Exemple #1
    def _assert_file(self, obj, fn_tested, fn_correct, compression=None, file_filter=lambda _: False):
        """Compare files."""
        open_kwargs = {}
        if compression is None:
            open_fn = open
            # by default, open() will open files as text and return str
            # objects, but we need bytes objects
            open_kwargs['mode'] = 'rb'
        elif compression == 'gzip':
            open_fn = gzip.open
        elif compression == 'zip':
            open_fn = zipfile.ZipFile.open
            raise ValueError("Unsupported compression format.")

        output = os.path.join(settings.FLOW_EXECUTOR['DATA_DIR'], str(obj.pk), fn_tested)
        with open_fn(output, **open_kwargs) as output_file:
            output_contents = b"".join([line for line in filterfalse(file_filter, output_file)])
        output_hash = hashlib.sha256(output_contents).hexdigest()

        correct_path = os.path.join(self.files_path, fn_correct)

        if not os.path.isfile(correct_path):
            shutil.copyfile(output, correct_path)
            self.fail(msg="Output file {} missing so it was created.".format(fn_correct))

        with open_fn(correct_path, **open_kwargs) as correct_file:
            correct_contents = b"".join([line for line in filterfalse(file_filter, correct_file)])
        correct_hash = hashlib.sha256(correct_contents).hexdigest()
        self.assertEqual(correct_hash, output_hash,
                         msg="File contents hash mismatch: {} != {}".format(
                             correct_hash, output_hash) + self._debug_info(obj))
Exemple #2
 def __iter__(self):
     if self.cache_location is not None:
         filenames = iglob(self.filename('*'))
         keys = map(lambda f: os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0], filenames)
         new_keys = filterfalse(lambda key: key in self._cache.keys(), keys)
         return chain(iterkeys(self._cache), new_keys)
         return iterkeys(self._cache)
 def _process_pbs_nodefile(pbs_nodefile, hostname):
     with open(pbs_nodefile) as in_file:
         nodelist = in_file.read().splitlines()
     slave_compute_node_list = [
         node for node, _ in groupby(filterfalse(lambda x: x == hostname,
     return slave_compute_node_list
Exemple #4
def partition(pred, iterable):
  Partition the iterable into two disjoint entries based
  on the predicate.

  @return: Tuple (iterable1, iterable2)
  iter1, iter2 = itertools.tee(iterable)
  return filterfalse(pred, iter1), filter(pred, iter2)
Exemple #5
def unique(iterable, filterfalse=filterfalse):
    Return only unique elements from the sequence.
    seen = set()
    add = seen.add
    for element in filterfalse(seen.__contains__, iterable):
        yield element
Exemple #6
def load_rule_set(rules_file_name):

    with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), data_dir_name, "rules_{}.dat".format(rules_file_name))) as rules_file:

        reader = csv.reader(filterfalse(lambda x: re.match(r"^\s*(?:#|$)", x), rules_file), delimiter="\t") # SMARTS and name, tab-seperated

        rule_set = [{"n": n, "SMARTS": x[0], "rxn": AllChem.ReactionFromSmarts(x[0]), "name": x[1]} for n, x in enumerate(reader, 1)]

    return rule_set
Exemple #7
def args_to_string(*args, **kwargs):
    invalid = tuple(filterfalse(repr_is_constructor,
                                chain(args, kwargs.values())))
    if invalid:
        raise ValueError

    return ', '.join(chain((repr(a) for a in args),
                            ('{0}={1}'.format(str(k), repr(v))
                             for k, v in kwargs.items())))
Exemple #8
def ls_moduledirs(path, private=True, full=True):
    """ lists all dirs which are python modules in path """
    dir_list = ls_dirs(path)
    module_dir_iter = filter(is_module_dir, dir_list)
    if not private:
        module_dir_iter = filterfalse(is_private_module, module_dir_iter)
    if not full:
        module_dir_iter = map(basename, module_dir_iter)
    return list(module_dir_iter)
Exemple #9
def to_datetime(content, dt_format=None, warn=False):
    """Parses and formats strings into datetimes.

        content (str): The string to parse.

        dt_format (str): Date format passed to `strftime()`
            (default: None).

        warn (bool): raise error if content can't be safely converted
            (default: False)

        obj: The datetime object or formatted datetime string.

    See also:

        >>> fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
        >>> to_datetime('5/4/82 2:00 pm')
        datetime.datetime(1982, 5, 4, 14, 0)
        >>> to_datetime('5/4/82 10:00', fmt) == '1982-05-04 10:00:00'
        >>> to_datetime('2/32/82 12:15', fmt) == '1982-02-28 12:15:00'
        >>> to_datetime('spam')
        datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 0, 0)
        >>> to_datetime('spam', warn=True)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: Invalid datetime value: `spam`.

    bad_nums = map(str, range(29, 33))
    good_nums = map(str, range(31, 27, -1))

        bad_num = next(x for x in bad_nums if x in content)
    except StopIteration:
        options = [content]
        possibilities = (content.replace(bad_num, x) for x in good_nums)
        options = it.chain([content], possibilities)

