def am_txns(ctx): "transactions" cur = ctx.txns_db.cursor() try: print("next-key: %s" % ctx.txns_db['next-key']) length = 1 found_some = True while found_some: found_some = False rec = cur.first() while rec: if rec[0] != 'next-key' and len(rec[0]) == length: found_some = True txn = skel.Txn(rec[1]) if txn.kind == "committed": label = "r%s" % txn.rev ok(ctx.txn2rev[rec[0]] == int(txn.rev), 'Txn->rev not <-txn') else: label = "%s based-on %s" % (txn.kind, txn.basenode) print("txn %s: %s root-node %s props %d copies %s" % (rec[0], label, txn.rootnode, len(txn.proplist) / 2, ",".join(txn.copies))) rec = length += 1 finally: cur.close()
def main(): progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) if len(sys.argv) >= 3: dbhome = os.path.join(sys.argv[1], 'db') if not os.path.exists(dbhome): sys.stderr.write("%s: '%s' is not a valid svn repository\n" % (sys.argv[0], dbhome)) sys.stderr.flush() sys.exit(1) rep_ids = sys.argv[2:] else: sys.stderr.write("Usage: %s <svn-repository> <rep-id>...\n" % progname) sys.stderr.flush() sys.exit(1) print("%s running on repository '%s'" % (progname, dbhome)) print("") rep_ids = dict.fromkeys(rep_ids) ctx = svnfs.Ctx(dbhome) try: cur = ctx.nodes_db.cursor() try: rec = cur.first() while rec: if rec[0] != 'next-key': nid, cid, tid = rec[0].split(".") nd = skel.Node(rec[1]) if nd.datarep in rep_ids: rev = skel.Txn(ctx.txns_db[tid]).rev print("%s: data of '%s%s' in r%s" % (nd.datarep, nd.createpath, { "dir": '/', "file": '' }[nd.kind], rev)) if nd.proprep in rep_ids: rev = skel.Txn(ctx.txns_db[tid]).rev print("%s: properties of '%s%s' in r%s" % (nd.datarep, nd.createpath, { "dir": '/', "file": '' }[nd.kind], rev)) rec = finally: cur.close() finally: ctx.close()