Exemple #1
 def testThreeLetters(self):
     An argument that has three letters must result in a ValueError.
     error = ("^btop string 'ABC' has a trailing query letter 'C' with no "
              "corresponding subject letter$")
     assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, error, list, parseBtop('ABC'))
Exemple #2
 def testSettingValidation(self):
     # Mounting and unmounting test valid use, so this just tests invalid
     # values.
     with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValidationException, 'must be a dict'):
         Setting().set(SettingKey.GIRDER_MOUNT_INFORMATION, 'not a dict')
     with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValidationException, 'with the "path" key'):
         Setting().set(SettingKey.GIRDER_MOUNT_INFORMATION, {'no path': 'key'})
Exemple #3
 def testEmptyString(self):
     An empty string must produce an empty set of indices.
     error = ("^Illegal range ''. Ranges must single numbers or "
     assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, error, parseRangeString, '')
Exemple #4
 def testOneLetter(self):
     An argument with just one letter must result in a ValueError.
     error = ("^btop string 'F' has a trailing query letter 'F' with no "
              "corresponding subject letter$")
     assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, error, list, parseBtop('F'))
 def test_fsm_illegal_strict_event(self):
     six.assertRaisesRegex(self, utils.NodeStateInvalidEvent,
                           'no defined transition',
                           istate.Events.finish, strict=True)
     self.assertIn('no defined transition', self.node_info.error)
     self.assertEqual(self.node_info.state, istate.States.error)
    def test_material_set_properties(self):
        bad_absorb = '-1'
        bad_scattering = 0

        good_absorb = '1'
        good_scattering = 2.0

        material_obj = sample_details._Material(chemical_formula='V')
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "absorption_cross_section was: -1 which is impossible for a physical "
            material_obj.set_material_properties(abs_cross_sect=bad_absorb, scattering_cross_sect=good_scattering)

        # Check the immutability flag has not been set on a failure

        with assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "scattering_cross_section was: 0"):
            material_obj.set_material_properties(abs_cross_sect=good_absorb, scattering_cross_sect=bad_scattering)

        # Check nothing has been set yet

        # Set the object this time
        material_obj.set_material_properties(abs_cross_sect=good_absorb, scattering_cross_sect=good_scattering)
        self.assertEqual(material_obj.absorption_cross_section, float(good_absorb))
        self.assertEqual(material_obj.scattering_cross_section, float(good_scattering))

        # Check we cannot set it twice and fields do not change
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, RuntimeError, "The material properties have already been set"):
            material_obj.set_material_properties(abs_cross_sect=999, scattering_cross_sect=999)
        self.assertEqual(material_obj.absorption_cross_section, float(good_absorb))
        self.assertEqual(material_obj.scattering_cross_section, float(good_scattering))
Exemple #7
    def test_datetime_field(self):
        schema = [
            {'name': 'date', 'type': 'basic:datetime:'},

        instance = {'date': '2000-06-21 00:00'}
        validate_schema(instance, schema)

        instance = {'date': '2000 06 21 24:00'}
        with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
            validate_schema(instance, schema)

        instance = {'date': '2000/06/21 2:03'}
        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValidationError, 'is not valid'):
            validate_schema(instance, schema)

        instance = {'date': '2000-06-21 2:3'}  # XXX: Is this ok?
        validate_schema(instance, schema)

        instance = {'date': '2000-06-21'}
        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValidationError, 'is not valid'):
            validate_schema(instance, schema)

        instance = {'date': '2000-06-21 12pm'}
        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValidationError, 'is not valid'):
            validate_schema(instance, schema)
    def test_rebin_workspace_list_x_start_end(self):
        new_start_x = 1
        new_end_x = 5
        new_bin_width = 0.5
        number_of_ws = 10

        ws_bin_widths = [new_bin_width] * number_of_ws
        start_x_list = [new_start_x] * number_of_ws
        end_x_list = [new_end_x] * number_of_ws

        ws_list = []
        for i in range(number_of_ws):
            out_name = "test_rebin_workspace_list_defaults_" + str(i)
            ws_list.append(mantid.CreateSampleWorkspace(OutputWorkspace=out_name, Function='Flat background',
                                                        NumBanks=1, BankPixelWidth=1, XMax=10, BinWidth=1))

