Exemple #1
def readPreferences( archivablePreferences ):
	"Set an archive to the preferences read from a file."
	text = gcodec.getFileText( archivablePreferences.fileNamePreferences )
	if text == '':
		print( 'Since the preferences file:' )
		print( archivablePreferences.fileNamePreferences )
		print( 'does not exist, the default preferences will be written to that file.' )
		text = gcodec.getFileText( os.path.join( 'defaults', os.path.basename( archivablePreferences.fileNamePreferences ) ) )
		if text != '':
			readPreferencesFromText( archivablePreferences, text )
		writePreferences( archivablePreferences )
	readPreferencesFromText( archivablePreferences, text )
Exemple #2
def writeOutput(fileName, gcodeText=''):
    "Write a commented gcode file for a skeinforge gcode file, if 'Write Commented File for Skeinforge Chain' is selected."
    repository = settings.getReadRepository(CommentRepository())
    if gcodeText == '':
        gcodeText = gcodec.getFileText(fileName)
    if repository.activateComment.value:
        analyzeFileGivenText(fileName, gcodeText)
Exemple #3
def writeOutput( fileName, gcodeText = '' ):
	"Write statistics for a skeinforge gcode file, if 'Write Statistics File for Skeinforge Chain' is selected."
	repository = settings.getReadRepository( StatisticRepository() )
	if gcodeText == '':
		gcodeText = gcodec.getFileText( fileName )
	if repository.activateStatistic.value:
		analyzeFileGivenText( fileName, gcodeText, repository )
Exemple #4
def getCraftedText(fileName, text="", repository=None):
    "Get chopped text."
    if gcodec.getHasSuffix(fileName, ".svg"):
        if text == "":
            text = gcodec.getFileText(fileName)
        return text
    return getCraftedTextFromFileName(fileName, repository=None)
Exemple #5
def getCarving(fileName=''):
    "Get the triangle mesh for the stl file."
    if fileName == '':
        unmodified = gcodec.getFilesWithFileTypeWithoutWords('stl')
        if len(unmodified) == 0:
            print("There is no stl file in this folder.")
            return None
        fileName = unmodified[0]
    stlData = gcodec.getFileText(fileName, 'rb')
    if stlData == '':
        return None
    triangleMesh = triangle_mesh.TriangleMesh()
    vertexIndexTable = {}
    binarySolidworksHeaderErrorString = 'solid binary STL from Solid Edge, Unigraphics Solutions Inc.'
    binarySolidworksHeaderError = stlData[:len(
    )] == binarySolidworksHeaderErrorString
    if binarySolidworksHeaderError:
        print('The solidworks file has the incorrect header:')
            'A binary stl should never start with the word "solid".  Because this error is common the file is been parsed as binary regardless.'
    if (stlData[:5] == 'solid' and not binarySolidworksHeaderError):
        addFacesGivenText(stlData, triangleMesh, vertexIndexTable)
        addFacesGivenBinary(stlData, triangleMesh, vertexIndexTable)
    return triangleMesh
Exemple #6
def getCraftedText(fileName, text='', repository=None):
    "Get cleaved text."
    if gcodec.getHasSuffix(fileName, '.svg'):
        if text == '':
            text = gcodec.getFileText(fileName)
        return text
    return getCraftedTextFromFileName(fileName, repository=None)
Exemple #7
def getCarving( fileName = '' ):
	"Get the triangle mesh for the stl file."
	if fileName == '':
		unmodified = gcodec.getFilesWithFileTypeWithoutWords( 'stl' )
		if len( unmodified ) == 0:
			print( "There is no stl file in this folder." )
			return None
		fileName = unmodified[ 0 ]
	stlData = gcodec.getFileText( fileName, 'rb' )
	if stlData == '':
		return None
	triangleMesh = triangle_mesh.TriangleMesh()
	vertexIndexTable = {}
	binarySolidworksHeaderErrorString = 'solid binary STL from Solid Edge, Unigraphics Solutions Inc.'
