def _get_subfield_superclass(): # hardcore trick to support django < 1.3 - there was something wrong with # inheritance and SubfieldBase before django 1.3 # see if django.VERSION < (1,3): return models.Field return six.with_metaclass(models.SubfieldBase, models.Field)
def with_metaclasses(metaclasses, *bases): """Make a class inheriting from ``bases`` whose metaclass inherits from all of ``metaclasses``. Like :func:`six.with_metaclass`, but allows multiple metaclasses. Parameters ---------- metaclasses : iterable[type] A tuple of types to use as metaclasses. *bases : tuple[type] A tuple of types to use as bases. Returns ------- base : type A subtype of ``bases`` whose metaclass is a subtype of ``metaclasses``. Notes ----- The metaclasses must be written to support cooperative multiple inheritance. This means that they must delegate all calls to ``super()`` instead of inlining their super class by name. """ return six.with_metaclass(compose_types(*metaclasses), *bases)
def setup_filterset(filterset_class): """ Wrap a provided filterset in Graphene-specific functionality """ return type( 'Graphene{}'.format(filterset_class.__name__), (six.with_metaclass(GrapheneFilterSetMetaclass, GrapheneFilterSetMixin, filterset_class),), {}, )
def create_deferred_base_class(name, fields={}, meta={}, polymorphic=False): metaclass = deferred.ForeignKeyBuilder model_class = models.Model if polymorphic: metaclass = deferred.PolymorphicForeignKeyBuilder model_class = PolymorphicModel meta.setdefault('app_label', 'foo') meta.setdefault('abstract', True) Meta = type(str('Meta'), (), meta) return type( str(name), (six.with_metaclass(metaclass, model_class),), dict(Meta=Meta, __module__=__name__, **fields), )
def enable_final(base=(), meta_base=()): """Returns a base class in which ``final`` decorator is made available. Inheriting from the returned value of this function enables :meth:```` decorator to be applied to the methods of the class. Args: base (type or tuple of types): Base classes of the returned class. meta_base (type or tuples of type): Base metaclasses. If any descendant classes can directly or indirectly have any metaclasses, these metaclasses should be specified here to avoid the metaclass conflict. """ if not isinstance(base, (list, tuple)): base = (base,) if not isinstance(meta_base, (list, tuple)): meta_base = (meta_base,) base_metaclass = type('base_metaclass', (_EnableFinal,) + meta_base, {}) return six.with_metaclass(base_metaclass, *base)
class Process(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)): def __init__(self, toolpath_object, **kwargs): # type: (Dict[Text, Any], **Any) -> None """ kwargs: metadata: tool document metadata requirements: inherited requirements hints: inherited hints loader: schema_salad.ref_resolver.Loader used to load tool document avsc_names: CWL Avro schema object used to validate document strict: flag to determine strict validation (fail on unrecognized fields) """ self.metadata = kwargs.get("metadata", {}) # type: Dict[Text,Any] self.names = None # type: avro.schema.Names global SCHEMA_FILE, SCHEMA_DIR, SCHEMA_ANY # pylint: disable=global-statement if SCHEMA_FILE is None: get_schema("v1.0") SCHEMA_ANY = cast(Dict[Text, Any], SCHEMA_CACHE["v1.0"][3].idx[""]) SCHEMA_FILE = cast(Dict[Text, Any], SCHEMA_CACHE["v1.0"][3].idx[""]) SCHEMA_DIR = cast(Dict[Text, Any], SCHEMA_CACHE["v1.0"][3].idx[""]) names = schema_salad.schema.make_avro_schema([SCHEMA_FILE, SCHEMA_DIR, SCHEMA_ANY], schema_salad.ref_resolver.Loader({}))[0] if isinstance(names, avro.schema.SchemaParseException): raise names else: self.names = names self.tool = toolpath_object self.requirements = (kwargs.get("requirements", []) + self.tool.get("requirements", []) + get_overrides(kwargs.get("overrides", []), self.tool["id"]).get("requirements", [])) self.hints = kwargs.get("hints", []) + self.tool.get("hints", []) self.formatgraph = None # type: Graph if "loader" in kwargs: self.formatgraph = kwargs["loader"].graph self.doc_loader = kwargs["loader"] self.doc_schema = kwargs["avsc_names"] checkRequirements(self.tool, supportedProcessRequirements) self.validate_hints(kwargs["avsc_names"], self.tool.get("hints", []), strict=kwargs.get("strict")) self.schemaDefs = {} # type: Dict[Text,Dict[Text, Any]] sd, _ = self.get_requirement("SchemaDefRequirement") if sd: sdtypes = sd["types"] av = schema_salad.schema.make_valid_avro(sdtypes, {t["name"]: t for t in avroize_type(sdtypes)}, set()) for i in av: self.schemaDefs[i["name"]] = i # type: ignore AvroSchemaFromJSONData(av, self.names) # type: ignore # Build record schema from inputs self.inputs_record_schema = { "name": "input_record_schema", "type": "record", "fields": []} # type: Dict[Text, Any] self.outputs_record_schema = { "name": "outputs_record_schema", "type": "record", "fields": []} # type: Dict[Text, Any] for key in ("inputs", "outputs"): for i in self.tool[key]: c = copy.copy(i) c["name"] = shortname(c["id"]) del c["id"] if "type" not in c: raise validate.ValidationException(u"Missing `type` in parameter `%s`" % c["name"]) if "default" in c and "null" not in aslist(c["type"]): c["type"] = ["null"] + aslist(c["type"]) else: c["type"] = c["type"] c["type"] = avroize_type(c["type"], c["name"]) if key == "inputs": self.inputs_record_schema["fields"].append(c) elif key == "outputs": self.outputs_record_schema["fields"].append(c) try: self.inputs_record_schema = cast(Dict[six.text_type, Any], schema_salad.schema.make_valid_avro(self.inputs_record_schema, {}, set())) AvroSchemaFromJSONData(self.inputs_record_schema, self.names) except avro.schema.SchemaParseException as e: raise validate.ValidationException(u"Got error `%s` while processing inputs of %s:\n%s" % (Text(e), self.tool["id"], json.dumps(self.inputs_record_schema, indent=4))) try: self.outputs_record_schema = cast(Dict[six.text_type, Any], schema_salad.schema.make_valid_avro(self.outputs_record_schema, {}, set())) AvroSchemaFromJSONData(self.outputs_record_schema, self.names) except avro.schema.SchemaParseException as e: raise validate.ValidationException(u"Got error `%s` while processing outputs of %s:\n%s" % (Text(e), self.tool["id"], json.dumps(self.outputs_record_schema, indent=4))) def _init_job(self, joborder, **kwargs): # type: (Dict[Text, Text], **Any) -> Builder """ kwargs: eval_timeout: javascript evaluation timeout use_container: do/don't use Docker when DockerRequirement hint provided make_fs_access: make an FsAccess() object with given basedir basedir: basedir for FsAccess docker_outdir: output directory inside docker for this job docker_tmpdir: tmpdir inside docker for this job docker_stagedir: stagedir inside docker for this job outdir: outdir on host for this job tmpdir: tmpdir on host for this job stagedir: stagedir on host for this job select_resources: callback to select compute resources debug: enable debugging output js_console: enable javascript console output """ builder = Builder() builder.job = cast(Dict[Text, Union[Dict[Text, Any], List, Text]], copy.deepcopy(joborder)) # Validate job order try: fillInDefaults(self.tool[u"inputs"], builder.job) normalizeFilesDirs(builder.job) validate.validate_ex(self.names.get_name("input_record_schema", ""), builder.job, strict=False, logger=_logger_validation_warnings) except (validate.ValidationException, WorkflowException) as e: raise WorkflowException("Invalid job input record:\n" + Text(e)) builder.files = [] builder.bindings = CommentedSeq() builder.schemaDefs = self.schemaDefs builder.names = self.names builder.requirements = self.requirements builder.hints = self.hints builder.resources = {} builder.timeout = kwargs.get("eval_timeout") builder.debug = kwargs.get("debug") builder.js_console = kwargs.get("js_console") builder.mutation_manager = kwargs.get("mutation_manager") builder.make_fs_access = kwargs.get("make_fs_access") or StdFsAccess builder.fs_access = builder.make_fs_access(kwargs["basedir"]) builder.force_docker_pull = kwargs.get("force_docker_pull") loadListingReq, _ = self.get_requirement("") if loadListingReq: builder.loadListing = loadListingReq.get("loadListing") dockerReq, is_req = self.get_requirement("DockerRequirement") defaultDocker = None if dockerReq is None and "default_container" in kwargs: defaultDocker = kwargs["default_container"] if (dockerReq or defaultDocker) and kwargs.get("use_container"): if dockerReq: # Check if docker output directory is absolute if dockerReq.get("dockerOutputDirectory") and dockerReq.get("dockerOutputDirectory").startswith('/'): builder.outdir = dockerReq.get("dockerOutputDirectory") else: builder.outdir = builder.fs_access.docker_compatible_realpath( dockerReq.get("dockerOutputDirectory") or kwargs.get("docker_outdir") or "/var/spool/cwl") elif defaultDocker: builder.outdir = builder.fs_access.docker_compatible_realpath( kwargs.get("docker_outdir") or "/var/spool/cwl") builder.tmpdir = builder.fs_access.docker_compatible_realpath(kwargs.get("docker_tmpdir") or "/tmp") builder.stagedir = builder.fs_access.docker_compatible_realpath(kwargs.get("docker_stagedir") or "/var/lib/cwl") else: builder.outdir = builder.fs_access.realpath(kwargs.get("outdir") or tempfile.mkdtemp()) builder.tmpdir = builder.fs_access.realpath(kwargs.get("tmpdir") or tempfile.mkdtemp()) builder.stagedir = builder.fs_access.realpath(kwargs.get("stagedir") or tempfile.mkdtemp()) if self.formatgraph: for i in self.tool["inputs"]: d = shortname(i["id"]) if d in builder.job and i.get("format"): checkFormat(builder.job[d], builder.do_eval(i["format"]), self.formatgraph) builder.bindings.extend(builder.bind_input(self.inputs_record_schema, builder.job)) if self.tool.get("baseCommand"): for n, b in enumerate(aslist(self.tool["baseCommand"])): builder.bindings.append({ "position": [-1000000, n], "datum": b }) if self.tool.get("arguments"): for i, a in enumerate(self.tool["arguments"]): lc = self.tool["arguments"][i] fn = self.tool["arguments"].lc.filename, lc) if isinstance(a, dict): a = copy.copy(a) if a.get("position"): a["position"] = [a["position"], i] else: a["position"] = [0, i] builder.bindings.append(a) elif ("$(" in a) or ("${" in a): cm = CommentedMap(( ("position", [0, i]), ("valueFrom", a) ))"valueFrom", lc) = fn builder.bindings.append(cm) else: cm = CommentedMap(( ("position", [0, i]), ("datum", a) ))"datum", lc) = fn builder.bindings.append(cm) # use python2 like sorting of heterogeneous lists # (containing str and int types), # TODO: unify for both runtime if six.PY3: key = cmp_to_key(cmp_like_py2) else: # PY2 key = lambda dict: dict["position"] builder.bindings.sort(key=key) builder.resources = self.evalResources(builder, kwargs) builder.job_script_provider = kwargs.get("job_script_provider", None) return builder def evalResources(self, builder, kwargs): # type: (Builder, Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[Text, Union[int, Text]] resourceReq, _ = self.get_requirement("ResourceRequirement") if resourceReq is None: resourceReq = {} request = { "coresMin": 1, "coresMax": 1, "ramMin": 1024, "ramMax": 1024, "tmpdirMin": 1024, "tmpdirMax": 1024, "outdirMin": 1024, "outdirMax": 1024 } for a in ("cores", "ram", "tmpdir", "outdir"): mn = None mx = None if resourceReq.get(a + "Min"): mn = builder.do_eval(resourceReq[a + "Min"]) if resourceReq.get(a + "Max"): mx = builder.do_eval(resourceReq[a + "Max"]) if mn is None: mn = mx elif mx is None: mx = mn if mn: request[a + "Min"] = mn request[a + "Max"] = mx if kwargs.get("select_resources"): return kwargs["select_resources"](request) else: return { "cores": request["coresMin"], "ram": request["ramMin"], "tmpdirSize": request["tmpdirMin"], "outdirSize": request["outdirMin"], } def validate_hints(self, avsc_names, hints, strict): # type: (Any, List[Dict[Text, Any]], bool) -> None for i, r in enumerate(hints): sl = SourceLine(hints, i, validate.ValidationException) with sl: if avsc_names.get_name(r["class"], "") is not None: plain_hint = dict((key, r[key]) for key in r if key not in self.doc_loader.identifiers) # strip identifiers validate.validate_ex( avsc_names.get_name(plain_hint["class"], ""), plain_hint, strict=strict) else:"Unknown hint %s" % (r["class"]))) def get_requirement(self, feature): # type: (Any) -> Tuple[Any, bool] return get_feature(self, feature) def visit(self, op): # type: (Callable[[Dict[Text, Any]], None]) -> None op(self.tool) @abc.abstractmethod def job(self, job_order, # type: Dict[Text, Text] output_callbacks, # type: Callable[[Any, Any], Any] **kwargs # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> Generator[Any, None, None] return None
_Map, _List, )): children = obj.get_children() for child_name in children: ret[jp_compose([name, child_name])] = children[child_name] self.update_children_cache(ret) return ret def get_attrs(self, namespace, group_cls=None): """ attach an pyopenapi.migration.spec.AttributeGroup Args: - namespace: different attribute goups are separated/accessed by namespace - group_cls: the AttributeGroup to init when None is found """ if namespace in self.attrs: return self.attrs[namespace] if group_cls is None: return None group = group_cls({}) self.attrs[namespace] = group return group Base2 = six.with_metaclass(FieldMeta, Base2Obj)
class ImmutabilityPolicyState(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """The ImmutabilityPolicy state of a blob container, possible values include: Locked and Unlocked. """ LOCKED = "Locked" UNLOCKED = "Unlocked"
model_name = 'ClassFields FakeModel' class ClassFieldFakeRemoteField(object): """Make this look a bit like a ForeignKey (but not). Workaround for bug in SQLUpdateCompiler.as_sql() """ model = FakeModel parent_link = True if DJANGO_VERSION >= (1, 8): Field = models.Field else: from django.db.models import SubfieldBase Field = six.with_metaclass(SubFieldBase, models.Field) class ClassField(Field): """A field which can store and return a class. This is useful for improving models that have a 'type code smell'. Instead of sniffing the type code, the field can provide one of several instantiable classes that can have named methods. """ description = _('Class Field') rel = None _south_introspects = True
class _Common(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)): """Base class for Command and Group.""" _cli_generator = None _is_hidden = False _is_unicode_supported = False _release_track = None _valid_release_tracks = None _notices = None def __init__(self, is_group=False): self.exit_code = 0 self.is_group = is_group @staticmethod def Args(parser): """Set up arguments for this command. Args: parser: An argparse.ArgumentParser. """ pass @staticmethod def _Flags(parser): """Adds subclass flags. Args: parser: An argparse.ArgumentParser object. """ pass @classmethod def IsHidden(cls): return cls._is_hidden @classmethod def IsUnicodeSupported(cls): if six.PY2: return cls._is_unicode_supported # We always support unicode on Python 3. return True @classmethod def ReleaseTrack(cls): return cls._release_track @classmethod def ValidReleaseTracks(cls): return cls._valid_release_tracks @classmethod def GetTrackedAttribute(cls, obj, attribute): """Gets the attribute value from obj for tracks. The values are checked in ReleaseTrack._ALL order. Args: obj: The object to extract attribute from. attribute: The attribute name in object. Returns: The attribute value from obj for tracks. """ for track in ReleaseTrack._ALL: # pylint: disable=protected-access if track not in cls._valid_release_tracks: continue names = [] names.append(attribute + '_' + if track.prefix: names.append(attribute + '_' + track.prefix) for name in names: if hasattr(obj, name): return getattr(obj, name) return getattr(obj, attribute, None) @classmethod def Notices(cls): return cls._notices @classmethod def AddNotice(cls, tag, msg, preserve_existing=False): if not cls._notices: cls._notices = {} if tag in cls._notices and preserve_existing: return cls._notices[tag] = msg @classmethod def GetCLIGenerator(cls): """Get a generator function that can be used to execute a gcloud command. Returns: A bound generator function to execute a gcloud command. """ if cls._cli_generator: return cls._cli_generator.Generate return None
class ExtendedLocationTypes(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """The type of extendedLocation. """ EDGE_ZONE = "EdgeZone"
class BaseSkin(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)): """ Abstract class for creating fully customized skins .. warning:: This class is meant for subclassing and cannot be instantiated directly! A sublcass must implement all the following properties. """ @abstractmethod def images(self): """ Get the base directory for image files :rtype: str """ return @abstractmethod def x_margin(self): """ Get horizontal adjustment for the header background if the main background has transparent edges. :rtype: int """ return @abstractmethod def y_margin(self): """ Get vertical adjustment for the header background if the main background has transparent edges. :rtype: int """ return @abstractmethod def title_bar_x_shift(self): """ Get horizontal adjustment for title bar texture :rtype: int """ return @abstractmethod def title_bar_y_shift(self): """ Get vertical adjustment for title bar texture :rtype: int """ return @abstractmethod def title_back_y_shift(self): """ Get header position adjustment if the main background has visible borders. :rtype: int """ return @abstractmethod def header_height(self): """ Get the height of a window header (for the title background and the title label). :rtype: int """ return @abstractmethod def close_btn_width(self): """ Get the width of the top-right close button :rtype: int """ return @abstractmethod def close_btn_height(self): """ Get the height of the top-right close button :rtype: int """ return @abstractmethod def close_btn_x_offset(self): """ Get close button horizontal adjustment :rtype: int """ return @abstractmethod def close_btn_y_offset(self): """ Get close button vertical adjustment :rtype: int """ return @abstractmethod def header_align(self): """ Get a numeric value for header text alignment For example: - ``0``: left - ``6``: center :rtype: int """ return @abstractmethod def header_text_color(self): """ Get the color of the header text :rtype: str """ return @abstractmethod def background_img(self): """ Get dialog background texture :rtype: str """ return @abstractmethod def title_background_img(self): """ Get title bar background texture :rtype: str """ return @abstractmethod def close_button_focus(self): """ Get close button focused texture :rtype: str """ return @abstractmethod def close_button_no_focus(self): """ Get close button unfocused texture :rtype: str """ return @abstractmethod def main_bg_img(self): """ Get fullscreen background for :class:`AddonFullWindow<pyxbmct.addonwindow.AddonFullWindow>` class :rtype: str """ return
@staticmethod def get_replaced_method(orig_method, new_method): def func(self): return new_method(self, orig_method) return func @classmethod def replace_class_methods_with_hooks(mcs, bases, dct): methods_replacement_map = {'create': _create_hook, 'update': _update_hook, 'to_dict': _to_dict_hook} for orig_method_name, new_method in methods_replacement_map.items(): orig_method = mcs.get_attribute(orig_method_name, bases, dct) hook_method = mcs.get_replaced_method(orig_method, new_method) dct[orig_method_name] = hook_method def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dct): mcs.validate_existing_attrs(name, dct) mcs.update_synthetic_fields(bases, dct) mcs.replace_class_methods_with_hooks(bases, dct) cls = type(name, (RbacNeutronDbObjectMixin,) + bases, dct) cls.add_extra_filter_name('shared') mcs.subscribe_to_rbac_events(cls) return cls NeutronRbacObject = with_metaclass(RbacNeutronMetaclass, base.NeutronDbObject)
class DescribeCommand(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, Command)): """A command that prints one resource in the 'default' format."""