    # Fix impossible dates, e.g., 2/31/15
    results = filterfalse(lambda x: x[1], map(_to_datetime, options))
    value = next(results)[0]

    if warn and value == DEFAULT_DATETIME:
        raise ValueError("Invalid datetime value: `%s`." % content)
        datetime = value.strftime(dt_format) if dt_format else value

    return datetime
Exemple #10
def ls_modulefiles(path, private=True, full=True, noext=False):
    module_file_list = ls(path, '*.py')
    module_file_iter = iter(module_file_list)
    if not private:
        module_file_iter = filterfalse(is_private_module, module_file_iter)
    if not full:
        module_file_iter = map(basename, module_file_iter)
    if noext:
        module_file_iter = (splitext(path)[0] for path in module_file_iter)
    return list(module_file_iter)
Exemple #11
 def _candidate_dirs(base_path):
     Return all dirs in base_path that might be packages.
     has_dot = lambda name: '.' in name
     for root, dirs, files in os.walk(base_path, followlinks=True):
         # Exclude directories that contain a period, as they cannot be
         #  packages. Mutate the list to avoid traversal.
         dirs[:] = filterfalse(has_dot, dirs)
         for dir in dirs:
             yield os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, dir), base_path)
 def equivalentMessage(self, msg1, msg2):
     msg1_count = count_messages(msg1)
     msg2_count = count_messages(msg2)
     if msg1_count != msg2_count:
         return False
     # Do some basic payload checking
     msg1_msgs = [m for m in msg1.walk()]
     msg1_msgs = [m for m in filterfalse(ud.is_skippable, msg1_msgs)]
     msg2_msgs = [m for m in msg2.walk()]
     msg2_msgs = [m for m in filterfalse(ud.is_skippable, msg2_msgs)]
     for i in range(0, len(msg2_msgs)):
         m1_msg = msg1_msgs[i]
         m2_msg = msg2_msgs[i]
         if m1_msg.get_charset() != m2_msg.get_charset():
             return False
         if m1_msg.is_multipart() != m2_msg.is_multipart():
             return False
         m1_py = m1_msg.get_payload(decode=True)
         m2_py = m2_msg.get_payload(decode=True)
         if m1_py != m2_py:
             return False
     return True
Exemple #13
def unique_everseen(iterable, key=None):
    "List unique elements, preserving order. Remember all elements ever seen."
    # http://docs.python.org/2/library/itertools.html
    seen = set()
    seen_add = seen.add
    if key is None:
        for element in filterfalse(seen.__contains__, iterable):
            yield element
        for element in iterable:
            k = key(element)
            if k not in seen:
                yield element
Exemple #14
def partition(pred, iterable):
    Returns a 2-tuple of iterables derived from the input iterable.
    The first yields the items that have ``pred(item) == False``.
    The second yields the items that have ``pred(item) == True``.

        >>> is_odd = lambda x: x % 2 != 0
        >>> iterable = range(10)
        >>> even_items, odd_items = partition(is_odd, iterable)
        >>> list(even_items), list(odd_items)
        ([0, 2, 4, 6, 8], [1, 3, 5, 7, 9])

    # partition(is_odd, range(10)) --> 0 2 4 6 8   and  1 3 5 7 9
    t1, t2 = tee(iterable)
    return filterfalse(pred, t1), filter(pred, t2)
Exemple #15
        def wrapper(*args, **kwds):
            # cache key records both positional and keyword args
            key = args
            if kwds:
                key += (kwd_mark,) + tuple(sorted(kwds.items()))

            # record recent use of this key
            refcount[key] += 1

            # get cache entry or compute if not found
                result, expire_time = cache[key]

                if expire_time and time() > expire_time:
                    raise KeyError('Expired')

                wrapper.hits += 1
            except KeyError:
                result = user_function(*args, **kwds)
                if maxtime:
                    expire_time = time() + maxtime
                    expire_time = None

                cache[key] = result, expire_time
                wrapper.misses += 1

                # purge least recently used cache entry
                if len(cache) > maxsize:
                    key = queue_popleft()
                    refcount[key] -= 1
                    while refcount[key]:
                        key = queue_popleft()
                        refcount[key] -= 1
                    del cache[key], refcount[key]

            # periodically compact the queue by eliminating duplicate keys
            # while preserving order of most recent access
            if len(queue) > maxqueue:
                for key in filterfalse(refcount.__contains__, iter(queue_pop, sentinel)):
                    refcount[key] = 1

            return result
    def modify_interp_node(self, node):
        """Add extra fields which only exist on interp nodes"""
        #   ['105', '22', 'Interp'] => section header
        node['section_header'] = len(node['label']) == 3

        is_header = lambda child: child['label'][-1] == 'Interp'
        node['header_children'] = list(filter(is_header, node['children']))
        node['par_children'] = list(filterfalse(is_header, node['children']))
        if 'header' in node:
            node['header_markup'] = node['header']
            citation = list(takewhile(lambda p: p != 'Interp',
            icl = self.inline_applier.layers.get(
            if icl and len(citation) > 2:
                text = '%s(%s)' % (citation[1], ')('.join(citation[2:]))
                node['header_markup'] = node['header_markup'].replace(
                    text, icl.render_url(citation, text))
    def modify_interp_node(self, node):
        """Add extra fields which only exist on interp nodes"""
        #   ['105', '22', 'Interp'] => section header
        node['section_header'] = len(node['label']) == 3

        def is_header(child):
            return child['label'][-1] == 'Interp'

        node['header_children'] = list(filter(is_header, node['children']))
        node['par_children'] = list(filterfalse(is_header, node['children']))
        if 'header' in node:
            node['header_markup'] = node['header']
            citation = list(takewhile(lambda p: p != 'Interp',
            for layer in self.layers:
                if (isinstance(layer, InternalCitationLayer) and
                        len(citation) > 2):
                    text = '%s(%s)' % (citation[1], ')('.join(citation[2:]))
                    node['header_markup'] = node['header_markup'].replace(
                        text, layer.render_url(citation, text))
Exemple #18
    def __init__(self, filenames):
        ''' Constructor, takes in the list of filenames to load, who's
        workspaces will be iterated over. '''
        # Validate.
        if not isinstance(filenames, list):
            raise TypeError("Expected a list.")
        if not all([self._is_string(s) for s in filenames]):
            raise TypeError("Expected a list of strings.")
        if len(filenames) < 1:
            raise ValueError("Expected at least one filename.")