        # Are the lengths checked
        incorrect_length = [1] * (number_of_ws - 1)
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "The number of starting bin values"):
            common.rebin_workspace_list(workspace_list=ws_list, bin_width_list=ws_bin_widths,
                                        start_x_list=incorrect_length, end_x_list=end_x_list)
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "The number of ending bin values"):
            common.rebin_workspace_list(workspace_list=ws_list, bin_width_list=ws_bin_widths,
                                        start_x_list=start_x_list, end_x_list=incorrect_length)

        output_list = common.rebin_workspace_list(workspace_list=ws_list, bin_width_list=ws_bin_widths,
                                                  start_x_list=start_x_list, end_x_list=end_x_list)
        self.assertEqual(len(output_list), number_of_ws)
        for ws in output_list:
            self.assertEqual(ws.readX(0)[0], new_start_x)
            self.assertEqual(ws.readX(0)[-1], new_end_x)
Exemple #9
    def test_check_db_fails(self):
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, 'no database'):
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, 'no id'):

Exemple #10
    def test_date_field(self):
        schema = [
            {'name': 'date', 'type': 'basic:date:'},

        instance = {'date': '2000-12-31'}
        validate_schema(instance, schema)

        instance = {'date': '2000/01/01'}
        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValidationError, 'is not valid'):
            validate_schema(instance, schema)

        instance = {'date': '31 04 2000'}
        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValidationError, 'is not valid'):
            validate_schema(instance, schema)

        instance = {'date': '21.06.2000'}
        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValidationError, 'is not valid'):
            validate_schema(instance, schema)

        instance = {'date': '2000-1-1'}
        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValidationError, 'is not valid'):
            validate_schema(instance, schema)

        instance = {'date': '2000 apr 8'}
        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValidationError, 'is not valid'):
            validate_schema(instance, schema)
    def test_mdraid_array_device_methods(self):
        """Test for method calls on initialized MDRaidDevices."""
        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, DeviceError, "invalid"):
            self.dev7.level = "junk"

        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, DeviceError, "invalid"):
            self.dev7.level = None
Exemple #12
 def test_duplicate_keys(self):
     output_file = six.StringIO()
     utility = CSVJSON(['-k', 'a', 'examples/dummy3.csv'], output_file)
     six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError,
                           'Value True is not unique in the key column.',
Exemple #13
    def test_add_device(self, *args):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        dt = DeviceTree()

        dev1 = StorageDevice("dev1", exists=False, uuid=sentinel.dev1_uuid, parents=[])

        self.assertEqual(dt.devices, list())

        # things are called, updated as expected when a device is added
        with patch("blivet.devicetree.callbacks") as callbacks:

        self.assertEqual(dt.devices, [dev1])
        self.assertTrue(dev1 in dt.devices)
        self.assertTrue(dev1.name in dt.names)
        self.assertTrue(dev1.add_hook.called)  # pylint: disable=no-member

        # adding an already-added device fails
        six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "already in tree", dt._add_device, dev1)

        dev2 = StorageDevice("dev2", exists=False, parents=[])
        dev3 = StorageDevice("dev3", exists=False, parents=[dev1, dev2])

        # adding a device with one or more parents not already in the tree fails
        six.assertRaisesRegex(self, DeviceTreeError, "parent.*not in tree", dt._add_device, dev3)
        self.assertFalse(dev2 in dt.devices)
        self.assertFalse(dev2.name in dt.names)

        self.assertTrue(dev2 in dt.devices)
        self.assertTrue(dev2.name in dt.names)

        self.assertTrue(dev3 in dt.devices)
        self.assertTrue(dev3.name in dt.names)
    def test_get(self, resq_mock):