class CacheCommand(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, Command)): """A command that affects the resource URI cache.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(CacheCommand, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._uri_cache_enabled = True
class SilentCommand(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, Command)): """A command that produces no output.""" @staticmethod def _Flags(parser): parser.display_info.AddFormat('none')
class TopicCommand(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, Command)): """A command that displays its own help on execution.""" def Run(self, args): self.ExecuteCommandDoNotUse(args.command_path[1:] + ['--document=style=topic']) return None
class Command(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, _Common)): """Command is a base class for commands to implement. Attributes: _cli_do_not_use_directly: calliope.cli.CLI, The CLI object representing this command line tool. This should *only* be accessed via commands that absolutely *need* introspection of the entire CLI. context: {str:object}, A set of key-value pairs that can be used for common initialization among commands. _uri_cache_enabled: bool, The URI cache enabled state. """ def __init__(self, cli, context): super(Command, self).__init__(is_group=False) self._cli_do_not_use_directly = cli self.context = context self._uri_cache_enabled = False @property def _cli_power_users_only(self): return self._cli_do_not_use_directly def ExecuteCommandDoNotUse(self, args): """Execute a command using the given CLI. Do not introduce new invocations of this method unless your command *requires* it; any such new invocations must be approved by a team lead. Args: args: list of str, the args to Execute() via the CLI. Returns: pass-through of the return value from Execute() """ return self._cli_power_users_only.Execute(args, call_arg_complete=False) @staticmethod def _Flags(parser): """Sets the default output format. Args: parser: The argparse parser. """ parser.display_info.AddFormat('default') @abc.abstractmethod def Run(self, args): """Runs the command. Args: args: argparse.Namespace, An object that contains the values for the arguments specified in the .Args() method. Returns: A resource object dispatched by display.Displayer(). """ pass def Epilog(self, resources_were_displayed): """Called after resources are displayed if the default format was used. Args: resources_were_displayed: True if resources were displayed. """ _ = resources_were_displayed def GetReferencedKeyNames(self, args): """Returns the key names referenced by the filter and format expressions.""" return display.Displayer(self, args, None).GetReferencedKeyNames() def GetUriFunc(self): """Returns a function that transforms a command resource item to a URI. Returns: func(resource) that transforms resource into a URI. """ return None
lambda self: self.sourceModel(), [ "_set_context_id", "_get_context_id", "_set_changeblocked", "_get_changeblocked", "_about_to_change", "_change", "_update", "_rows_updated", "name", ], base_class=STRIPE_PROXY_BASE, ) STRIP_PROXY_SIX_BASE = six.with_metaclass(STRIP_PROXY_META_CLASS, STRIPE_PROXY_BASE) class StripeProxyModel(STRIP_PROXY_SIX_BASE): # (STRIPE_PROXY_BASE, metaclass=STRIP_PROXY_META_CLASS): # __metaclass__ = STRIP_PROXY_META_CLASS def __init__(self, parent=None, numduplicates=1): STRIPE_PROXY_BASE.__init__(self, parent=parent) self._nd = numduplicates def rowCount(self, parent=QtCore.QModelIndex()): sourceParent = self.mapToSource(parent) source_rows = self.sourceModel().rowCount(parent=sourceParent) rows = math.ceil(source_rows / self._nd) # print('StripeProxyModel.rowCount(): %r %r' % (source_rows, rows)) return int(rows)
class ComplexType(six.with_metaclass(Complex_PythonType, Type)): ''' Parent for XML elements that have sub-elements. ''' INDICATOR = Sequence # Indicator see: class Indicators. To be defined in sub-type. INHERITANCE = None # Type of inheritance see: class Inheritance, to be defined in sub-type. SCHEMA = None def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): instance = super(ComplexType, cls).__new__(cls) for field in instance._meta.all: try: setattr(instance, field._name, field.empty_value()) except RuntimeError as ex: logger.warning("Reccursion exception %s occured on %s for field: %s and was IGNORED"%(str(ex),str(cls),str(field._name))) return instance def __init__(self, **kwargs): for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) def __setattr__(self, attr, value): if attr == '_xmlelement': super(ComplexType, self).__setattr__(attr, value) else: try: field = self._find_field(self._meta.all, attr) super(ComplexType, self).__setattr__(attr, field.accept(value)) except IndexError: raise AttributeError("Model '%s' doesn't have attribute '%s'." % (self.__class__.__name__, attr)) def __str__(self): fields = {f._name: getattr(self, f._name, '<UNKNOWN FIELD>') for f in self._meta.fields} str_fields = ', '.join('%s=%s' % item for item in fields.items()) return '<{class_name}: {fields}>'.format(class_name=self.__class__.__name__, fields=str_fields) def __hash__(self): # FIXME: We should do this without the conversion back to XML. return hash(etree.tostring(self._xmlelement)) if hasattr(self, '_xmlelement') else id(self) def __eq__(self, other): # FIXME: We should do this without the conversion back to XML. return hasattr(self, '_xmlelement') and hasattr(other, '_xmlelement') \ and etree.tostring(self._xmlelement) == etree.tostring(other._xmlelement) def __lt__(self, other): # FIXME: We should do this without the conversion back to XML. return hasattr(self, '_xmlelement') and hasattr(other, '_xmlelement') \ and etree.tostring(self._xmlelement) < etree.tostring(other._xmlelement) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def accept(self, value): ''' Instance methods that validate other instances. ''' if value is None: return None elif isinstance(value, self.__class__): return value else: raise ValueError('Wrong value object type %r for %s.' % (value, self.__class__.__name__)) def render(self, parent, instance, namespace=None, elementFormDefault=None): if instance is None: return None if self.SCHEMA: namespace = self.SCHEMA.targetNamespace for field in instance._meta.all: field.render( parent=parent, field_name=field.tagname or field._name, value=getattr(instance, field._name), namespace=namespace, elementFormDefault=elementFormDefault) @classmethod def _find_field(cls, fields, name): try: return next(f for f in fields if f._name == name) except StopIteration: pass raise ValueError("%s has no field '%s'" % (cls.__name__, name)) @classmethod def _get_field_by_name(cls, fields, field_name): for field in fields: if field.tagname == field_name or field._name == field_name: return field raise ValueError("Field not found '%s', fields: %s" % (field_name, fields)) @classmethod def _is_matching_element(cls, field, xmlelement): def gettagns(tag): ''' Translates a tag string in a format {namespace} tag to a tuple (namespace, tag). ''' if tag[0] == '{': return tag[1:].split('}', 1) else: return (None, tag) if isinstance(xmlelement, etree._Comment): return False ns, tag = gettagns(xmlelement.tag) return (tag == field._name) or (tag == field.tagname) @classmethod def _find_subelement(cls, field, xmlelement): subelements = [] for subelement in xmlelement: if cls._is_matching_element(field, subelement): subelements.append(subelement) return subelements @classmethod def parse_xmlelement(cls, xmlelement): instance = cls() instance._xmlelement = xmlelement for attribute in instance._meta.attributes: attribute.parse(instance, attribute._name, xmlelement) is_choice = (instance._meta.cls.INDICATOR == Choice) for field in instance._meta.fields: if is_choice: if not cls._is_matching_element(field, xmlelement): continue subelements = [xmlelement] else: subelements = cls._find_subelement(field, xmlelement) for subelement in subelements: field.parse(instance, field._name, subelement) if is_choice: break for group in instance._meta.groups: group.parse(instance, group._name, xmlelement) return instance @classmethod def __parse_with_validation(cls, xml, schema): from .py2xsd import generate_xsd schema = generate_xsd(schema) schemaelement = etree.XMLSchema(schema) if isinstance(xml, six.string_types): parser = etree.XMLParser(schema=schemaelement) xmlelement = etree.fromstring(xml, parser) else: schemaelement.assertValid(xml) xmlelement = xml return xmlelement @classmethod def parsexml(cls, xml, schema=None): if schema is None: parser = etree.fromstring else: if not isinstance(schema, etree.XMLSchema): from .py2xsd import generate_xsd schema = etree.XMLSchema(generate_xsd(schema)) xmlparser = etree.XMLParser(schema=schema) parser = functools.partial(etree.fromstring, parser=xmlparser) xmlelement = parser(xml) return cls.parse_xmlelement(xmlelement) def xml(self, tagname, namespace=None, elementFormDefault=None, schema=None, pretty_print=True): if namespace: tagname = '{%s}%s' % (namespace, tagname) xmlelement = etree.Element(tagname) self.render(xmlelement, self, namespace, elementFormDefault) if schema is not None: schema.assertValid(xmlelement) return etree.tostring(xmlelement, pretty_print=pretty_print) @classmethod def _force_elements_type_evalution(cls): ''' Allows a schema object to force elements type evalution for XSD generation. ''' for element in cls._meta.all: element._evaluate_type()
def to_python(self, value): return _enum_coerce(self, self.enum, value) def _get_flat_choices(self): for k, v in self.choices: if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)): for k2, v2 in v: yield k2, v2 else: yield k, v if django.VERSION < (1, 8): from django.db.models.fields.subclassing import SubfieldBase ModelFieldBase = six.with_metaclass(SubfieldBase, models.IntegerField) else: ModelFieldBase = models.IntegerField class EnumField(ModelFieldBase): empty_strings_allowed = False validators = [] def __init__(self, enum, *args, **kwargs): self.enum = enum kwargs.update( choices = enum.Choices.items(), null = False, blank = False
class BaseProvider(object, with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)): @property def platform(self): raise NotImplementedError("Missing provider platform attribute.")
