_handle = False
            if isinstance(file, str):
                inputfile = open(file)
                own_handle = True
            pdb = PdbStructure(inputfile, load_all_models=True)
            if own_handle:

        # Build the topology

        atomByNumber = {}
        for chain in pdb.iter_chains():
            c = top.addChain(chain.chain_id)
            for residue in chain.iter_residues():
                resName = residue.get_name()
                if resName in PDBFile._residueNameReplacements:
                    resName = PDBFile._residueNameReplacements[resName]
                r = top.addResidue(resName, c, str(residue.number))
                if resName in PDBFile._atomNameReplacements:
                    atomReplacements = PDBFile._atomNameReplacements[resName]
                    atomReplacements = {}
                for atom in residue.atoms:
                    atomName = atom.get_name()
                    if atomName in atomReplacements:
                        atomName = atomReplacements[atomName]
                    atomName = atomName.strip()
                    element = atom.element
                    if element is None:
                        # Try to guess the element.

                        upper = atomName.upper()
                        if upper.startswith('CL'):
                            element = elem.chlorine
                        elif upper.startswith('NA'):
                            element = elem.sodium
                        elif upper.startswith('MG'):
                            element = elem.magnesium
                        elif upper.startswith('BE'):
                            element = elem.beryllium
                        elif upper.startswith('LI'):
                            element = elem.lithium
                        elif upper.startswith('K'):
                            element = elem.potassium
                        elif upper.startswith('ZN'):
                            element = elem.zinc
                        elif( len( residue ) == 1 and upper.startswith('CA') ):
                            element = elem.calcium
                                element = elem.get_by_symbol(atomName[0])
                            except KeyError:
                    newAtom = top.addAtom(atomName, element, r, str(atom.serial_number))
                    atomByNumber[atom.serial_number] = newAtom
        self._positions = []
        for model in pdb.iter_models(True):
            coords = []
            for chain in model.iter_chains():
                for residue in chain.iter_residues():
                    for atom in residue.atoms:
                        pos = atom.get_position().value_in_unit(nanometers)
                        coords.append(Vec3(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]))
        ## The atom positions read from the PDB file.  If the file contains multiple frames, these are the positions in the first frame.
        self.positions = self._positions[0]
        self._numpyPositions = None

        # Add bonds based on CONECT records.

        connectBonds = []
        for connect in pdb.models[0].connects:
            i = connect[0]
            for j in connect[1:]:
                if i in atomByNumber and j in atomByNumber:
                    connectBonds.append((atomByNumber[i], atomByNumber[j]))
        if len(connectBonds) > 0:
            # Only add bonds that don't already exist.
            existingBonds = set(top.bonds())
            for bond in connectBonds:
                if bond not in existingBonds and (bond[1], bond[0]) not in existingBonds:
                    top.addBond(bond[0], bond[1])
Exemple #8
    def __init__(self, file, extraParticleIdentifier='EP'):
        """Load a PDB file.

        The atom positions and Topology can be retrieved by calling getPositions() and getTopology().

        file : string
            the name of the file to load
        extraParticleIdentifier : string='EP'
            if this value appears in the element column for an ATOM record, the Atom's element will be set to None to mark it as an extra particle

        metalElements = [
            'Al', 'As', 'Ba', 'Ca', 'Cd', 'Ce', 'Co', 'Cs', 'Cu', 'Dy', 'Fe',
            'Gd', 'Hg', 'Ho', 'In', 'Ir', 'K', 'Li', 'Mg', 'Mn', 'Mo', 'Na',
            'Ni', 'Pb', 'Pd', 'Pt', 'Rb', 'Rh', 'Sm', 'Sr', 'Te', 'Tl', 'V',
            'W', 'Yb', 'Zn'

        top = Topology()
        ## The Topology read from the PDB file
        self.topology = top

        # Load the PDB file

        if isinstance(file, PdbStructure):
            pdb = file
            inputfile = file
            own_handle = False
            if isinstance(file, str):
                inputfile = open(file)
                own_handle = True
            pdb = PdbStructure(inputfile,
            if own_handle:

