def constructSimulation(graph, num_cars, link_len_range, run_graphics, debug_construct, debug_sim): """Builds and runs the simulation given the input parameters graph: - a correct symbolic representation that is being simulated num_cars: - number of cars to be in the simulation link_len_range: - the range of values that the length of the roads can take run_graphics: - boolean indicating whether or not the graphical overlay should be generated debug_construct: - boolean indicating whether construction is being debugged debug_sim: - boolean indicating whether simulator is being debugged""" num_junctions = len(graph.node_list) num_roads = len(graph.link_list) road_angles = [x.angle for x in graph.link_list] road_lengths = setLinkLengths(graph.link_list, link_len_range, debug_construct) car_goals = [random.randint(0, num_junctions) for x in range(num_roads)] junc_pairs = [] pre, post = None, None for link in graph.link_list: pre = link.from_node post = link.to_node if link.angle > 90 and link.angle <= 270: junc_pairs.append((post.label, pre.label)) link.angle -= 180 else: junc_pairs.append((pre.label, post.label)) print("{}-{}\t{}\t{}".format(link.from_node.label, link.to_node.label, junc_pairs[-1], link.length)) if not debug_construct: simulator.runSimulation(num_junctions,num_roads,num_cars,road_angles,road_lengths,\ junc_pairs,car_goals,run_graphics,debug_sim)
def main(): welcome() coins = fetchCoins() currency, quantity = inputBuy() try: price = coins[currency]['price'] except Exception as e: dramaticTyping("Invalid currency entered, please try again \n") inputBuy() runSimulation(coins[currency]['price'], quantity, currency) quitMenu()
def test_largePortfolio(self): i = 1000000 result = runSimulation(30, i, i * 0.04, ((ConstantWithdrawalAmountStrategy(i * .04), Assets(.5, .5), 1.0), ), 1926, 1997) self.assertAlmostEqual(result.getSuccessRate(), .95, delta=.005)
def test_constantPercentRegression(self): result = runSimulation( 30, 1.0, .1, ((ConstantPercentWithdrawalStrategy(.1), Assets(.5, .5), 1.0), ), 1926, 1997) self.assertLessEqual(result.getSuccessRate(), .95)
def test_ramp(self): i = 1000000 result = runSimulation(30, i, i * 0.04, ((ConstantWithdrawalAmountStrategy(i * .04), LinearRamp(Assets(.8, .2), Assets(.2, .8), (30 + 1) * 12), 1.0), ), 1926, 1997) self.assertAlmostEqual(result.getSuccessRate(), .98, delta=.005)
def trinity(length, initialWithdrawal, initialPortfolio, ignoreInflation=False, maxYear=trinityMaxYear): return runSimulation(length, 1000000, initialWithdrawal, ((ConstantWithdrawalAmountStrategy(initialWithdrawal), initialPortfolio.allocation, 1.0), ), 1926, maxYear, ignoreInflation)
def test_multipleStrategies(self): i = 1000000 result = runSimulation(30, i, i * 0.04, ((ConstantWithdrawalAmountStrategy( i * .04 * .6), Assets(.5, .5), .6), (ConstantWithdrawalAmountStrategy( i * .04 * .4), Assets(.5, .5), .4)), 1926, 1997) self.assertAlmostEqual(result.getSuccessRate(), .95, delta=.005)
def test_multipleDifferentStrategies(self): i = 1000000 result = runSimulation( 30, i, 0.0, ((ConstantWithdrawalAmountStrategy(i * .04 * .5), Assets(.5, .5), .5), (ConstantPercentWithdrawalStrategy(.10), Assets(1.0, 0.0), .5)), 1926, 2009) # it always works because you never run out with a percent withdrwawal strategy self.assertAlmostEqual(result.getSuccessRate(), 1.0, delta=.005)
def test_basicWithdrawal(self): retirementLength = 30 initialPortfolio = 1 * 1000 * 1000 result = runSimulation( retirementLength, initialPortfolio, .05 * initialPortfolio * .5, ((Vpw(.04, retirementLength, .75), Assets(.5, .5), 1.0), ), 1926, 2009) result.getSimResults() print(result)
def test_noOptions(self): retirementLength = 30 result = runSimulation( retirementLength, 1 * 1000 * 1000, 20000, ((GuytonKlinger(40000, False, False, False, False, retirementLength), Assets(.5, .5), 1.0), ), 1926, 2009) result.getSimResults() print(result)
def update_data(self): """Called each time that any watched property changes. We grab the parameters from the form and run the simulation in a 'pure' function """ N = 120 # Get the current slider values p = self.prepay_probability.value d = self.default_probability.value = runSimulation(N,p,d)
from assets import Assets from simulator import runSimulation from strategies.guyton_klinger import GuytonKlinger """ This is just a playground file. Useful for running the profiler, first attempt at running the code, etc. """ retirementLength = 30 initialPortfolio = 1 * 1000 * 1000 result = runSimulation( retirementLength, initialPortfolio, .05 * initialPortfolio * .5, ((GuytonKlinger(.05 * initialPortfolio, True, True, True, True, retirementLength), Assets(.5, .5), 1.0), ), 1926, 2009) result.getSimResults() print(result)