import json import six from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.db import models try: from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode as smart_text smart_text # placate pyflakes except ImportError: from django.utils.encoding import smart_text try: base_class = six.with_metaclass(models.SubfieldBase, models.TextField) except AttributeError: # Django 1.10 removed SubfieldBase base_class = models.TextField class JSONField(base_class): """Simple JSON field that stores python structures as JSON strings on database. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('default', {}) super(JSONField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def to_python(self, value): """ Convert the input JSON value into python structures, raises
class BaseEndpointStorageProvider(object, with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)): @abc.abstractmethod def get_storage(self, ctxt, connection_info): """ Returns all the storage options available""" pass
class ExpirationAction(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """The SAS expiration action. Can only be Log. """ LOG = "Log"
class BaseEndpointNetworksProvider(object, with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)): """Defines operations for endpoints networks.""" @abc.abstractmethod def get_networks(self, ctxt, connection_info, env): """Returns a list of networks """ raise NotImplementedError()
class HttpProtocol(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """The protocol permitted for a request made with the account SAS. """ HTTPS_HTTP = "https,http" HTTPS = "https"
class BaseEndpointDestinationOptionsProvider(object, with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)): @abc.abstractmethod def get_target_environment_options(self, ctxt, connection_info, env=None, option_names=None): """ Returns all possible values for the target environment options, as well as any settings the options might have in the configuration files. param env: dict: optional target environment options param option_names: list(str): optional list of parameter names to show values for Example returned values for the following options: schema = { "properties": { "migr_network": { "type": "string" }, "security_groups": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } }, "migr_image": { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "string" }, "name": { "type": "integer" } } } } } The provider should return: options = [ { "name": "migr_network", "values": ["net1", "net2", "net3"], "config_default": "net2"}, { "name": "security_groups", "values": ["secgroup1", "secgroup2", "secgroup3"], "config_default": ["secgroup2", "secgroup3"]}, { "name": "migr_image", "values": [ {"name": "testimage1", "id": 101}, {"name": "testimg2", "id": 4}], "config_default": {"name": "testimg2", "id": 4}}} ] Observations: - base types such as 'integer' or 'string' are preserved - 'array' types will return an array with all the options which are settable through that paramter (any, all or none may be set) - for fields where both a name or ID may be returned, returning the name will be preferred. The provider must ensure that, if there are objects with the same name, the IDs of those objects are offered as an option instead of two identical names. """ pass
class InventoryRuleType(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """The valid value is Inventory """ INVENTORY = "Inventory"
class Configuration(six.with_metaclass(TypeWithDefault, object)): """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator Ref: Do not edit the class manually. :param host: Base url :param api_key: Dict to store API key(s) :param api_key_prefix: Dict to store API prefix (e.g. Bearer) :param username: Username for HTTP basic authentication :param password: Password for HTTP basic authentication """ def __init__(self, host="", api_key={}, api_key_prefix={}, username="", password=""): """Constructor """ = host """Default Base url """ self.temp_folder_path = None """Temp file folder for downloading files """ # Authentication Settings self.api_key = api_key """dict to store API key(s) """ self.api_key_prefix = api_key_prefix """dict to store API prefix (e.g. Bearer) """ self.refresh_api_key_hook = None """function hook to refresh API key if expired """ self.username = username """Username for HTTP basic authentication """ self.password = password """Password for HTTP basic authentication """ self.access_token = "" """access token for OAuth/Bearer """ self.logger = {} """Logging Settings """ self.logger["package_logger"] = logging.getLogger("petstore_api") self.logger["urllib3_logger"] = logging.getLogger("urllib3") self.logger_format = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s' """Log format """ self.logger_stream_handler = None """Log stream handler """ self.logger_file_handler = None """Log file handler """ self.logger_file = None """Debug file location """ self.debug = False """Debug switch """ self.verify_ssl = True """SSL/TLS verification Set this to false to skip verifying SSL certificate when calling API from https server. """ self.ssl_ca_cert = None """Set this to customize the certificate file to verify the peer. """ self.cert_file = None """client certificate file """ self.key_file = None """client key file """ self.assert_hostname = None """Set this to True/False to enable/disable SSL hostname verification. """ self.connection_pool_maxsize = 100 """This value is passed to the aiohttp to limit simultaneous connections. Default values is 100, None means no-limit. """ self.proxy = None """Proxy URL """ self.proxy_headers = None """Proxy headers """ self.safe_chars_for_path_param = '' """Safe chars for path_param """ self.retries = None """Adding retries to override urllib3 default value 3 """ # Disable client side validation self.client_side_validation = True @property def logger_file(self): """The logger file. If the logger_file is None, then add stream handler and remove file handler. Otherwise, add file handler and remove stream handler. :param value: The logger_file path. :type: str """ return self.__logger_file @logger_file.setter def logger_file(self, value): """The logger file. If the logger_file is None, then add stream handler and remove file handler. Otherwise, add file handler and remove stream handler. :param value: The logger_file path. :type: str """ self.__logger_file = value if self.__logger_file: # If set logging file, # then add file handler and remove stream handler. self.logger_file_handler = logging.FileHandler(self.__logger_file) self.logger_file_handler.setFormatter(self.logger_formatter) for _, logger in six.iteritems(self.logger): logger.addHandler(self.logger_file_handler) @property def debug(self): """Debug status :param value: The debug status, True or False. :type: bool """ return self.__debug @debug.setter def debug(self, value): """Debug status :param value: The debug status, True or False. :type: bool """ self.__debug = value if self.__debug: # if debug status is True, turn on debug logging for _, logger in six.iteritems(self.logger): logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # turn on httplib debug httplib.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1 else: # if debug status is False, turn off debug logging, # setting log level to default `logging.WARNING` for _, logger in six.iteritems(self.logger): logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) # turn off httplib debug httplib.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 0 @property def logger_format(self): """The logger format. The logger_formatter will be updated when sets logger_format. :param value: The format string. :type: str """ return self.__logger_format @logger_format.setter def logger_format(self, value): """The logger format. The logger_formatter will be updated when sets logger_format. :param value: The format string. :type: str """ self.__logger_format = value self.logger_formatter = logging.Formatter(self.__logger_format) def get_api_key_with_prefix(self, identifier): """Gets API key (with prefix if set). :param identifier: The identifier of apiKey. :return: The token for api key authentication. """ if self.refresh_api_key_hook is not None: self.refresh_api_key_hook(self) key = self.api_key.get(identifier) if key: prefix = self.api_key_prefix.get(identifier) if prefix: return "%s %s" % (prefix, key) else: return key def get_basic_auth_token(self): """Gets HTTP basic authentication header (string). :return: The token for basic HTTP authentication. """ return urllib3.util.make_headers(basic_auth=self.username + ':' + self.password).get('authorization') def auth_settings(self): """Gets Auth Settings dict for api client. :return: The Auth Settings information dict. """ return { 'api_key': { 'type': 'api_key', 'in': 'header', 'key': 'api_key', 'value': self.get_api_key_with_prefix('api_key') }, 'api_key_query': { 'type': 'api_key', 'in': 'query', 'key': 'api_key_query', 'value': self.get_api_key_with_prefix('api_key_query') }, 'http_basic_test': { 'type': 'basic', 'in': 'header', 'key': 'Authorization', 'value': self.get_basic_auth_token() }, 'petstore_auth': { 'type': 'oauth2', 'in': 'header', 'key': 'Authorization', 'value': 'Bearer ' + self.access_token }, } def to_debug_report(self): """Gets the essential information for debugging. :return: The report for debugging. """ return "Python SDK Debug Report:\n"\ "OS: {env}\n"\ "Python Version: {pyversion}\n"\ "Version of the API: 1.0.0\n"\ "SDK Package Version: 1.0.0".\ format(env=sys.platform, pyversion=sys.version) def get_host_settings(self): """Gets an array of host settings :return: An array of host settings """ return [{ 'url': "", 'description': "No description provided", }] def get_host_from_settings(self, index, variables={}): """Gets host URL based on the index and variables :param index: array index of the host settings :param variables: hash of variable and the corresponding value :return: URL based on host settings """ servers = self.get_host_settings() # check array index out of bound if index < 0 or index >= len(servers): raise ValueError( "Invalid index {} when selecting the host settings. Must be less than {}" # noqa: E501 .format(index, len(servers))) server = servers[index] url = server['url'] # go through variable and assign a value for variable_name in server['variables']: if variable_name in variables: if variables[variable_name] in server['variables'][ variable_name]['enum_values']: url = url.replace("{" + variable_name + "}", variables[variable_name]) else: raise ValueError( "The variable `{}` in the host URL has invalid value {}. Must be {}." # noqa: E501 .format( variable_name, variables[variable_name], server['variables'][variable_name]['enum_values'])) else: # use default value url = url.replace( "{" + variable_name + "}", server['variables'][variable_name]['default_value']) return url