        # Build the topology

        atomByNumber = {}
        for chain in pdb.iter_chains():
            c = top.addChain(chain.chain_id)
            for residue in chain.iter_residues():
                resName = residue.get_name()
                if resName in PDBFile._residueNameReplacements:
                    resName = PDBFile._residueNameReplacements[resName]
                r = top.addResidue(resName, c, str(residue.number),
                if resName in PDBFile._atomNameReplacements:
                    atomReplacements = PDBFile._atomNameReplacements[resName]
                    atomReplacements = {}
                for atom in residue.iter_atoms():
                    atomName = atom.get_name()
                    if atomName in atomReplacements:
                        atomName = atomReplacements[atomName]
                    atomName = atomName.strip()
                    element = atom.element
                    if element == 'EP':
                        element = None
                    elif element is None:
                        # Try to guess the element.

                        upper = atomName.upper()
                        while len(upper) > 1 and upper[0].isdigit():
                            upper = upper[1:]
                        if upper.startswith('CL'):
                            element = elem.chlorine
                        elif upper.startswith('NA'):
                            element = elem.sodium
                        elif upper.startswith('MG'):
                            element = elem.magnesium
                        elif upper.startswith('BE'):
                            element = elem.beryllium
                        elif upper.startswith('LI'):
                            element = elem.lithium
                        elif upper.startswith('K'):
                            element = elem.potassium
                        elif upper.startswith('ZN'):
                            element = elem.zinc
                        elif (len(residue) == 1 and upper.startswith('CA')):
                            element = elem.calcium
                                element = elem.get_by_symbol(upper[0])
                            except KeyError:
                    newAtom = top.addAtom(atomName, element, r,
                    atomByNumber[atom.serial_number] = newAtom
        self._positions = []
        for model in pdb.iter_models(True):
            coords = []
            for chain in model.iter_chains():
                for residue in chain.iter_residues():
                    for atom in residue.iter_atoms():
                        pos = atom.get_position().value_in_unit(nanometers)
                        coords.append(Vec3(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]))
            self._positions.append(coords * nanometers)
        ## The atom positions read from the PDB file.  If the file contains multiple frames, these are the positions in the first frame.
        self.positions = self._positions[0]
        self._numpyPositions = None

        # Add bonds based on CONECT records. Bonds between metals of elements specified in metalElements and residues in standardResidues are not added.

        connectBonds = []
        for connect in pdb.models[-1].connects:
            i = connect[0]
            for j in connect[1:]:
                if i in atomByNumber and j in atomByNumber:
                    if atomByNumber[i].element is not None and atomByNumber[
                            j].element is not None:
                        if atomByNumber[
                                i].element.symbol not in metalElements and atomByNumber[
                                    j].element.symbol not in metalElements:
                                (atomByNumber[i], atomByNumber[j]))
                        elif atomByNumber[
                                i].element.symbol in metalElements and atomByNumber[
                                    j] not in PDBFile._standardResidues:
                                (atomByNumber[i], atomByNumber[j]))
                        elif atomByNumber[
                                j].element.symbol in metalElements and atomByNumber[
                                    i] not in PDBFile._standardResidues:
                                (atomByNumber[i], atomByNumber[j]))
                        connectBonds.append((atomByNumber[i], atomByNumber[j]))
        if len(connectBonds) > 0:
            # Only add bonds that don't already exist.
            existingBonds = set(top.bonds())
            for bond in connectBonds:
                if bond not in existingBonds and (
                        bond[1], bond[0]) not in existingBonds:
                    top.addBond(bond[0], bond[1])
Exemple #9
    def __init__(self, file):
        """Load a PDB file.

        The atom positions and Topology can be retrieved by calling getPositions() and getTopology().