	binarySolidworksHeaderError = stlData[ : len( binarySolidworksHeaderErrorString ) ] == binarySolidworksHeaderErrorString
	if binarySolidworksHeaderError:
		print( 'The solidworks file has the incorrect header:' )
		print( binarySolidworksHeaderErrorString )
		print( 'A binary stl should never start with the word "solid".  Because this error is common the file is been parsed as binary regardless.' )
	if ( stlData[ : 5 ] == 'solid' and not binarySolidworksHeaderError ):
		addFacesGivenText( stlData, triangleMesh, vertexIndexTable )
		addFacesGivenBinary( stlData, triangleMesh, vertexIndexTable )
	return triangleMesh
Exemple #8
def writeOutput( fileName, gcodeText = '' ):
	"Write a commented gcode file for a skeinforge gcode file, if 'Write Commented File for Skeinforge Chain' is selected."
	repository = settings.getReadRepository( CommentRepository() )
	if gcodeText == '':
		gcodeText = gcodec.getFileText( fileName )
	if repository.activateComment.value:
		analyzeFileGivenText( fileName, gcodeText )
Exemple #9
def getCraftedText( fileName, text = '', chopPreferences = None ):
	"Get chopped text."
	if gcodec.getHasSuffix( fileName, '.svg' ):
		if text == '':
			text = gcodec.getFileText( fileName )
		return text
	return getCraftedTextFromFileName( fileName, chopPreferences = None )
Exemple #10
def getCraftedText( fileName, text = '', repository = None ):
	"Get cleaved text."
	if gcodec.getHasSuffix( fileName, '.svg' ):
		if text == '':
			text = gcodec.getFileText( fileName )
		return text
	return getCraftedTextFromFileName( fileName, repository = None )
Exemple #11
def writeOutput(fileName, gcodeText=''):
    "Write statistics for a skeinforge gcode file, if 'Write Statistics File for Skeinforge Chain' is selected."
    repository = settings.getReadRepository(StatisticRepository())
    if gcodeText == '':
        gcodeText = gcodec.getFileText(fileName)
    if repository.activateStatistic.value:
        analyzeFileGivenText(fileName, gcodeText, repository)
Exemple #12
	def addInitializationToOutput( self ):
		"Add initialization gcode to the output."
		self.addFromUpperLowerFile( self.prefacePreferences.nameOfStartFile.value ) # Add a start file if it exists.
		self.distanceFeedRate.addTagBracketedLine( 'creator', 'skeinforge' ) # GCode formatted comment
		absoluteFilePathUntilDot = os.path.abspath( __file__ )[ : os.path.abspath( __file__ ).rfind( '.' ) ]
		if absoluteFilePathUntilDot == '/home/enrique/Desktop/backup/babbleold/script/reprap/pyRepRap/skeinforge_tools/craft_plugins/preface': #check to see if this script is on Enrique's computer
			gcodec.writeFileText( gcodec.getVersionFileName(), date.today().isoformat() )
		versionText = gcodec.getFileText( gcodec.getVersionFileName() )
		self.distanceFeedRate.addTagBracketedLine( 'version', versionText ) # GCode formatted comment
		self.distanceFeedRate.addLine( '(<extruderInitialization>)' ) # GCode formatted comment
		if self.prefacePreferences.setPositioningToAbsolute.value:
			self.distanceFeedRate.addLine( 'G90' ) # Set positioning to absolute.
		if self.prefacePreferences.setUnitsToMillimeters.value:
			self.distanceFeedRate.addLine( 'G21' ) # Set units to millimeters.
		if self.prefacePreferences.startAtHome.value:
			self.distanceFeedRate.addLine( 'G28' ) # Start at home.
		if self.prefacePreferences.turnExtruderOffAtStartUp.value:
			self.distanceFeedRate.addLine( 'M103' ) # Turn extruder off.