        # User provides correct ID
        resq_mock.api = MagicMock()
        resq_mock.api.get = MagicMock(return_value=[{'id': 40}])
        resq_mock.resolwe = MagicMock()
        resq_mock.resource = MagicMock(return_value="Some response")
        data = ResolweQuerry.get(resq_mock, 40)
        self.assertEqual(data, "Some response")

        # User provides wrong ID.
        message = r'Id: .* does not exist or you dont have access permission.'
        resq_mock.resource = MagicMock(side_effect=[slumber.exceptions.HttpNotFoundError(message)])
        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, slumber.exceptions.HttpNotFoundError, message):
            ResolweQuerry.get(resq_mock, 12345)

        # User provides correct slug.
        resq_mock.api = MagicMock()
        resq_mock.resolwe = MagicMock()
        resq_mock.resource = MagicMock(return_value="Some response")
        data = ResolweQuerry.get(resq_mock, "some-slug")
        self.assertEqual(data, "Some response")

        # User provides wrong slug.
        message = r'Slug: .* does not exist or you dont have access permission.'
        resq_mock.resource = MagicMock(side_effect=[IndexError(message)])
        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, IndexError, message):
            ResolweQuerry.get(resq_mock, "some-slug")
Exemple #15
    def test_json_field(self):
        schema = [
            {'name': 'big_dict', 'type': 'basic:json:'}

        # json not saved in `Storage`
        instance = {'big_dict': {'foo': 'bar'}}
        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValidationError, 'is not valid'):
            validate_schema(instance, schema)

        with patch('resolwe.flow.models.Storage') as storage_mock:
            filter_mock = MagicMock()
            filter_mock.exists.return_value = True
            storage_mock.objects.filter.return_value = filter_mock

            instance = {'big_dict': 5}
            validate_schema(instance, schema)

            self.assertEqual(filter_mock.exists.call_count, 1)

        # non existing `Storage`
        with patch('resolwe.flow.models.Storage') as storage_mock:
            filter_mock = MagicMock()
            filter_mock.exists.return_value = False
            storage_mock.objects.filter.return_value = filter_mock

            instance = {'big_dict': 5}
            with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValidationError, '`Storage` object does not exist'):
                validate_schema(instance, schema)

            self.assertEqual(filter_mock.exists.call_count, 1)
    def test_rebin_workspace_list_defaults(self):
        new_bin_width = 0.5
        number_of_ws = 10

        ws_bin_widths = [new_bin_width] * number_of_ws
        ws_list = []
        for i in range(number_of_ws):
            out_name = "test_rebin_workspace_list_defaults_" + str(i)
            ws_list.append(mantid.CreateSampleWorkspace(OutputWorkspace=out_name, Function='Flat background',
                                                        NumBanks=1, BankPixelWidth=1, XMax=10, BinWidth=1))
        # What if the item passed in is not a list
        err_msg_not_list = "was not a list"
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, RuntimeError, err_msg_not_list):
            common.rebin_workspace_list(workspace_list=ws_list, bin_width_list=None)

        with assertRaisesRegex(self, RuntimeError, err_msg_not_list):
            common.rebin_workspace_list(workspace_list=None, bin_width_list=[])

        # What about if the lists aren't the same length
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "does not match the number of banks"):
            incorrect_number_bin_widths = [1] * (number_of_ws - 1)
            common.rebin_workspace_list(workspace_list=ws_list, bin_width_list=incorrect_number_bin_widths)

        # Does it return all the workspaces as a list - another unit test checks the implementation
        output = common.rebin_workspace_list(workspace_list=ws_list, bin_width_list=ws_bin_widths)
        self.assertEqual(len(output), number_of_ws)

        for ws in output:
    def test_run_number_not_found_gives_sane_err(self):
        expected_val = "yamlParserTest"
        file_handle = self.get_temp_file_handle()

        file_handle.write("  test_key: '" + expected_val + "'\n")
        file_handle.write("  test_key: '" + expected_val + "'\n")
        file_path = file_handle.name

