def run(environ, executor, use_sandboxes=True): """ Common code for executors. :param: environ Recipe to pass to `filetracker` and `sio.workers.executors` For all supported options, see the global documentation for `sio.workers.executors` and prefix them with ``exec_``. :param: executor Executor instance used for executing commands. :param: use_sandboxes Enables safe checking output correctness. See `sio.executors.checkers`. True by default. """, 'exe_file', 'exe', add_to_cache=True) os.chmod('exe', 0700), 'in_file', 'in', add_to_cache=True) with executor as e: with open('in', 'rb') as inf: with open('out', 'wb') as outf: renv = e(['./exe'], stdin=inf, stdout=outf, ignore_errors=True, environ=environ, environ_prefix='exec_') _populate_environ(renv, environ) if renv['result_code'] == 'OK' and environ.get('check_output'): environ =, use_sandboxes=use_sandboxes) for key in ('result_code', 'result_string'): environ[key] = replace_invalid_UTF(environ[key]) if 'out_file' in environ: ft.upload(environ, 'out_file', 'out', to_remote_store=environ.get('upload_out', False)) return environ
def run(environ, executor, use_sandboxes=True): """ Common code for executors. :param: environ Recipe to pass to `filetracker` and `sio.workers.executors` For all supported options, see the global documentation for `sio.workers.executors` and prefix them with ``exec_``. :param: executor Executor instance used for executing commands. :param: use_sandboxes Enables safe checking output correctness. See `sio.executors.checkers`. True by default. """ input_name = tempcwd('in') file_executor = get_file_runner(executor, environ) exe_filename = file_executor.preferred_filename(), 'exe_file', exe_filename, add_to_cache=True) os.chmod(tempcwd(exe_filename), 0700), 'in_file', input_name, add_to_cache=True) zipdir = tempcwd('in_dir') os.mkdir(zipdir) try: if is_zipfile(input_name): try: # If not a zip file, will pass it directly to exe with ZipFile(tempcwd('in'), 'r') as f: if len(f.namelist()) != 1: raise Exception("Archive should have only one file.") f.extract(f.namelist()[0], zipdir) input_name = os.path.join(zipdir, f.namelist()[0]) # zipfile throws some undocumented exceptions except Exception as e: raise StandardError("Failed to open archive: " + unicode(e)) with file_executor as fe: with open(input_name, 'rb') as inf: with open(tempcwd('out'), 'wb') as outf: renv = fe(tempcwd(exe_filename), [], stdin=inf, stdout=outf, ignore_errors=True, environ=environ, environ_prefix='exec_') _populate_environ(renv, environ) if renv['result_code'] == 'OK' and environ.get('check_output'): environ =, use_sandboxes=use_sandboxes) for key in ('result_code', 'result_string'): environ[key] = replace_invalid_UTF(environ[key]) if 'out_file' in environ: ft.upload(environ, 'out_file', tempcwd('out'), to_remote_store=environ.get('upload_out', False)) finally: rmtree(zipdir) return environ
def _postprocess(self, renv): self.environ['compiler_output'] = replace_invalid_UTF(renv['stdout']) if renv['return_code']: self.environ['result_code'] = 'CE' elif 'compilation_result_size_limit' in self.environ and \ os.path.getsize(tempcwd(self.output_file)) > \ self.environ['compilation_result_size_limit']: self.environ['result_code'] = 'CE' self.environ['compiler_output'] = \ 'Compiled file size limit exceeded.' else: self.environ['result_code'] = 'OK' self.environ['exec_info'] = {'mode': 'executable'} ft.upload(self.environ, 'out_file', tempcwd(self.output_file)) return self.environ
def run(environ, executor, use_sandboxes=True): """ Common code for executors. :param: environ Recipe to pass to `filetracker` and `sio.workers.executors` For all supported options, see the global documentation for `sio.workers.executors` and prefix them with ``exec_``. :param: executor Executor instance used for executing commands. :param: use_sandboxes Enables safe checking output correctness. See `sio.executors.checkers`. True by default. """ input_name = tempcwd('in') file_executor = get_file_runner(executor, environ) exe_filename = file_executor.preferred_filename(), 'exe_file', exe_filename, add_to_cache=True) os.chmod(tempcwd(exe_filename), 0o700), 'in_file', input_name, add_to_cache=True) zipdir = tempcwd('in_dir') os.mkdir(zipdir) try: if is_zipfile(input_name): try: # If not a zip file, will pass it directly to exe with ZipFile(tempcwd('in'), 'r') as f: if len(f.namelist()) != 1: raise Exception("Archive should have only one file.") f.extract(f.namelist()[0], zipdir) input_name = os.path.join(zipdir, f.namelist()[0]) # zipfile throws some undocumented exceptions except Exception as e: raise Exception("Failed to open archive: " + six.text_type(e)) with file_executor as fe: with open(input_name, 'rb') as inf: # Open output file in append mode to allow appending # only to the end of the output file. Otherwise, # a contestant's program could modify the middle of the file. with open(tempcwd('out'), 'ab') as outf: renv = fe(tempcwd(exe_filename), [], stdin=inf, stdout=outf, ignore_errors=True, environ=environ, environ_prefix='exec_') _populate_environ(renv, environ) if renv['result_code'] == 'OK' and environ.get('check_output'): environ =, use_sandboxes=use_sandboxes) for key in ('result_code', 'result_string'): environ[key] = replace_invalid_UTF(environ[key]) if 'out_file' in environ: ft.upload(environ, 'out_file', tempcwd('out'), to_remote_store=environ.get('upload_out', False)) finally: rmtree(zipdir) return environ