        # In the general case, we may or may not have checked for the existance
        # of the files previously, so before we even start iterating throw if
        # any are missing.
        missing_files = list(filterfalse(os.path.exists, filenames))
        if len(missing_files) > 0:
            raise ValueError("One or more files are missing: " +

        self._filenames = filenames
        self._loaded_ws = None
Exemple #19
    def _unique_everseen(self, iterable, key=None):
        List unique elements, preserving order.
        Remember all elements ever seen.

        _unique_everseen('AAAABBBCCDAABBB') --> A B C D

        _unique_everseen('ABBCcAD', str.lower) --> A B C D
        seen = set()
        seen_add = seen.add
        if key is None:
            for element in filterfalse(seen.__contains__, iterable):
                yield element
            for element in iterable:
                k = key(element)
                if k not in seen:
                    yield element
Exemple #20
    def clean_trxns(self, groups):
        for grp, trxns in groups:
            _args = [trxns, self.convert_amount]

            # if it's split, transactions skipping is all or none
            if self.is_split and self.skip_transaction(trxns[0]):
            elif self.is_split and not utils.verify_splits(*_args):
                raise Exception('Splits do not sum to zero.')
            elif not self.is_split:
                filtered_trxns = filterfalse(self.skip_transaction, trxns)
                filtered_trxns = trxns

            if self.is_split:
                main_pos = utils.get_max_split(*_args)[0]
                main_pos = 0

            keyfunc = lambda enum: enum[0] != main_pos
            sorted_trxns = sorted(enumerate(filtered_trxns), key=keyfunc)
            yield (grp, main_pos, sorted_trxns)
Exemple #21
    def find(cls, where='.', exclude=(), include=('*',)):
        """Return a list all Python packages found within directory 'where'

        'where' should be supplied as a "cross-platform" (i.e. URL-style)
        path; it will be converted to the appropriate local path syntax.
        'exclude' is a sequence of package names to exclude; '*' can be used
        as a wildcard in the names, such that 'foo.*' will exclude all
        subpackages of 'foo' (but not 'foo' itself).

        'include' is a sequence of package names to include.  If it's
        specified, only the named packages will be included.  If it's not
        specified, all found packages will be included.  'include' can contain
        shell style wildcard patterns just like 'exclude'.

        The list of included packages is built up first and then any
        explicitly excluded packages are removed from it.
        out = cls._find_packages_iter(convert_path(where))
        out = cls.require_parents(out)
        includes = cls._build_filter(*include)
        excludes = cls._build_filter('ez_setup', '*__pycache__', *exclude)
        out = filter(includes, out)
        out = filterfalse(excludes, out)
        return list(out)
Exemple #22
def raises(expected_exception, *args, **kwargs):
    Assert that a code block/function call raises ``expected_exception``
    and raise a failure exception otherwise.

    :arg message: if specified, provides a custom failure message if the
        exception is not raised
    :arg match: if specified, asserts that the exception matches a text or regex

    This helper produces a ``ExceptionInfo()`` object (see below).

    You may use this function as a context manager::

        >>> with raises(ZeroDivisionError):
        ...    1/0

    .. versionchanged:: 2.10

    In the context manager form you may use the keyword argument
    ``message`` to specify a custom failure message::

        >>> with raises(ZeroDivisionError, message="Expecting ZeroDivisionError"):
        ...    pass
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        Failed: Expecting ZeroDivisionError

    .. note::

       When using ``pytest.raises`` as a context manager, it's worthwhile to
       note that normal context manager rules apply and that the exception
       raised *must* be the final line in the scope of the context manager.
       Lines of code after that, within the scope of the context manager will
       not be executed. For example::

           >>> value = 15
           >>> with raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
           ...     if value > 10:
           ...         raise ValueError("value must be <= 10")
           ...     assert exc_info.type == ValueError  # this will not execute

       Instead, the following approach must be taken (note the difference in

           >>> with raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
           ...     if value > 10:
           ...         raise ValueError("value must be <= 10")
           >>> assert exc_info.type == ValueError

    Since version ``3.1`` you can use the keyword argument ``match`` to assert that the
    exception matches a text or regex::

        >>> with raises(ValueError, match='must be 0 or None'):
        ...     raise ValueError("value must be 0 or None")

        >>> with raises(ValueError, match=r'must be \d+$'):
        ...     raise ValueError("value must be 42")

    **Legacy forms**

    The forms below are fully supported but are discouraged for new code because the
    context manager form is regarded as more readable and less error-prone.

    It is possible to specify a callable by passing a to-be-called lambda::

        >>> raises(ZeroDivisionError, lambda: 1/0)
        <ExceptionInfo ...>

    or you can specify an arbitrary callable with arguments::

        >>> def f(x): return 1/x
        >>> raises(ZeroDivisionError, f, 0)
        <ExceptionInfo ...>
        >>> raises(ZeroDivisionError, f, x=0)
        <ExceptionInfo ...>

    It is also possible to pass a string to be evaluated at runtime::

        >>> raises(ZeroDivisionError, "f(0)")
        <ExceptionInfo ...>

    The string will be evaluated using the same ``locals()`` and ``globals()``
    at the moment of the ``raises`` call.