def filter_class(self): return six.with_metaclass(self.filter_meta)
class ServiceResource(six.with_metaclass(CodingStyleMixin, BaseServiceResource)): ORDER = None # type: int def __init__(self, creds_manager): super(ServiceResource, self).__init__() if self.ORDER is None: raise ValueError( 'Class {}.{} must override the "ORDER" class attribute'.format( self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__) # type: ignore ) self.cleanup_project_id = creds_manager.project_id = self.options = creds_manager.options @classmethod def order(cls): return cls.ORDER def check_prerequisite(self): return True @abc.abstractmethod def list(self): raise NotImplementedError def should_delete(self, resource): project_id = resource.get('project_id', resource.get('tenant_id')) if project_id: return project_id == self.cleanup_project_id else: # Uncomment the following line once the SDK and all OpenStack # services returns the resource owner. In the mean time no need # to be worrying. # logging.warning("Can't determine owner of resource %s", resource) return True @abc.abstractmethod def delete(self, resource): raise NotImplementedError def disable(self, resource): msg = "The disable feature is not supported for %s, No action will" \ "be taken against the resource(id=%s, name=%s)." logging.warning( msg, self.__class__.__name__, resource.get('id'), resource.get('name') ) @staticmethod @abc.abstractmethod def to_str(resource): raise NotImplementedError def wait_for_check_prerequisite(self, exit): timeout = time.time() + 120 sleep = 2 while time.time() < timeout: if exit.is_set(): raise RuntimeError( "Resource manager exited because it was interrupted or " "another resource manager failed" ) if self.check_prerequisite(): break"Waiting for check_prerequisite() in %s", self.__class__.__name__) time.sleep(sleep) sleep = min(sleep * 2, 8) else: raise exceptions.TimeoutError( "Timeout exceeded waiting for check_prerequisite()")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.pop('TestCase', None) super(FixturesMeta, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def with_test(cls, func): meta = type(cls) tc_cls = (cls._TestCase,) if '_test' not in cls.__dict__ else () bases = tuple(b for b in cls.__bases__ if b is not object) + tc_cls members = dict(cls.__dict__) members['_test'] = func return super(FixturesMeta, meta).__new__( meta, func.__name__, bases, members) Fixtures = six.with_metaclass(FixturesMeta) def WithTestClass(cls): class metaclass(type): def __new__(cls_, name, this_bases, d): return FixturesMeta(name, (), d, TestCase=cls) return type.__new__(metaclass, "WithTestClass_"+cls.__name__, (), {}) def _make_testfunc_runner(value, fake_loc, container_loc, cls_name, member_name): def _run_test(self): try: return self._test(*value) except Exception as exc:
class SourceKindType(with_metaclass(CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """Source Kind to pull the configuration data from. """ GIT_REPOSITORY = "GitRepository" BUCKET = "Bucket"
return property(_getter_, _setter_) class AttributeMeta(type): """ metaclass to init attributes """ def __new__(mcs, name, bases, spec): attrs = spec.setdefault('__attributes__', {}) for name_, args in six.iteritems(attrs): args = copy.copy(args) builder = args.pop('builder', None) or attr spec[name_] = builder(args.pop('key', None) or name_, **args) return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, spec) class _Attrs(object): """ You can attach attributes to a Base2Obj. It provides a mechanism to keep runtime info to an OpenApi objects. Example usage is 'ref_obj' for 'Reference' object. """ def __init__(self, attrs=None): self.attrs = attrs or {} AttributeGroup = six.with_metaclass(AttributeMeta, _Attrs)
class AKSIdentityType(with_metaclass(CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """The identity type. """ SYSTEM_ASSIGNED = "SystemAssigned" USER_ASSIGNED = "UserAssigned"
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.db import models try: from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode as smart_text smart_text # placate pyflakes except ImportError: from django.utils.encoding import smart_text from social.utils import setting_name if VERSION >= (1, 8): _JSONFieldBase = models.Field else: _JSONFieldBase = six.with_metaclass(models.SubfieldBase, models.TextField) USE_POSTGRES_NATIVE_JSON_FIELD = getattr(settings, setting_name('USE_POSTGRES_NATIVE_JSON_FIELD'), False) if USE_POSTGRES_NATIVE_JSON_FIELD: from django.contrib.postgres.fields import JSONField else: class JSONField(_JSONFieldBase): """Simple JSON field that stores python structures as JSON strings on database. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('default', {}) super(JSONField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class SQLObjectBase(six.with_metaclass(SQLObjectMeta, Storm)): """The root class of all SQLObject-emulating classes in your application. The general strategy for using Storm's SQLObject emulation layer is to create an application-specific subclass of SQLObjectBase (probably named "SQLObject") that provides an implementation of _get_store to return an instance of L{}. It may even be implemented as returning a global L{Store} instance. Then all database classes should subclass that class. """ q = DotQ() _SO_creating = False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): store = self._get_store() store.add(self) try: self._create(None, **kwargs) except: store.remove(self) raise def __storm_loaded__(self): self._init(None) def _init(self, id, *args, **kwargs): pass def _create(self, _id_, **kwargs): self._SO_creating = True self.set(**kwargs) del self._SO_creating self._init(None) def set(self, **kwargs): for attr, value in six.iteritems(kwargs): setattr(self, attr, value) def destroySelf(self): Store.of(self).remove(self) @staticmethod def _get_store(): raise NotImplementedError("SQLObjectBase._get_store() " "must be implemented") @classmethod def delete(cls, id): # destroySelf() should be extended to support cascading, so # we'll mimic what SQLObject does here, even if more expensive. obj = cls.get(id) obj.destroySelf() @classmethod def get(cls, id): id = cls._idType(id) store = cls._get_store() obj = store.get(cls, id) if obj is None: raise SQLObjectNotFound("Object not found") return obj @classmethod def _parse_orderBy(cls, orderBy): result = [] if not isinstance(orderBy, (tuple, list)): orderBy = (orderBy,) for item in orderBy: if isinstance(item, six.string_types): desc = item.startswith("-") if desc: item = item[1:] item = cls._attr_to_prop.get(item, item) if desc: item = Desc(item) result.append(item) return tuple(result) @classmethod def select(cls, *args, **kwargs): return SQLObjectResultSet(cls, *args, **kwargs) @classmethod def selectBy(cls, orderBy=None, **kwargs): return SQLObjectResultSet(cls, orderBy=orderBy, by=kwargs) @classmethod def selectOne(cls, *args, **kwargs): return SQLObjectResultSet(cls, *args, **kwargs)._one() @classmethod def selectOneBy(cls, **kwargs): return SQLObjectResultSet(cls, by=kwargs)._one() @classmethod def selectFirst(cls, *args, **kwargs): return SQLObjectResultSet(cls, *args, **kwargs)._first() @classmethod def selectFirstBy(cls, orderBy=None, **kwargs): result = SQLObjectResultSet(cls, orderBy=orderBy, by=kwargs) return result._first() def syncUpdate(self): self._get_store().flush() def sync(self): store = self._get_store() store.flush() store.autoreload(self)
def singleton_particle(*bases): """Defines a singleton instance immediately when defining the class. The name of the class will refer the instance instead. """ return with_metaclass(SingletonParticleMeta, SingletonParticle, *bases)
properties['ramdisk_id'] = data['ramdisk'] if data.get('architecture'): properties['architecture'] = data['architecture'] if < 2: meta.update({'is_public': is_public, 'properties': properties}) else: meta['visibility'] = 'public' if is_public else 'private' meta.update(properties) return meta if api.glance.get_image_upload_mode() == 'direct': FileField = forms.ExternalFileField CreateParent = six.with_metaclass(forms.ExternalUploadMeta, forms.SelfHandlingForm) else: FileField = forms.FileField CreateParent = forms.SelfHandlingForm class CreateImageForm(CreateParent): name = forms.CharField(max_length=255, label=_("Name")) description = forms.CharField( max_length=255, widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'rows': 4}), label=_("Description"), required=False) source_type = forms.ChoiceField( label=_('Image Source'), required=False,
