Exemple #1
    def read_geometry(self, primary=False, **kwargs):
        """ Reads a geometry from the Sile """
        # 1st line is number of supercells
        nsc = _a.fromiteri(map(int, self.readline().split()[:3]))
        na, ns = map(int, self.readline().split()[:2])
        # Convert species to atom objects
            species = get_sile(self.file.rsplit('REF', 1)[0] +
            species = [Atom(s) for s in self.readline().split()[:ns]]

        # Total number of super-cells
        if primary:
            # Only read in the primary unit-cell
            ns = 1
            ns = np.prod(nsc)

        cell = _a.fromiterd(map(float, self.readline().split()))
            cell.shape = (3, 3)
            if primary:
                cell[0, :] /= nsc[0]
                cell[1, :] /= nsc[1]
                cell[2, :] /= nsc[2]
            c = np.empty([3, 3], np.float64)
            c[0, 0] = 1. + cell[0]
            c[0, 1] = cell[5] / 2.
            c[0, 2] = cell[4] / 2.
            c[1, 0] = cell[5] / 2.
            c[1, 1] = 1. + cell[1]
            c[1, 2] = cell[3] / 2.
            c[2, 0] = cell[4] / 2.
            c[2, 1] = cell[3] / 2.
            c[2, 2] = 1. + cell[2]
            cell = c * Ang2Bohr
        sc = SuperCell(cell * Bohr2Ang, nsc=nsc)

        # Create list of coordinates and atoms
        xyz = np.empty([na * ns, 3], np.float64)
        atoms = [None] * na * ns

        # Read the geometry
        for ia in range(na * ns):

            # Retrieve line
            #   ix  iy  iz  ia  is   x  y  z
            line = self.readline().split()

            atoms[ia] = species[int(line[4]) - 1]
            xyz[ia, :] = _a.fromiterd(map(float, line[5:8]))

        return Geometry(xyz * Bohr2Ang, atoms, sc=sc)
Exemple #2
    def _r_geometry_sisl(self, na, header, sp, xyz):
        """ Read the geometry as though it was created with sisl """
        # Default version of the header is 1
        v = header.get("sisl-version", 1)
        nsc = list(map(int, header.pop("nsc").split()))
        cell = _a.fromiterd(header.pop("cell").split()).reshape(3, 3)

        return Geometry(xyz, atom=sp, sc=SuperCell(cell, nsc=nsc))
Exemple #3
    def _r_geometry_ase(self, na, header, sp, xyz):
        """ Read the geometry as though it was created with ASE """
        # Convert F T to nsc
        #  F = 1
        #  T = 3
        nsc = list(map(lambda x: "FT".index(x) * 2 + 1, header.pop("pbc").strip('"').split()))
        cell = _a.fromiterd(header.pop("Lattice").strip('"').split()).reshape(3, 3)

        return Geometry(xyz, atom=sp, sc=SuperCell(cell, nsc=nsc))
Exemple #4
 def read_supercell(self):
     """ Reads a supercell from the Sile """
     # 1st line is number of supercells
     nsc = _a.fromiteri(map(int, self.readline().split()[:3]))
     self.readline()  # natoms, nspecies
     self.readline()  # species
     cell = _a.fromiterd(map(float, self.readline().split()[:9]))
     # Typically ScaleUp uses very large unit-cells
     # so supercells will typically be restricted to [3, 3, 3]
     return SuperCell(cell * Bohr2Ang, nsc=nsc)
Exemple #5
    def read_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Read tabular data from the file.

        columns : list of int, optional
            only return the indices of the columns that are provided
        delimiter : str, optional
            the delimiter used in the file, will automatically try to guess if not specified
        ret_comment : bool, optional
            also return the comments at the top of the file (if queried)
        ret_header : bool, optional
            also return the header information (if queried)
        comment : str, optional
            lines starting with this are discarded as comments
        # Override the comment in the file
        self._comment = [kwargs.get('comment', self._comment[0])]

        # Skip to next line
        comment = []
        header = ''

        # Also read comments
        line = self.readline(True)
        while line.startswith(self._comment[0] + ' '):
            line = self.readline(True)

        if line.startswith(self._comment[0]):
            header = line
            line = self.readline()

        # Now we are ready to read the data
        dat = [[]]

        # First we need to figure out the separator:
        len_sep = 0
        sep = kwargs.get('delimiter', '')
        if len(sep) == 0:
            for cur_sep in ['\t', ' ', ',']:
                s = line.split(cur_sep)
                if len(s) > len_sep:
                    len_sep = len(s)
                    sep = cur_sep
            if len(sep) == 0:
                raise ValueError(self.__class__.__name__ +
                                 '.read_data could not determine '
                                 'column separator...')

        empty = re.compile(r'\s*\n')
        while len(line) > 0:
            # If we start a line by a comment, or a newline
            # then we have a new data set
            if empty.match(line) is not None:
                if len(dat[-1]) > 0:
                    dat[-1] = _a.asarrayd(dat[-1])
                line = [l for l in line.split(sep) if len(l) > 0]
                dat[-1].append(_a.fromiterd(map(float, line)))

            line = self.readline()
        if len(dat[-1]) > 0:
            dat[-1] = _a.asarrayd(dat[-1])

        # Ensure we have no false positives
        dat = _a.asarrayd([d for d in dat if len(d) > 0])
        if dat.shape[0] == 1:
            s = list(dat.shape)
            dat.shape = tuple(s)

        if dat.ndim == 2:
            if dat.shape[1] == 1:
                # surely a 1D data
                dat.shape = (-1, )

        # For 2D data we need to transpose because the data is
        # read row wise, but stored column wise
        if dat.ndim > 1:
            dat = np.swapaxes(dat, -2, -1)

        ret_comment = kwargs.get('ret_comment', False)
        ret_header = kwargs.get('ret_header', False)
        if ret_comment:
            if ret_header:
                return dat, comment, header
            return dat, comment
        elif ret_header:
            return dat, header
        return dat