         - file (string) the name of the file to load
        top = Topology()
        ## The Topology read from the PDB file
        self.topology = top

        # Load the PDB file

        if isinstance(file, PdbStructure):
            pdb = file
            inputfile = file
            if isinstance(file, str):
                inputfile = open(file)
            pdb = PdbStructure(inputfile, load_all_models=True)

        # Build the topology

        atomByNumber = {}
        for chain in pdb.iter_chains():
            c = top.addChain()
            for residue in chain.iter_residues():
                resName = residue.get_name()
                if resName in PDBFile._residueNameReplacements:
                    resName = PDBFile._residueNameReplacements[resName]
                r = top.addResidue(resName, c)
                if resName in PDBFile._atomNameReplacements:
                    atomReplacements = PDBFile._atomNameReplacements[resName]
                    atomReplacements = {}
                for atom in residue.atoms:
                    atomName = atom.get_name()
                    if atomName in atomReplacements:
                        atomName = atomReplacements[atomName]
                    atomName = atomName.strip()
                    element = atom.element
                    if element is None:
                        # Try to guess the element.

                        upper = atomName.upper()
                        if upper.startswith('CL'):
                            element = elem.chlorine
                        elif upper.startswith('NA'):
                            element = elem.sodium
                        elif upper.startswith('MG'):
                            element = elem.magnesium
                        elif upper.startswith('BE'):
                            element = elem.beryllium
                        elif upper.startswith('LI'):
                            element = elem.lithium
                        elif upper.startswith('K'):
                            element = elem.potassium
                        elif (len(residue) == 1 and upper.startswith('CA')):
                            element = elem.calcium
                                element = elem.get_by_symbol(atomName[0])
                            except KeyError:
                    newAtom = top.addAtom(atomName, element, r)
                    atomByNumber[atom.serial_number] = newAtom
        self._positions = []
        for model in pdb.iter_models(True):
            coords = []
            for chain in model.iter_chains():
                for residue in chain.iter_residues():
                    for atom in residue.atoms:
                        pos = atom.get_position().value_in_unit(nanometers)
                        coords.append(Vec3(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]))
            self._positions.append(coords * nanometers)
        ## The atom positions read from the PDB file.  If the file contains multiple frames, these are the positions in the first frame.
        self.positions = self._positions[0]
        self._numpyPositions = None