        # Test a value in the middle of 1-10
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "Run number 5 not recognised in cycle mapping file"):
            yaml_parser.get_run_dictionary(run_number_string="5", file_path=file_path)

        # Check on edge of invalid numbers
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "Run number 9 not recognised in cycle mapping file"):
            yaml_parser.get_run_dictionary(run_number_string=9, file_path=file_path)

        # What about a range of numbers
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "Run number 2 not recognised in cycle mapping file"):
            yaml_parser.get_run_dictionary(run_number_string="2-8", file_path=file_path)

        # Check valid number still works
        returned_dict = yaml_parser.get_run_dictionary(run_number_string="10", file_path=file_path)
        self.assertEqual(returned_dict["test_key"], expected_val)
Exemple #18
 def test_bad_descriptor_input(self, resolwe_mock):
     # Raise error is only one of deswcriptor/descriptor_schema is given:
     message = "Set both or neither descriptor and descriptor_schema."
     with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, message):
         Resolwe.run(resolwe_mock, descriptor="a")
     with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, message):
         Resolwe.run(resolwe_mock, descriptor_schema="a")
Exemple #19
    def test_get_pull_request(self):
        """Tests for _get_pull_request."""
        # Simple case: get the existing PR from the existing repo.
        result = pss._get_pull_request(self.repo, "3")
        self.assertEqual(result.id, 3)

        # PR that doesn't exist.
            r"Pull-Request '2' not found",

        # PR from a project with no PR tracker.
            r"No pull-request tracker found",
Exemple #20
        def test(self):
            with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, AssertionError, '^Foo'):
                raise AssertionError('Foo')

            with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
                with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, AssertionError, r'^Foo'):
                    raise AssertionError('Bar')
Exemple #21
 def testSetContentDisposition(self):
     with six.assertRaisesRegex(
             self, rest.RestException,
             'Error: Content-Disposition \(.*\) is not a recognized value.'):
         rest.setContentDisposition('filename', 'unknown', False)
     with six.assertRaisesRegex(
             self, rest.RestException, 'Error: Content-Disposition filename is empty.'):
         rest.setContentDisposition('', setHeader=False)
         'filename', setHeader=False),
         'attachment; filename="filename"')
         'filename', 'inline', setHeader=False),
         'inline; filename="filename"')
         'filename', 'form-data; name="chunk"', setHeader=False),
         'form-data; name="chunk"; filename="filename"')
         'file "name"', setHeader=False),
         'attachment; filename="file \\"name\\""')
         'file\\name', setHeader=False),
         'attachment; filename="file\\\\name"')
         u'\u043e\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0437\u0435\u0446', setHeader=False),
         'attachment; filename=""; filename*=UTF-8\'\''
         u'\U0001f603', setHeader=False),
         'attachment; filename=""; filename*=UTF-8\'\'%F0%9F%98%83')
    def test_constructor_with_impossible_val(self):
        good_input = 1
        good_center_input = [1, 2, 3]
        zero_value = 0
        negative_value = -0.0000001
        negative_int = -1
        negative_string = "-1"

        # Check it handles zero
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "The value set for height was: 0"):
            sample_details.SampleDetails(height=zero_value, radius=good_input,
                                         center=good_center_input, shape="cylinder")

        # Very small negative
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "which is impossible for a physical object"):
            sample_details.SampleDetails(height=good_input, radius=negative_value,
                                         center=good_center_input, shape="cylinder")

        # Integer negative
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "The value set for height was: -1"):
            sample_details.SampleDetails(height=negative_int, radius=good_input,
                                         center=good_center_input, shape="cylinder")

        # String negative
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "The value set for radius was: -1"):
            sample_details.SampleDetails(height=good_input, radius=negative_string,
                                         center=good_center_input, shape="cylinder")
Exemple #23
 def test_metrics_raises(self):
   sp0 = _pos_neg_block([])
   spn = _pos_neg_block([2])
   block = {'foo': sp0, 'bar:': spn} >> tdb.Concat()
       self, TypeError, 'Metric [a-z]+tive has incompatible types',
       tdc.Compiler.create, block)
 def test_unset_property(self, argument, value, ex_text):
     """Negative test for baremetal node unset command options."""
     base_cmd = 'baremetal node unset'
     command = self.construct_cmd(base_cmd, argument, value,
     six.assertRaisesRegex(self, exceptions.CommandFailed, ex_text,
                           self.openstack, command)
Exemple #25
    def testValidators(self):
        settingModel = Setting()

        def key1v1(doc):
            raise ValidationException('key1v1')