    .. currentmodule:: _pytest._code

    Consult the API of ``excinfo`` objects: :class:`ExceptionInfo`.

    .. note::
        Similar to caught exception objects in Python, explicitly clearing
        local references to returned ``ExceptionInfo`` objects can
        help the Python interpreter speed up its garbage collection.

        Clearing those references breaks a reference cycle
        (``ExceptionInfo`` --> caught exception --> frame stack raising
        the exception --> current frame stack --> local variables -->
        ``ExceptionInfo``) which makes Python keep all objects referenced
        from that cycle (including all local variables in the current
        frame) alive until the next cyclic garbage collection run. See the
        official Python ``try`` statement documentation for more detailed

    __tracebackhide__ = True
    for exc in filterfalse(isclass, always_iterable(expected_exception, BASE_TYPE)):
        msg = (
            "exceptions must be old-style classes or"
            " derived from BaseException, not %s"
        raise TypeError(msg % type(exc))

    message = "DID NOT RAISE {}".format(expected_exception)
    match_expr = None

    if not args:
        if "message" in kwargs:
            message = kwargs.pop("message")
        if "match" in kwargs:
            match_expr = kwargs.pop("match")
        if kwargs:
            msg = "Unexpected keyword arguments passed to pytest.raises: "
            msg += ", ".join(kwargs.keys())
            raise TypeError(msg)
        return RaisesContext(expected_exception, message, match_expr)
    elif isinstance(args[0], str):
        code, = args
        assert isinstance(code, str)
        frame = sys._getframe(1)
        loc = frame.f_locals.copy()
        # print "raises frame scope: %r" % frame.f_locals
            code = _pytest._code.Source(code).compile()
            py.builtin.exec_(code, frame.f_globals, loc)
            # XXX didn'T mean f_globals == f_locals something special?
            #     this is destroyed here ...
        except expected_exception:
            return _pytest._code.ExceptionInfo()
        func = args[0]
            func(*args[1:], **kwargs)
        except expected_exception:
            return _pytest._code.ExceptionInfo()
Exemple #23
    def get_certs_by_domain(self,

        LOG.info("Check if cert on '{0}' exists".format(domain_name))
        args = {'domain_name': domain_name.lower()}
        stmt = query.SimpleStatement(
        resultset = self.session.execute(stmt, args)
        complete_results = list(resultset)
        certs = []
        if complete_results:
            for r in complete_results:
                r_project_id = str(r.get('project_id'))
                r_flavor_id = str(r.get('flavor_id'))
                r_cert_type = str(r.get('cert_type'))
                r_cert_details = {}
                # in case cert_details is None
                cert_details = r.get('cert_details', {}) or {}
                # Need to convert cassandra dict into real dict
                # And the value of cert_details is a string dict
                for key in cert_details:
                    r_cert_details[key] = json.loads(cert_details[key])
                LOG.info("Certificate for domain: {0}  with flavor_id: {1}, "
                         "cert_details : {2} and  cert_type: {3} present "
                         "on project_id: {4}".format(domain_name, r_flavor_id,
                ssl_cert = ssl_certificate.SSLCertificate(


        non_none_attrs_gen = filterfalse(lambda x: list(x.values())[0] is None,
                                             'project_id': project_id
                                         }, {
                                             'flavor_id': flavor_id
                                         }, {
                                             'cert_type': cert_type
        non_none_attrs_list = list(non_none_attrs_gen)
        non_none_attrs_dict = {}

        if non_none_attrs_list:
            for attr in non_none_attrs_list:

        def argfilter(certificate):
            all_conditions = True
            if non_none_attrs_dict:
                for k, v in non_none_attrs_dict.items():
                    if getattr(certificate, k) != v:
                        all_conditions = False

            return all_conditions

        total_certs = [cert for cert in certs if argfilter(cert)]

        if len(total_certs) == 1:
            return total_certs[0]
            return total_certs
Exemple #24
    def parse_input(self, X):
        """Parse and create features for the NSPD kernel.

        X : iterable
            For the input to pass the test, we must have:
            Each element must be an iterable with at most three features and at
            least one. The first that is obligatory is a valid graph structure
            (adjacency matrix or edge_dictionary) while the second is
            node_labels and the third edge_labels (that correspond to the given
            graph format). A valid input also consists of graph type objects.

        M : dict
            A dictionary with keys all the distances from 0 to self.d
            and values the the np.arrays with rows corresponding to the
            non-null input graphs and columns to the enumerations of tuples
            consisting of pairs of hash values and radius, from all the given
            graphs of the input (plus the fitted one's on transform).

        if not isinstance(X, collections.Iterable):
            raise TypeError('input must be an iterable\n')
            # Hold the number of graphs
            ng = 0

            # Holds all the data for combinations of r, d
            data = collections.defaultdict(dict)

            # Index all keys for combinations of r, d
            all_keys = collections.defaultdict(dict)
            for (idx, x) in enumerate(iter(X)):
                is_iter = False
                if isinstance(x, collections.Iterable):
                    is_iter, x = True, list(x)
                if is_iter and len(x) in [0, 3]:
                    if len(x) == 0:
                        warnings.warn('Ignoring empty element' +
                                      ' on index: ' + str(idx))
                        g = Graph(x[0], x[1], x[2])
                elif type(x) is Graph:
                    g = Graph(
                        x.get_labels(purpose="adjacency", label_type="vertex"),
                        x.get_labels(purpose="adjacency", label_type="edge"))
                    raise TypeError('each element of X must have either ' +
                                    'a graph with labels for node and edge ' +
                                    'or 3 elements consisting of a graph ' +
                                    'type object, labels for vertices and ' +
                                    'labels for edges.')