		self.distanceFeedRate.addTagBracketedLine( 'decimalPlacesCarried', self.distanceFeedRate.decimalPlacesCarried )
		if self.prefacePreferences.extrusionDistanceAbsolutePreference.value:
			self.distanceFeedRate.extrusionDistanceFormat = 'absolute'
		if self.prefacePreferences.extrusionDistanceRelativePreference.value:
			self.distanceFeedRate.extrusionDistanceFormat = 'relative'
		if self.distanceFeedRate.extrusionDistanceFormat != '':
			self.distanceFeedRate.addTagBracketedLine( 'extrusionDistanceFormat', self.distanceFeedRate.extrusionDistanceFormat )
		self.distanceFeedRate.addTagBracketedLine( 'layerThickness', self.distanceFeedRate.getRounded( self.layerThickness ) )
		self.distanceFeedRate.addTagBracketedLine( 'perimeterWidth', self.distanceFeedRate.getRounded( self.perimeterWidth ) )
		self.distanceFeedRate.addTagBracketedLine( 'procedureDone', 'carve' )
		self.distanceFeedRate.addTagBracketedLine( 'procedureDone', 'preface' )
		self.distanceFeedRate.addLine( '(</extruderInitialization>)' ) # Initialization is finished, extrusion is starting.
		self.distanceFeedRate.addLine( '(<extrusion>)' ) # Initialization is finished, extrusion is starting.
Exemple #13
def writeOutput( fileName, gcodeText = '' ):
	"Write a commented gcode file for a skeinforge gcode file, if 'Write Commented File for Skeinforge Chain' is selected."
	commentPreferences = CommentPreferences()
	preferences.getReadRepository( commentPreferences )
	if gcodeText == '':
		gcodeText = gcodec.getFileText( fileName )
	if commentPreferences.activateComment.value:
		writeCommentFileGivenText( fileName, gcodeText )
Exemple #14
def readWriteDeleteHypertextHelp( documentDirectoryPath, fileName ):
	"Read the pydoc hypertext help documents, write them in the documentation folder then delete the originals."
	print( fileName )
	filePath = os.path.join( documentDirectoryPath, fileName )
	fileText = gcodec.getFileText( fileName )
	fileText = getWrappedHypertext( fileText )
	gcodec.writeFileText( filePath, fileText )
	os.remove( fileName )
Exemple #15
def writeOutput(fileName, gcodeText=''):
    "Write a commented gcode file for a skeinforge gcode file, if 'Write Commented File for Skeinforge Chain' is selected."
    commentPreferences = CommentPreferences()
    if gcodeText == '':
        gcodeText = gcodec.getFileText(fileName)
    if commentPreferences.activateComment.value:
        writeCommentFileGivenText(fileName, gcodeText)
Exemple #16
def getInsetChainGcode( fileName, gcodeText, insetPreferences = None ):
	"Inset the carves of a gcode text.  Chain inset the gcode if it is not already carved."
	if gcodeText == '':
		if fileName[ - len( '.svg' ) : ] == '.svg':
			gcodeText = gcodec.getFileText( fileName )
	if not gcodec.isProcedureDone( gcodeText, '"carve"' ): #"carve" is used instead of carve because quotes have to be used for strings in svg files
		gcodeText = carve.getCarveGcode( fileName )
	return getInsetGcode( gcodeText, insetPreferences )
Exemple #17
def writeOutput( fileName, gcodeText = '' ):
	"Write a skeinviewed gcode file for a skeinforge gcode file, if 'Activate Skeinview' is selected."
	skeinviewPreferences = SkeinviewPreferences()
	preferences.readPreferences( skeinviewPreferences )
	if skeinviewPreferences.activateSkeinview.value:
		if gcodeText == '':
			gcodeText = gcodec.getFileText( fileName )
		displaySkeinviewFileGivenText( gcodeText, skeinviewPreferences )
Exemple #18
def writeOutput( fileName, gcodeText = '' ):
	"Write a beholded gcode file for a skeinforge gcode file, if 'Activate Behold' is selected."
	beholdPreferences = BeholdPreferences()
	preferences.readPreferences( beholdPreferences )
	if beholdPreferences.activateBehold.value:
		if gcodeText == '':
			gcodeText = gcodec.getFileText( fileName )
		displayBeholdFileGivenText( gcodeText, beholdPreferences )
Exemple #19
def readWriteNavigationHelp( documentDirectoryPath, transferredFileNameIndex, transferredFileNames ):
	"Read the hypertext help documents, and add the navigation lines to them."
