Exemple #1
def datas_expansion(person, entity, parent, datum):
    """ writes a pdata it receives to adat
    :param person: person whose data it is
    :type person: str
    :param entity: entity that the data applies to
    :type entity: str
    :param parent: the pdatm (id) of the pdata row of this data
    :type parent: int
    :param datum: data to be expanded
    :type datum: dict
    global sim_time
    adatm = random.randint(
        1001, 9999)  # this to be replaced by get global next datm call
    k = datum['k']
    vt = datum['vt']
    v = datum['v']
    units = datum['units']
    event_dts = sim_time.get_time_stamp(
    )  # someday beyond more complex for microbio etc.
    adat_ = [person, k, [adatm, entity, parent, vt, v, units, event_dts]]
        wd.adat[adat_[0]][adat_[1]] = [adat_[2]]
Exemple #2
def update_log(token, device_id, status, comments, priority):
    """Appends additional log information to the task in question (with token being the key for the log data
    :param token: the unique token associated with the task at hand
    :type token: str
    :param device_id: the unique device id of a staffer
    :type device_id: str
    :param status: a dictionary reference to the status of the token in question
    :type status: str (~vocab)
    :param comments: the comments associated with the log update information
    :type comments: str
    :param priority: the priority level of the token in question (1= highest priority, 3 = lowest priority
    :type priority: int"""
    time = simulation_time.get_time_stamp()
    user = ild.device_staff.get(device_id)
    wd.pe_outs.get(str(device_id))[token][2] = priority
    log_data = {
        'user': user,
        'time': time,
        'status': status,
        'priority': priority,
        'comments': comments
    if token in wd.log_dict:
        wd.log_dict[token] = [log_data]
    wd.token_status_dict[token] = status
Exemple #3
def check_entrant():
    """This function checks to see if any people are arriving and the current current time.  If there are any, they
    are added to pe_ins_unsol to be processed by the PE"""
    time_str = simulation_time.get_formatted_time().strftime("%H:%M")
    for ent in ild.entrants:
        if time_str == ent[0]:
            wd.pe_ins_unsol.append(['ip01', simulation_time.get_time_stamp(),
                                              {'person': ent[1], 'entity': None, 'actor': '~self',
                                               'call': [['p0001', 1, 3]]}])
Exemple #4
def create_pe_queues_additions(call, pdata_appendum):
    """ called by process_call_for_pe_queues to create the additions for two pe queues: pe_outs and pe_waits
    :param call: the protocol and step to call and its priority
    :type call: list
    :param pdata_appendum: pdata to be used
    :type pdata_appendum: list
    :return: pe_out, pe_wait
    # for reference pdata_appendum = [pdatm[0], person[1], entity[2], caller[3],
    #                                 protocol[4], step[5], thread[6], record_dts[7], datas[8]]
    protocol, step, priority = call[0], call[1], call[2]
    token = random.randint(1000000000000001, 9999999999999999)
    # the next fields are read directly from pdata_addendum
    caller = pdata_appendum[0]
    person = pdata_appendum[1]
    entity = pdata_appendum[2]
    thread = pdata_appendum[6]
    if step == 1:  # if this is the first step in a protocol it needs a new thread number
        thread = random.randint(100001, 999999)
    # the next four are from the protocol specification for that step
    task = ild.protocols[protocol][step][1]
    task_type = ild.protocols[protocol][step][2]
    spec = ild.protocols[protocol][step][3]
    flow = ild.protocols[protocol][step][5]
    # then a few more loose fields
    time_posted = sim_time.get_time_stamp()
    time_reposted = None  # this start empty
    status = '~55'  # the initial status is assigned (~55)
    log = None  # this starts empty
    # here we run the grs function to get what device to write to
    device_out = str(grs.get_device_out(protocol, step))
    # and now we compile the two items to be returned
    pe_out = [
        device_out, token,
            person, entity, priority, task, task_type, spec, time_posted,
            time_reposted, status, log
    pe_wait = [
            device_out, log, time_posted, person, entity, caller, protocol,
            step, thread, flow
    return pe_out, pe_wait
Exemple #5
def return_data(token, data_return):
    """This function sends the appropriate data for the token in question to be processed by the controller
    :param token: unique token id used for tasks
    :type token: int
    :param data_return: list of the corresponding data for the token
    :type data_return: list"""
    flow_info = None
    if token in wd.flow_data:
        flow_info = wd.flow_data.get(token)
        simulation_time.get_time_stamp(), {
            'data': data_return,
            'log': wd.log_dict.get(token),
            'flow': flow_info
Exemple #6
def protocol_engine(pe_ins_sol, pe_ins_unsol, pe_outs, pe_waits, pdata):
    """ The protocol engine 'PE' starts by receiving any existing queues: pe_ins_sol, pe_waits, pe_ins_unsol, pe_outs,
        and also pdata - which are empty lists or dictionaries, because it needs to write to each.
        Things can come into PE in one of two queues
        - pe_ins_sol - are inputs to PE that it did request (solicited) - from the UI (and someday external agents)
        - pe_ins_unsol - are inputs to PE that is did not request (unsolicited) - from the UI (and someday external agents)
        PE first processes any solicited inputs (see: if pe_ins_sol)
        PE then processes any unsolicited inputs (see: if pe_ins_unsol)
        Processing of each of each pe_in_sol and pe_in_unsol generates a line which is put into pdata_addendum
        - and also any calls (for others steps to be done) are added to a calls_list
        pdata_addendum is then processed (see: if pdata_addendum)
        - to be written to pdata
        - for any 'datas' to be expanded into adat
        Then the calls_list is processed - the next steps are called (see: if calls_list)
        - note, some steps (murphys and decisionings) so the step in called/executed within the call_list processing
            whereas others (UI and at some point external agents) must be written to pe_outs & pe_waits
            and await something in (to be pe_ins) before the step can be completed.
    :param pe_ins_sol: queue of solicited inputs
    :type pe_ins_sol: list
    :param pe_ins_unsol: queue of unsolicited inputs
    :type pe_ins_unsol: list
    :param pe_outs: things PE it putting out for staffers (via the UI) to do. (And someday external agents)
    :type pe_outs: dict
    :param pe_waits: for each pe_outs this is data needed to process what comes back. Matched to pe_outs by the token
    :type pe_waits:dict
    :param pdata: data to be recorded for each step processed
    :type pdata: list
    global sim_time
    pdata_appendums = []
    calls_list = []