                # Bring to the desired format

                # Take the vertices
                vertices = set(g.get_vertices(purpose=self._graph_format))

                # Extract the dicitionary
                ed = g.get_edge_dictionary()

                # Convert edges to tuples
                edges = {(j, k) for j in ed.keys() for k in ed[j].keys()}

                # Extract labels for nodes
                Lv = g.get_labels(purpose=self._graph_format)
                # and for edges
                Le = g.get_labels(purpose=self._graph_format,

                # Produce all the neighborhoods and the distance pairs
                # up to the desired radius and maximum distance
                N, D, D_pair = g.produce_neighborhoods(self.r,

                # Hash all the neighborhoods
                H = self._hash_neighborhoods(vertices, edges, Lv, Le, N,

                if self._method_calling == 1:
                    for d in filterfalse(lambda x: x not in D,
                                         range(self.d + 1)):
                        for (A, B) in D[d]:
                            for r in range(self.r + 1):
                                key = (H[r, A], H[r, B])
                                keys = all_keys[r, d]
                                idx = keys.get(key, None)
                                if idx is None:
                                    idx = len(keys)
                                    keys[key] = idx
                                data[r, d][ng, idx] = data[r, d].get(
                                    (ng, idx), 0) + 1

                elif self._method_calling == 3:
                    for d in filterfalse(lambda x: x not in D,
                                         range(self.d + 1)):
                        for (A, B) in D[d]:
                            # Based on the edges of the bidirected graph
                            for r in range(self.r + 1):
                                keys = all_keys[r, d]
                                fit_keys = self._fit_keys[r, d]
                                key = (H[r, A], H[r, B])
                                idx = fit_keys.get(key, None)
                                if idx is None:
                                    idx = keys.get(key, None)
                                    if idx is None:
                                        idx = len(keys) + len(fit_keys)
                                        keys[key] = idx
                                data[r, d][ng, idx] = data[r, d].get(
                                    (ng, idx), 0) + 1
                ng += 1
            if ng == 0:
                raise ValueError('parsed input is empty')

            if self._method_calling == 1:
                # A feature matrix for all levels
                M = dict()

                for (key, d) in filterfalse(lambda a: len(a[1]) == 0,
                    indexes, data = zip(*iteritems(d))
                    rows, cols = zip(*indexes)
                    M[key] = csr_matrix((data, (rows, cols)),
                                        shape=(ng, len(all_keys[key])),
                self._fit_keys = all_keys
                self._ngx = ng

            elif self._method_calling == 3:
                # A feature matrix for all levels
                M = dict()

                for (key, d) in filterfalse(lambda a: len(a[1]) == 0,
                    indexes, data = zip(*iteritems(d))
                    rows, cols = zip(*indexes)
                    M[key] = csr_matrix(
                        (data, (rows, cols)),
                               len(all_keys[key]) + len(self._fit_keys[key])),

                self._ngy = ng

            return M
Exemple #25
def raises(expected_exception, *args, **kwargs):
    Assert that a code block/function call raises ``expected_exception``
    or raise a failure exception otherwise.

    :kwparam match: if specified, asserts that the exception matches a text or regex

    :kwparam message: **(deprecated since 4.1)** if specified, provides a custom failure message
        if the exception is not raised

    .. currentmodule:: _pytest._code

    Use ``pytest.raises`` as a context manager, which will capture the exception of the given

        >>> with raises(ZeroDivisionError):
        ...    1/0

    If the code block does not raise the expected exception (``ZeroDivisionError`` in the example
    above), or no exception at all, the check will fail instead.

    You can also use the keyword argument ``match`` to assert that the
    exception matches a text or regex::

        >>> with raises(ValueError, match='must be 0 or None'):
        ...     raise ValueError("value must be 0 or None")

        >>> with raises(ValueError, match=r'must be \d+$'):
        ...     raise ValueError("value must be 42")

    The context manager produces an :class:`ExceptionInfo` object which can be used to inspect the
    details of the captured exception::

        >>> with raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
        ...     raise ValueError("value must be 42")
        >>> assert exc_info.type is ValueError
        >>> assert exc_info.value.args[0] == "value must be 42"

    .. deprecated:: 4.1

        In the context manager form you may use the keyword argument
        ``message`` to specify a custom failure message that will be displayed
        in case the ``pytest.raises`` check fails. This has been deprecated as it
        is considered error prone as users often mean to use ``match`` instead.

    .. note::

       When using ``pytest.raises`` as a context manager, it's worthwhile to
       note that normal context manager rules apply and that the exception
       raised *must* be the final line in the scope of the context manager.
       Lines of code after that, within the scope of the context manager will
       not be executed. For example::

           >>> value = 15
           >>> with raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
           ...     if value > 10:
           ...         raise ValueError("value must be <= 10")
           ...     assert exc_info.type is ValueError  # this will not execute

       Instead, the following approach must be taken (note the difference in

           >>> with raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
           ...     if value > 10:
           ...         raise ValueError("value must be <= 10")
           >>> assert exc_info.type is ValueError

    **Using with** ``pytest.mark.parametrize``

    When using :ref:`pytest.mark.parametrize ref`
    it is possible to parametrize tests such that
    some runs raise an exception and others do not.

