Exemple #1
    def string(self):
        if self.header:
            self._data = self.header._data
        self.agency = _format_string(self.agency, "multilinevalue")
        self.address = _format_string(self.address, "multilinevalue")
        self.additional = _format_string(self.additional, "multilinevalue")
        s = []
        section_text = f"""
11.   On-Site, Point of Contact Agency Information

     Agency                   : {self.agency}
     Preferred Abbreviation   : {self.abbreviation}
     Mailing Address          : {self.address}"""

        # create the two "subsections" needed in this sections
        if self._subsections:
            s[0] = self._subsections[0]
            if len(self._subsections) == 2:
                s[1] = self._subsections[1]

        s[0].subtitle = "     Primary Contact"
        section_text += s[0].string()
        s[1].subtitle = "     Secondary Contact"
        section_text += s[1].string()
        section_text += f"""
     Additional Information   : {self.additional}

        return section_text
    def string(self):
        self.additional = _format_string(self.additional, "multilinevalue")
        self.distance = _format_string(self.distance, "multilinevalue")
        section_text = f"""

1.   Site Identification of the GNSS Monument

     Site Name                : {self.site_name}
     Four Character ID        : {self.site_code}
     Monument Inscription     : {self.inscription}
     IERS DOMES Number        : {self.IERS_number}
     CDP Number               : {self.CDP_number}
     Monument Description     : {self.monument}
       Height of the Monument : {self.monument_h}
       Monument Foundation    : {self.foundation}
       Foundation Depth       : {self.foundation_depth}
     Marker Description       : {self.marker}
     Date Installed           : {self.date}
     Geologic Characteristic  : {self.geologic}
       Bedrock Type           : {self.bedrock_type}
       Bedrock Condition      : {self.bedrock_condition}
       Fracture Spacing       : {self.fracture}
       Fault zones nearby     : {self.fault}
         Distance/activity    : {self.distance}
     Additional Information   : {self.additional}

        return section_text
    def string(self):
        self.notes = _format_string(self.notes, "multilinevalue")
        self.subsectionheader = _format_string(
            "Standard Type", "subsectitle", len(str(self.subtitle))
        section_text = f"""
       Input Frequency        : {self.input_freq}
       Effective Dates        : {self.effective_dates}
       Notes                  : {self.notes}
        return section_text
    def string(self):
        self.number = _format_string(self.number, "subsubsecnr")
        self.title = _format_string(self.title, "subsubsectitle")
        self.notes = _format_string(self.notes, "multilinevalue")
        self.model = _format_string(self.model, "multilinevalue")
        if self.subsubtitle == "5.":
            section_text = f"""

        elif self.subsubtitle == "2.":
            section_text = f"""
       Manufacturer           : {self.manufacturer}
       Serial Number          : {self.serial_number}
       Data Sampling Interval : {self.data_interval}
       Accuracy               : {self.accuracy}
       Height Diff to Ant     : {self.height_diff}
       Calibration date       : {self.calibration_date}
       Effective Dates        : {self.effective_dates}
       Notes                  : {self.notes}

        elif self.subsubtitle == "4.":
            section_text = f"""
       Manufacturer           : {self.manufacturer}
       Serial Number          : {self.serial_number}
       Distance to Antenna    : {self.distance_antenna}
       Height Diff to Ant     : {self.height_diff}
       Calibration date       : {self.calibration_date}
       Effective Dates        : {self.effective_dates}
       Notes                  : {self.notes}
            section_text = f"""
       Manufacturer           : {self.manufacturer}
       Serial Number          : {self.serial_number}
       Data Sampling Interval : {self.data_interval}
       Accuracy (% rel h)     : {self.accuracy}
       Aspiration             : {self.aspiration}
       Height Diff to Ant     : {self.height_diff}
       Calibration date       : {self.calibration_date}
       Effective Dates        : {self.effective_dates}
       Notes                  : {self.notes}

        return section_text
    def string(self):
        self.additional = _format_string(self.additional, "multilinevalue")
        section_text = f"""

13.  More Information

     Primary Data Center      : {self.primary_center}
     Secondary Data Center    : {self.secondary_center}
     URL for More Information : {self.info_url}
     Hardcopy on File
       Site Map               : {self.site_map}
       Site Diagram           : {self.site_diagram}
       Horizon Mask           : {self.horizon_mask}
       Monument Description   : {self.monument}
       Site Pictures          : {self.site_pictures}
     Additional Information   : {self.additional}
     Antenna Graphics with Dimensions
        for i, line in enumerate(self.graphic):
            if re.findall("Antenna Graphics with Dimensions", line):
                if len(self.graphic) > i:
                    for line in self.graphic[i + 1 :]:
                        section_text += "\n" + line

        return section_text
Exemple #6
    def string(self):
        self.subsectionheader = _format_string("Receiver Type", "subsectitle",
        self.additional = _format_string(self.additional, "multilinevalue")
        section_text = f"""
     Satellite System         : {self.sat_sys}
     Serial Number            : {self.serial}
     Firmware Version         : {self.firmware}
     Elevation Cutoff Setting : {self.cutoff}
     Date Installed           : {self.date_installed}
     Date Removed             : {self.date_removed}
     Temperature Stabiliz.    : {self.temperature}
     Additional Information   : {self.additional}

        return section_text
    def string(self):
        self.subsectionheader = _format_string("Date", "subsectitle")
        section_text = f"""
10.{self.subtitle} Date                     : {self.date}
     Event                    : {self.event}

        return section_text
    def string(self):
        self.number = _format_string(self.number, "subsubsecnr")
        self.title = _format_string(self.title, "subsubsectitle")
        self.additional = _format_string(self.additional, "multilinevalue")
        if self.subsubtitle == "1." or self.subsubtitle == "x.":
            section_text = f"""
       Observed Degradations  : {self.obs_degradation}
       Effective Dates        : {self.dates}
       Additional Information : {self.additional}
            section_text = f"""
       Effective Dates        : {self.dates}
       Additional Information : {self.additional}

        return section_text
    def string(self):
        self.additional = _format_string(self.additional, "multilinevalue")
        self.subsectionheader = _format_string("Tied Marker Name",
        section_text = f"""
     Tied Marker Usage        : {self.marker_usage}
     Tied Marker CDP Number   : {self.marker_cdp}
     Tied Marker DOMES Number : {self.marker_domes}
     Differential Components from GNSS Marker to the tied monument (ITRS)
       dx (m)                 : {self.dx}
       dy (m)                 : {self.dy}
       dz (m)                 : {self.dz}
     Accuracy (mm)            : {self.accuracy}
     Survey method            : {self.method}
     Date Measured            : {self.date_measured}
     Additional Information   : {self.additional}

        return section_text
Exemple #10
    def string(self):
        self.additional = _format_string(self.additional, "multilinevalue")
        self.subsectionheader = _format_string("Antenna Type", "subsectitle",
        section_text = f"""
     Serial Number            : {self.serial_number}
     Antenna Reference Point  : {self.antenna_reference}
     Marker->ARP Up Ecc. (m)  : {self.up}
     Marker->ARP North Ecc(m) : {self.north}
     Marker->ARP East Ecc(m)  : {self.east}
     Alignment from True N    : {self.north_alignment}
     Antenna Radome Type      : {self.radome_type}
     Radome Serial Number     : {self.radome_serial}
     Antenna Cable Type       : {self.cable_type}
     Antenna Cable Length     : {self.cable_length}
     Date Installed           : {self.date_installed}
     Date Removed             : {self.date_removed}
     Additional Information   : {self.additional}
        return section_text