        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValidationException, '^key1v1$'):
            settingModel.set('test.key1', '')

        def key1v2(doc):
            raise ValidationException('key1v2')

        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValidationException, '^key1v2$'):
            settingModel.set('test.key1', '')

        def key2v1(doc):
            raise ValidationException('key2v1')

        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValidationException, '^key2v1$'):
            settingModel.set('test.key2', '')

        @setting_utilities.validator('test.key2', replace=True)
        def key2v2(doc):
            doc['value'] = 'modified'

        setting = settingModel.set('test.key2', 'original')
        self.assertEqual(setting['value'], 'modified')
Exemple #26
 def testConsecutiveGaps(self):
     An argument that has two consecutive gaps characters must result in a
     error = "^btop string '36--' has two consecutive gaps at offset 2$"
     assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, error, list, parseBtop('36--'))
Exemple #27
 def test_volumes_from_unknown(self):
     config = self._get_config('test_volumes_from_unknown')
             'Unknown container instance-2 to get volumes from '
             'for instance-1!',
             lambda: maestro.Conductor(config))
Exemple #28
    def test_get_plot_point_colors_invalid_input(self):
        # column provided without df
        with npt.assert_raises(ValueError):
            self.min_ord_results._get_plot_point_colors(None, 'numeric',
                                                        ['B', 'C'], 'jet')

        # df provided without column
        with npt.assert_raises(ValueError):
            self.min_ord_results._get_plot_point_colors(self.df, None,
                                                        ['B', 'C'], 'jet')

        # column not in df
        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, 'missingcol'):
            self.min_ord_results._get_plot_point_colors(self.df, 'missingcol',
                                                        ['B', 'C'], 'jet')

        # id not in df
        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, 'numeric'):
                self.df, 'numeric', ['B', 'C', 'missingid', 'A'], 'jet')

        # missing data in df
        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, 'nancolumn'):
            self.min_ord_results._get_plot_point_colors(self.df, 'nancolumn',
                                                        ['B', 'C', 'A'], 'jet')
    def test_cal_map_dict_helper(self):
        missing_key_name = "wrong_key"
        correct_key_name = "right_key"
        expected_val = 123
        dict_with_key = {correct_key_name: expected_val}

        # Check it correctly raises
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, "The field '" + missing_key_name + "' is required"):
            common.cal_map_dictionary_key_helper(dictionary=dict_with_key, key=missing_key_name)

        # Check it correctly appends the passed error message when raising
        appended_e_msg = "test append message"
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, appended_e_msg):
            common.cal_map_dictionary_key_helper(dictionary=dict_with_key, key=missing_key_name,

        # Check that it correctly returns the key value where it exists
        self.assertEqual(common.cal_map_dictionary_key_helper(dictionary=dict_with_key, key=correct_key_name),

        # Check it is not case sensitive
        different_case_name = "tEsT_key"
        dict_with_mixed_key = {different_case_name: expected_val}

                                                                  key=different_case_name.lower()), expected_val)
        except KeyError:
            # It tried to use the key without accounting for the case difference
            self.fail("cal_map_dictionary_key_helper attempted to use a key without accounting for case")
Exemple #30
 def testParseBadIntValue(self, message_module):
   message = message_module.TestAllTypes()
   text = 'optional_int32: bork'
       ('1:17 : Couldn\'t parse integer: bork'),
       text_format.Parse, text, message)
Exemple #31
 def test_not_numerical_offset(self):
     u = Unit('meter')
     with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError,
                                'unsupported operand type'):
         operator.add(u, 'not_a_number')