    See :ref:`parametrizing_conditional_raising` for an example.

    **Legacy form**

    It is possible to specify a callable by passing a to-be-called lambda::

        >>> raises(ZeroDivisionError, lambda: 1/0)
        <ExceptionInfo ...>

    or you can specify an arbitrary callable with arguments::

        >>> def f(x): return 1/x
        >>> raises(ZeroDivisionError, f, 0)
        <ExceptionInfo ...>
        >>> raises(ZeroDivisionError, f, x=0)
        <ExceptionInfo ...>

    The form above is fully supported but discouraged for new code because the
    context manager form is regarded as more readable and less error-prone.

    .. note::
        Similar to caught exception objects in Python, explicitly clearing
        local references to returned ``ExceptionInfo`` objects can
        help the Python interpreter speed up its garbage collection.

        Clearing those references breaks a reference cycle
        (``ExceptionInfo`` --> caught exception --> frame stack raising
        the exception --> current frame stack --> local variables -->
        ``ExceptionInfo``) which makes Python keep all objects referenced
        from that cycle (including all local variables in the current
        frame) alive until the next cyclic garbage collection run. See the
        official Python ``try`` statement documentation for more detailed

    __tracebackhide__ = True
    for exc in filterfalse(isclass, always_iterable(expected_exception, BASE_TYPE)):
        msg = (
            "exceptions must be old-style classes or"
            " derived from BaseException, not %s"
        raise TypeError(msg % type(exc))

    message = "DID NOT RAISE {}".format(expected_exception)
    match_expr = None

    if not args:
        if "message" in kwargs:
            message = kwargs.pop("message")
            warnings.warn(deprecated.RAISES_MESSAGE_PARAMETER, stacklevel=2)
        if "match" in kwargs:
            match_expr = kwargs.pop("match")
        if kwargs:
            msg = "Unexpected keyword arguments passed to pytest.raises: "
            msg += ", ".join(kwargs.keys())
            raise TypeError(msg)
        return RaisesContext(expected_exception, message, match_expr)
    elif isinstance(args[0], str):
        warnings.warn(deprecated.RAISES_EXEC, stacklevel=2)
        code, = args
        assert isinstance(code, str)
        frame = sys._getframe(1)
        loc = frame.f_locals.copy()
        # print "raises frame scope: %r" % frame.f_locals
            code = _pytest._code.Source(code).compile(_genframe=frame)
            six.exec_(code, frame.f_globals, loc)
            # XXX didn't mean f_globals == f_locals something special?
            #     this is destroyed here ...
        except expected_exception:
            return _pytest._code.ExceptionInfo.from_current()
        func = args[0]
            func(*args[1:], **kwargs)
        except expected_exception:
            return _pytest._code.ExceptionInfo.from_current()
Exemple #26
 def draw_plot(self,
     # points = [(x,y,label, isoutlier(bool)), (), ...]
     import matplotlib.cm
     self._points = []
     self._xyz = []
     cm = getattr(matplotlib.cm, colormap)
     if (extent is None):
         extent = self.extent
         assert (len(extent) == 4)
     if show_filling:
         im = self.plot.imshow(stats,
         # This code will draw bar with actual numbers that are represented by
         # color (sloppily over the axis values)
         # from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
         # divider = make_axes_locatable(self.plot)
         # cax = divider.append_axes('bottom', size='5%', pad=0.05)
         # self.figure.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation='horizontal')
     if (contours is not None):
     if (y_marks is None):
     if points is not None:
         if xyz is not None: assert (len(xyz) == len(points))
         out = list(filter(lambda x: x[3], points))
         out_columns = list(zip(*out))
         # ^^^^ is doing e.g. this:
         # >>> l = [(1,2), (3,4), (8,9)]
         # >>> zip(*l)
         # [(1, 3, 8), (2, 4, 9)]
         non_out = list(filterfalse(lambda x: x[3], points))
         non_out_columns = list(zip(*non_out))
         if len(out) > 0:
             if show_labels:
                 for x, y, label, _ in out:
                     self.plot.text(x, y, label, color='black')
         if len(non_out) > 0:
             # make non-outliers smaller and translucent if there are many points
             if len(non_out) > 2500:
                 markersize = 3
Exemple #27
def test_filter_false():
    from six.moves import filterfalse
    f = filterfalse(lambda x: x % 3, range(10))
    assert six.advance_iterator(f) == 0
    assert six.advance_iterator(f) == 3
    assert six.advance_iterator(f) == 6
Exemple #28
 def partition(predicate, iterable):
     t1, t2 = tee(iterable)
     return list(filter(predicate, t2)), list(filterfalse(predicate, t1))
Exemple #29
def test_filter_false():
    from six.moves import filterfalse
    f = filterfalse(lambda x: x % 3, range(10))
    assert six.advance_iterator(f) == 0
    assert six.advance_iterator(f) == 3
    assert six.advance_iterator(f) == 6
Exemple #30
def raises(expected_exception, *args, **kwargs):
    Assert that a code block/function call raises ``expected_exception``
    or raise a failure exception otherwise.