        # Add bonds based on CONECT records.

        connectBonds = []
        for connect in pdb.models[0].connects:
            i = connect[0]
            for j in connect[1:]:
                if i in atomByNumber and j in atomByNumber:
                    connectBonds.append((atomByNumber[i], atomByNumber[j]))
        if len(connectBonds) > 0:
            # Only add bonds that don't already exist.
            existingBonds = set(top.bonds())
            for bond in connectBonds:
                if bond not in existingBonds and (
                        bond[1], bond[0]) not in existingBonds:
                    top.addBond(bond[0], bond[1])
Exemple #10
 parser.add_option('--output', default='output.pdb', dest='output', metavar='FILENAME', help='output pdb file [default: output.pdb]')
 parser.add_option('--add-atoms', default='all', dest='atoms', choices=('all', 'heavy', 'hydrogen', 'none'), help='which missing atoms to add: all, heavy, hydrogen, or none [default: all]')
 parser.add_option('--keep-heterogens', default='all', dest='heterogens', choices=('all', 'water', 'none'), metavar='OPTION', help='which heterogens to keep: all, water, or none [default: all]')
 parser.add_option('--replace-nonstandard', action='store_true', default=False, dest='nonstandard', help='replace nonstandard residues with standard equivalents')
 parser.add_option('--add-residues', action='store_true', default=False, dest='residues', help='add missing residues')
 parser.add_option('--water-box', dest='box', type='float', nargs=3, metavar='X Y Z', help='add a water box. The value is the box dimensions in nm [example: --water-box=2.5 2.4 3.0]')
 parser.add_option('--ph', type='float', default=7.0, dest='ph', help='the pH to use for adding missing hydrogens [default: 7.0]')
 parser.add_option('--positive-ion', default='Na+', dest='positiveIon', choices=('Cs+', 'K+', 'Li+', 'Na+', 'Rb+'), metavar='ION', help='positive ion to include in the water box: Cs+, K+, Li+, Na+, or Rb+ [default: Na+]')
 parser.add_option('--negative-ion', default='Cl-', dest='negativeIon', choices=('Cl-', 'Br-', 'F-', 'I-'), metavar='ION', help='negative ion to include in the water box: Cl-, Br-, F-, or I- [default: Cl-]')
 parser.add_option('--ionic-strength', type='float', default=0.0, dest='ionic', metavar='STRENGTH', help='molar concentration of ions to add to the water box [default: 0.0]')
 (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
 if len(args) == 0:
     parser.error('No filename specified')
 if len(args) > 1:
     parser.error('Must specify a single filename')
 fixer = PDBFixer(PdbStructure(open(args[0])))
 if options.residues:
     fixer.missingResidues = {}
 if options.nonstandard:
 if options.atoms not in ('all', 'heavy'):
     fixer.missingAtoms = {}
     fixer.missingTerminals = {}
 if options.heterogens == 'none':
 elif options.heterogens == 'water':
Exemple #11
    def __init__(self, filename=None, file=None, url=None, pdbid=None):
        """Create a new PDBFixer instance to fix problems in a PDB file.
        filename : str, optional, default=None
            A filename specifying the file from which the PDB file is to be read.
        file : file, optional, default=None
            A file-like object from which the PDB file is to be read.
            The file is not closed after reading.
        url : str, optional, default=None
            A URL specifying the internet location from which the PDB file contents should be retrieved.
        pdbid : str, optional, default=None
            A four-letter PDB code specifying the structure to be retrieved from the RCSB.
        Only one of structure, filename, file, url, or pdbid may be specified or an exception will be thrown.
        Start from a file object.

        >>> pdbid = '1VII'
        >>> url = '' % pdbid
        >>> file = urlopen(url)
        >>> fixer = PDBFixer(file=file)

        Start from a filename.
        >>> filename = 'test.pdb'
        >>> file = urlopen(url)
        >>> outfile = open(filename, 'w')
        >>> outfile.write(
        >>> outfile.close()
        >>> fixer = PDBFixer(filename=filename)
        Start from a URL.

        >>> fixer = PDBFixer(url=url)

        Start from a PDB code.
        >>> fixer = PDBFixer(pdbid=pdbid)


        # Check to make sure only one option has been specified.
        if bool(filename) + bool(file) + bool(url) + bool(pdbid) != 1:
            raise Exception("Exactly one option [filename, file, url, pdbid] must be specified.")

        self.source = None
        if filename:
            self.source = filename
            # A local file has been specified.
            file = open(filename, 'r')                
            structure = PdbStructure(file)
        elif file:
            # A file-like object has been specified.
            structure = PdbStructure(file)  
        elif url:
            self.source = url
            # A URL has been specified.
            file = urlopen(url)
            structure = PdbStructure(file)
        elif pdbid:
            # A PDB id has been specified.
            url = '' % pdbid
            self.source = url
            file = urlopen(url)
            # Read contents all at once and split into lines, since urlopen doesn't like it when we read one line at a time over the network.
            contents =
            lines = contents.split('\n')
            structure = PdbStructure(lines)
        # Check the structure has some atoms in it.
        atoms = list(structure.iter_atoms())
        if len(atoms)==0:
            raise Exception("Structure contains no atoms.")
        self.structure = structure
        self.pdb = app.PDBFile(structure)
        self.topology = self.pdb.topology
        self.positions = self.pdb.positions
        self.centroid = unit.sum(self.positions)/len(self.positions)
        self.structureChains = list(self.structure.iter_chains())
        # Load the templates.
        self.templates = {}
        templatesPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates')
        for file in os.listdir(templatesPath):
            templatePdb = app.PDBFile(os.path.join(templatesPath, file))
            name = next(templatePdb.topology.residues()).name
            self.templates[name] = templatePdb