    if pe_ins_sol:
        replacing_pe_outs = []
        replacing_pe_waits = []
        while pe_ins_sol:
            pe_in_sol = pe_ins_sol.pop(0)
            token_in = pe_in_sol[0]
            pe_wait = pe_waits[token_in]
            # Here we gather the data to append a new row to pdata
            pdatm = random.randint(
                999999)  # this to be replaced by get global next datm call
            person = pe_wait[3]
            entity = pe_wait[4]
            caller = pe_wait[5]
            protocol = pe_wait[6]
            step = pe_wait[7]
            thread = pe_wait[8]
            datas = pe_in_sol[2]
            record_dts = sim_time.get_time_stamp()
            pdata_appendum = [
                pdatm, person, entity, caller, protocol, step, thread,
                record_dts, datas
            calls = pe_wait[9].get('call')
            # Here we deal with submissions via the UI that have a flow key (with a value of drop, skip, or return)
            if datas.get('flow') == '~53':  # if instruction is to drop
                calls = None  # it stops the protocol flow, nothing subsequent is called
            elif datas.get('flow') == '~52':  # if instruction is to skip
                pass  # protocol continues just the same (no change to calls)
            elif datas.get('flow') == '~8':  # if instruction is to return
                # protocol continues just the same (no change to calls), but we need to
                # - repost the task to the person with a status of return
                # - have pe_waits[9], which is flow, be empty
                new_token = random.randint(1000000000000001, 9999999999999999)
                returning_pe_wait_core = pe_wait
                returning_pe_wait_core[9] = {}
                replacing_pe_wait = [new_token, returning_pe_wait_core]  ###
                returning_pe_out_core = pe_outs[pe_wait[0]][token_in]
                returning_pe_out_core[8] = '~8'
                replacing_pe_out = [
                    pe_wait[0], new_token, returning_pe_out_core
                ]  ####
            if calls:  # there can be more than one call
                for call in calls:
                        [call, pdata_appendum, pe_outs, pe_waits]
                    )  # Jan 22 wondering if we need to / should send pe_outs and pe_waits to the call_list every time
            # And finally need to remove the lines processed from pe_outs and pe_waits
            del pe_outs[pe_waits[token_in][0]][token_in]
            del pe_waits[token_in]