	fileName = transferredFileNames[ transferredFileNameIndex ]
	print( fileName )
	filePath = os.path.join( documentDirectoryPath, fileName )
	fileText = gcodec.getFileText( filePath )
	fileText = getNavigationHypertext( fileText, transferredFileNameIndex, transferredFileNames )
	gcodec.writeFileText( filePath, fileText )
Exemple #20
def writeOutput( fileName, gcodeText = '' ):
	"Write statistics for a skeinforge gcode file, if 'Write Statistics File for Skeinforge Chain' is selected."
	statisticPreferences = StatisticPreferences()
	preferences.readPreferences( statisticPreferences )
	if gcodeText == '':
		gcodeText = gcodec.getFileText( fileName )
	if statisticPreferences.activateStatistic.value:
		writeStatisticFileGivenText( fileName, gcodeText, statisticPreferences )
def writeOutput( fileName, gcodeText = '' ):
	"Write scalable vector graphics for a skeinforge gcode file, if 'Write Scalable Vector Graphics for Skeinforge Chain' is selected."
	vectorwritePreferences = VectorwritePreferences()
	preferences.readPreferences( vectorwritePreferences )
	if gcodeText == '':
		gcodeText = gcodec.getFileText( fileName )
	if vectorwritePreferences.activateVectorwrite.value:
		writeVectorFileGivenText( fileName, gcodeText, vectorwritePreferences )
Exemple #22
def writeOutput( fileName, gcodeText = '' ):
	"Write statistics for a skeinforge gcode file, if 'Write Statistics File for Skeinforge Chain' is selected."
	statisticPreferences = StatisticPreferences()
	preferences.getReadPreferences( statisticPreferences )
	if gcodeText == '':
		gcodeText = gcodec.getFileText( fileName )
	if statisticPreferences.activateStatistic.value:
		writeStatisticFileGivenText( fileName, gcodeText, statisticPreferences )
Exemple #23
def commentFile( fileName = '' ):
	"Comment a gcode file.  If no fileName is specified, comment the first gcode file in this folder that is not modified."
	if fileName == '':
		unmodified = gcodec.getUnmodifiedGCodeFiles()
		if len( unmodified ) == 0:
			print( "There are no unmodified gcode files in this folder." )
		fileName = unmodified[ 0 ]
	writeCommentFileGivenText( fileName, gcodec.getFileText( fileName ) )
Exemple #24
def getCarving( fileName = '' ):
	"Get the triangle mesh for the gts file."
	if fileName == '':
		unmodified = gcodec.getFilesWithFileTypeWithoutWords( 'gts' )
		if len( unmodified ) == 0:
			print( "There is no gts file in this folder." )
			return None
		fileName = unmodified[ 0 ]
	return getFromGNUTriangulatedSurfaceText( gcodec.getFileText( fileName ), triangle_mesh.TriangleMesh() )
Exemple #25
def getCarving( fileName = '' ):
	"Get the triangle mesh for the gts file."
	if fileName == '':
		unmodified = gcodec.getFilesWithFileTypeWithoutWords( 'gts' )
		if len( unmodified ) == 0:
			print( "There is no gts file in this folder." )
			return None
		fileName = unmodified[ 0 ]
	return getFromGNUTriangulatedSurfaceText( gcodec.getFileText( fileName ), triangle_mesh.TriangleMesh() )
Exemple #26
def commentFile(fileName=''):
    "Comment a gcode file.  If no fileName is specified, comment the first gcode file in this folder that is not modified."
    if fileName == '':
        unmodified = gcodec.getUnmodifiedGCodeFiles()
        if len(unmodified) == 0:
            print("There are no unmodified gcode files in this folder.")
        fileName = unmodified[0]
    writeCommentFileGivenText(fileName, gcodec.getFileText(fileName))
def readPreferences(archivablePreferences):
    "Set an archive to the preferences read from a file."