class EFPBase(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)): def __init__(self, measure, beta, kappa, normed, coords, check_input): if 'efpm' in measure: raise ValueError('\'efpm\' no longer supported') if 'efm' in measure: raise ValueError('\'efm\' no longer supported') # store measure object self._measure = Measure(measure, beta, kappa, normed, coords, check_input) def get_zs_thetas_dict(self, event, zs, thetas): if event is not None: zs, thetas = self._measure.evaluate(event) elif zs is None or thetas is None: raise TypeError( 'if event is None then zs and/or thetas cannot also be None') return zs, {w: thetas**w for w in self._weight_set} @abstractproperty def _weight_set(self): pass @property def measure(self): return self._measure.measure @property def beta(self): return self._measure.beta @property def kappa(self): return self._measure.kappa @property def normed(self): return self._measure.normed @property def check_input(self): return self._measure.check_input @property def subslicing(self): return self._measure.subslicing def _batch_compute_func(self, event): return self.compute(event, batch_call=True) @abstractmethod def compute(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def batch_compute(self, events, n_jobs=-1): """Computes the value of the EFP on several events. **Arguments** - **events** : array_like or `fastjet.PseudoJet` - The events as an array of arrays of particles in coordinates matching those anticipated by `coords`. - **n_jobs** : _int_ - The number of worker processes to use. A value of `-1` will attempt to use as many processes as there are CPUs on the machine. **Returns** - _1-d numpy.ndarray_ - A vector of the EFP value for each event. """ if n_jobs == -1: try: self.n_jobs = multiprocessing.cpu_count() except: self.n_jobs = 4 # choose reasonable value # setup processor pool chunksize = max(len(events) // self.n_jobs, 1) if sys.version_info[0] == 3: with multiprocessing.Pool(self.n_jobs) as pool: results = np.asarray( list(pool.imap(self._batch_compute_func, events, chunksize))) # Pool is not a context manager in python 2 else: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(self.n_jobs) results = np.asarray( list(pool.imap(self._batch_compute_func, events, chunksize))) pool.close() return results
class GACReader(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta)): scan_freq = 2.0 / 1000.0 """Scanning frequency (scanlines per millisecond)""" def __init__(self, interpolate_coords=True, adjust_clock_drift=True, tle_dir=None, tle_name=None, tle_thresh=7): """ Args: interpolate_coords: Interpolate coordinates from every eighth pixel to all pixels. adjust_clock_drift: Adjust the geolocation to compensate for the clock error (POD satellites only). tle_dir: Directory holding TLE files tle_name: Filename pattern of TLE files. tle_thresh: Maximum number of days between observation and nearest TLE """ self.interpolate_coords = interpolate_coords self.adjust_clock_drift = adjust_clock_drift self.tle_dir = tle_dir self.tle_name = tle_name self.tle_thresh = tle_thresh self.head = None self.scans = None self.spacecraft_name = None self.spacecraft_id = None self.utcs = None self.lats = None self.lons = None self.times = None self.tle_lines = None self.filename = None self._mask = None @abstractmethod def read(self, filename): """Read GAC data. Args: filename (str): Specifies the GAC file to be read. """ self.filename = os.path.basename(filename)'Reading %s', self.filename) @abstractmethod def get_header_timestamp(self): """Read start timestamp from the header. Returns: datetime.datetime: Start timestamp """ raise NotImplementedError def get_counts(self): packed_data = self.scans["sensor_data"] gac_counts = np.zeros((len(self.scans), 409 * 5)) gac_counts[:, 0::3] = (packed_data >> 20) & 1023 gac_counts[:, 1::3] = (packed_data >> 10) & 1023 gac_counts[:, 2::3] = (packed_data & 1023)[:, :-1] gac_counts = gac_counts.reshape((-1, 409, 5)) try: switch = self.get_ch3_switch() except AttributeError: return gac_counts else: channels = np.zeros((len(self.scans), 409, 6), dtype=gac_counts.dtype) channels[:, :, :2] = gac_counts[:, :, :2] channels[:, :, -2:] = gac_counts[:, :, -2:] channels[:, :, 2][switch == 1] = gac_counts[:, :, 2][switch == 1] channels[:, :, 3][switch == 0] = gac_counts[:, :, 2][switch == 0] return channels @abstractmethod def _get_times(self): """Specifies how to read scanline timestamps from GAC data. Returns: int: year int: day of year int: milliseconds since 00:00 """ raise NotImplementedError def get_times(self): """Read scanline timestamps and try to correct invalid values. Note: Also sets self.utcs and self.times! Returns: UTC timestamps """ if self.utcs is None: # Read timestamps year, jday, msec = self._get_times() # Correct invalid values year, jday, msec = self.correct_times_median(year=year, jday=jday, msec=msec) self.utcs = self.to_datetime64(year=year, jday=jday, msec=msec) self.correct_times_thresh() # Convert timestamps to datetime objects self.times = self.to_datetime(self.utcs) return self.utcs @staticmethod def to_datetime64(year, jday, msec): """Convert timestamps to numpy.datetime64 Args: year: Year jday: Day of the year (1-based) msec: Milliseconds since 00:00 Returns: numpy.datetime64: Converted timestamps """ return ( ((year - 1970).astype('datetime64[Y]') + (jday - 1).astype('timedelta64[D]')).astype('datetime64[ms]') + msec.astype('timedelta64[ms]')) @staticmethod def to_datetime(datetime64): """Convert numpy.datetime64 to datetime.datetime Args: datetime64 (numpy.datetime64): Numpy timestamp to be converted. Returns: datetime.datetime: Converted timestamp """ return datetime64.astype(datetime.datetime) def lineno2msec(self, scan_line_number): """Compute ideal scanline timestamp based on the scanline number. Assumes a constant scanning frequency. Args: scan_line_number: Specifies the scanline number (1-based) Returns: Corresponding timestamps in milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00, i.e. the first scanline has timestamp 0. """ return (scan_line_number - 1) / self.scan_freq def compute_lonlat(self, width, utcs=None, clock_drift_adjust=True): """Compute lat/lon coordinates. Args: width: Number of coordinates per scanlines utcs: Scanline timestamps clock_drift_adjust: If True, adjust clock drift. """ tle1, tle2 = self.get_tle_lines() scan_points = np.arange(3.5, 2048, 5) if utcs is None: utcs = self.get_times() # adjusting clock for drift tic = if clock_drift_adjust: from pygac.clock_offsets_converter import get_offsets try: offset_times, clock_error = get_offsets(self.spacecraft_name) except KeyError:"No clock drift info available for %s", self.spacecraft_name) else: offset_times = np.array(offset_times, dtype='datetime64[ms]') offsets = np.interp(utcs.astype(np.uint64), offset_times.astype(np.uint64), clock_error) utcs -= (offsets * 1000).astype('timedelta64[ms]') t = utcs[0].astype(datetime.datetime) if "constant_yaw_attitude_error" in self.head.dtype.fields: rpy = np.deg2rad([ self.head["constant_roll_attitude_error"] / 1e3, self.head["constant_pitch_attitude_error"] / 1e3, self.head["constant_yaw_attitude_error"] / 1e3 ]) else: rpy = [0, 0, 0]"Using rpy: %s", str(rpy)) from pyorbital.geoloc_instrument_definitions import avhrr_gac from pyorbital.geoloc import compute_pixels, get_lonlatalt sgeom = avhrr_gac(utcs.astype(datetime.datetime), scan_points, 55.385) s_times = sgeom.times(t) pixels_pos = compute_pixels((tle1, tle2), sgeom, s_times, rpy) pos_time = get_lonlatalt(pixels_pos, s_times) toc = LOG.warning("Computation of geolocation: %s", str(toc - tic)) lons, lats = pos_time[:2] return lons.reshape(-1, width), lats.reshape(-1, width) def get_calibrated_channels(self): channels = self.get_counts() self.get_times() year = self.times[0].year delta = self.times[0].date() -, 1, 1) jday = delta.days + 1 # Earth-Sun distance correction factor corr = 1.0 - 0.0334 * np.cos(2.0 * np.pi * (jday - 2) / 365.25) # how many reflective channels are there ? tot_ref = channels.shape[2] - 3 channels[:, :, 0:tot_ref] = calibrate_solar(channels[:, :, 0:tot_ref], np.arange(tot_ref), year, jday, self.spacecraft_name, corr) prt, ict, space = self.get_telemetry() for chan in [3, 4, 5]: channels[:, :, chan - 6] = calibrate_thermal( channels[:, :, chan - 6], prt, ict[:, chan - 3], space[:, chan - 3], self.scans["scan_line_number"], chan, self.spacecraft_name) # Mask out corrupt values channels[self.mask] = np.nan # Apply KLM/POD specific postprocessing self.postproc(channels) # Mask pixels affected by scan motor issue if self.is_tsm_affected():'Correcting for temporary scan motor issue') self.mask_tsm_pixels(channels) return channels def get_lonlat(self): """Compute lat/lon coordinates. TODO: Switch to faster interpolator? """ if self.lons is None and self.lats is None: self.lons, self.lats = self._get_lonlat() # Interpolate from every eighth pixel to all pixels. if self.interpolate_coords: self.lons, self.lats = gtp.Gac_Lat_Lon_Interpolator( self.lons, self.lats) # Adjust clock drift if self.adjust_clock_drift: self._adjust_clock_drift() # Mask out corrupt scanlines self.lons[self.mask] = np.nan self.lats[self.mask] = np.nan # Mask values outside the valid range self.lats[np.fabs(self.lats) > 90.0] = np.nan self.lons[np.fabs(self.lons) > 180.0] = np.nan return self.lons, self.lats @abstractmethod def _get_lonlat(self): """KLM/POD specific readout of lat/lon coordinates.""" raise NotImplementedError @property def mask(self): """Mask for corrupt scanlines.""" if self._mask is None: self._mask = self._get_corrupt_mask() return self._mask @abstractmethod def _get_corrupt_mask(self): """KLM/POD specific readout of corrupt scanline mask.""" raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def postproc(self, channels): """Apply KLM/POD specific postprocessing.""" raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def _adjust_clock_drift(self): """Adjust clock drift.""" raise NotImplementedError @staticmethod def tle2datetime64(times): """Convert TLE timestamps to numpy.datetime64 Args: times (float): TLE timestamps as %y%j.1234, e.g. 18001.25 """ # Convert %y%j.12345 to %Y%j.12345 (valid for 1950-2049) times = np.where(times > 50000, times + 1900000, times + 2000000) # Convert float to datetime64 doys = (times % 1000).astype('int') - 1 years = (times // 1000).astype('int') msecs = np.rint(24 * 3600 * 1000 * (times % 1)) times64 = (years - 1970).astype('datetime64[Y]').astype('datetime64[ms]') times64 += doys.astype('timedelta64[D]') times64 += msecs.astype('timedelta64[ms]') return times64 def get_tle_file(self): """Find TLE file for the current satellite.""" tle_dir, tle_name = self.tle_dir, self.tle_name # If user didn't specify TLE dir/name, try config file if tle_dir is None or tle_name is None: conf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() try: except ConfigParser.NoSectionError: LOG.exception('Failed reading configuration file: %s', str(CONFIG_FILE)) raise options = {} for option, value in conf.items('tle', raw=True): options[option] = value tle_dir = options['tledir'] tle_name = options['tlename'] values = { "satname": self.spacecraft_name, } tle_filename = os.path.join(tle_dir, tle_name % values)'TLE filename = ' + str(tle_filename)) return tle_filename def read_tle_file(self, tle_filename): """Read TLE file.""" with open(tle_filename, 'r') as fp_: return fp_.readlines() def get_tle_lines(self): """Find closest two line elements (TLEs) for the current orbit Raises: IndexError, if the closest TLE is more than :meth:`pygac.GACReader.tle_thresh` days apart """ if self.tle_lines is not None: return self.tle_lines self.get_times() tle_data = self.read_tle_file(self.get_tle_file()) sdate = np.datetime64(self.times[0], '[ms]') dates = self.tle2datetime64( np.array([float(line[18:32]) for line in tle_data[::2]])) # Find index "iindex" such that dates[iindex-1] < sdate <= dates[iindex] # Notes: # 1. If sdate < dates[0] then iindex = 0 # 2. If sdate > dates[-1] then iindex = len(dates), beyond the right boundary! iindex = np.searchsorted(dates, sdate) if iindex in (0, len(dates)): if iindex == len(dates): # Reset index if beyond the right boundary (see note 2. above) iindex -= 1 elif abs(sdate - dates[iindex - 1]) < abs(sdate - dates[iindex]): # Choose the closest of the two surrounding dates iindex -= 1 # Make sure the TLE we found is within the threshold delta_days = abs(sdate - dates[iindex]) / np.timedelta64(1, 'D') if delta_days > self.tle_thresh: raise IndexError( "Can't find tle data for %s within +/- %d days around %s" % (self.spacecraft_name, self.tle_thresh, sdate)) if delta_days > 3: LOG.warning("Found TLE data for %s that is %f days appart", sdate, delta_days) else: LOG.debug("Found TLE data for %s that is %f days appart", sdate, delta_days) # Select TLE data tle1 = tle_data[iindex * 2] tle2 = tle_data[iindex * 2 + 1] self.tle_lines = tle1, tle2 return tle1, tle2 def get_angles(self): """Get azimuth and zenith angles. Azimuth angle definition is the same as in pyorbital, but with different units (degrees not radians for sun azimuth angles) and different ranges. Returns: sat_azi: satellite azimuth angle degree clockwise from north in range ]-180, 180], sat_zentih: satellite zenith angles in degrees in range [0,90], sun_azi: sun azimuth angle degree clockwise from north in range ]-180, 180], sun_zentih: sun zenith angles in degrees in range [0,90], rel_azi: absolute azimuth angle difference in degrees between sun and sensor in range [0, 180] """ self.get_times() self.get_lonlat() tle1, tle2 = self.get_tle_lines() orb = Orbital(self.spacecrafts_orbital[self.spacecraft_id], line1=tle1, line2=tle2) sat_azi, sat_elev = orb.get_observer_look(self.times[:, np.newaxis], self.lons, self.lats, 0) sat_zenith = 90 - sat_elev sun_zenith = astronomy.sun_zenith_angle(self.times[:, np.newaxis], self.lons, self.lats) alt, sun_azi = astronomy.get_alt_az(self.times[:, np.newaxis], self.lons, self.lats) del alt sun_azi = np.rad2deg(sun_azi) rel_azi = get_absolute_azimuth_angle_diff(sun_azi, sat_azi) # Scale angles range to half open interval ]-180, 180] sat_azi = centered_modulus(sat_azi, 360.0) sun_azi = centered_modulus(sun_azi, 360.0) # Mask corrupt scanlines for arr in (sat_azi, sat_zenith, sun_azi, sun_zenith, rel_azi): arr[self.mask] = np.nan return sat_azi, sat_zenith, sun_azi, sun_zenith, rel_azi def correct_times_median(self, year, jday, msec): """Replace invalid timestamps with statistical estimates (using median). Assumes that the majority of timestamps is ok. Args: year: Year jday: Day of the year msec: Milliseconds since 00:00 Returns: Corrected year Corrected day of the year Corrected milliseconds """ # Estimate ideal timestamps based on the scanline number. Still without # offset, e.g. the first scanline has timestamp 1970-01-01 00:00 msec_lineno = self.lineno2msec(self.scans["scan_line_number"]) jday = np.where(np.logical_or(jday < 1, jday > 366), np.median(jday), jday) if_wrong_jday = np.ediff1d(jday, to_begin=0) jday = np.where(if_wrong_jday < 0, max(jday), jday) if_wrong_msec = np.where(msec < 1) if_wrong_msec = if_wrong_msec[0] if len(if_wrong_msec) > 0: if if_wrong_msec[0] != 0: msec = msec[0] + msec_lineno else: msec0 = np.median(msec - msec_lineno) msec = msec0 + msec_lineno if_wrong_msec = np.ediff1d(msec, to_begin=0) msec = np.where( np.logical_and( np.logical_or(if_wrong_msec < -1000, if_wrong_msec > 1000), if_wrong_jday != 1), msec[0] + msec_lineno, msec) # checking if year value is out of valid range if_wrong_year = np.where( np.logical_or(year < 1978, year > if_wrong_year = if_wrong_year[0] if len(if_wrong_year) > 0: # if the first scanline has valid time stamp if if_wrong_year[0] != 0: year = year[0] jday = jday[0] msec = msec[0] + msec_lineno # Otherwise use median time stamp else: year = np.median(year) jday = np.median(jday) msec0 = np.median(msec - msec_lineno) msec = msec0 + msec_lineno return year, jday, msec def correct_scan_line_numbers(self): """Remove scanlines with corrupted scanline numbers This includes: - Scanline numbers outside the valide range - Scanline numbers deviating more than a certain threshold from the ideal case (1,2,3,...N) Example files having corrupt scanline numbers: - NSS.GHRR.NJ.D96144.S2000.E2148.B0720102.GC - NSS.GHRR.NJ.D96064.S0043.E0236.B0606162.WI - NSS.GHRR.NJ.D99286.S1818.E2001.B2466869.WI Returns: Intermediate and final results (for plotting purpose) """ along_track = np.arange(1, len(self.scans["scan_line_number"]) + 1) results = { 'along_track': along_track, 'n_orig': self.scans['scan_line_number'].copy() } # Remove scanlines whose scanline number is outside the valid range within_range = np.logical_and(self.scans["scan_line_number"] < 15000, self.scans["scan_line_number"] >= 0) self.scans = self.scans[within_range] # Remove scanlines deviating more than a certain threshold from the # ideal case (1,2,3,...N). ideal = np.arange(1, len(self.scans["scan_line_number"]) + 1) # ... Estimate possible offset (in case some scanlines are missing in # the beginning of the scan) offsets = self.scans["scan_line_number"] - ideal med_offset = np.median(offsets) # ... Compute difference to ideal case (1,2,3,...N) + offset diffs = np.abs(self.scans["scan_line_number"] - (ideal + med_offset)) # ... Remove those scanlines whose difference is larger than a certain # threshold. For the threshold computation we only regard nonzero # differences. nz_diffs = diffs[diffs > 0] if len(nz_diffs) < 50: # Not enough differences for reliable statistics. Use fixed # threshold. thresh = 500 else: mean_nz_diffs = np.mean(nz_diffs) std_nz_diffs = np.std(nz_diffs) med_nz_diffs = np.median(nz_diffs) mad_nz_diffs = np.median(np.abs(nz_diffs - med_nz_diffs)) if mean_nz_diffs / float(med_nz_diffs) < 3: # Relatively small variation, keep (almost) everything thresh = mean_nz_diffs + 3 * std_nz_diffs else: # Large variation, filter more agressively. Use median and # median absolute deviation (MAD) as they are less sensitive to # outliers. However, allow differences < 500 scanlines as they # occur quite often. thresh = max(500, med_nz_diffs + 3 * mad_nz_diffs) self.scans = self.scans[diffs <= thresh] LOG.debug('Removed %s scanline(s) with corrupt scanline numbers', str(len(along_track) - len(self.scans))) results.update({ 'n_corr': self.scans['scan_line_number'], 'within_range': within_range, 'diffs': diffs, 'thresh': thresh, 'nz_diffs': nz_diffs }) return results def correct_times_thresh(self, max_diff_from_t0_head=6 * 60 * 1000, min_frac_near_t0_head=0.01, max_diff_from_ideal_t=10 * 1000): """Correct corrupted timestamps using a threshold approach. The threshold approach is based on the scanline number and the header timestamp. It also works if the majority of scanlines has corrupted timestamps. The header timestamp is used as a guideline to estimate the offset between timestamps computed from the scanline number and the actual scanline timestamps in the data. If header timestamp and scanline timestamps do not match, no correction is applied. Once the offset has been estimated, one can calculate the ideal timestamps based on the scanline number. Timestamps deviating more than a certain threshold from the ideal timestamps are replaced by the ideal timestamps. Example files having corrupt timestamps: - NSS.GHRR.NA.D81193.S2329.E0116.B1061214.WI - NSS.GHRR.NL.D01035.S2342.E0135.B0192627.WI Args: max_diff_from_t0_head (int): Threshold for offset estimation: A scanline timestamp matches the header timestamp t0_head if it is within the interval [t0_head - max_diff_from_t0_head, t0_head + max_diff_from_t0_head] around the header timestamp. min_frac_near_t0_head (float): Specifies the minimum fraction of scanline timestamps matching the header timestamp required for applying the correction. max_diff_from_ideal_t (float): Threshold for timestamp correction: If a scanline timestamp deviates more than max_diff_from_ideal_t from the ideal timestamp, it is regarded as corrupt and will be replaced with the ideal timestamp. Returns: Intermediate and final results (for plotting purpose) """ results = {} dt64_msec = ">M8[ms]" # Check whether scanline number increases monotonically n = self.scans["scan_line_number"] results.update({'t': self.utcs.copy(), 'n': n}) if np.any(np.diff(n) < 0): LOG.error("Cannot perform timestamp correction. Scanline number " "does not increase monotonically.") results['fail_reason'] = "Scanline number jumps backwards" return results # Convert time to milliseconds since 1970-01-01 t = self.utcs.astype("i8") try: t0_head = np.array([self.get_header_timestamp().isoformat()], dtype="datetime64[ms]").astype("i8")[0] except ValueError as err: LOG.error("Cannot perform timestamp correction: %s", err) return # Compute ideal timestamps based on the scanline number. Still # without offset, i.e. scanline 0 has timestamp 1970-01-01 00:00 tn = self.lineno2msec(self.scans["scan_line_number"]) # Try to determine the timestamp t0 of the first scanline. Since none # of the actual timestamps is trustworthy, use the header timestamp # as a guideline. However, the header timestamp may also be corrupted, # so we only apply corrections if there is a minimum fraction of # scanlines whose timestamps match the header timestamp. # # 1) Compute offsets between actual timestamps and idealized timestamps offsets = t - tn # 2) If the offsets of a certain minimum fraction of scanlines are # within a certain interval around the header timestamp, estimate # t0 by calculating the median offset among these timestamps. If not, # we do not have reliable information and cannot proceed. near_t0_head = np.where( np.fabs(offsets - t0_head) <= max_diff_from_t0_head)[0] results.update({ 'offsets': offsets, 't0_head': t0_head, 'max_diff_from_t0_head': max_diff_from_t0_head }) if near_t0_head.size / float(n.size) >= min_frac_near_t0_head: t0 = np.median(offsets[near_t0_head]) else: LOG.error("Timestamp mismatch. Cannot perform correction.") results['fail_reason'] = "Timestamp mismatch" return results # Add estimated offset to the ideal timestamps tn += t0 # Replace timestamps deviating more than a certain threshold from the # ideal timestamp with the ideal timestamp. corrupt_lines = np.where(np.fabs(t - tn) > max_diff_from_ideal_t) self.utcs[corrupt_lines] = tn[corrupt_lines].astype(dt64_msec) LOG.debug("Corrected %s timestamp(s)", str(len(corrupt_lines[0]))) results.update({'tn': tn, 'tcorr': self.utcs, 't0': t0}) return results @abstractproperty def tsm_affected_intervals(self): """Specifies time intervals being affected by the scan motor problem. Returns: dict: Affected time intervals. A dictionary containing a list of (start, end) tuples for each affected platform. Both start and end must be datetime.datetime objects. """ raise NotImplementedError def is_tsm_affected(self): """Determine whether this orbit is affected by the scan motor problem. Returns: bool: True if the orbit is affected, False otherwise. """ self.get_times() ts = self.times[0] te = self.times[-1] try: for interval in self.tsm_affected_intervals[self.spacecraft_id]: if ts >= interval[0] and te <= interval[1]: # Found a matching interval return True # No matching interval, orbit is not affected return False except KeyError: # Platform is not affected at all return False def get_midnight_scanline(self): """Find the scanline where the UTC date increases by one day. Returns: int: The midnight scanline if it exists and is unique. None, else. """ self.get_times() d0 = np.datetime64(, 1, 1), 'D') days = (self.utcs.astype('datetime64[D]') - d0).astype(int) incr = np.where(np.diff(days) == 1)[0] if len(incr) != 1: if len(incr) > 1: LOG.warning('Unable to determine midnight scanline: ' 'UTC date increases more than once. ') return None else: return incr[0] def get_miss_lines(self): """Find missing scanlines, i.e. scanlines which were dropped for some reason or were never recorded. Returns: Indices of missing scanlines """ # Compare scanline number against the ideal case (1, 2, 3, ...) and # find the missing line numbers. ideal = set(range(1, self.scans['scan_line_number'][-1] + 1)) missing = sorted(ideal.difference(set(self.scans['scan_line_number']))) return np.array(missing, dtype=int) def mask_tsm_pixels(self, channels): """Mask pixels affected by the scan motor issue.""" idx = self.get_tsm_pixels(channels) channels[idx] = np.nan @abstractmethod def get_tsm_pixels(self, channels): """Determine pixels affected by the scan motor issue. Channel selection is POD/KLM specific. """ raise NotImplementedError
class OperatorScopeType(with_metaclass(CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """Scope at which the operator will be installed. """ CLUSTER = "cluster" NAMESPACE = "namespace"
class Configuration(six.with_metaclass(TypeWithDefault, object)): """NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Ref: Do not edit the class manually. """ def __init__(self): """Constructor""" # Default Base url = "" # Temp file folder for downloading files self.temp_folder_path = None # Authentication Settings # dict to store API key(s) self.api_key = {} # dict to store API prefix (e.g. Bearer) self.api_key_prefix = {} # Username for HTTP basic authentication self.username = "" # Password for HTTP basic authentication self.password = "" # Logging Settings self.logger = {} self.logger["package_logger"] = logging.getLogger("erc_dex") self.logger["urllib3_logger"] = logging.getLogger("urllib3") # Log format self.logger_format = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s' # Log stream handler self.logger_stream_handler = None # Log file handler self.logger_file_handler = None # Debug file location self.logger_file = None # Debug switch self.debug = False # SSL/TLS verification # Set this to false to skip verifying SSL certificate when calling API # from https server. self.verify_ssl = True # Set this to customize the certificate file to verify the peer. self.ssl_ca_cert = None # client certificate file self.cert_file = None # client key file self.key_file = None # Set this to True/False to enable/disable SSL hostname verification. self.assert_hostname = None # urllib3 connection pool's maximum number of connections saved # per pool. urllib3 uses 1 connection as default value, but this is # not the best value when you are making a lot of possibly parallel # requests to the same host, which is often the case here. # cpu_count * 5 is used as default value to increase performance. self.connection_pool_maxsize = multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 5 # Proxy URL self.proxy = None # Safe chars for path_param self.safe_chars_for_path_param = '' @property def logger_file(self): """The logger file. If the logger_file is None, then add stream handler and remove file handler. Otherwise, add file handler and remove stream handler. :param value: The logger_file path. :type: str """ return self.__logger_file @logger_file.setter def logger_file(self, value): """The logger file. If the logger_file is None, then add stream handler and remove file handler. Otherwise, add file handler and remove stream handler. :param value: The logger_file path. :type: str """ self.__logger_file = value if self.__logger_file: # If set logging file, # then add file handler and remove stream handler. self.logger_file_handler = logging.FileHandler(self.__logger_file) self.logger_file_handler.setFormatter(self.logger_formatter) for _, logger in six.iteritems(self.logger): logger.addHandler(self.logger_file_handler) if self.logger_stream_handler: logger.removeHandler(self.logger_stream_handler) else: # If not set logging file, # then add stream handler and remove file handler. self.logger_stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler() self.logger_stream_handler.setFormatter(self.logger_formatter) for _, logger in six.iteritems(self.logger): logger.addHandler(self.logger_stream_handler) if self.logger_file_handler: logger.removeHandler(self.logger_file_handler) @property def debug(self): """Debug status :param value: The debug status, True or False. :type: bool """ return self.__debug @debug.setter def debug(self, value): """Debug status :param value: The debug status, True or False. :type: bool """ self.__debug = value if self.__debug: # if debug status is True, turn on debug logging for _, logger in six.iteritems(self.logger): logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # turn on httplib debug httplib.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1 else: # if debug status is False, turn off debug logging, # setting log level to default `logging.WARNING` for _, logger in six.iteritems(self.logger): logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) # turn off httplib debug httplib.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 0 @property def logger_format(self): """The logger format. The logger_formatter will be updated when sets logger_format. :param value: The format string. :type: str """ return self.__logger_format @logger_format.setter def logger_format(self, value): """The logger format. The logger_formatter will be updated when sets logger_format. :param value: The format string. :type: str """ self.__logger_format = value self.logger_formatter = logging.Formatter(self.__logger_format) def get_api_key_with_prefix(self, identifier): """Gets API key (with prefix if set). :param identifier: The identifier of apiKey. :return: The token for api key authentication. """ if (self.api_key.get(identifier) and self.api_key_prefix.get(identifier)): return self.api_key_prefix[identifier] + ' ' + self.api_key[ identifier] # noqa: E501 elif self.api_key.get(identifier): return self.api_key[identifier] def get_basic_auth_token(self): """Gets HTTP basic authentication header (string). :return: The token for basic HTTP authentication. """ return urllib3.util.make_headers(basic_auth=self.username + ':' + self.password).get('authorization') def auth_settings(self): """Gets Auth Settings dict for api client. :return: The Auth Settings information dict. """ return {} def to_debug_report(self): """Gets the essential information for debugging. :return: The report for debugging. """ return "Python SDK Debug Report:\n"\ "OS: {env}\n"\ "Python Version: {pyversion}\n"\ "Version of the API: 0.0.1-alpha\n"\ "SDK Package Version: 0.2.0".\ format(env=sys.platform, pyversion=sys.version)
class OperatorType(with_metaclass(CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """Type of the operator """ FLUX = "Flux"
class EncryptionScopeState(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """The state of the encryption scope. Possible values (case-insensitive): Enabled, Disabled. """ ENABLED = "Enabled" DISABLED = "Disabled"
def test_case(self, predicate=None): predicate = predicate or self.is_test_method return six.with_metaclass(auto_decorate(self.use_cassette, predicate))
class BaseErrorCode(six.with_metaclass(ErrorCodeMetaClass)): CODE_MESSAGE_MAP = NotImplemented