    :kwparam match: if specified, asserts that the exception matches a text or regex

    :kwparam message: **(deprecated since 4.1)** if specified, provides a custom failure message
        if the exception is not raised

    .. currentmodule:: _pytest._code

    Use ``pytest.raises`` as a context manager, which will capture the exception of the given

        >>> with raises(ZeroDivisionError):
        ...    1/0

    If the code block does not raise the expected exception (``ZeroDivisionError`` in the example
    above), or no exception at all, the check will fail instead.

    You can also use the keyword argument ``match`` to assert that the
    exception matches a text or regex::

        >>> with raises(ValueError, match='must be 0 or None'):
        ...     raise ValueError("value must be 0 or None")

        >>> with raises(ValueError, match=r'must be \d+$'):
        ...     raise ValueError("value must be 42")

    The context manager produces an :class:`ExceptionInfo` object which can be used to inspect the
    details of the captured exception::

        >>> with raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
        ...     raise ValueError("value must be 42")
        >>> assert exc_info.type is ValueError
        >>> assert exc_info.value.args[0] == "value must be 42"

    .. deprecated:: 4.1

        In the context manager form you may use the keyword argument
        ``message`` to specify a custom failure message that will be displayed
        in case the ``pytest.raises`` check fails. This has been deprecated as it
        is considered error prone as users often mean to use ``match`` instead.

    .. note::

       When using ``pytest.raises`` as a context manager, it's worthwhile to
       note that normal context manager rules apply and that the exception
       raised *must* be the final line in the scope of the context manager.
       Lines of code after that, within the scope of the context manager will
       not be executed. For example::

           >>> value = 15
           >>> with raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
           ...     if value > 10:
           ...         raise ValueError("value must be <= 10")
           ...     assert exc_info.type is ValueError  # this will not execute

       Instead, the following approach must be taken (note the difference in

           >>> with raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
           ...     if value > 10:
           ...         raise ValueError("value must be <= 10")
           >>> assert exc_info.type is ValueError

    **Legacy form**

    It is possible to specify a callable by passing a to-be-called lambda::

        >>> raises(ZeroDivisionError, lambda: 1/0)
        <ExceptionInfo ...>

    or you can specify an arbitrary callable with arguments::

        >>> def f(x): return 1/x
        >>> raises(ZeroDivisionError, f, 0)
        <ExceptionInfo ...>
        >>> raises(ZeroDivisionError, f, x=0)
        <ExceptionInfo ...>

    The form above is fully supported but discouraged for new code because the
    context manager form is regarded as more readable and less error-prone.

    .. note::
        Similar to caught exception objects in Python, explicitly clearing
        local references to returned ``ExceptionInfo`` objects can
        help the Python interpreter speed up its garbage collection.

        Clearing those references breaks a reference cycle
        (``ExceptionInfo`` --> caught exception --> frame stack raising
        the exception --> current frame stack --> local variables -->
        ``ExceptionInfo``) which makes Python keep all objects referenced
        from that cycle (including all local variables in the current
        frame) alive until the next cyclic garbage collection run. See the
        official Python ``try`` statement documentation for more detailed

    __tracebackhide__ = True
    for exc in filterfalse(isclass,
                           always_iterable(expected_exception, BASE_TYPE)):
        msg = ("exceptions must be old-style classes or"
               " derived from BaseException, not %s")
        raise TypeError(msg % type(exc))

    message = "DID NOT RAISE {}".format(expected_exception)
    match_expr = None

    if not args:
        if "message" in kwargs:
            message = kwargs.pop("message")
            warnings.warn(deprecated.RAISES_MESSAGE_PARAMETER, stacklevel=2)
        if "match" in kwargs:
            match_expr = kwargs.pop("match")
        if kwargs:
            msg = "Unexpected keyword arguments passed to pytest.raises: "
            msg += ", ".join(kwargs.keys())
            raise TypeError(msg)
        return RaisesContext(expected_exception, message, match_expr)
    elif isinstance(args[0], str):
        warnings.warn(deprecated.RAISES_EXEC, stacklevel=2)
        code, = args
        assert isinstance(code, str)
        frame = sys._getframe(1)
        loc = frame.f_locals.copy()
        # print "raises frame scope: %r" % frame.f_locals
            code = _pytest._code.Source(code).compile(_genframe=frame)
            six.exec_(code, frame.f_globals, loc)
            # XXX didn't mean f_globals == f_locals something special?
            #     this is destroyed here ...
        except expected_exception:
            return _pytest._code.ExceptionInfo.from_current()
        func = args[0]
            func(*args[1:], **kwargs)
        except expected_exception:
            return _pytest._code.ExceptionInfo.from_current()
Exemple #31
    def get_certs_by_domain(self, domain_name, project_id=None,

        LOG.info("Check if cert on '{0}' exists".format(domain_name))
        args = {
            'domain_name': domain_name.lower()
        stmt = query.SimpleStatement(
        resultset = self.session.execute(stmt, args)
        complete_results = list(resultset)
        certs = []
        if complete_results:
            for r in complete_results:
                r_project_id = str(r.get('project_id'))
                r_flavor_id = str(r.get('flavor_id'))
                r_cert_type = str(r.get('cert_type'))
                r_cert_details = {}
                # in case cert_details is None
                cert_details = r.get('cert_details', {}) or {}
                # Need to convert cassandra dict into real dict
                # And the value of cert_details is a string dict
                for key in cert_details:
                    r_cert_details[key] = json.loads(cert_details[key])
                    "Certificate for domain: {0}  with flavor_id: {1}, "
                    "cert_details : {2} and  cert_type: {3} present "
                    "on project_id: {4}".format(
                ssl_cert = ssl_certificate.SSLCertificate(