    text = gcodec.getFileText(archivablePreferences.fileNamePreferences)
    if text == '':
        print('Since the preferences file:')
            'does not exist, the default preferences will be written to that file.'
        text = gcodec.getFileText(
        if text != '':
            readPreferencesFromText(archivablePreferences, text)
        readPreferencesFromText(archivablePreferences, text)
Exemple #28
def getInsetChainGcode(fileName, gcodeText, insetPreferences=None):
    "Inset the carves of a gcode text.  Chain inset the gcode if it is not already carved."
    if gcodeText == '':
        if fileName[-len('.svg'):] == '.svg':
            gcodeText = gcodec.getFileText(fileName)
    if not gcodec.isProcedureDone(
            gcodeText, '"carve"'
    ):  #"carve" is used instead of carve because quotes have to be used for strings in svg files
        gcodeText = carve.getCarveGcode(fileName)
    return getInsetGcode(gcodeText, insetPreferences)
Exemple #29
def beholdFile( fileName = '' ):
	"Behold a gcode file.  If no fileName is specified, behold the first gcode file in this folder that is not modified."
	if fileName == '':
		unmodified = gcodec.getUnmodifiedGCodeFiles()
		if len( unmodified ) == 0:
			print( "There are no unmodified gcode files in this folder." )
		fileName = unmodified[ 0 ]
	gcodeText = gcodec.getFileText( fileName )
	displayBeholdFileGivenText( gcodeText )
Exemple #30
def getCarving( fileName = '' ):
	"Get the carving for the xml file."
	if fileName == '':
		unmodified = gcodec.getFilesWithFileTypeWithoutWords( 'xml' )
		if len( unmodified ) == 0:
			print( "There is no xml file in this folder." )
			return None
		fileName = unmodified[ 0 ]
	carving = XMLCarving()
	carving.parseXML( gcodec.getFileText( fileName ) )
	return carving
Exemple #31
def getCarving(fileName=""):
    "Get the triangle mesh for the gts file."
    if fileName == "":
        unmodified = gcodec.getFilesWithFileTypeWithoutWords("gts")
        if len(unmodified) == 0:
            print("There is no gts file in this folder.")
            return None
        fileName = unmodified[0]
    carving = SVGCarving()
    return carving
Exemple #32
def statisticFile( fileName = '' ):
	"Write statistics for a gcode file.  If no fileName is specified, write statistics for the first gcode file in this folder that is not modified."
	if fileName == '':
		unmodified = gcodec.getUnmodifiedGCodeFiles()
		if len( unmodified ) == 0:
			print( "There are no unmodified gcode files in this folder." )
		fileName = unmodified[ 0 ]
	statisticPreferences = StatisticPreferences()
	preferences.getReadPreferences( statisticPreferences )
	writeStatisticFileGivenText( fileName, gcodec.getFileText( fileName ), statisticPreferences )
Exemple #33
def getCarving(fileName=''):
    "Get the triangle mesh for the gts file."
    if fileName == '':
        unmodified = gcodec.getFilesWithFileTypeWithoutWords('gts')
        if len(unmodified) == 0:
            print("There is no gts file in this folder.")
            return None
        fileName = unmodified[0]
    carving = SVGCarving()
    return carving
Exemple #34
def statisticFile( fileName = '' ):
	"Write statistics for a gcode file.  If no fileName is specified, write statistics for the first gcode file in this folder that is not modified."
	if fileName == '':
		unmodified = gcodec.getUnmodifiedGCodeFiles()
		if len( unmodified ) == 0:
			print( "There are no unmodified gcode files in this folder." )
		fileName = unmodified[ 0 ]
	statisticPreferences = StatisticPreferences()
	preferences.readPreferences( statisticPreferences )
	writeStatisticFileGivenText( fileName, gcodec.getFileText( fileName ), statisticPreferences )
def writeVectorFile( fileName = '' ):
	"Write scalable vector graphics for a gcode file.  If no fileName is specified, write scalable vector graphics for the first gcode file in this folder."