from simulator import runSimulation, runMany N = 120 p = 0.01 d = 0.01 dic = runSimulation(N,p,d) str1 = "using a prepay rate of " + str(p) str2 = " and a default rate of " + str(d) print str1 + str2 print dic['x'] print dic['y'] runMany(120)
def test_notConjuringMoney(self): assets = Assets(.5, .5) i = 1000000 simLength = 30 strategies = [ ((GuytonKlinger(i * .04, True, True, True, True, simLength), assets, 1.0), True), ((ConstantWithdrawalAmountStrategy(i * .04), assets, 1.0), True), ((ConstantPercentWithdrawalStrategy(.04), assets, 1.0), True), ((Vpw(.02, simLength, .04), assets, 1.0), True), ((HebelerAuto(55), assets, 1.0), True), ((LeprechaunGoldStrategy(.04), assets, 1.0), False), ((YearlyLeprechaunGoldStrategy(.04), assets, 1.0), False) ] class mblp: # stands for "Make better lambdas python" prePortfolio = Portfolio(assets, i) growth = None def pre(observedPrePortfolioValue, observedGrowth, strategies): if len(strategies) != 1: raise RuntimeError mblp.growth = max(observedGrowth) if hasattr(strategies[0], 'yearGrowthAccumulator'): mblp.growth = max(mblp.growth, max(strategies[0].yearGrowthAccumulator), 1.0) mblp.prePortfolio.value = observedPrePortfolioValue def post(observedPortfolioValue, observedWithdrawal): mblp.prePortfolio.value -= observedWithdrawal mblp.prePortfolio.value = mblp.prePortfolio.value * mblp.growth maxPossible = mblp.prePortfolio.value observed = observedPortfolioValue if mblp.expectSuccess: self.assertGreaterEqual(maxPossible + .00000001, observed, msg="Leprechauns detected.") else: if maxPossible + .00000001 < observed: mblp.sawAFailure = True for s in strategies: mblp.prePortfolio = Portfolio(assets, i) mblp.growth = None mblp.sawAFailure = False mblp.expectSuccess = s[1] testhook = {"pre": pre, "post": post} runSimulation(simLength, i, i * 0.02, (s[0], ), 1926, 2009, ignoreInfation=True, testCallback=testhook) if not mblp.expectSuccess and not mblp.sawAFailure:"Goblins detected.")
def simulations(): minYear = int(request.json.get("min_year", 1926)) maxYear = int(request.json.get("max_year", 2009)) failureThreshold = float(request.json.get("failure_threshold", 20 * 1000)) initialPortfolioValue = float( request.json.get("initial_portfolio_value", 1 * 1000 * 1000)) retirementLength = int(request.json.get("retirement_length", 30)) strategies = [] for s in request.json["strategies"]: args = s["args"] if type(s["asset_allocation"]) is dict: if s["asset_allocation"]["type"].lower() == "linear_ramp": allocation = LinearRamp( Assets([float(f) for f in s["asset_allocation"]["start"]]), Assets([float(f) for f in s["asset_allocation"]["end"]]), (retirementLength + 1) * 12) else: raise NotImplemented("Unrecognized ramp: {0}".format( s["asset_allocation"]["type"].lower())) else: allocation = Assets([float(f) for f in s["asset_allocation"]]) weight = float(s.get("weight", 1.0)) strategyType = s["type"] if strategyType.lower() == "guyton_klinger": strategy = GuytonKlinger(float(args.get("initial_amount")), bool(args.get("gk_pmr")), bool(args.get("gk_wr")), bool(args.get("gk_cpr")), bool(args.get("gk_pr")), retirementLength) elif strategyType.lower() == "const_amount": strategy = ConstantWithdrawalAmountStrategy(float(args["amount"])) elif strategyType.lower() == "const_percent": strategy = ConstantPercentWithdrawalStrategy(float( args["percent"])) elif strategyType.lower() == "hebeler_autopilot": strategy = HebelerAuto(int(args["age"])) elif strategyType.lower() == "vpw": strategy = Vpw(float(args["expected_return_percent"]), int(retirementLength), float(args["drawdown_percent"])) else: raise NotImplemented( "Unrecognized strategy: {0}".format(strategyType)) strategies.append((strategy, allocation, weight)) result = runSimulation(retirementLength, initialPortfolioValue, failureThreshold, strategies, minYear, maxYear) results = result.getSimResults() initialWithdrawal = results[0]["withdrawals"][0] if strategyType.lower() == "const_percent": initialWithdrawal = initialPortfolioValue * float(args["percent"]) if strategyType.lower() == "guyton_klinger": initialWithdrawal = float(args.get("initial_amount")) return flask.jsonify(initial_withdrawal_amt=initialWithdrawal, simulation_start=minYear, simulation_end=maxYear, results=results, stats=result.getStats(), dist_stats=result.getDistStats(), yearly_stats=result.getYearlyStats())