        non_none_attrs_gen = filterfalse(
            lambda x: list(x.values())[0] is None, [{'project_id': project_id},
                                                    {'flavor_id': flavor_id},
                                                    {'cert_type': cert_type}])
        non_none_attrs_list = list(non_none_attrs_gen)
        non_none_attrs_dict = {}

        if non_none_attrs_list:
            for attr in non_none_attrs_list:

        def argfilter(certificate):
            all_conditions = True
            if non_none_attrs_dict:
                for k, v in non_none_attrs_dict.items():
                    if getattr(certificate, k) != v:
                        all_conditions = False

            return all_conditions

        total_certs = [cert for cert in certs if argfilter(cert)]

        if len(total_certs) == 1:
            return total_certs[0]
            return total_certs
Exemple #32
def raises(expected_exception, *args, **kwargs):
    Assert that a code block/function call raises ``expected_exception``
    and raise a failure exception otherwise.

    :arg message: if specified, provides a custom failure message if the
        exception is not raised
    :arg match: if specified, asserts that the exception matches a text or regex

    This helper produces a ``ExceptionInfo()`` object (see below).

    You may use this function as a context manager::

        >>> with raises(ZeroDivisionError):
        ...    1/0

    .. versionchanged:: 2.10

    In the context manager form you may use the keyword argument
    ``message`` to specify a custom failure message::

        >>> with raises(ZeroDivisionError, message="Expecting ZeroDivisionError"):
        ...    pass
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        Failed: Expecting ZeroDivisionError

    .. note::

       When using ``pytest.raises`` as a context manager, it's worthwhile to
       note that normal context manager rules apply and that the exception
       raised *must* be the final line in the scope of the context manager.
       Lines of code after that, within the scope of the context manager will
       not be executed. For example::

           >>> value = 15
           >>> with raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
           ...     if value > 10:
           ...         raise ValueError("value must be <= 10")
           ...     assert exc_info.type == ValueError  # this will not execute

       Instead, the following approach must be taken (note the difference in

           >>> with raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
           ...     if value > 10:
           ...         raise ValueError("value must be <= 10")
           >>> assert exc_info.type == ValueError

    Since version ``3.1`` you can use the keyword argument ``match`` to assert that the
    exception matches a text or regex::

        >>> with raises(ValueError, match='must be 0 or None'):
        ...     raise ValueError("value must be 0 or None")

        >>> with raises(ValueError, match=r'must be \d+$'):
        ...     raise ValueError("value must be 42")

    **Legacy forms**

    The forms below are fully supported but are discouraged for new code because the
    context manager form is regarded as more readable and less error-prone.

    It is possible to specify a callable by passing a to-be-called lambda::

        >>> raises(ZeroDivisionError, lambda: 1/0)
        <ExceptionInfo ...>

    or you can specify an arbitrary callable with arguments::

        >>> def f(x): return 1/x
        >>> raises(ZeroDivisionError, f, 0)
        <ExceptionInfo ...>
        >>> raises(ZeroDivisionError, f, x=0)
        <ExceptionInfo ...>

    It is also possible to pass a string to be evaluated at runtime::

        >>> raises(ZeroDivisionError, "f(0)")
        <ExceptionInfo ...>

    The string will be evaluated using the same ``locals()`` and ``globals()``
    at the moment of the ``raises`` call.

    .. currentmodule:: _pytest._code

    Consult the API of ``excinfo`` objects: :class:`ExceptionInfo`.

    .. note::
        Similar to caught exception objects in Python, explicitly clearing
        local references to returned ``ExceptionInfo`` objects can
        help the Python interpreter speed up its garbage collection.

        Clearing those references breaks a reference cycle
        (``ExceptionInfo`` --> caught exception --> frame stack raising
        the exception --> current frame stack --> local variables -->
        ``ExceptionInfo``) which makes Python keep all objects referenced
        from that cycle (including all local variables in the current
        frame) alive until the next cyclic garbage collection run. See the
        official Python ``try`` statement documentation for more detailed

    __tracebackhide__ = True
    for exc in filterfalse(isclass,
                           always_iterable(expected_exception, BASE_TYPE)):
        msg = ("exceptions must be old-style classes or"
               " derived from BaseException, not %s")
        raise TypeError(msg % type(exc))

    message = "DID NOT RAISE {}".format(expected_exception)
    match_expr = None

    if not args:
        if "message" in kwargs:
            message = kwargs.pop("message")
        if "match" in kwargs:
            match_expr = kwargs.pop("match")
        if kwargs:
            msg = "Unexpected keyword arguments passed to pytest.raises: "
            msg += ", ".join(kwargs.keys())
            raise TypeError(msg)
        return RaisesContext(expected_exception, message, match_expr)
    elif isinstance(args[0], str):
        code, = args
        assert isinstance(code, str)
        frame = sys._getframe(1)
        loc = frame.f_locals.copy()
        # print "raises frame scope: %r" % frame.f_locals
            code = _pytest._code.Source(code).compile()
            py.builtin.exec_(code, frame.f_globals, loc)
            # XXX didn'T mean f_globals == f_locals something special?
            #     this is destroyed here ...
        except expected_exception:
            return _pytest._code.ExceptionInfo()
        func = args[0]
            func(*args[1:], **kwargs)
        except expected_exception:
            return _pytest._code.ExceptionInfo()