	if fileName == '':
		unmodified = gcodec.getUnmodifiedGCodeFiles()
		if len( unmodified ) == 0:
			print( "There is no gcode file in this folder." )
		fileName = unmodified[ 0 ]
	vectorwritePreferences = VectorwritePreferences()
	preferences.readPreferences( vectorwritePreferences )
	gcodeText = gcodec.getFileText( fileName )
	writeVectorFileGivenText( fileName, gcodeText, vectorwritePreferences )
Exemple #36
def readWriteDeleteHypertextHelp( documentDirectoryPath, hypertextFileIndex, hypertextFiles, transferredFileNames ):
	"Read the pydoc hypertext help documents, write them in the documentation folder then delete the originals."
	fileName = hypertextFiles[ hypertextFileIndex ]
	print( fileName )
	filePath = os.path.join( documentDirectoryPath, fileName )
	fileText = gcodec.getFileText( fileName )
	fileText = getWrappedHypertext( fileText, hypertextFileIndex, hypertextFiles )
	if fileText.find( 'This page is in the table of contents.' ) > - 1:
		fileText = fileText.replace( 'This page is in the table of contents.', '' )
		transferredFileNames.append( fileName )
	gcodec.writeFileText( filePath, fileText )
	os.remove( fileName )
def getTriangleMesh( fileName = '' ):
	"Carve a GNU Triangulated Surface file.  If no fileName is specified, carve the first GNU Triangulated Surface file in this folder."
	if fileName == '':
		unmodified = gcodec.getGNUTriangulatedSurfaceFiles()
		if len( unmodified ) == 0:
			print( "There are no GNU Triangulated Surface files in this folder." )
			return None
		fileName = unmodified[ 0 ]
	gnuTriangulatedSurfaceText = gcodec.getFileText( fileName )
	if gnuTriangulatedSurfaceText == '':
		return None
	triangleMesh = TriangleMesh().getFromGNUTriangulatedSurfaceText( gnuTriangulatedSurfaceText )
	return triangleMesh
Exemple #38
	def __init__( self ):
		"Set the default settings, execute title & settings fileName."
		settings.addListsToRepository( 'skeinforge.html', '', self )
		self.fileNameInput = settings.FileNameInput().getFromFileName( interpret.getGNUTranslatorGcodeFileTypeTuples(), 'Open File for Skeinforge', self, '' )
		versionText = gcodec.getFileText( gcodec.getVersionFileName() )
		self.createdOnLabel = settings.LabelDisplay().getFromName( 'Created On: ' + versionText, self )
		self.profileType = settings.MenuButtonDisplay().getFromName( 'Profile Type: ', self )
		self.profileSelection = settings.MenuButtonDisplay().getFromName( 'Profile Selection: ', self )
		addToProfileMenu( self.profileSelection, self.profileType, self )
		settings.LabelDisplay().getFromName( '', self )
		self.skeinforgeLabel = settings.LabelDisplay().getFromName( 'Open Settings: ', self )
		importantFileNames = [ 'craft', 'profile' ]
		settings.getDisplayToolButtonsRepository( gcodec.getAbsoluteFolderPath( __file__, 'skeinforge_tools' ), importantFileNames, getPluginFileNames(), self )
		self.executeTitle = 'Skeinforge'
Exemple #39
 def addInitializationToOutput(self):
     "Add initialization gcode to the output."
                                )  # Add a start file if it exists.
         'creator', 'skeinforge')  # GCode formatted comment
     absoluteFilePathUntilDot = os.path.abspath(
     if absoluteFilePathUntilDot == '/home/enrique/Desktop/backup/babbleold/script/reprap/pyRepRap/skeinforge_tools/craft_plugins/preface':  #check to see if this script is on Enrique's computer
     versionText = gcodec.getFileText(gcodec.getVersionFileName())
         'version', versionText)  # GCode formatted comment
         '(<extruderInitialization>)')  # GCode formatted comment
     if self.prefaceRepository.setPositioningToAbsolute.value:
             'G90')  # Set positioning to absolute.