            # Now we add to (replace) in pe_outs and pe_waits things staffers said they would come back to
            for replacing_pe_out in replacing_pe_outs:
                    1]] = replacing_pe_out[2]  # adds to pe_outs

            for replacing_pe_wait in replacing_pe_waits:
                pe_waits[replacing_pe_wait[0]] = replacing_pe_wait[
                    1]  # adds to pe_waits

    if pe_ins_unsol:
        while pe_ins_unsol:
            pe_in_unsol = pe_ins_unsol.pop(0)
            token_in = pe_in_unsol[0]
            # Here we compile the data to append a new row to pdata
            pdatm = random.randint(
                999999)  # this to be replaced by get global next datm call
            person = pe_in_unsol[2].get('person')
            entity = pe_in_unsol[2].get('entity')
            caller = None  # since there is no caller row
            protocol = pe_in_unsol[
                0]  # for unsolicited inputs pe_in[0] will be the name of the unsolicited protocol
            step = 1  # hmm - will it always be 1?
            thread = random.randint(
                999999)  # this to be replaced by get global next thread call
            datas = None  # Do not expect unsolicited pe_ins to carry data to be written to adat (could be dangerous)
            record_dts = sim_time.get_time_stamp()
            # and then create the row to append and append
            pdata_appendum = [
                pdatm, person, entity, caller, protocol, step, thread,
                record_dts, datas
            calls = pe_in_unsol[2].get('call')
            if calls:
                for call in calls:
                        [call, pdata_appendum, pe_outs, pe_waits]
                    )  # Jan 22 wondering if we need to / should send pe_outs and pe_waits to the call_list every time

    if pdata_appendums:
        for pdat in pdata_appendums:
            if pdat[8]:
                datums = pdat[8].get(
                    'data')  # if KVP data for expansion it is added to adat
                if datums:  # we gather the additional data needed to append to adat
                    for datum in datums:
                        datas_expansion(pdat[1], pdat[2], pdat[0], datum)
    pdata_appendum, pdata_appendums = [], []

    if calls_list:
        while calls_list:

            call = calls_list.pop(
                0)  # now we need to get what they are calling
            proto_ = call[0][0]
            step_ = call[0][1]
            call_type = ild.protocols[proto_][step_][2]
            if call_type in ['murphy', 'murphy_mkv']:
                if call_type == 'murphy':
                    spec = ild.protocols[proto_][step_][3]
                    datas = murphy.murphy(person, spec)
                    murphy_num = ild.protocols[proto_][step_][3][0]
                    spec = ild.protocols[proto_][step_][3][1]
                    datas = murphy.murphy_mkv(person, murphy_num, spec)
                # now we need to create the line to write to pdata
                pdatm = random.randint(100001, 999999)
                entity = call[1][2]
                caller = call[1][0]
                protocol = proto_
                step = step_
                thread = call[1][6]
                record_dts = sim_time.get_time_stamp()
                pdata_appendum = [
                    pdatm, person, entity, caller, protocol, step, thread,
                    record_dts, datas
                pdata.append(pdata_appendum)  # append to pdata
                    person, entity, pdatm, datas['data']
                    [0])  # call expansion of murphy-created to adat
                calls_from_murphy = ild.protocols[proto_][step_][5].get(
                    'call')  # now time to think routing
                if calls_from_murphy:  # if the murphy step had calls specified
                    for call_fm in calls_from_murphy:
                        call_type_fm = ild.protocols[call_fm[0]][call_fm[1]][
                            2]  # what is the call_type from murphy?
                        if call_type_fm == 'UI':
                                call_fm, pdata_appendum, pe_outs,
                                pe_waits)  # send to UI process
                        elif call_type_fm in ['murphy', 'decisioning']:
                                [call_fm, pdata_appendum, pe_outs,
                                 pe_waits])  # append here for process
            elif call_type == 'UI':  # send to UI process
                process_call_for_pe_queues(call[0], call[1], call[2], call[3])
            elif call_type == 'decisioning':
                existing_calls_for_step = ild.protocols[proto_][step_][5].get(
                    'call')  # get any pre-specified steps
                for existing_call in existing_calls_for_step:  # for each step append it here.
                        [existing_call, pdata_appendum, pe_outs, pe_waits])
                decision_spec = ild.protocols[proto_][step_][
                    3]  # get the decision spec
                new_calls = decisioning.decision(
                    decision_spec)  # get any new calls pers decision spec
                if new_calls:  # if calls append each step
                    for new_call in new_calls.get('call'):
                            [new_call, pdata_appendum, pe_outs, pe_waits])
            else:  # at some future point there will be other call_types