def run(environ, executor, use_sandboxes=True): """ Common code for executors. :param: environ Recipe to pass to `filetracker` and `sio.workers.executors` For all supported options, see the global documentation for `sio.workers.executors` and prefix them with ``exec_``. :param: executor Executor instance used for executing commands. :param: use_sandboxes Enables safe checking output correctness. See `sio.executors.checkers`. True by default. """ if feedback.judge_prepare(environ).force_not_judge: environ['time_used'] = 0 environ['result_string'] = 'not judged' environ['result_code'] = 'NJ' environ['mem_used'] = 0 environ['num_syscalls'] = 0 environ['stderr'] = '' return environ input_name = tempcwd('in') file_executor = get_file_runner(executor, environ) exe_filename = file_executor.preferred_filename(), 'exe_file', exe_filename, add_to_cache=True) os.chmod(tempcwd(exe_filename), 0700), 'in_file', input_name, add_to_cache=True) zipdir = tempcwd('in_dir') os.mkdir(zipdir) try: if is_zipfile(input_name): try: # If not a zip file, will pass it directly to exe with ZipFile(tempcwd('in'), 'r') as f: if len(f.namelist()) != 1: raise Exception("Archive should have only one file.") f.extract(f.namelist()[0], zipdir) input_name = os.path.join(zipdir, f.namelist()[0]) # zipfile throws some undocumented exceptions except Exception as e: raise StandardError("Failed to open archive: " + unicode(e)) with file_executor as fe: with open(input_name, 'rb') as inf: with open(tempcwd('out'), 'wb') as outf: feedback.judge_started(environ) renv = fe(tempcwd(exe_filename), [], stdin=inf, stdout=outf, ignore_errors=True, environ=environ, environ_prefix='exec_') _populate_environ(renv, environ) if renv['result_code'] == 'OK' and environ.get('check_output'): environ =, use_sandboxes=use_sandboxes) for key in ('result_code', 'result_string'): environ[key] = replace_invalid_UTF(environ[key]) feedback.judge_finished(environ) if 'out_file' in environ: ft.upload(environ, 'out_file', tempcwd('out'), to_remote_store=environ.get('upload_out', False)) finally: rmtree(zipdir) return environ
def run(environ, lang, compiler, extension, output_file, compiler_options=(), compile_additional_sources=True, sandbox=False, sandbox_callback=None): """ Common code for compiler handlers: :param environ: Recipe to pass to `filetracker` and `sio.workers.execute` For all supported options, see the global documentation for `sio.compilers`. :param lang: Language code (for example: `c`, `cpp`, `pas`) :param compiler: Compiler binary name :param extension: Usual extension for source files of the given language. :param output_file: Default output binary file, assuming the input is named `a.<extension>` :param compiler_options: Optional tuple of command line parameters to the compiler. :param compile_additional_sources: Enables passing additional source files to the compiler - used as a hack to support FPC. Defaults to True. :param sandbox: Enables sandboxing (using compiler name as a sandbox). Defaults to False. :param sandbox_callback: Optional callback called immediately after creating the executor, with the said executor and the command argument list as arguments. Should return new command if modified. """ if sandbox is False: executor = UnprotectedExecutor() else: executor = PRootExecutor('compiler-' + environ['compiler']) extra_compilation_args = \ _lang_option(environ, 'extra_compilation_args', lang), 'source_file', 'a.' + extension) cmdline = [compiler, ] + list(compiler_options) + \ list(extra_compilation_args) + ['a.' + extension, ] # this cmdline may be later extended # using a copy of the environment in order to avoid polluting it with # temoporary elements tmp_environ = environ.copy() additional_includes = _lang_option(environ, 'additional_includes', lang) additional_sources = _lang_option(environ, 'additional_sources', lang) for include in additional_includes: tmp_environ['additional_include'] = include, 'additional_include', os.path.basename(include)) for source in additional_sources: tmp_environ['additional_source'] = source, 'additional_source', os.path.basename(source)) if compile_additional_sources: cmdline += [os.path.basename(source), ] extra_files = environ.get('extra_files', {}) for name, ft_path in extra_files.iteritems(): tmp_environ['extra_file'] = ft_path, 'extra_file', os.path.basename(name)) with executor: if sandbox_callback: cmdline = sandbox_callback(executor, cmdline) or cmdline renv = executor(cmdline, time_limit=DEFAULT_COMPILER_TIME_LIMIT, mem_limit=DEFAULT_COMPILER_MEM_LIMIT, output_limit=DEFAULT_COMPILER_OUTPUT_LIMIT, ignore_errors=True, environ=tmp_environ, environ_prefix='compilation_', capture_output=True, forward_stderr=True) environ['compiler_output'] = replace_invalid_UTF(renv['stdout']) if renv['return_code']: environ['result_code'] = 'CE' elif 'compilation_result_size_limit' in environ and \ os.path.getsize(output_file) > \ environ['compilation_result_size_limit']: environ['result_code'] = 'CE' environ['compiler_output'] = 'Compiled file size limit exceeded.' else: environ['result_code'] = 'OK' ft.upload(environ, 'out_file', output_file) return environ