     if self.prefaceRepository.setUnitsToMillimeters.value:
         self.distanceFeedRate.addLine('G21')  # Set units to millimeters.
     if self.prefaceRepository.startAtHome.value:
         self.distanceFeedRate.addLine('G28')  # Start at home.
     if self.prefaceRepository.turnExtruderOffAtStartUp.value:
         self.distanceFeedRate.addLine('M103')  # Turn extruder off.
     craftTypeName = profile.getCraftTypeName()
         'decimalPlacesCarried', self.distanceFeedRate.decimalPlacesCarried)
     if self.prefaceRepository.meta.value:
             'meta', self.prefaceRepository.meta.value)
         'profileName', profile.getProfileName(craftTypeName))
     self.distanceFeedRate.addTagBracketedLine('procedureDone', 'carve')
     self.distanceFeedRate.addTagBracketedLine('procedureDone', 'preface')
     )  # Initialization is finished, extrusion is starting.
     )  # Initialization is finished, extrusion is starting.
Exemple #40
def getCarving( fileName = '' ):
	"Get the triangle mesh for the obj file."
	if fileName == '':
		unmodified = gcodec.getFilesWithFileTypeWithoutWords( 'obj' )
		if len( unmodified ) == 0:
			print( "There is no obj file in this folder." )
			return None
		fileName = unmodified[ 0 ]
	objText = gcodec.getFileText( fileName, 'rb' )
	if objText == '':
		return None
	triangleMesh = triangle_mesh.TriangleMesh()
	addFacesGivenText( objText, triangleMesh )
	return triangleMesh
Exemple #41
def getCarving(fileName=''):
    "Get the triangle mesh for the obj file."
    if fileName == '':
        unmodified = gcodec.getFilesWithFileTypeWithoutWords('obj')
        if len(unmodified) == 0:
            print("There is no obj file in this folder.")
            return None
        fileName = unmodified[0]
    objText = gcodec.getFileText(fileName, 'rb')
    if objText == '':
        return None
    triangleMesh = triangle_mesh.TriangleMesh()
    addFacesGivenText(objText, triangleMesh)
    return triangleMesh
Exemple #42
def bevelFile( fileName = '' ):
	"Bevel a gcode linear move file.  If no fileName is specified, bevel the first unmodified gcode file in this folder."
	if fileName == '':
		unmodified = gcodec.getUnmodifiedGCodeFiles()
		if len( unmodified ) == 0:
			print( "There are no unmodified gcode files in this folder." )
		fileName = unmodified[ 0 ]
	filletPreferences = FilletPreferences()
	preferences.readPreferences( filletPreferences )
	print( 'File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( fileName ) + ' is being beveled.' )
	gcodeText = gcodec.getFileText( fileName )
	if gcodeText == '':
	gcodec.writeFileMessageSuffix( fileName, getBevelGcode( filletPreferences, gcodeText ), 'The beveled file is saved as ', '_fillet' )
Exemple #43
def arcRadiusFile( fileName = '' ):
	"Fillet a gcode linear move file into a helical radius move file.  If no fileName is specified, arc radius the first unmodified gcode file in this folder."
	if fileName == '':
		unmodified = gcodec.getUnmodifiedGCodeFiles()
		if len( unmodified ) == 0:
			print( "There are no unmodified gcode files in this folder." )
		fileName = unmodified[ 0 ]
	filletPreferences = FilletPreferences()
	preferences.readPreferences( filletPreferences )
	print( 'File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( fileName ) + ' is being filleted into arc radiuses.' )
	gcodeText = gcodec.getFileText( fileName )
	if gcodeText == '':
	gcodec.writeFileMessageSuffix( fileName, getArcRadiusGcode( filletPreferences, gcodeText ), 'The arc radius file is saved as ', '_fillet' )
def writeOutput( fileName = '', gcodeText = '' ):
	"Analyze a gcode file.  If no fileName is specified, comment the first gcode file in this folder that is not modified."
	if fileName == '':
		unmodified = gcodec.getUncommentedGcodeFiles()
		if len( unmodified ) == 0:
			print( "There is no gcode file in this folder that is not a comment file." )
		fileName = unmodified[ 0 ]
	if gcodeText == '':
		gcodeText = gcodec.getFileText( fileName )
	analyzePluginFilenames = getAnalyzePluginFilenames()
	for analyzePluginFilename in analyzePluginFilenames:
		pluginModule = gcodec.getModule( analyzePluginFilename, 'analyze_plugins', __file__ )
		if pluginModule != None:
			pluginModule.writeOutput( fileName, gcodeText )
Exemple #45
def getCarving( fileName = '' ):
	"Get the triangle mesh for the stl file."
	if fileName == '':
		unmodified = gcodec.getFilesWithFileTypeWithoutWords( 'stl' )
		if len( unmodified ) == 0:
			print( "There is no stl file in this folder." )
			return None
		fileName = unmodified[ 0 ]
	stlData = gcodec.getFileText( fileName, 'rb' )
	if stlData == '':
		return None
	triangleMesh = triangle_mesh.TriangleMesh()
	vertexIndexTable = {}
	numberOfVertexStrings = stlData.count( 'vertex' )
	requiredVertexStringsForText = max( 2, len( stlData ) / 8000 )
	if numberOfVertexStrings > requiredVertexStringsForText:
		addFacesGivenText( stlData, triangleMesh, vertexIndexTable )
#	A binary stl should never start with the word "solid".  Because this error is common the file is been parsed as binary regardless.
		addFacesGivenBinary( stlData, triangleMesh, vertexIndexTable )
	return triangleMesh
Exemple #46
 def __init__(self):
     "Set the default settings, execute title & settings fileName."
     settings.addListsToRepository('skeinforge.html', '', self)
     self.fileNameInput = settings.FileNameInput().getFromFileName(
         'Open File for Skeinforge', self, '')
     versionText = gcodec.getFileText(gcodec.getVersionFileName())
     self.createdOnLabel = settings.LabelDisplay().getFromName(
         'Created On: ' + versionText, self)
     self.profileType = settings.MenuButtonDisplay().getFromName(
         'Profile Type: ', self)
     self.profileSelection = settings.MenuButtonDisplay().getFromName(
         'Profile Selection: ', self)
     addToProfileMenu(self.profileSelection, self.profileType, self)
     settings.LabelDisplay().getFromName('', self)
     self.skeinforgeLabel = settings.LabelDisplay().getFromName(
         'Open Settings: ', self)
     importantFileNames = ['craft', 'profile']
         gcodec.getAbsoluteFolderPath(__file__, 'skeinforge_tools'),
         importantFileNames, getPluginFileNames(), self)
     self.executeTitle = 'Skeinforge'
Exemple #47
def displayFile( filename ):
	"Parse a gcode file and display the commands."
	print( 'File ' + filename + ' is being displayed.' )
	fileText = gcodec.getFileText( filename )
	gcodec.writeFileMessageSuffix( filename, displayText( fileText ), 'The gcode log file is saved as ', '_log' )
def getFileTextGivenDirectoryFileName(directory, fileName):
    "Get the entire text of a file with the given file name in the given directory."
    absoluteFilePath = os.path.join(directory, fileName)
    return gcodec.getFileText(absoluteFilePath)
Exemple #49
def analyzeFile(fileName):
    "Write scalable vector graphics for a gcode file."
    gcodeText = gcodec.getFileText(fileName)
    analyzeFileGivenText(fileName, gcodeText)
Exemple #50
def analyzeFile(fileName):
    "Behold a gcode file."
    gcodeText = gcodec.getFileText(fileName)
    analyzeFileGivenText(fileName, gcodeText)
Exemple #51
def extrudeFile( filename ):
	"""Parse a gcode file and send the commands to the extruder.
	This function requires write access to the serial device, running as root is one way to get that access."""
	print( 'File ' + filename + ' is being extruded.' )
	fileText = gcodec.getFileText( filename )
	gcodec.writeFileMessageSuffix( filename, extrudeText( fileText ), 'The gcode log file is saved as ', '_log' )